Boise students want new playground The Boise Elem entary School playground has been a problem to Boise students. Covered w ith blacktop, the play area consists of chinning bars, monkey bars and a leather ball pole. Dear Mr. McCrea, I thought about the way the playground should be. So our class had a circle meeting and talked about it. Then I said, that we need some swings and basketball courts, baseball field, covered area, and some pretty flowers for the girls. Sincerely, Robert Make Room 100-101 Portland Observer M ay 29. I960 Page 7 I he third and fourth grade class of Miscelle Antonell and Ron Dieu made a survey of the playground, then wrote their recommendations for improvement: Dear Mr. McCrea, W ill you put a funhouse on the playground like we have in the park and some grass and a fire pole? Because I want the school playground to be lo o kin g good. And put trees and flow ers and swings and teeter-totter. By Phebe With love to Mr. McCrea TONY HUMPHRIES Dear Mr. McCrea, We want a new playground. We Dear Mr. McCrea, want some grass, so we can do flips, lay and talk to our friends. And we I wish it had a fun house and want a slide. We want a merry-go- merry-go-round, but we don’t have round. it here. In my dream it had a whole new playground and it had a sand­ We all want a k ic k b a ll and baseball field on dirt, so we can play box, and a f ire pole, and a telescope like in the parks. I wish they had good And put pad bases on the d irt. If this dream comes true, little flowers for little kids, and a little play slide and grass and wood would you put a soccer court, and a tennis court? And a whole lot of construction. Jeffrey Gibson Jeremie ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. P S. Mr. Dieu and Miss Antenafls class. Space­ S a v e r! Dear Mr. McCrea, I would like to have some good things and I would like to help take good care o f it. We would like to have a drinking fountain and some grass, and sandboxes and some monkey bars and some flowers, a teeter-totter and a slide and hop­ scotch squares. F rom Chree H ill Dear Mr. McCrea, I want some grass so 1 can lay on it. I can’ t lay on blacktop. I want some trees so 1 can lay under. I want a slide so my friends and I could slide together. And some flowers so we could smell them. And a sand­ box for the kindergarteners to play in. And a covered area so when it rains we could not get wet. Melante Dtxon h o m e f u r n is h in g s »3 ANTRONETTE ROBINSON bo © ata w Whirlpool ANTHONY YOUNG BtW REFRIGERATOR Full-width chiller tray Dear Mr. McCrea, I will like some grass, so I can do cartwheels, and I can talk to my friends, and I can enjoy lying in the sun. MAKE THE SCENE IN EUGENE. 3 ■EE 'i n MILLION-MAGNET door I w ould like to have d rin k in g fountain, so when I want to get a drink I can get one. And I would like to have a funhouse, so I can play with my friends in the funhouse and 1 w ould like to have some flowers, so I can smell the flowers when I am lying in the grass. Stephanie Wade The End 2 adjustable slide-out shelves 2 slide-out crispers Butter compartment and egg nest P.S. Mr. Dieu and Miss Antonell’ s class. There's lots of storage room packed into a little space with this big- value model. 11.14 cu. ft. fresh food storage is topped with stor­ age for 1.76 cu. ft. of frozen foods. Come in today; Talk 10 Minutes For A Dollar. I You can call Eugene or anywhere else in O regon and calk a full 10 minutes for $ 1 or less; additional minutes are only IOC each. Just dial without operator assistance any time between 10pm and 8am. And make the scene while talk is cheap in Oregon. w e g iv e y o u m o r e h o m e fu r n is h in g s ( ^ ) Pacific Northwest Bell EASY TERMS » * Ï . ’ • 30th and S.E. Division 234-9351 Shop 9 to 9 Tuesday thru Fnday Saturday 9 to 6 (Closed Sunday and M o n d ay) *> * g», m M M sM M M M • • . ; . ------ .