Hag« b P o rtlan d O bserver M ay 29 1980 Behind the Walls /»I / a m Huker » IS02I I D I ' I orrespondcM Oregon State Penitentiary has been pun mg on a new lace since the beginning ol the year. (. (instruction o l a new vocational training building, d e a lin g a year round nam ing boxing team and the enlargement ol a whole new naming program lor all employees working tor the institution. patterns ol DSP and response. Psychiatric Cell Talk David H right » JVM6 A ssisiant Editor incarcerated ol lenders at the appropriate s ta ff John Caywood, DSP Department, lecturing A smar A bdul Seijuda. Editor aka Joe West 40404 allowed our V T instructors to go out in the com m unity one day each month to help in job placement and, also, to keep current with the latest techniques in their respective areas. On the other side ol the fence, the new In d u stria l B uilding w ill, h o p e fu lly, provide jo b o p p o r­ tunities tor a hundred more paid jobs. We plan to utih/e this space for assembly and finishing as well as moving the Upholstery Shop to this area (Couches and all). By M alik Aham ad Hassan A h (aka A lv in Caned33512 We as Black human beings have sullered lor countless years, in ihe How to communicate with inmates United States soil at the hands and who are minorities, plus sensitivity minds o l racism, oppression, im ­ tra in in g . Jack Schut, Program perialism and repression. We have specialist, Eastern Oregon College, bore with pain what no other people lecturing. The Revised Hules Governing could begin to bear and the suf­ Inmate Conduct. A discussion ol fering continues - a dillerent picture Policy assessment. I he annual the C orrections D ivision Rules but with the same old frame. dem onstration ol knowledge Governing Inmate C onduct and We, in prisons all acorss this now regarding rules, policies, and how ii has been revised since the inglorious country cry out for help, procedural statements commen­ H o p e fu lly , both o l these ad­ ii.lining began m January. Cheryl we cry out for compassion and un­ surate with assignment. Greg M or­ d itio n s w ill v irtu a lly elim inate W illiam s, OSP Hearing O ltic e r derstanding, we cry out for mercy ton, DSP I raining C oordinator, unemployment problems experien­ does the led in mg. but it seems as it our cries are dry lecturing. ced in this institution over the past C onfidentiality. A discussion ol and inaudible; it seems that our Those are just a tew o f the thirty years and provide a source ol (lie legal authority and limitation on voices are choked oft and covered courses required tor all employees income to those ol you who wish disclosures ol information concer­ by dust before the vibrations reach w orking tor the Oregon State paid jobs. I hese two projects were ning inmate activities and history -- the fullness o f sound. If this is not our top priority the past biennium. Penitentiary. Even the Superinten­ to the public, other agencies and/or the problem, then the problem must dent teaches one ol the courses him­ Our building prio ritie s for the the inmate. Scott M cA lister, be that we are crying to deal ears self called C orrectional fa c ility forthcoming biennium w ill be the Assistant Attorney General, lec­ and hard hearts. Disturbances. addition ol a new field house to turing. We cry out but because we get no replace the present Recreation The In sid e Pass S yste m . I he In last week’ s prison bulletin response or a lack o l adequate Building. We hope to build this propel use ol the inside system in­ Cupp wrote the following letter to response from you - our own building in a location where it can cluding call passes, turnouts and all 15DD inmates inside the Oregon people, we get smashed in the be utilized 3 65 days a year including special passes. Ft. Don Jackson, State Penitentiary. mouth by the grey list ot racism for evenings, thus eliminating some ol DSP I raining I teuienant, lecturing. crying out in the first place; because the cell time you are presently ex­ f rom the Superintendent; O ffe n d e r P e rs o n a lity T ype s. you do not respond to the cries of periencing. We w ould plan on I thought I might bring you up-to- An overview o l com m un icatio n your human kind, your color kind, errectmg this building just east ol date and give you a progress report your blood kind, your companions the ( ulinary Department or the regarding the new building being present inmate dining room so we in oppression kind, you sutler also. constructed in the Industrial and could use it in the evening up to 9:00 You sutler higher prices in racist Vocational training areas. Both ol operated stores in your community, A PERSONAL M OM FN I at night. these buildings are slated to be com­ you suiter as your people suffer in TOR THOSE W H O CARE In past years I have received many pleted on or about September I ot F lorida, in M ississippi, in South this year, and it appears with the fine suggestions Iron) the inmate Africa and as the people right down I he w ind blows on the inouii progress the contractors are making body. I want to share these plans the street Irom you suffer. Your tain and the snow is fori ed into at this time they will meet this com­ with you to give you an opportunity children, nieces, nephews, cousins drifts. Each d rift protects th.it pletion date. to present any thoughts you may and Iriends suiter at the hands and w hich is behind it The m oun­ have prior to final adoptions. A ll s ta ll and equipment have diabilocal minds o f the educational tain causes the w ind to rise and been approved tor both o f these Another top priority ol not only system: We all sutler greater than w ild anim als beyond the m oun­ this institution but also the Correc­ buildings. The Vocaional framing we arc able to see or even detect at tain are sheltered M any fori ed tions Division is to further upgrade Building w ill house fo u r new the moment. changes are acts of love l.ove vocational -a les. These trades were our medical services. We all know II we (Blacks in O.S.P.) were all does not rem ain <(instant, eat h agreed up. alter a very careful this is a very important subject, and killed in the morning, “ What would of you w ill force change a n d , study ol job needs and placement it is something that affects us very you do?" Would you say, “ that’ s a the change m ay benefit m ore j opportunities m the com m unity. personally. We teel we have made shame?" Or perhaps you would ask than (list iwn The trades slated tor inclusion in great strides in the past upgrading lo r an investigation. An in ­ this new building a ddition are: the Dental Department and also by vestigation a lte r the tact is like utilizing the Salem Hospitals for diesel mechanics, air conditioning locking the barn door after all the PRI SI N i l DRY surgical procedures. However, we and refrigeration, building m ain­ horses have run o ff! What would leel we need to im prove our in ­ tenance, and landscaping. This they investigate? What did they in­ should provide about sixty new house delivery system and w ill be vestigate at Attica? What did they studying this as well as the entire training opportunities for inmates investigate when the church in medical picture. prior to their release. I think many Alabama blew up? We know what o f you know we recently double- As time goes on. I will attempt to the problems are, we also know that shitted the welding trade which has keep you inlorm ed as to our up­ tl we can’ t gel you to help solve or been providing very lucrative job coming budgetary package so you ease these problems, you may all die opportunities in the com m unity. will have some idea o f the direction very soon. I am speaking o f physical 2737 N E U nion While it might not seem like a great we are moving as the budget vitally death...not the death one suiters as attccts your livelihood during your improvement, it almost doubles our 282 2216 a result ol the loss ol his wife and period ol incareceration. current o p p ortun ities as far as M in o ritie s c o m m u n ic a tio n . AMERICAN STATE BANK Vocational I raining is concerned. One o f the strengths ol our Vocational Training is that we have ............................................. L / \ ' ) ! - //. C. Cupp SUPI K IN IE N D E N I family, but death by bullets. Bullets and the general public is allowed to sprayed by grinning devils! Every attend by invitation only. Il you olticer, guard and employee here is desire to attend one of our meetings required to spend XXX number ol please contact us by phone (378- hours on the tiring range shooting ai 2446) or by mail (Uhuru Sa Sa 2605 largets; targets that can’t shoot back State St. Salem, Oregon 97 0 0 ) or scream or bleed or moan in agony weekdays only. Irom the hot lead. I his builds a sub II we could wake up from this tie and sometimes overt frustration racist induced sleep, we would in that person behind the gun. All remember who we were and who we Ihe targets are Black! “ Ask yoursell are, we would unite to once again be w h y ...? ” It's certainly not for the " O N I." that we’ ve been since visibility, it ’s subliminal suggestions time began. God will aide us! fie in a most dangerous form. When will aide us against Amerika’ s nasty trouble breaks out here (and its habits. It is divine providence that bound to) these people with the guns we come together at this time; the are going to shoot at what they’ ve pattern is being set all over the been trained to shoot at, they’ re world, all over the planet earth, we going to shoot at the Black targets must set patterns never belore set at that frustrated their markmanship this northwest corner ol the United rating. I hey're not going to shoot at States - rise up! Rise to the times sitting ducks because there aren’ t and set your brothers and sisters any sittin g ducks behind these free. walls!!! I here is a commercial in support Please listen - my life - the lives of o f the United Negro College Fund many people are at stake. We need which states, " A mind is a terrible your support, we are allowed at this thing to waste,” but what about tim e two meetings a m onth lo r hie? (think about it) W ill yOu aid cultural purposes. Ihese meetings and abet the w illful destruction ol are held in the prison visiting room your own kind??? DO YOU REALLY WANTTO SAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL? T 40% and more ,,ne duality wonder and Hostess dav lo w nr r ! Iar9e discou nts on othe, baked goods Besides our every gam’’ ^ans onthe 'n S'° re Spec,als dai1* Just look for >he ' bar sands o sm .r .h n dlspla* s 'n store D iscover for yourself w hat thou sands ot sm art shoppers in the area have fo u n d '0 You II be am azed at the savings you m ake at our W onder T h rift Shop! [Food stam ps gladly accepted ] SATISFAC TIO N G U A RA NTEED You m ust be co m ple te ly satisfied w ith every purchase or w e w ill cheerfully re fu n d y o u r purchase price W O N D E R -H O S T E S S TH R IFTS H O P 115 N. Cook St. Corner of Vancouver is Cook S t.. Portland. Oregon _0pan_Mon_thru Sat 9am 6pm - Closed S undays We are a fam ily in District 14 I .) ■ f/rrdsfv.iM f r/rrrrr/rr ,/r/S a r t r / w /e ! 1518 N E KILLINGSWORTH PORTLAND OREGON 9721 1 284 7997 FROM THE FRONT DOOR By Tom Boothe VI X T d ’ h v V Z 1 name ' ° f m° Vement’ ’ h.S ruled and governed all who .Cs um "otal fd tT o I ? " P° S? p r8 p a ra t' ° " ’ d ir e c ti° " ^ d c o n s is te n c y each unit of t n g X u o i a g o o d ia k e " '" 88 3 C° mP° S,n9 3 S'n9'e e" bty; " ke ’ he bas'p c o n X Z c v VF 7 t h n Wh°HWll? UCCeed mUS’ h3Ve 3 purpO 9e- P re p a ra tio n , d ire c tio n and co nsiste ncy. For those who do not have these ingredients, or even if only one ingredient is hadSX ,ha: P6rSOn mUSt ,a" ThG 'aw dem- s tr a te s that all who succeeded"m the past missing 'n9red'entS; 8,1 those who ,ailed ,he Past had one or more ot these ingredients reahze.tarnd9 dZ7nn,e,eSHthe ,U,Ure' * ” VS ' haf * V° U know yOur purpO9a and p re p a " * to ea ize and define its d ire c tio n and be consistent in your endeavors, you will be a success U| m,ss'n0 ,n anV one ot these ingredients you will be a fa ilu re 'asked the law, what about faith and will-pow er 7 It answered and said faith hope desire you c h o X ' T h o r ' d P° Wer 3re n0,h'n9 m° re th3n ,he P° SI,,ve ref,ec,l0n ot a"V purpose to w a r ^ S t o m o o t h ’° eq U3' am° Unt ° f ,nsp,rat,° " a" d ™ v ,ta tio n you have the law savs fa ith and ° b,eC,'Ve; bU< Wl,hout the preparation, direction and consistency are between a n d t h e " " P° W 8 r 18 hke 8 ra," bOvv; b e a u tifu l, b u t can only be seen if you b e h in d X n J , „ hSUn: Cann° ' be ° b,a'ned and **'" d,saPPear "b e n the sun goes Denind the clouds, or when you change positions. a n ^ w i c k e d n ^ ^ V h 03? " 65" 0^ * ha' dO6S ,he '8W bave ,0 Say about rig h te o u sn e ss h a h t^ u .n « 7 Sa'd ,b a t " rU " * ’ 8nd 0 ° v a rn s all th in g s in c lu d in g nqh teo u sne s w ,c k e d n e s 9 ” sa'd. fo r exam ple, if a man had a p u rp o s e of d,d n o t a I n ? 3PP ®d a" ,our ,n9 redients he would succeed at rig h te o u s n e s s , if he D u rD o s e Pn fV a i ° Ul inflredlents' he would fail at rig h te o u s n e s s ; like wise, if a man had a ness ,f h « d 7 C\ 300 aPP,'ed a" ,Our ,n0redients, he would succeed at w ic k e d - ’ if, e did not apply all four ingredients, he w ould fail at w ic k e d n e s s . indeed ru’ e and g t v e m ^ w h o ^ y L ' wicked, the good and the bad andCpoidive dthingsd aM**»?” ' * negative t h i n g s 9’ ' “ T ' h'S W8S ,rU'V inescapable and did l ° a" ' ,he ,8',b ,u l' the ri0hteo^ ’ he succes8,ul 0OOd and Positive people, producing good a'S° ' SUCCe8S,ul bad 8" d ne0at,ve P«°P'e Producing bad and t h m ^ o r ^ l l 'w h o T , \ P,UrP° Se " ,O b e a POX,,' Ve PerS° n who Produce* fo o d ond posnve and he c o n s is te n t , * 7 ° " ’ Pl™ ' d° n ',fo rK e ' ,o p re P’ re and define yo u r d ire c tio n rekardmg your p lu rp o se It is by this law onlv that we can be successful at producing good and posdi ve things. 7 Congratulations Dr. Cherry on your victory in District 14. I ’ll see you in 1982. I want to take this opportunity to thank the many people who supported me in the primary election. We were not victorious but we will be back in 1982, fu ll o f enthusiasm and dedication, and plan to be victorious. Paid for by the committee to elect Harold Williams Marva Graham, Tres; 6124 NE 11th Ave. Portland V i