Pat• 4 Portland Obeen,er Mey 21. '.;•;;,,,------ - ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... ~~-~~ I ENTERT Al NM ENT - - 1 HAPPENINGS - ENTERT AINMEf'JT DIAL-A-SAILOR PROGRAM II I c,ac~~-~~s AMERICA'S BIG TOPGIAN.T Pon land, one of the West Cout's "Friendliest Pons," 1s ae111n1 aeared up to welcome sailors on board the 20 ships of the 11J80 Rose Festival fleet. After a successful proaram last year, the Navy is repeauna their "Dial-A-Sailor " praoram. By callina 227-1751, Portland families or individuals can 1nv11e a visitina sailor to lum:b, dinner, aolf, 1mnis, dam:ina, church, a tour ot· the City, or any other function. Dial-A-Sailor callers will be asked to leave their, name, phone number and any information they wish about the activity they desire to share. This information s1 then passed to the ships and a sailor will call back to accept the invitation. Navy ships will be m pon rrom June 11 to June 15, and there will be 4,700 sailors in the Rose Festival flcct. CIRCUS VARGAS, .. America's 8111 Top Giant" , comes to the Lloyd Cen- ter m Portland, tor 12 "a.iant" perlormanccs, Thursday, June IIJ throu,ti Monday, June 23, ~uh an action packed, thrill-packed, lauahter-packed, all- nc"' for IIJW ed111on under the world's laracst bi& top and reatures a bulaina and brcathtakina bundle of educated animals, preuy airls, capnc10us clowns, amaz1n11 aenahsts and a host ot· outstanding mtcrnat,onal circus attractions in a 1wo-and-a-ha1t· hour, three-rina e,itra\aganza, produced and presented by Clittord E. Varaas, "America's Mr 81g Top". Return to the e,ic11emen1 and alamour ot the circus under the 811 Top with CIRC.:US VARGAS. CIRC."US VARGAS, .. America's 81g Top Giant", 1s the laracst thrce-rina utravaaanza under the canvas. The 811 Top scats over 5,000 and 1s laracr than a football field. The performance lasts over 2 hours and features the ,-mcst arll'its and animals from the four corners of' the world, including: Flying Trapeze Artists, High Wire Artists, Clowns, Jualers, Hor- ses, Elephants, Lion,, Bengal flGERS, Acrobatics, Aerialis1s .. . and much more! "A return to the nch trad111on of' the circus as II once was in America. " Tickcis, priced at 54.50, S6.00, S7.00, and SIJ.00, arc on sale at the Lloyd Center in Portland and at the circus sue. Kid's discount coupons arc available from nc11hborhood merchants. 7ieS~~ MOORE STREET COMMUNITY CENTER 5430 N MOORE STREET 282 2572 PORTLAND, OREGON 9 7217 HAPPENIN·GS Children's Summer Theatre will be ottered by North YMCA for aspmna thespians seven to 12 years old in the Portland Metropolitan area. Children's Summer Theatre runs Monday throuah Friday from IJ a.m. to I p.m at the North YWCA, 41115 NE 7th, Portland. Cost 1s S40 from the nine- week summer session. A S20 reg1stra11on deposit 1s required. For more in- formauon, call North YMC.A, 2117-2523. Spring Faahion Extravaganza, spon\Ored by Ecumenical Parish ot N- NE Portland, Sunday June I, IIJ80, 5:00 P. M., AT Mallory Avenue Church, 126 N .t:. Alberta. There ~ill be potluck dinner, door prizes and entertain- ment . Included m the Clltravaganza 1s Miss Black Pon land, Sonya Coleman, ~ho ~ill part1c1pate in the program. Tickets arc, Family, ,6.00, Adults, S2 .75, High school, SI .00, under 12, S.5U. for more information call Audrey Sanders al 288-5173 or 2117-0687. Navy rHerve public affairs officer Lieutenant Ronald F. Pinkard, who in hia civilllan job is an actor and• atar of NBC televlalon·a aeries Emergency, will be In porttand for the Rose Featival from June 5-17. T.V. star to appear at Rose Festival .. A star of NBC.: fclcvmon's series, EMERGENCY, Ronald f-. Pinkard 1s a veteran o.- 13 years o,- acuvc and reserve naval service. He was promoted to Lieutenant in June 1Cf78, and serves as a special duty public alta1rs officer. His prior service was as a hospital corpman, rmna m rank from \Caman recruit 10 petty ot'ficer second class in s1,i years. A graduate o,- Manual High School m his hometown, Denevcr, Colorado, Ron toured the Boulder area w11h the musical group, the CONTRASTS, unul he enlisted m the Navy June 21J, IIJ51J. Aller 1ramma a1 the Navy's hosptial corpsman school, he served aboard the hospital ship USS HA VEN at Long Beach, CA and the fleet Marine force Pacific, headquarted at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, CA. While assigned 10 the HA VEN, the then hospitalman Pinkard wa, com- mended for c,iccptional prorcssional performance and cncracn11c en- thusiasm . Following this tour, he wa, assigned to the Fleet Marine Force and qualified tor the Armed forces Ellpediuonary Medal. After his release trom active duty m 1%3, Ron returned to Denver and at- tended the University ot Colorado. Alter three years of pre-med, he turned to drama, moved 10 Los Angeles, and worked for the IRONSIDE Television series. After his association with this series, he appeared in numerous other shows including DRAGNET 69, BRACKEN'S WORLD, ADAM 11, THE FBI, THE EDDIE:. CAPRA MYSTERIES, and WHITE SHADOW, As a reserve public al fairs officer, Lt. Pinkard 1s assigned duties wnh Navy Rccrunina, represents the Navy in c1v1c ceremonies, and main1a1m contacts with media and professionals. Lt. Pinkard will be In Portland for the Rose Featival from June 5 - 17. Parents of The Albina Community: For the first time, the Salvation Army Moore Street Community Cen- ter will be sponsoring a Day Camp Program where your child can be in a supervised environment for the entire day, every day during this sum- mer. We are offering this program to the entire community. DATES: June 30 through Auguat 22, 18 one-week sessions ). HOURS: 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. !except Friday we will return at 2 p .m . f rom our over- night) Children may also participate in our Center youth program bet- ween 2:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. , rt they are members of the Center. COST: $15.00 a week for center members $20.00 a week for non-members I Scholarships are available ) ACTIVITIES INCLUDE : Swimming, Gamea, Hiking, Field trips, Arts & Crafts, Special events, lunch and afternoon snacks, and much morel FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Stop by the Center and pick up a registration form or contact Joyce Gonzales at the Center at 282-2571. ROUND STEAKS a • USDA (; CHOICE touch of new orleans ·as I BOVI\JION 8TI\EET 1 restaurant HES AND DINNERS FEATURING A SELEC- OF TRADITIONAL SOUTHERN DISHES. , 1 Spring has sprung , and , like thousand ■ of San Franciscan ■, Sylvester and the Two Tona O' Fun have taken to Golden Gate Park on Skates. The Tona are decked out here In brightly-colored Spandex pants, while Sylveater plays It atrlctly caaual In Jeana and T-shirt. Sylvester haa also been spending time In the atudloa, completing work on hia new Fantay album which la due for July release. Martha end lzora have been buay kHping up with the chart action on their debut LP, Two Tona o· Fun. and their single " Just Ua." L. to R: laora Armstead. Sylvester. Martha Waah . I P-ound DISINFECT ANT SEE SPORTS ON GIANT SCREEN T.V. - - - OPEN 5 DAYS A WEEK FOR BREAKFAST ' t t, JOE'S PLACE~ ~ CLIANII SAT. & SU N. OPEN 11 o'clock Sunday Buffet 2Aea.101 noon to4 pm '. DISCO , DJ 'S DA,N CE DOWN MACHIN·E 0 Happy Hours 7 - 10 AM & 4 - 7 PM MON.-FRI. Live entertainment 7 days a week 287-8723 1530 NE GRAND AVENUE AT WEIDLER free po•lr - J n the I The Club of the 80'a live d.j. nite : Come m and meet the top D.J's of' Ore1on. MT■ IIIIY D.J. vou·we met the r•t. com• ■nd mNt the beat, Mr DJ hlmMH, Johneeee••••••••••• V ·•Lltttlt