Page 10 Portland Observar M ay 29, 1980 Phil Smith W inning is the goal PÇC plans music week V ’ C lV I he Portland Communi! v Cull...... Cascade Center. 705 N. Killings worth, will celebrate spring and the closing ol the academic year with a week ol jazz, bluegrass music and P a c ific and Asian dance per­ formances open to the public. take place between II a.m. and I P m. weekdays from June 2 through June 6 on the south patio ol the I < C Cascade Student Center, l awn seating and picnic space is available as well as a week o f special lunch menus in the Student Center Gal­ A ll celebration Performances w ill t nere is no charge tor any ot trie events and the public is welcome. uy. PC'C Cascade Center rduler, has coordinated nd can be contacted tor filiation. le ria Round Sten SAFEWAY Full Cut. Bone-In Safeway Quality Beet Round Sales Limited to Retail Quantities in concgt during ms last season. Smith’ s teammates included current N .B.A. player Kevin Kestani and Eric l ernsten, but the Dons were overshadowed by N C A A cham ­ pions U t I A that year. Smith was taken on the second round by the Warriors alter Keith Wilkes, who was the "Rookie ol the Year” that season. " I he only real goal I set fo r myselt is winning. I hats the mam thing. You can score a ton o f points, but it you don’ t wm, you won’t get recognized I ’ ve always felt that I could score when I wanted to .” A lter Smith’s rookie season, he became the Warriors steadiest of- lensive star lor the next lour years, averaging between 19-20 points each season before suffering a severe Achilles tendon injury in 78-79. I he injury, sidelined earlier this season, ended a streak ot 305 con- secuive regular- season N B A. games in which he started, the longest in the league at the time. He has scored 51 points twice, only one in live players in the history ol the franchise to do so. During the 1975- Bel monte Boneless To p Round Bar-S Breakfast Bacon l it) Pkg ■ u i a o arc relatively rooted in urban communities - unlike new immigrants - by a combination o f home ownership, fam ily ties and responsibilities, and dependence on local social services. Thus, urban Blacks in the 80s find themselves trapped in an economic no-rnan s-land, the rising aspirations ot a generation betrayed by irreversible forces over which they have no control. This is the reality lor the Blacks o f Miami - and o f New York and San Francisco and Detroit and a dozen other American cities. It is a kind ol institutional racism tar more profound and cruel than that which motivated the civil rights movemen­ ts of an earlier time. The fact that it stems Irom largely impersonal market torces rather than personal racist malice does not lessen its emotional impact, as Miami aptly dem onstrated. Indeed, the em otional erruptton in M iam i spread as dark a pall across America as the volcanic ash that blotted out the sun. COPYRIGHT PNS 1980 Fried Chicken Scotch Buy targe Chunk Manor Mouse Frozen 2-ifc Pacxage Tomato Sauce 3» Monte LUCERNE Vanilla/O range i... Combo •. AQUA-FRESH C h eddar Cheese OlVM Ptt U © Del Monte Corn ©Green Beans © Fruit Cocktail -, * CHILI LUCERNE . m p IA Fluoride Toothpaste Margarine PHIL SMITH 76 championship series against the >cuson. Basketball is my profession, Bullets, he was the first rookie in 14 and while I ’ m in it I want to be very years to score 20 points in a final. successful. I take my jo b very I he Warriors won 4 games to none. seriously. I take it to the heart. I try I d like to think I ’ ve improved a to play as hard and intelligently as I little bit in each area since mv rookie can. I want to win,” he said. Ad prices g ood W op Ma» M thru f u e j sales lim ited to retail q uantities MESH taches ■R in counseling and I arry Hat per, a Portland firelighter who developed the curr. ni physical exam ination used by the C ity Civil Service. I he workshop is offered on a two Io three credit option depending on whethei a student choses to take the practice physical exam ination '" lio n is >29.50 lor the three da wotkshop or >44.25 .1 the |our,| day is needed. Students can register by comae "ng the PC C Government Service1 IH’parimeni or C areer Development Office. a iw o H l Ktti Springe rest Variety Fot of the Season 49' service test practice available service and public em­ < tv il ployment lest taking can be prac- liced with lour experts at Portland C om m unity College during a government test taking workshop Wednesday, June 25, through Saturday, June28. Sample test, a simulated inter­ view. and an in d iv id u a l per­ formance assessment will be ottered during the first three days ol the workshop. I he optional fourth day w ill consist o l a practice physical examination conducted by an a llir- mative action o ffice r o l the Por­ tland Eire Bureau. Speakers at the workshop include Warren Fischer, Irom C a lifo rn ia who has trained 50, (XX) government workers in test taking; Gwen Danielson, a PC t speech instructor with expertise in passing oral inter­ views; John K o ro lo ff, chairman ol • < ( s department ol government services who w ill discuss the Psychology o f test taking; Martha Bucche, a management consultant Chunk B ologna Bacon Hose T0W3O Save 3 V ea Ot 'Caseof 24 M6 32> ^4 1 A G’een Tight Heeds WIBIR Barbecue Kettle Assorted Plants 4 or W 5 on « R mwocc $C 98 Control Top Beg Sizes M 39i dL 1 JEg i Queer Size < Fresh Tropical Broccoli Planters L arge Bunches tor Raw hibbtmg «*» Saltine Crackers t Peanut B u tte r. , " Imitation Mayonnaise 25’ Oft Label 9-oz Size Save 25* Each Black Kettle 22 5 inch Size Save'15 12 Fa H m a tfiu ta fe w o flh e io n of'SuperSaven’ © Totino's Pizza ©Potato Chips S iv ©Sliced American * ©Lucerne Drinks S © Diet Imperial 75.» © Pork & Beans ©Angel Cake MixZ ' ©Kidney Beans £77 ©MJB 3-lb. Coffee L" ©Instant MJBST7* ©Fabric S o fte n e rs S o a r s P r i c in g P o li c y h<)iiie riiniis/iiii^ and more; 160 OFF 22005 Craftsman 1-HP sprayer/com pressor Delivers 7.0 SCFM at 40 PSI, 100 PSI max. Has 12-gal. ASME air tank, ASME safety valve, spray gun, 15-ft. air hose, tire chuck, regulator. Regular $459.99 nnisE .’7005 21305 Weatherbeate r exterior stains Eighteen semi-transparent or solid colors plus clear. Resist cr peeling, or blistering. Help i R e g u la r $ 11.99 Where America shops for Value Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back SEARS. R O E B U C K A N IX (I ■*.»