KtSIAUHANI Portland Observer JOB FINDERl T W O C U S T O D IA N S Length of Em ployment Full time, 12 months per year M inim um Selection Criteria I wo 12) years previous experience as a Custodian knowledge of cleaning methods, materials and equipment Position Description: | W ork and prim ary responsibility involve the cleaning, repairing, maintenance, and general care ot buildings, also, the use ot proper methods and materials in cleaning and caring of buildings and equipment Salary: S / / / 00 per month (79 80 Support Statt Salary Schedule) Hours: Graveyard Shift 10.00 p .m , to 5 30 a m. S tarting Date Open until sufficient applications are received A pplication Deadline Open until sufficient applications are received M inim um Selection Criteria I r wo (2) years previous experience as a Custodian. Knowledge ot cleaning methods, materials and equipment. PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALIST College Exhibit Length ot Employment Full time, 12 months per year. Minimum Selection Criteria Bachelors degree in Communication, or a related held, and/or two (2) years full time experience in a position ot similar responsibility. Demonstrated skills in public relations and information work in­ cluding written and oral communication, design, and photography are required. Experience in display development, marketing, slide tape and videotape production is desirable. ASST COOKS Positions available for Assistant Cooks on full fcf part time basis Prepares food tor com mercial use Must be able to meet deadlines $4 45 per hr DIET AIDES Full b part time positions Processes b records diet orders, type patient menus Ft perfor general clerical tasks Some knowledge ot m odified diets, ex perience in a hospital diet kitchen as Diet Aide | or training in nutrition desirable $4 30 per hr GOOD SAM AR ITAN Hospital b Medical Center 2183 NW Northiup •I« I qual ( Ip p oriunn i I hi plover H l »Si’ll Al AIDE Material Service Ctr Responsibilities include Decontamination, clean mg. assembling Ft s te r iliz in g a ll reprocessable supplies Distribute sterile Ft non sterile supplies through out the hospital M anual d e x te r ity necessary to handle b m anipulate equipm ent supplies b materials Rotating shifts b w eekends w hen necessary. W ill tram $4 31 per hr GOOD SAM AR ITAN Hospital b Medical Center 2183 NW Northrup ••I n Equal ( Ip p o rtu n it i JOB OPENING SECURITY AGENTS (Part time) Position requires high degree ot judgement and skills in dealing w ith people in stressful crowd control situations Ap plicants must be over 21 or over, have a high school diploma or GED, be in good physical con dition, have a good em ployment records, and a clear criminal record as an adult Prior police, m ilitary or specialized security experience is desirable All uniform s and equipment w ill be furnished by the Com mission Positions otter varied assignments at M e m o ria l C o lis e u m Complex and Portland C ivic Stadium . Ap p lic a tio n s a c c e p te d through Friday, May 30, 1980, 9 00 am 5 00 p m ., M em orial Coliseum Complex 1401 N Wheeler Ave Portland, Oregon 2 Full Time Child Care Specialist. $880 month, one Full tim e O ffice Assislunf, $760 month. Apply at North Portland Youth Service Center 7704 N Hereford Portland. OH 9/203 285 0627 ASSISTANT Position D escription: MANAGER FOR Responsible for the development and maintenan Entplo vcr WATER RESOURCES ce ot the college exhibit including photography, AND DEVELOPMENT w ritin g , editing, and production supervision' CITY OF PORTLAND Port ot Chelan County Responsible for the coordination ot college par I ECONOMIC DEV Primary responsibility to ticip a tio n in com m unity fairs and festivals. DIRECTOR d e v e lo p p ro g r a m s Responsible tor the coordination and distribution | $36,650 leading to extension ot of class schedules and the distribution of college Administrative and pro river navigation to North literature within the community. tessional work planning, Central Washington. o rg a n izin g , d ire c tin g , Resumes to Manager and evaluating the city's General In form ation: Port of Chelan C ounty The applicant must be able to meet deadlines, Economic Development P .0 Box 849 Program. As head of the possess sound judgem ent and organizational Wenatchee, WA 98801 skills, and to be capable ot working both indepen Economic Development Phone: 15091663 5159 Bureau the Director will Call or w rite for job dently and in a "team " environment. Applicants assist in facilitating the description. are encouraged to provide samples of work relevant to the position. private market expansion of jobs for city residents Salary: KQFM $985 $1083 (70-80 schedule) will increase July 1 to j and to attract and retain Radio is considering ex business and industry pending sales sta tt. approximately $1093 $1202 within the City ot Port S tarting Date: Looking fo r highly July 1, 1980 land. Will establish long m otivated self starter term goals and objec f w ith enthusiasm. Con A pplica tion Deadline: fiv e s , a d m in is tra tiv e Application form or inquiry postmarked by May tact Andrea Reimer, policies and procedures Sales Manager between 30, 1980. All supportive materials must be post marked by June 6, 1980 and prepare the annual 9:00 a m and 12 noon budget. Finalist Interviews: June 9 13, 1980 on Friday 5 23 80 at 226 APPLY K Q FM , Golden West PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALIST Portland C ivil Service Broadcasters, is an Equal News Media 510 S.W Montgomery O p po rtun ity Employer Lenght o f Em ploym ent: Portland. OR 97201 M/F. Full time, 11 months a year. No later than, June 2, M inim um Selection Criteria: CASH 1980. Women and Bachelors degree in Communication or a related L e a n e d m i a n y ic a l m inorities are en held, and/or two (2) years full time experience in a p ro p e rly Credit n o t im couraged to apply. position of similar responsibility. Experience p o rta n t I a im e rs M o i A n Equal ( )pportum ty working with a newspaper, radio or television ty a ije I o q io ia tio o 503 Em plover station news department is desirable 245 5455 Position D escription: Responsible to serve as the primary news and in formation source for metropolitan area print and non print media outlets. Responsible for the main tenance of good relations with media outlets Responsible tor the production of college news releases, a calendar ot events and other news/in formation services as required General In form ation: The applicant must be able to meet deadlines, possess sound judgem ent and organizational skills, and be capable of working both indepen dently and in a "team " environment. Clackamas Com m unity is served by four (4) television stations, 27 radio stations, three (3) daily newspapers and 15 weekly newspapers. Applican ts are encouraged to provide samples of work relevant to the position. Salary: $985 $1083 179 80 schedule) will increase July 1 to approximately $1093 $1202. Starting Date July 1, 1980 A pplica tion Deadline Application form or inquiry postmarked by May 30, 1980 All supportive materials must be post marked by June 6, 1980 Finalist Interview s: June 9 13, 1980 Contact Community C o lkg « P e rs o n n e l O ffic e 19530 S Mollalla Ave , Oregon City Or 97045 656 2631, Ext 318 Clackamas Community College is An Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Empio ver 1348 S W B e rth a B lv il P o r tla n d OR 97219 INSURANCE CASUALTY RATER PART TIME b FULL TIME Opening tor commercial casualty rater w ith 2 years commercial casualty rating experience, in eluding general liability, commercial and private passenger auto. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY RATER This position requires 1 to 2 years experience in commercial property and multiple peril. INVITATION TO BID 1' I [ W h e n B id S u r e ly is re ,,„.re d , p ro p o s a ls sh a ll be a, . o m p a n .e d by a c e , t ille d J ie c k , , a s h le rs c h e c k or a b id b o n d , p a y a b le Io the C ity Graphic Design, (60%) F iji fu ll q iia h lic a lin n s a n d a p p lic a tio n in fo rm a tio n i revo ke Ins „ H e , Io . a n y son n o t a n t i zed by la w a n d n o t , ..... ...... h l by C ity w illi.n II,e irre v o . able p e rio d . o i n e g le i I o, „ . lo s e to e n ter in to , I and w r ite to •' I« / q iia lO p p o riio in v A llirn ia iiv c Action Employer Length ot Employment 9 month, full time 181 day contract Assignm ent: The Electronic instructor must ftave competency Io Develop course materials and instruct classes in basic and advanced electronics, teach elec tronic theory, repair and diagnosis on such equip ment as computers, industrial controls, radar systems, telem etering, missle and control I systems M inim um Selection Criteria I Verity a minimum of three 13) years ot full time work experience, beyond the learning level in elec tronic system repair and maintenance Starting Date September 10. 1980 Salary $15.6/2 to $19,296 (approx 1980 81 salary schedule) A pplication Deadline May 30, 1980 (postmarked by) CATALOGING LIBRARIAN Length ot Employment Full time 140 hours per week), 9 months per year, mid September through mid June Vacation periods taken during school recess (Christmas I and Spring breaks) M inim um Selection Criteria Must have MLS degree, must have had exporter) ce in cataloging, using the LC Classification System, must be familiar with AACR II and library I automation, must hve had at least two year s library experience, preferably in cataloging Assignm ent Catalog and classify all library materials according to the LC Classification System, and train and supervise the part time music cataloger, supervise the maintenance ot the card catalog and the shelf list Starting Date: September 15, 1980 Salary: Fiom $14,244 to S1/.544 (19/9 80 salary schedule) $ 15,672 to $ 19.296 (approx 80 81 salary schedule) A pplication A pplication Deadline Closing date June 18, 1980 Screening will take place June 24 25, and 26 Finalist interviews will take place July 1, 2, and 3, 1980 ........ . ’ « '» '» " I im rlo im a n , e o f th e , o n ,la , I Ib e eve n . N O N D IS C R IM IN A I IO N N o p ro p o s a l o, b id w ill be . o n s .d e te d ........ . th e b id d e r is c e ililie d as an f I O A ll,„ n a t iv e A, I,o n f m p lo y e , as p ie s , „ b e d by C h a p .,,, I 100 th e C o d e n l Ib e ( Ity o l P o rtla n d A ll b id d e rs n o t , m re n tly , e d it ..... .........,l,| hie he le g u n e d ,do, o m e n ta .,o n w ith th e C o n tra . I C o m ,............ I ».vision I t ........ ,0 9 -ity Hall. 1220 ,>W I il l l , A v e n u e . P o rtla n d O re g o n 9 /2 0 4 748 4696 at least liv e mn wo1’""' B,DNO 128 ELECTRONICS INSTRUCTOR p ,,,tia n ,I to r an a m o u n t n o . less .b a n fe n p e , c e n t ( !.) % ) o f ......... g g m g a te a m o u n t o . as g ua . n ty h a ! th e b id s i........ irre v o , able Io , .b e p e n ia l ....................... pm posal S aul b l in d to be fo rfe ite d as fix ,e l a n d liq u i.l.ile d d a m a g e s s h o u ld tf.e p „ ld e , seek PA R T TIME Dental Hygiene. 150%) 26000 S.E Stark Street Gresham, Oregon 9/030 SW . H a n s a n il s p e c ific a tio n s m ay be o f,ta m e d a l th e a b o v e a d d re ss f ,,, a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n te le p h o n e B uyer a l n u m e r liste d FULL TIME Physical Education and Coach Speech and Forensics Coach Computer Science D irector of Personnel M t Hood C o m m u n ity C ollege t . l , HM. P outo«. for ite m s d e ta ile d h e re in u n til 2 00 P M o n tf.e d a te s in d ic a te d INSTRUCTOR POSITIONS For Sept. 1980 M hnnanvc Action Equal ( Ipportunilv I inplo vcr S U M M E H DAY CAMP CITY OF PORTLAND MT. HOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE a c h ie v e , e r lilii a h n o by th e B id description bid opening Labor, Material b Equipment for Portland City Hall Meeh anical Improvements For inform ation call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248 4486 ,0% Bid Surety b Prequalih cation ot Bidder Required D ate 05/27/80 FURNISHING ANNUAL SUPPLIES I 130 A Ductile Iron Pipe 131 A Large Service Meters 132 A Cold Water Meters 133 A Cast Iron Value Box, Lids b Exteriors ,34 A Publishing Council Calendar b Bids 135 A Typewriter Maintenance For information call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248 4001 10% Bid Surety Required 136 137 Labor, Material b Equipment for 60 Inch Transmission Mam. For information call Carlton Chayer Ass t Pur chasing Mgr , 248 53/4 10% Bid Surety b Prequalih cation of Bidder Required Labor, Material b Equipment for 5 Catholic Protection Stations For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248 448b ,0% Bid Surety b Prequalification of Bidder Re quired. ,38 Labor. Material b Equipment ot NE 13th Ave Combined Sewer Relief, Phase IV, Unit I. For information call Carlton Chayer, Ass t Purchasing Mgr., 248 5374. 10% Bid Surety and Prequalification ot Bidder Required 139 Labor Material b Equipment tor SW 56 Ave Bridge over Fanno Creek For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248 4002 10% Bid Surety b Prequalification of Bidder Re quired 140 Labor Material b Equipment of SE 36 b Lambert Sewer Reconstruction. For information call Macine Albright, Buyer, 248 4002 , 0% Bid Surety b Prequalification of Bidder Required. Labor, Material b Equipment tor Woodlawn Park Pathway Lighting For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248 4002 10% Bid Surety b Prequalification of Bidder Required Labor, Material b Equipment tor Trenton Park Basket ball Lighting. For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248 4002. 10% Bid Surety b Prequalification ot Bidder Required ,43 144 Labor, Material b Equipment for Columbia Pool Handi capped Access. For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248 4002 10% Bid Surety b Prequalification of Bidder Required 05/27/80 06/03/80 06/03/80 06/03/80 06/03/80 06/03/80 06/03/80 06/03/80 06/05/80 Labor, Material b Equipment tor Installation of New Basketball Court at North Park Blocks For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248 4002 10% Bid Surety b Prequalification ot Bidder Required. 06/05/80 WELDING INSTRUCTOR 145 A Furnishing Dress Uniforms, House Uniforms b Mis Length ot Employment: scellaneous Accessories tor 1 year Beginning 07/01/80 Full time, 9 month contract position For information call Bill Morrissey, Buyer, 248 4486 Assignm ent 10% Bid Surety Required 06/03/80 The Welding instructor must have competency to: Teach oxyacetylene welding, all positions, teach 14/ Labor, Material b Equipment for Handicapped Hen electric arc and inert gas Imig b tig) welding, all ovation at Firehouse Theater. For information call Maxine positions, teach welding ot ferrous and non Albright, Buyer, 248 4002 10% Bid Surety b Prequalih ferrous metals cation of Buyer Hequired 06/05/80 M inim um Selection Criteria A minimum of three 13) years ot industrial ex 148 Furnishing 1 TV Sewer Inspection Van For information perience, beyond the learning period, as a call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248 4003 10% Bid Surety Re qualified combination welder Applicants must quired 06/10/80 meet the standards ot the Oregon Department ot Commerce W elding Performance Test, an | Associate Degree in w elding or industrial CITY OF PORTLAND education required; BS Degree is desirable BUILDING Starting Date M AiNTENANCE June 16, ,980 (Summer Quarter) SUPERVISOR II Research Assistant. Full time position beginning Salary Range Approx annual salaryl June 15, 1980 B.S degree and coursework or Initial placement on the salary schedule is to be $22,922 w ith excellent experience in biochemical techniques, physical based on the applicant's educational background b e n e fits. C o o rd ina te s! measurements, and com puter program m ing and experience Range: Approx $15,696 $19,332 and supervises custodial J Statistical methods desirable. Starting salary 1181 Day Contract, and maintenance repair $11,000 Send vitae, two letters of recommen A pplication Deadline activities in a number of dation, and college transcripts to: May 30, 1980 (postmarked by) public buildings. Exten­ Finalist Interview s sive knowledge of I W .C.Johnson June 2 through June 6 modern building systems 1 Department of Biochemistry Board Approval: and in energy conser­ June 11, 1980 and Biophysics vation highly desirable Oregon State University APPLY Contact I Portland Civil Service Corvallis, OR 97331 510 S.W Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 Commun ity Collège No later than May 30, Closing date June 6. 1980 Personnel O ffice 1980 Women and 19600 S Moll«,la Ave Oregon City Or 97045 m inorities are en­ 666 263t. Ext 318 couraged to apply. Oregon State University is an Affirm ative A c­ RESEARCH ASSISTANT ‘ POLICY TYPIST Looking for responsible person with good ac curate typing skills, 40 50 wpm Must enjoy form and statistical typing $700 month start FILE CLERK Looking tor responsible person Requires being on feet all day Must be familiar w ith typewriter keyboard $600 per month. We are located in tne Cedar Kills area and oiler excellent benefits to support competitive salaries Free parking and use of employee cafeteria For further details call Personnel Oept at 643-7661. or send resume to NORTH PACIFIC INSURANCE CO. P 0 Box 74 1675 SW Marlow Rd Portland. Or 97207 Equ»/ Opportunity Employer Clackamas Commumty College is An tqu al Opportunité/Affirmative Action Emplover A n Equal Opportunity Employer tion/Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with Section 504 ot the Rehabilitation Act of 1973