P aye b P ortlan d O bserver M a y 22. 1980 Behind the Walls Cell Talk D a v id W rig h t 0 J V h /6 A s s is ta n t E d ito r /»» I a rri B a k er It <5021 O S 7*. ( o rr e 'p o iu le n i A s m a r A h d u t S e iju lla , E d ito r a k a Joe West 40404 I lic it arc nines when a prisoner locked inside a prison can forget sonic ol ilie simple ihmgs in litc lhai arc lice Hui. il is sadder yet, when those ihmgs are someihmg he or she mas never regain again. I he one tilin g ih.it comes lirs i io this correspondent's mind, is having the freedom lo sole. Hoss strange il was lor me lo walk around ihe “ Big yard” the other evening, making small talk among groups ol prisoners about which candidate miglii win the Republican race oi whai democraies are going lo retain their seal in the legislature. Wdiild you believe that most ol the prisoners with whom I spoke, have nevet cast a vole in a ballot box or booth in then entire lives. Very lew even knew one name ol a legislator ot candidate running in the state prim.us And it you think that's strange, how about this; no one cared. Because ot the last article that the state ol Oregon in terms ol per­ stores, that they are willing partici­ "C ell Ia lk " featured I find myself centages, in O.S.P., is seventeen pants in the destruction o f black in the precarious position ot either times as great as the Black lives. printing a retraction or proceeding population in the state ol Oregon. .. But, I don’t think that it’ s lair lu ll steam ahead. The article was In many states the ratio ot Blacks to lay all the blame on white people based on racism and it was the sen­ incarcerated reaches tar beyond the or the power structure because a timents ol a majority ot Black in­ national percentages. Now the next great many ol the problems that el mates and not a ligm ent ot my question you should ask yourselt is lect Black existence in this country w rite r's im agination . You can who runs the penal system in this is because ot the apathy ol Black believe me when I say that there country? After you come up with people in general. We don't seem to were many comments made concer­ the answer, ask yourselt what care enough about each other to ning "Racism O.S.P. Style” and at majority ol people work in the in­ prevent the injustices Irom hap this point, I'd like to take things a stitutions (whites or non whites)? pening again and again. It's alright step fu rth e r and give some Who are the parole officers, police it they o il the brother down the clarification on the position taken o ffic e rs , judges and law makers street or whartever, it’ s to easy to previously. (whites or non-whites), and then ask w rite o il the large numbers ol It’ s my sincere belie! that racism yourselt why more Black people Blacks now confined in prisons all isn’ t a sell sustaining mechanism don’ t pursue careers in law enforce­ across the country. that it has to be perpetuated by ment. It’ s ridiculous lo say that people people who have something to gain. What it all amounts to is racism, S ta te R e p re s e n ta tiv e N an cy Ryles IL) and A lic e Ford (R) discuss like mysell are the problem when we In other words, there is a measure ol genocide and profit. It amounts to OSP co n d itio n s w ith J C. K eeney, A s sistan t S u p e rin te n d e n t. had nothing to do with creating the p ro fit in racism and how you killing two birds with one stone; you condition that lead to our incar­ measure that profit is up to you. But get a tremendous amount o f black are so many inmates at the Oregon ticipating m O.S.P. church services ceration. If people like mysell can please bear in m ind that in a men and women o il the street, out State P enitentiary not aware ot on a Sunday morning. be classified as criminal, then every dem ocratic form ot government o f the jo b m arket, out o f the who's who in state and local I his bring up the fo llo w in g Black person in P ortland is a such as the one that exist in America politics? I d o n ’ t believe there is question: l or those ol us who've developed educational system, out ol govern­ crim in a l fo r not destroying the -- someone has to lose, someone has ment, out ol everything and you another state penitentiary in the some political awareness over the What would happen it he inmates criminal atmosphere that leads to to win. It’s my belief that il Black United States that has had more years can sigh w ith relief lo r had the right to vole? Would they create jobs fo r other people in crime. I ’ m not trying to white wash people are to be successful in their personal contact w ith politicians neither the Community Correction return. become more politically motivated? my own crimes, I’m only pointing struggle lo r to ta l freedom , they than this prison. During the past A ct, the M etric System nor the When things get a little slow, you Who knows, maybe Jimmy Carter out the need for Black moral con­ must attack the pertinent issues on make new laws, create more social two years we've had the opportunity death penalty are issues concerning or le d Kennedy w ould come sciousness in the community. Black all fronts. “ Prison and its relation­ conditions and force more Black to invite many politicians to lunch the voters. Believe it or not, even the knocking on these prison gates, l it people control nothing -- not even ship to Blacktolks is very important people into crime. It’ s a never end­ and dinner on a regular basis. When prisoners are silent about the need teen hundred voles is a feather in their own com m unity, not the because the prison system in this ing cycle and it ’s Black people who the legislature is in session, it is tor a b ill being submitted to the your hat il you are running lor o f­ clothes they wear or the cars they country isn ’ t designed io are being recycled. They aren’ t legislature lor Conjugal visits and common to see a state Senator or a fice and you can obtain that many drive or the schools that educate re h abilitate B la ckto lks but to killing us anymore because there is a state Representative lecturing in the acquisition ol their own personal from one source in Oregon. Maybe their children. Nothing is going to destroy them. prison’ s education classroom or sit­ television sets. Now it someone will that’ s what the inmates should be profit in incarcerating us. Plus, then change until we recognize the d if­ Prison not only destroyed the those ot us that are caught in the net ting among prisoners in their club shut Hal Haas's m outh to r a pushing lor in the next legislative ference between the victim and the basic hum anistic a ttrib u te s in ol criminal justice are then pointed meetings. But then again, what minute, on his bid lor the state A t­ session.. the right to vote. victimized. prisoners, it also makes money in out and used as justification for the other prison in this country could torney General's position, those I l ’ s a proven tact that violence no I pray A lla h that the the process. I ry to imagine how perpetuation o f the system. who pay taxes in Oregon won’t have Imd the slate’ s Attorney General, longer brings about positive change inadequateness o f these lines sheds many people are dependent on their playing basketball and so ftb a ll to pay out their hard earned dollars m our penal institutions. Just lor I he people that control this coun­ some light on a very important issue livelihood in relation to corrections. try keep the small white people so against the inmates, as I have w it­ to build another penitentiary. I his one example: II the law was changed and I pray Allah that the need for Crime prevention is big business in paronoid o f Blacks raping their nessed here at O.S.P. On the up­ topic seems to be the main thrust in allowing inmates to vote, I bet you articles such as this are soon erased. this co u n try, every Black man, daughters, selling dope to their swing, you can witness some o f the Haas’s campaign. each one could sway at least three May Allah bless you and may the woman and child in P o rtla n d , children and robbing their grocery Now the question becomes, why sentencing judges o f this state, par­ relatives or triends to vote the same path you walk be free o f stones. Oregon has a market value ol zero way, and a great many things would when you consider the economic suddenly change. Because, il all the ST. A N D R E W S C A THO LIC C H U R C H standing they hold in their com- inmates team up along with relatives 806 NE ALBERTA STREET 281 4429 mniunity or in the slate. Count the and friends wow! th a t’ s 6,000 Reverend Bertram G riffin , Pastor number ol Black people in Portland votes! Masses who’reon the welfare rolls, consider Could this be the reason it’ s so W e offer savings of up to 40% and more on fine quality wonder and Hostess 5 :00pm Viyil Saturday the type ol jobs Black people have important to the powers that be, to pro du cts, plus large d iscou nts on other baked goods Besides our every 10 00am Choir Sunday and you'll get a small idea how ex­ day lo w prices, we feature in store specials daily Just look for the bar lake the right to vote away, from 12 00pm Folk Sunday gain signs on the displays in our store Discover for yourself w tia t thou pendable we are. Now consider those incarcerated? ST. A N D R E W C O M M U N IT Y SCHOOL sands o f sm art shoppers in the area have fou nd every Black man, woman and child Surely it can't be a form ol 4919 NE 9th A v* Phone 284 1620 in Portland as potential inmates in punishment because how can you Nonla Kelly. Principal Grades 1 thru 8 the penal system. Place them in a nnss something you’ ve never been closed environment - create in them concerned about? I he right to vote. a sense of tear and inadequacy - the I he average inm ate in this in ­ HU G H ES M E M O R IA L UN ITED M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H final outcome is dependency. stitution has been incarcerated two While this is being done you then REV AUSTIN V. RAY, MINISTER or three times before the age ol IK provide X number o f non-colored years ot age. So, he was never 111 N.E. FA ILING people with jobs, pensions, security, taught the value o l his voting Dial A Prayer 284 0684 Church School 9 45am sell worth, confidence and so on — Worship 11 OOarn Office 281 2332 powers. Would it play an important You'll be am azed at the savings you the final outcome is independency. role in his rehabilitation? I don't S/»c< /