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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1980)
What do you think? V a n c o u v e r A v e n u e F ir.t B . p t i . t C hu rch ,s celebrating its 26,h annual Women s Day Program May 23-25 at 313« N. Vancouver Ave . Portland la r d ’ Sa uUrdavS6 w ’r G r“ n,> rad,° ar,,M ,rom P' ^ ‘ Hv P a u l\ ld oy Br?nchN U n' eV WaS Ch° ’ en N A A C P M o ,h e r b V ,h " N A A C P Y o u t Q H hat do you think o j the elec lions? Diana H illiams. Student PSU. I his is the first time I have voted. I h a v e n 't given p o litic s m uch thought. But as I grow older I seem to be g e ttin g m ore in v o lv e d . It would be nice and I would like to believe that elections are fair but I would not count on it. Laura Howard. A le ho l counselor Salem. I m not sa tisfied w ith the way elections are run. Because I am not satisfied with 11 I put little energy in to it. I he choices they give you are not very good. I hc politicians say so much and do so little. 7 /w Shelton, R e tire d business man. I think the election system is o.k. But most o l the elections are bull. I read a lot about politics and just don t have much confidence in elec tions anymore. A politician may go in to o ffic e w ith the honest inten tio n s o l d o in g g o o d , but a fte r aw hile they start lo o kin g out lo t them selves. I 00k at o u r tw o Congressmen, they have been up there so long they have forgotten what they were in te n d in g to do when they first started. In this conn try it you have money you can get elected. 1 ou get 111 the paper, the I V. and radio and you can get elec ted. l-a n ita D uke, News re p o rte r • Grass Roots News (KHOO). I think the election process is the biggest pmip and the voters are the biggest whores I he money spent on cam paigning w ould be enough to take every Black man, woman and child in this country out o l poverty. N A -IM Hasan. Instructor, IA E A B ON D O M att Dishman ( enter. I here is lairness in some elec tions I do not vote but based on what I see there is very little variety. I ni not all the way lo r 11, but the process has i t ’ s strengths and weaknesses. M y feeling is that in p o litic s there needs to be m ore moral conscienceness. Jon Seibt, TeriJJ and travel coun selor. I he e le c tio n process is rig h t. People in this country can vote lor who they want. II people do not vote then they do not have the right to bitch or complain. Flections in this country are fan and good lor the people. Go to most any other co un try and you w ill fin d things very d illerent. In most places there is no such thing as an election. nin t ¡0 1 5 D r a . ' SPC aker **' "S a , ad H ar •” nrng 10 35, Dr A l Bowman speaker from Denver, C olo., 3:00 p m Sun and SunJay 6:3U P.m. I, COLUMBIAN OPTICAL since 1905 acci for all your optical needs . .. v eye examinations contact lenses prescriptions filled call a t (Lteae 4 Downtown Lloyd Center Eastport 223-2171 288-5393 771-3233 Oregon City Shopping Center 656-9727 - ¿ C Z tjk c iie tc e T C a ii ¿as “Tfan Dis S Andorson. E Briggs. J Glandon. R Hallquisl. K Leitzel, W Siddens (P h oto: R ichard J B ro w n ) Com m unity celebrates unity A/yewMv/ A skari support o l out leaders while they are living; brother Muhammad A ll, and M o re than a th ou san d Black m em bers of his school gave a people tilled the grounds o f the King b rilla n t dem onstration and lecture N eighborhood f a c ility M ay IKth, m the art o l sell defense, as well as in observance o l " C o m m u n ity why it is necessary to properly learn U n ity Day. " I he activities o l the how to defend yourself and pass day was coordinated by the B i l l these teaching down to our children; w ith assistance tro m c o m m u n ity Eddie Edm ondson, poetry; James volunteers. lo v in g , candidate tor State Senate A ll areas o l the Facility were in D istrict 8; Herb C awthorne, I ove use, w ith the exception ot o ltic e C on gre ga tion , members from the and classrooms. I here were exhibits Black E ducational Center, I ungai set up by lo ca l c o m m u n ity Kumbula, Ron Herndon, and a host organizations giving inform ation on ol o ilie r Black c o m m u n ity their services and programs. Articles professionals. o f c lo th in g , art w o rk , cra fts and Com m unity U nity Day was a sue food was sold. cess. It shows that Black people ol The m ellow sounds o l “ local this com m unity are moving toward A fric a n D ru m m e rs ,” w hich in a greater p o litic a l understanding cluded b ro th e r A rt A le xa n d e r, and culture awareness o f why it is b ro th e r Nyew usi A s k a ri, and necessary to organize around each Bonkole, signaled the beginning o f other, f he spirit among the Blacks the festivities, and it was non-stop present was unlike any seen in Port Black m ovem ent fro m th a t p o in t land lo r a long time. I his was not a on The Master Blaster J.W . Friday call fo r boggie down, but a call for (KBO O Radio) provided the current Com m unity U nity and Black people sounds in Black music to the beat o f responded by com ing out in the disco roller skating by hundred o f hundreds. I his mass p a rticip a tio n Black youngsters who had come to speaks ot the Black United F ro n t’ s lend their spirits to the positive flow strong leadership tie with the com of the day. Out on the school yard m u n ity . It shows that the Black there was basketball, a M artial Arts com m unity here in Portland respec demonstration by brothers from the ts and supports the e ffo rts o f the Japanese Sword Society, a Frisbee Front. dem onstration, food, d rin k , and a We shall see, in the future, similar p o sitive m ovem ent am ong Black efforts by the Front to instill even a people to get to know each other greater u n ity and s p irit am ong better. Blacks in this com m unity. Fhe Por/- Some o f the p a rtic ip a n ts in land Observer commends the Black C om m unity U nity Day were, Darrel United Front on its efforts and says M illner, professor PSU; Lois Berry, "T h an k Y o u " fo r the spirit ot life, L oca l poetess; Im am M ik e l and through your continued efforts Shabazz, M in iste r - W o rld C o m we know the black com m unity w ill m unity o l Islam, who spirited us all eventually realize that it can obtain w ith his call fo r b rotherhood and its dream through unity. Save w ith us ana show yotir colors. FREE designer sport luggage for great American jaunts. Come save at Die Benj Franklin and carry off high interest plus free all Amencan sport bags by Mr Roberts' Choose a Convenience Kit. Accessory Bag. 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