Page 10 Portland Observer M ay 22. 1980 * P o rtlan d Beaver Tony Pena gets a single in Tues ■lay n ig h t s gam e aga-nst H a w aii. The Isla nd ers ' cam e o u t on to p w ith a 8 6 w in over th e Beavers. (P h oto : Dan Price) Portland Observer JOB FINDER Boil* Repair A I’ l K SO N A I M O M I NT I OK IH O S I W H O ! AKI PSNS Eitb. 1891 If a d e a l nnin should sing on top ol i distant m o u n ta in no Olli' w ould lie ,II i| so llie it w o u ld he n o s o u n d If a b eau tiful p iH u te is p ro je i ted fro m .i projei lo r. h ill ii never strikes <m olijei I sue h as CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITIES For w o r k on S u b m a rin e s , A ir c r a ft C arriers and o th e r ty p e s o f s u rfa c e vessels s< reen then llu 'ie is no pi< tu n I hi' ni< esi sm elling p e rfu m e is iio lh im i until il rear lies a nose Io en jov die fra g ra m e I o love alone is like singing o n lo p o f the d is l m u iin la in I o live, love must he both pro jei led .m d re» eived • E le ctricia n s (m arine) • B o ile rm a ke rs (b o ile r repairs) « P ip e fitte rs I'OSWin A h.. •■•*i>iaiaaaaaaaaaia aaa(laalaiaaal Experienced Journey/Limited I ’KI SI N i l DRY • In su la to rs (pipe coverers) A M E R IC A N U S. Citizenship Required STATE A " »ederal C ivil S ervice B e n e fits Liberal v a c a tio n a llo w a n c e paid s ic k le a v e , p a r tia lly e m p lo y e r fu n d e d life i t h e la th in s u ra n c e p ro gram s, e xc e lle n t re tire m e n t plan. BANK For M o re In fo rm a tio n : Call to ll free 1 800 426 5996 (You m ay leave a m essage at these n u m b e rs o u ts id e o f our w o rk in g hours. M essages reco rd ed a fte r w o rk in g hours.) OR M A IL RESUME TO PUGET SOUND NAVAL SHIPYARD ATTN: Code 170.2 <PP> BREM ERTON, W A 98314 THE PO RTLAND W O M EN S HEALTH CENTER A W OMENS CHOICE CLINIC Complete Gynecological Services Abortions in a clinic Setting B U S IN E S S IS B O O M IN G ! Popeye s Famous Fried Chicken is expanding in the Portland area and is in need of ex perienced restauranters. If you are a sharp in dividual who wants to develop w ith a growing organization and if you have the follow ing qualifications, call Mark Wiars at 281 2628: 4160 SE Division 239 8004 282 2216 S U M M E R DAY CAMP 2 Full Time C hild Care Specialist, $880 m onth, one Full Time O ffic e Assistant, $760 m onth. Apply at: N o rth P o rtla n d Y o uth S ervice C enter 7704 N. Hereford Portland, OR 97203 285 0627 Interested in current books about African I iberation? visit: JOHN REED BOOK STORE In the Dekum Building 519 S.W. 3rd Avenue Sixth Floor Or call: 227 2902 DIRECTOR OF PLANT O PER ATIO NS and M A IN T E N A N C E 1) A t least 2 years college in related field a nd /o r 2 years restaurant management ex perience 2) Flexible hours Jl W illing to work hard to be successful S p ecific re s p o n s ib ilitie s in clu d e ; p la n n in g organizing and directing custodial, maintenance, security, grounds, college vehicles, warehouse, building projects, inventory, saftey and related functions. If yfHi meet the above qualitir liions apply in person » » » » » 2737 N.E. U nion For full qualifications and appl.cafion information write to: FAM O US F R IE D C H IC K E N f director of personnel M t Hood C om m unity College Room 2270 Popeye« F im o u i Fried Chicken 3120 NE Union Portland, Oregon An Equal Opportunity Em plover M -f • • • •••••••• ••••a 26000 S.E. Stark Street Gresham, Oregon 97030 • • An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Actum Employer Eaton, 7-3 from Cypress J.C. So I wavered. Hindsight reminds mainstay in Oregon's interior line. Should be a doglight in the PAC- me now that I should not have Goldsmith, a product ol Brook's 10 come November. deserted my first choice in the NBA first recruiting year at Oregon, is a cham pionship series. But while And while Magic Johnson was former star from M l. Iacoma High hindsight is a reminder to me ot brilliant in the championship series, School in I acoma, Washington, the what I should have done, the true it ’ s my belie! that the “ Big guy’ ’ same school that produced lortner tacts arc I d id n 't stick w ith the should have won the MVP award. Oregon all American Bobby Moore Lakers, and did woefully choose the Because...this year and in the whole (Ahmad Rashad). 76’ers and now they (Philly) owe me series, nobody did it better. Vince has proven himsell one ol one. And yes, I do believe in Magic, Remember June 20th as the day the great two sport stars in the ol reckoning. especially when it ’s in the form ol nation, consistently scoring points one 6-9, 20 year old who performs in the shot put. I his year he reached Oregon’ s soft spoken, hard h it on the basketball court like Arturo a throw ot 63’ 5. He has qualified loscanim with the U.S. P hilhar ting defensive star Vince Goldsmith tor the national tm als both his is surely to be given All American monic Orchestra. treshman and sophomore years, and consideration next year. From the No where in the annuals ol stands a good chance ol becoming a basketball, will one find a line game day he started the opening game of two spoil all Am erican. On the Ins collegiate career as a freshman in than “ Magic” Johnson turned in field, Goldsmith is one ol the hard 1977 against Geotgia, Goldsmith, a against Philly in that crucial sixth est hitter ever to wear the lemon and noseguard, then tackle, has been the game. Boston’ s l arry Bird w ill green ol < fregon. receive the NBA rookie award, but “ Magic” is undoubtedly the true winner. Bird is a better than average ball player, hut just have to believe that complexion had more to do w ith his w inning than a b ility . Whatever I arry Bird can do on the court Lärvin can do better. In that I OK 103 final, all Magic did was snatch 15 boards, score 42 points, had 16 assists, along with six steals. Now th a t’ s magic. Once again the West has prevailed. I hree • Interested in a p art-tim e job 7 out ol the last four winners have • Ready for a challenge? come from the P acific D ivision. • W illing to help others? Seattle, and now I A all taking lur ns. Unique part-time jobs with the Internal Revenue Service providing tax I l ’ s very puzzling how I aker assistance to the public by phone. Work week varies from 0 to 40 hours owner Jerry Buss could do so many depending on workload, primarily December through April each year. good things with the franchise and $4.83 per hour. Paid training class begins Get. 1. Earliest applicants will then treat McKinney so badly. And receive lirst consideration. A total ol two years public contact experience o add insult to injury, the players and/or college required plus passing a written lest. Obtain application d id n ’ t vote Jack a slice ol the forms and test schedule for CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE I LSI playoff pic. from the Federal Job In form ation Center. 1220 S.W Third Ave Portland. OR 97204 Phone 221-3141. N ational letters o l intent lor IRS is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer collegiate basketball have already brought good news and no one could be happier than U t I A. I he Bruins, despite being ousted rom the PAL - It) conference spot his year, finished second in the NC A A finals last March and in sured their continued reign as a national contender by landing point guard Ralph Jackson, 6-3 from nglewood, C alifornia, and Kenny lelds, 6-8 power forw ard from L .A .’s Verbum Dei. Both are rated in the nation’s lop 15 high school prospects. UCI A also signed Mark Pacific Power Citizen o f the Week Goin' Home For the first time in American history. Blacks are remigrating to the South in appreciable numbers. GOIN’ HO M LIG .P. Putnam’s Sons, April 10, 1980, $9.95), by playwright- novelist Timeri M urari, is an oral history that portrays one such Black family, the Stanfords, who chose to return to Eufaula, Alabama, after living in Boston for six years. Boston, where some o f the worst busing riots have occured, is a city in which racial antagonism and eom- pletition have become more visible over the past tew years. Although A r thur and Alma Stanford had achieved material success there, the promise o f inner happiness is what draws them back to the South. In Eufaula, A r th u r ’ s father o ffe rs him land passed down over generations on which he and Alma plan to build a house. For the young couple this is a chance to have economic indepen dence and maintain close family lies - their version o f the American dream. They return South to Lind that not terribly much has changed during their absence. A dual wage system still operates and although industry has expanded in Eufaula, whites have job preference over Blacks to such a degree that a Black man who applies for the same job as a white man is looked upon as ridiculous. The community, Murari observes, "evokes a gracious, leisurely world of manners, strategemes, flirtations, and ot a false sense o f honor and chivarlry.” Living in Boston, “ an area of clearly demarcated war zones,” has heightened Arthur’s and A lm a’ s perceptions about what Blacks can achieve and the dignity they deserve. No longer can they tolerate the injustices suffered by their parents and ancestors, nor the passivity of their Black southern neighbors. In this family portrait that spans three generations, Murari sensitively explores the racial undercurrents that ultimately lead to this young couple's painful disllusionment. "Both fortune and love be friend the bold." Ovid Claudia Fisher has been active in the Northeast community since she moved to Portland in 1974, w ith special attention to education, citizen participation and community development. Since moving to Portland, Ms. Fisher has been active in the Concordia Neighborhood Association. She is chairman ot the Dekum Court Task Force made up of community association members ana residents of the Dekum Court Project This task force has fo u g h t expansion of the p roject, obtained down zoning to prevent high density housing in the immediate area, and has negotiated w ith the City to purchase the children s play area sold by the Housing A uthority of Portland to a private developer. Ms. Fisher was a member of The Com m ittee for Quality Education and was a member of the Research Committee ot the Community Coalition for School Integration. Ms Fisher is a former Instructional Aide at King School, and is currently a part time staff assistant to the City Bureau of Plan mng. She is completing a Masters degree in Urban Planning at PSU. While in school she served on the Admission Committee and was elected to the School o f Urban A ffa irs S tud en t Executive Committee She was the recipient of a PSU women's Faculty Association Scholarship Ms Fisher is looking forward to her first professional position in Urban Planning BROUGHT TO YOU BY ' I» V • Pacific Power