Page 6 Portland Observer M ay 8, 1980 Behind the Walls By An A nonymous Prisoner Many times honesty in prison end up being a bitter pill to swallow. But w ith so many o f today's youth w alking through these gates, someone got to tell them something. Because the rules in society differ a great deal from those developed in a prison...where they are called “ Sur vival skills or Life savers.” Crime is a loser's game for most, and just the appellation o f the word criminal to you may well cause your family and friends untold anguish. Starting with the lead-in o f arrest and into ja il, then eventual plea- bargaining or trial, it's downhill. Errant individuals convicted o f felonies and ticketed for prisons ought to know that the following of unpleasantries await them behind massive penitentiary walls. 1. First o f all, expect to be stran ded in prison for a while, and maybe fo r many long, trying, lonesome years. 2. I f you must be in prison for over three years, expect to lose con tact with some o f all your family and former friends. 3. Don't expect anyone to agree with "your notion” o f justice, nor will some miracle come along that w ill instantaneously affect your release. 4. Don't expect to soon, if ever to win a reversal from any higher court on appeal. The vast majority of im prisoned persons lose their appeals consistently. 5. There w ill be absolutely no privacy, and you can expect to do "h a rd tim e” in a hostile environ ment. 6. D on't expect the twisted c ir cumstances o f im prisonm ent in themselves to improves anyone's character o f disposition. Since association is forced and limited by the very nature o f the prison situation, some o f your companions will oscillate between explosive bad temper and being boisterously an noying. Others w ill be unap proachably withdrawn to the point o f being totally uncommunicative. 7. In prison you have been thrust into an abnorm al tw ilig h t zone where neurosis, pyschosis, and paranoia rein supreme. You are to be piled if you need or expect any meaningful psychiatric help. Prison personnel won’ t take all their time dealing with you or your special in terest problems. Interested in current books about African Liberation? visit: JOHN REED BOOK STORE In the Dekum Building 519 S.W. 3rd Avenue Sixth Floor Or call: 227 2902 Cell Talk David Wright » 39816 Assistant Editor by Larry Baker 935021 O.S.P. Correspondent Asmar Abdul Seif ulta, Editor aka Joe West 40404 8 Expect no compassion, love, or 22. W ithout going out o f your By Asmar .4 bdul Seifullah (5) There isn’t any Black oriented meetings to honor their con- sympathy from your fellow way in the least, you can count on (aka Joe West) entertainment o f any significance, tributions to the comm unity, bui prisoners or from their keepers. violating one or more o f the prison’ s the sole source o f institutional enter even they haven’t answered our call 9. There will undoubtly be over many rules and regulations. A These lines are written with the tainment is left in the hands o f the for support and assistance. One ui crowding, continuous backbitting, punishment o f some sort will surely sole purpose o f shedding light on State St. Jay-Cees which is a white the necessary ingredients to unity a j and endless gossip out o f which all follow. the plight o f Black prisoners now control and operated organization. self-reliance is taking care o f your kinds o f wild rumors w ill <;ome. 23. You w ill quickly feel as if you housed in the Oregon penal system. (6) All programing for television own and we're still members o f the What little facts and truth that is have committed your crime against I have procrastinated and soft- programs are done by white inmates community - we will be back and circulated around in prison is unfor prison officials or the prisoners, in shoed around the issue o f racism for which causes for very bias selection we are s till Black, Blacker than tunately mangled by most prisoners. stead o f the accuser who brought too long and it's time - past time o f programs. most, no matter what we’ve done in 10. Expect the 6 X 8 cell that will the original charges against you in that the truths were known about (7) We do more time for the same the past. I f there is one iota ot be your home to be filth y . Your court, and each day you w ill pay the blatant racism that now exist in type o f crimes as our white- comradeship or brotherhood left m bed, graced with a dirty mattress, dearly psychologically to one o f the whole correctional system and at counterparts which relates directly Portland or in Oregon among will be ancient, and one or more of them for it. O.S.P. specifically. to the parole system and the extra Black folks, please come to our aid your fixtures, electricity (lights), I ’ve delayed writing this piece and 24. W here you preceive some un burden it places on Black prisoners. please support us in our endeavour sink or toilet, may not work. similar pieces o f this nature because fairness or wrong and individually (8) W e are constantly subjected to to gain the medicine that’s needed to 11. You, w ill wear prison issued 1 honestly telt that there were other or collectively seek redress through harrassment and racism perpetuated heal us and make us productive ill- fittin g perm a-wrinkle clothing avenues o f recourse open to Black petition via mail to some officials in by white staff members. citizens. "These people are killing that will always be in short supply. prisoners. But that line o f thought the state capital, expect disappoint (9 ) We have no one who w ill us mentally today, but tomorrow The scuffed shoes you will be given has been com pletely and u tte rly ment, a fla t rejection o f your champion our cause or who under they may want our blood!” may have been worn by ten men destroyed. 1 don’t wish to alienate allegations or contentions. stands our cause when we relate it to before you. any friends that "C e ll T a lk " may them. 25. You have no " r ig h t s " so 12. Every door (and there are have made during this early and im don't delude yourself into thinking (10) W e are solely dependent on many) will be securely locked. portant stage of development but I that you do. the beneficence o f a apathetic ad 13. There is continual confusion can no longer with a clear conscious 26. You w ill hear guards and ministration. A PERSONAL MOMENT in prison, loud discordant noises neglect my responsibilities to my prisoners applying derogatory terms (11) We have been and still are the FOR THOSE WHO CARE from morning to night, and often readers or to my fellow prisoners. I victims o f racial slurrs and bigotry. to all races and ethnic groups, there vermin — mice, rats, flics, realize that there will be people who w ill be guard harassment, and in Damm, the list goes on and on mosquitoes, roaches and an abun To provide ourselves with the w ill frown on the strongness o f the and we’re sick and tied of receiving disputes between guards and dance o f other sundry insects. basic food to sustain life, the approach that I have taken, but too scraps while others receive the prisoners, the prisoners lose.. 14. There will be an interminable minimum in shelter and many lies have already been told in quality cuts. This adm inistration 27. Jobs in prison are very scarce wait for anything and everything, clothing, takes only a few support o f this racist system, and I has set up and supported a boot because o f the over-crowding, if you and your incoming mail will be read hours of time. The rest of the tor one, will no longer tolerate the licking, Uncle Tom role for Black get one, treasure it, fo r it may before you get it no matter if o f hours could be spent at our duality ot hypocrisy. If for some un prisoners to play and we w ill no become the only way you can keep ficials claim to the contrary. leisure. Why do we want more? explainable reason these articles longer give up our dignity to receive your sanity. 15. L ittle respect, honor or in Selfishness drives some and suddenly stop appearing, yo u ’ ll what we should rightfully receive. tegrity is to be found in prison, but 28. There will be days when you know that measures have been taken their work is hard labor. If the The racism that exist in this place is discourtesy and dishonesty won't be able to get certain essen to silence me, but I shall not be lead extra work is done to provide o f the worst type because it isn’ t inclusive ot petty theft are common tials, toothpow der, toilet paper, to slaughter passively and neither for the one you love this overt. It's subtle and refined down place occurances. razor blades, and no one will care, will my brothers. becomes a labor of love and is to a filth y , bigoted smile. It 16. Every imprisoned individual but you. As Coordinator o f Uhuru Sa Sa, done with ease. Love then manifest itself in terms o f duality will have his own unique sad tale to 29. You w ill be constantly under it used to be Uhuru which means becomes the attitude of success. and favoritism -- it's fo u l and tell, and most prisoners w ill least supervision when you take your freedom in Swahili, but has now polluting because these people go to make a claim of "technical innocen showers, not only by the guards, but been changed to U huru Sa Sa, great lengths to hide it and they even ce.” 1V79 IV m A Kummer some of the prisoners too. (Emancipation and Freedom Now) want you to like them in the process. ■ ' i n ............m i ................. m i ...........i t 17. There are hundreds o f written 30. Sheets fo r your iron bunk one of my functions is to negotiate They are masters o f deceit and PRESENTED BY and unwritten rules that attempt to (bed) will often be torn or raggedy, on an inform al level with the ad trickery and their word isn’t worth a govern your in-prison behavior, but and they will seldom match the size m inistration concerning Black in damn. A M E R IC A N don't expect any practical everyday o f your thin and dirty mattress. mate related problems. I ’m backed " I t has been decided that we will guidance. There is no set criteria, 31. Bacterial and viral epidemics up by a very dedicated group o f no longer subject ourselves to the S TA TE specific steps or programs fo r periodically plague prison, so expect brothers and up until this point, hollow display o f negotiation. I f making parole, and no logical or to catch whatever is going around. we’ ve had high hopes of being able necessary we will do our time silen BANK reasonable explanations are going to 32. Don’ t expect the best in dental to effect some meaningful changes tly and peacefully, but we will never 2737 N.E. Union be given for anything. and medical care. in the institutional attitude and ad be willing to panic.pate in our own 18. M onitory, regimentation — 33. Expect to be guarded in the ministrative approach to Black in destruction. We have contacted 282 2216 sameness -- w ill characterize your prison's chapel, no m atter what mate problems, programming and numerous so called, Black leaders knnnnnnnnnnnnnnnin existence, so you may expect to ex God you are praying to. release. Needless to say - we were concerning our plight and we have perience the depths o f frustration. 34. Don't be fooled into thinking functioning under the delusion that even had some o f them down to our 19. You will be hustled, jostled, that prison can be likened to a small we were dealing with tair and just and manipulated from every con harmonious community or society. men. That assum ption has been ceivable angle, and you can expect There will be little or no unity ot completely disspelled, it has been some of the prisoners you meet to be purpose, and your aims and goals once again demonstrated that Black armed w ith some kind o f crude probably won't coincide with those prisoners have no rights that white weapon. of any one else. administrators are bound to respect. 20. Transfers from one prison to Always warped to a greater or That the needs o f Black prisoners another are frequent; and there will lesser degree, things are, never quite are placed at the bottom o f the list be little or no association with the as they appear to be in prison - but of priorities and that the best that opposite sex. all to be seen or felt in penal in we can possibly hope for is deceit 21. Expect rampant hom o stitutions are variegated facets o f and pacification. sexuality, guard and prisoner bad situations impervious to im Let it now be noted that the Black b ru ta lity (physical and provement. I f therefore, you would inmate population o f O.S.P. w ill psychological), vicious prison avoid a seared soul and hellish not be deceived or pacified into a politics concerned with the preser degradation...find a answer for why false sense o f security or accom vation of their own special privileges you are still alive and in prison. plishment. We want and deserve our for the most part, and there will also Remember, you are nothing but a piece o f the rock, the handwriting be a plethora o f non-political tight- number and can easily be erased in a on the wall has been identified as knit cliques, none o f which w ill minute with a smile on someone’ s that o f a bigot, the master-plan no welcome vou. face. longer exist because we recognize BECOME A FAMILY DAY CARE PROVIDER (IN YOUR HOME) the master’ s mentality. Our pain is supreme, our suffering is beyond WHO Persons receiving assistance from Adults & Family Services and are WIN eligible. imagination but none it is new - it / f a s O /ú s /J e has been and will remain to be the W H A T : Trainees will be required to attend 4 training sessions a week, 4 same old song until we unite against hrs. a day (9 am to 1 pm.) for 4 weeks. Children two years and older may the enemies of equality. Please un participate. derstand that we are powerless WHERE: w ithout com m unity support and m r> aitca/ts n a S a m / -rflea/m sn/ rn/er that our grievances are legitimate A M A FA M ILY DAY & N IG H T CARE and just. "Yes we are angry and 1518 NE KILLINGSWORTH 1425 NE Dekum 285 0493 frustrated but neither will lead us to PORTLAND OREGÖN 97211 f'ORFURTHER INFORMATION contact Kaye or Sue at 285-0493 foolish action.” We will not become X O D the victims o f situations like Attica or New Mexico -- we w ill not be passive or silent casualities now or ever. 284 7997 FROM THE FRONT DOOR By Tom Boothe From the front door. I heard people in our community complaining, criticizing and con- anTude^m a" ° ther Al' come,a'nt^ criticisms and condemnations were evident of negative attitudes toward each other. “ T-e subject of their complaints, criticisms and condemnations should have been acted upon rOm a positive attitude position with respect of understanding the situation and cir- e i c t X m r : , r0Und'nfl the ,UbJ* Ct' a,ter Wh,Ch the ,u b ' * c t accept or ejected with full respect projected from a positive attitude. o r ^ r ^ n o 9 thatt conip'8i'nts breeds complaints, criticisms breeds criticism, condemnation Í n T X c r J emnat'on’ h 01 Wh'ch have 3 d,rect "«Uat've effect on the spiritual, mental 3 d physical aspects of hurnan beings On The other hand respect breeds respect, encouragement breeds encouragement honesty ° ^ : i n ° 1 Wh,Ch h8Ve 3 d,reC‘ POS't,Ve eHec’ tha — tai Tnd physical aspects of human beings From the front door. I also saw the difference between the results of positive attitudes verses negafive attitudes I saw those who possessed and practiced positive attitudes in more than 60 o thetr encounters with others had more valuables and were in control of those who possessed and practiced negative attitudes in more than 60% of their encounters with ot erS Those who were in control of our community services possessed more positive at titudes, than did those who felt they were being controlled Icould see in the shadows that tf e first principle of collective community growth needed be «■» development of more positive attitudes by the citizens of our community to Oregon State Penitentiary is a white institution in design and con cept and perpetuation. The im plem entation of m eaningful programs designed to meet the needs of minority prisoners are null and void. We labor under the most dilfuclt o f situations because we are totally isolated from those parties that could help alleviate our pain. The prison a d m in istra tio n is apathetic toward our needs but none the less they make a great show o f lip service and concern. (1) There isn’ t one Black teacher on the present payroll -- yet Black prisoners com prise 17°?e o f the prison population. (2) There isn't one Black coun selor on staff behind the walls and there is only one Black counselor on staff period. (3) There isn't one Black correc tional officer o f consequence above the rank o f private nor has there been one in quite some time. (4) There isn't one Black man or woman on the decision making level o f state corrections. DO YOU REALLY WANTTO SAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL? 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