P o rtla n d Observar M ay 8. 1880 P ag* 3 Celebrate Asian Day Portland Com m unity College’ s student government association will sponsor a tree performance o f two one-act plays by Black playwrights on Wednesday, May 14, at 2:30 P m. m Room ST-A7 at the Sylvania Center. 12000 S. W. 49th Avenue. I he performance is by the Port- land-based Neighborhood Theater Company. LeRoi Jone's play the Dutchman will star Nathaniel Haynes, a PCC broadcasting graduate and Portland actor, and Lisa ST. Martin. I he fir s t M ilita n t M in iste r, a comedy by Ben Caldwell, will star Henry Nelson, Portland actor and educator, and Richard Jones, who has perform ed in P ortland and 1 Seattle productions. Nathaniel Haynes is director o f the two plays. Junn W ilson is assistant director. Bobby Campbell, President o f the I CC Black C ultural Association, is coordinating the events. The Dutchman is a play set on a subway train in New York with two characters, a Black man represent­ ing she poor and oppressed, and a white woman who represents American values. She begins the play by (lining with the man, then turns on him and kills him. Ben Caldwell's comic-drama. The firs t Militant Minister, is set in the home ot a Black m inister who returns from a meeting and begins praying aloud in one room o f his home unaware that a burglar, played by Henry Nelson, is in the other room, answering the prayers aloud as though he were God. PCC presents Black plays In 1979 President C arter proclaimed the first week in May as A s ian/P acific American Heritage Week. This year May 7-13th was o f­ ficially designated again as a time for all to observe the contributions that have been made by Asian Am ericans in this c ountry. The P ortland Asian Am erican com ­ munities have joined together to share th e ir unique and diverse culture and heritage during this historic week by organizing a day o f "C E LE B R A T IO N .” ‘ •C E L E B R A T IO N ’ ’ w ill take place May 10, 1980 at Catlin Gabel School. The day will begin at 12:00 p.m . w ith a wide variety o f ac­ tivities. The main floor o f the Catlin Gabel "b a rn ” w ill house a m ulti­ cultural fair which w ill have booths with inform ation about Portland’ s Asian Am erican organizations, literature, arts, and foods. In the "b a rn ” w ill also be a "C h ild re n ’ s Corner,” a photo exhibit on "Asian American Family L ite ,” and films that explore a wide range o f Asian American experience. Outside, adjacent to the "b a rn ” local community performing groups will be featured. The multi-cultural fair and performances w ill end at 6:00. An art show by Asian American artists w ill be on display throughout the day. In the lobby o f the P erform ing A rts Center a cocktail hour w ill be held from 6:00 - 7:30 an Asian American dance and performing group from Los Angeles w ill present an original play entitled “ Chop Suey” that explores what it is like to grow up as an Asian in America. The schedule o f events are as follows: M ulti-cultural Fair, 12:00 - 6:00, Cocktail Hour, 6:00 - 7:30, "C hop Suey” An Asian American Musical, 7:30 - 9:30. For further in­ formation about tickets for the per­ formance call 659-2321 or write to P.O. Box 3141 Portland, Oregon 97208. Auditions scheduled Auditions w ill be held fo r two Portland Black Repretory Theatre summer productions, "Evolution of the Blues” by John Hendricks and "F o r Colored Girls Who Have Con­ sidered Suicide/When the Rainbow is Enuf” by Ntazoke Shange. A u d itio n s fo r both plays are May 12 and 13th at 7:30 p.m. at the King N eighborhood F a c ility Cafetorium, and May 17 and 18 at the Northwest A rtists W orkshop, 117 N.W. 5th Avenue at 6:30 p.m. Re-elect CHARLES JORDAN City Council Position 4 Charles Jordan has shown a strong support for citizen participation in local government on a more personal level, in his respect and dignified treat­ ment of citizens testifying before City Council. Charles Jordan has strived to make Equal Em­ ployment Opportunity for minorities and women in the City of Portland a fact, as well as an ideal. Charles Jordan implemented a Neighborhood In­ formation Program which provides social and economic profiles of every neighborhood to be used for improvement projects and needs assessment on an equitable basis. c ce ■a i/) CS o (Z) -o c o A man who listens... -c £ 7 « O « *- D. .7 E RJ CS a. u ... and proves it. I