CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID Sealed fjroposd's will be received ,n Room 113. C.ty Hall. Portland. Oregon 97204 for dems detailed herein until 2:00 P M on the dates indicated The last of three meetings to present "Introduction to the City of Portland I Training and Employment Division - Planning for Fiscal Year 1981” will be held Monday, May 5, 1980 at 7:30 PM at Roosevelt High School, 6941 N. Central. NON-DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid w.ll be considered unless the bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file the required documentation with the Contract Compliance Division, Room 209, City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204. 248 4696, at least five |5) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid B IP N _Q:-------------------------- DESCRIPTION___________ BID OPENING D a TE A series of meetings were scheduled to solicit comments and suggestions from the public and organizations to assist in planning CETA programs for Fiscal Year 1981 for the City of Portland. Discussion at the May 5, 1900 meeting will be open to any questions concerning CETA, the Training and Employment Division, and/or the planning process for CETA programs in Fiscal Year 1981. 115-A 117 Furnishing Annual Supply of Street Lighting Equip ment. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety and Special Prequalification of Bidder Required. Labor, Material b Equipment for Portland International Raceway Pit Area. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety Required. 05/13/80 07/15/80 05/13/80 119 Labor, Material & Equipment for Portland International Raceway Concession Stand & Restrooms. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety Required. 05/13/80 Written comments and suggestions will be accepted until May 30, 1980 Please address any written comments to: Jim Jefferies, Director of Planning Training and Employment Division 522 SW 5th Ave., 8th Floor Portland, Oregon 97204 The estimated cost of the project is approximately $135,900,000. Federal par­ ticipation will be approximately $112,300,000, and the local share will be ap­ proximately $23,600,000. p Requests for copies of "Introduction to the City of Portland Training and Employ­ ment Division - Planning tor FY 81 can be sent to the same address. INVENTORY OF POTENTIAL SERVICE DELIVERERS FOR FY1981 The Statewide Programs Unit ot the Oregon Employment Division maintains an inventory of potentially available deliverers ot employment and training services through the CETA Special Grants to Governors. This list will be used to notify agencies whenever funding is available. - At the hearing Tri-Met will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agen­ cies to be heard with respect to the social, ’ economic, and environmental aspects « ----------- --------- v iim o n ia i of the project. Interested persons may submit oral or written evidence and recommendations with respect to the project. w iit ii A. C° P\ Of the application for a federal grant for the project, together with a copy of the draft of the Final Environmental Impact Statement and the Five-Year Tran­ sit Development Program, are available for public inspection at the Tri-Met Light Rail Project office, 4012 S. E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97202. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON Interested agencies may be placed on the Special Grants to Governors inventory list by submitting the following information in writing (telephone responses will not be accepted): The name, address and telephone number of the organization interested in receiving potential contract awards; Labor, Material Ef Equipment for N. Albina Relieving Sewer. For information call Carlton Chayer, Ass t Purch­ asing Mgr., 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety and Prequalification of Bidder Required. at To’ » a m . q ‘T J i T 1805 S W S « * * " - * " Portland. Oregon, a 10.30 a.m., June 9, 1900, tor the purpose of considering a project for which financial assistance is being sought from the Urban Mass Transportation Ad 2"'s,ra,'°"< pursuant to the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 as amen ded, to undertake final engineering specifications, construction, prucurement and acceptance testing of the transit elements of the Bantield Transitwav Project, generally described as follows: V 1. Construction of maintenance facility, 2. Purchase ot approximately 26 light rail vehicles, 3. Land acquisition, 4. Construction of track system, 5. Construction of electrification, signalling, and communication systems 6. Development of passenger stations, 7. Development of handicapped access facilities, and 8. Purchase of other miscellaneous equipment. r There will be significant environmental impacts of this project. These impacts and mitigation measures are detailed in the draft Final Environmental Impact Statement which is available for public inspection at the address listed below The project is in conformance with and is a part of the Transportation Improve ment Program of the Metropolitan Service District (METRO), and is in confor­ mance with the comprehensive land use planning for the urban area. Persons families, and businesses will be displaced by this project. The project is currently under review by the A-95 Clearinghouse. ’ "Introduction to the City of Portland Training and Employment Division - Plan­ ning tor Fiscal Year 1981" has been prepared by the Planning Unit of the City of Portland Training and Employment Division to give a brief overview of the Com­ prehensive Employment and Training Act ICETA) and its operation by the City of Portland Training and Employment Division. Proposals are not being solicited. 118 ' \ V fl,ven th ,t • publ,c h8arin9 * * b * b«Hd by the Tr.-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tr,-Met) at Portland State PUBLIC NOTICE When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier s check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an amoun not less than ten per cent 110%) of the aggregate amount of the bid as 9uaran,v ^ a t b 'd ^ a ll be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek to revoke h,s offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him. Labor, Material b Equipment for Northgate Park Develop ment. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety and Prequalification of Bidder Required. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Vendors with experience in developing and implementing a Medicaid Manage ment Information System IM M IS ) furnish your name and address no later than Ju n e 1, 1980 to Dexter Henderson, Contracts Manager Adult and Family Ser vices Division. 422 Public Service Building. Salem, Oregon 97310. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address For add,bona, in formation telephone Buyer at numer listed 114 Portland Observar May 8.1980 Paga 11 PUBLIC NOTICE Paul N. Bay, Executive Director Planning and Development Community Calendar C om m u nity C offee: James Loving running tor District 8 Democrat. Location 4705 N. E. Mallory, 7:00pm, Sunday, 11, 1980, hosted by Melinda 05/20/80 Lambert and Sunday, May 11, 1980, 4:00pm, at 8111 N. Washburn hosted C. The types ot employment and training services and activities the organi by Marge Keller. 122 zation has provided in the past, the number and types of people served, Labor, Material Ef Equipment for Transit Mall Granite "Rally for a non-nuclear fu tu re ," May 17, 1980 from noon - 4 P .M ., and documentation regarding the effectiveness ot these services. Repair. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, F E A T U R IN G N A T IO N A L L Y K N O W N SPEAKERS, A N D M U S IC IA N S . 248-4380. 10% Bid Surety Required. 05/15/80 Featured speakers will be Dr. Ernst Strenglass, Professor of Radiology at The mailing address is: Employment Division, Statewide CETA Programs, 875 123 Union Street N.E., Salem, Oregon 97311. Labor, Material Ef Equipment for SE Holgate Sewer Re­ University of Pittsburgh, Ruth Wliner, Chemistry Professor, Huxley College construction. For information call Michele Ackerman, ot Environmental Studies, Danny O'Keefe, singer and songwriter. Seafood Buyer, 248-4380. 10% Bid Surety Ef Prequalification of Mamma, Shelia and Boggie Men and special guests. The event will take place Bidders Required. 05/15/80 The Open C om m unity School invites the public to visit or call their facility at 109 N. E. 50th, Portland, Oregon. The school is a private alter­ 124 Labor, Material & Equipment for Arbor Lodge Park native elementary school, serving 50-60 children a year ages 5 ‘/ i to 11. Its Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Development. For information call Michele Ackerman, goal is to provide an environment for discovery and invention, to stimulate Oregon (Tri Met! will receive sealed bid proposals until 10:00 a.m. Pacific Day Buyer, 248-4380. 10% Bid Surety Ef Prequalification of new growth, ideas and creative energy. For further information call 232- Light Time, Thursday, May 29, 1980, at 4012 S. E. 17th Avenue, 3rd Floor Con­ 05/15/80 Bidder Required. ference Room D, Portland, Oregon 97202. Attention Ms. Susan Swenson, ! 5448. Furnishing One 14,000 LB Crawler Dozer. For information 125 H u m b o ld t area com ing Events. The general May meeting will com­ Assistant Contract Specialist. call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248-4003. 10% Bid Surety Re­ promised a tour o f the John Palmer House, May 10th 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. quired. 05/20/80 Admission $1.50 per person. Neighborhood Fair will be held in July. For Purchase of 200 new bus wheels for the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation more information call 289-2712. District of Oregon. Furnishing 1 Diesel Tractor/Gang Mower. For information 126 D iaarm am ant Program Intarn: The American Friends Service Com­ call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248-4003. 10% Bid Surety Re­ mittee is looking tor someone who wants to learn community organizing Contractor will be required to comply with all the applicable Equal Employment quired. 05/20/80 skills while working on Survival Summer, a nationwide campaign for nuclear Opportunity laws and regulations. disarmament. This 6 months internship carries a full-time salary plus fringes. A l SC is an affirmative action employer. For more information, contact: All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller 127 Furnishing 3 Cabs Ef Chassis with Mounted Service Terry SoRolle at AFSC, 1817 NE 17th Avenue, Portland OR 97212 or call General's list ot ineligible contractors. bodies. For information call Nancy Kearney, Buyer 248- (503)287-6605. 4003. 10% Bid Surety Required. 05/20/80 Disabled Vats Access Ramp B enefit, sponsored by Project Return- The Tri-County M etropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will not Vets on Sunday, May 18 trom 7:30 - 1:00 A M at the Northwest Services Cen­ discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin, in con­ Labor, Material Ef Equipment for Portland City Hall Mech­ 128 ter, 1819 N .W . Everett. Admission is $2.00. Participants include Shelia & sideration for contract award. anical Im provem ents. For inform ation call Maxine The Boggie Men, The Storefront Actors, and Sioux Thompson. For more in­ Albright, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety Ef Prequalifi­ formation call (503) 234-0801. The Bid Documents including Specifications, Conditions, and Rules for Bidding cation of Bidder Required. 05/27/80 High School Reunion. A group of Grant HiRh School graduates from may be obtained from Ms. Swenson, Assistant Contract Specialist. Phone: 15031 1970 are organizing a ten-year reunion. There will be a dinner-dance at the 238 482/. Hilton Hotel July 26 and a picnic Sunday, July 27. We are now trying to locate all the Grant High graduates of 1970 to let them know. For more in­ TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON formation, interested persons should call 249-0484 days or evenings. Jam es John Elementary School 60th Annlversey Celebration, May John R. Post Written, sealed bids will be received by the City of Hillsboro at the Office of the 8-9-10, 7439 N . Charleston, Portland, Oregon. For further information - call Director, Engineering Ef Contracts City Manager, 205 S.E. Second, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, until James John School at 286-1671. I f you know someone who might like an in­ 7:30 p.m .. Pacific Daylight Time, May 28, 1980, for an Addition to the Hillsboro vitation, please share yours or let us know. Senior Community Center. The Center is located at 759 S.E. Washington, The Portland Private Industry Council M eetin g, Wednesday May 14, Hillsboro, Oregon. 7am - 9am, Room 106 City H all. The meeting is open to the public for HUGHES M EM O RIAL UNITED M ETHODIST CHURCH question and comment. The agenda includes: (A ) Election o f Chair, (B) Sub­ t I '■ * * * “ Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Hall Council Chambers, committee Structure, and (C) Long and short range objectives. For more in­ I REV. AUSTIN V. RAY, MINISTER 205 S. E. Second Street, Hillsboro, Oregon, at the above named time and date. formation call (503) 248-44 14. Bids received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered. 111 N.E. FAILING Annual 4-H Junior Olympics. First through eighth graders from Urban Dial A Prayer 284 0684 Church School 9:46am Worship 11 00am Office 281 2332 Portland Schools will participate in the annual 4-H Junior Olmpics this year Bid Security in the amount of 10 percent will be required in accordance with In­ at Jefferson, 5210 N. Kerby, Portland, Friday, May 9, from 12 to 4. Young Specializing In structions to Bidders. Individual • M arriage and Fam ily • Group Therapy athletes will win trophies and ribbons contributed by Portland Kiwanis for "The C h u rc h W h ere N O S tre n g e r Feels Strange'" their achievements in track and field events. Drawings, Specifications and Forms of Contract Documents may be examined at the Builders Exchange, 1125 S E. Madison Street, Portland; Northwest Plan I Center, 1922 N. Vancouver Street, Portland; Construction Data Ef News Plan Center, 925 N. W . 12th Avenue, Portland; and at the office of ENGLUND, ST. ANDREW S CATHOLIC CHURCH PLUMMER AND ASSOCIATES, Architects, on or after May 8, 1900. B. The name of the organization's chief official; ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Invitation to Bid 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor Masses: Drawings and Specifications may be obtained at Englund, Plummer Ef Associates, Architects, 3407 S. W. Corbett Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201. Two sets of Documents may be obtained by primer bidders only upon deposit of $25.00 for each set. 281 4429 5:00pm Vigil - Saturday 10:00am Choir - Sunday 12:00pm Folk - Sunday ST. ANDREW C O M M U N ITY SCHOOL Bidders shall comply with Chapter 279, Oregon Revised Statutes, as well as any changes and amendments thereto in Oregon Laws, 1971, as they apply. Bidders shall prequalify in accordance with the regulations of the City of Hillsboro prior to submission of bids. 4919 NE 9th Ave Norita Kelly, Principal ( i Phone 284 1620 Grade« 1 thru 8 NEW HOPE M ISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH The City of Hillsboro is an equal opportunity employer. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive informalities, or to ac­ cept any bids which appears to serve the best interests of the City. ALLEN TE M P LE C M E C H U R C H Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11:00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Slrayhand, Minister REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Service 2nd. 4th and 5th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday W ed - Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday - Brotherhood Fellowship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday 9 30am 10:30am Il J You are Welcome to Worship at T H E A R K O F S A F E T Y C H U R C H O F G O D IN C H R IS T "A warm spirit o f fellowship always” The Honorable Bishop U.V. Peterson, D.D. "The Holiness Preacher," Pastor 7:00pm 5:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm Prayer and Pastor Phone 281 6476 Church Phone 2 81 0163 3725 N. Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227 Sunday Sunday School Morning Worship 9:15am 11:15am 'S h o w e rto f Blessings Broadcast KLIQ 1290 3:30 4:30 VPW W Evangelistic Worship Tueaday Friday 6:30pm 8:00pm Noon Day Prayer Tuaaday Bible B and/Jr. Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday: "The Paator Speaki 7 30pm 7:00pm 7 30pm 84 NE Xikingaworth tA 281 0488 t" — s .* *1* / r : > • • « X Ï'"’ 5■RI I» « - - □ ü É - --C -íar- fe