Page 10 Portland ObHrver "'1ey I, 19> CITY OF PORTLAND GRAPHIC ARTIST CITY OF PORTLAND PRINCIPLE MANAGER OF COMPUTING Permanent full-tim e ASSIST ANT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT pos1t1on ; prepare WORKS SERVICES 121,112 to 123,941 ' diagrams, graphe, charts ADMINISTRATOR The Oregon State University Computer Center 1s I High level professional Master's 1n mathematics, mathematics aducatK>n, and other graphic eIda $33,820 seeking applicanta tor the p0a1tion of Manager of accounting and super- or science education required. Applicant should for scientific In- Highl y professional Computing ServicH. Position 1s responsible tor vi9ory work done under heve experience in teaching undergraduate vestigators and support mgmt . Work assisting OAT A PROCESSING computer operations, production control, com- the direction of the Ac- mathematics. It would be deeirable if the eppl1cant s taff . AHist Medical department head in municet1ona hardware, and data entry groups. counting Menager. Will I has had previous experience In the admtn1atration Illustrator as needed. developing, directing Minimum requirements include 11x years u - COMPUTER OPERATOR work on new automated of a learning canter, or haa hed experience in Minimum 1 yr . experien and adm1n11tering perience tn Data Procauing including three years accounting sub-syatema; Your dut1n require 1 year expenence operating creating and implementing Hit-study materials. ce tn graphic arts; or, proyrams and pohcl89 of supervisory experience; extensive knowledge of modify ellisting 1ystems Duties will include directing the Mathematical Burrough'• Computers and penpheral equipment, degree in Graphic Arts or the Caty's Bureau of data communication■; and a Bachelor's degrN . and sub-systems; ex- Sciences Learning Center, and t . . ching under· and 1-2 years ellpenence on an IBM System/34. Design; or equivalent Public Works Ad- Position 1s at rank of Research Au1atant tUn- plain policy and reports graduate mathematics coufNS. Salary $15,000 tor educetion and / or U· SHIFT: 4:00 pm to 12:00 mldnite. m In Is tr a t1 on . Will clllaaifiedl, salary range 125,200 - 31 ,200 112 mon- to bureaus; prepare penance. 9 months plus summer term. Starting date II June develop programs and ths). Applicanta should 1ubm1t resumes by May Our benefits include medical/dental/ltte in financial statementa; and 16, 1980. Closing date for epplicants is May 15, Oregon REglonal ob1ect1ves; develop and 14, 1980to: surnace: tuition reimbursement savings plan: and perform raHarch and l!B>. Interested applicants should apply to: Primate R eM■ rch implement policy; assist many others. Th omaa L. Yatea, Director enalysis as aasigned . Center 1n the budget process; William F. Burger, Chairman Supe,viaion of other ec- 505N .W . 185th Computer Center plan and coordinate per- counting and clerical Beaverton, OR sonnel hiring and Oregon State University Mathematical Science Learning To apply, Contect our Human Resources Depart 645-1141 staff included. tram1r1g and perform a Corvallis, OR 97331 Center Committee ment: APPLY Equal OpPortunity OSU 1s an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity variety ot liaison ac• Department of Matr.ematics Portland Civil Service Emplo~r Employer and complies with Section 504 of the tiv1t1es. Oregon State University 510 S.W. Montgomery APPLY Rehabilitation Act of 1973. B - O DRAKE WILLOCK, INC . Corvallis, OR 97331 Portland, OR 97201 Portland Civil Service 13520 SE Pheasant Court No later than Friday, 510 S. Montgomery Portland, OR 97222 "OSU is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity CITY OF PORTLAND May 9, 1980. Women Et Portland, OR 97201 CASH (503) 659-3355 Employer and complies with Section 504 of the ' PBX EMERGENCY Minorities are en- No later than Friday, Loaned on any real Rehabilitation Act of 1973." An Equal Opportunity Employer Lew11 Et Clark COMMUNICATIONS coureged to aply. May 16, 1980. Women property. Credit not im- College An Equal Opportunity OPERATOR TRAINEE and minorities are en- 1 portant. Farmers Mor- Switchboard operator, Went to be on the ENGINEER Emplo~r WANTED couraged to apply. tgage Corporation . 603- M ECHANICAL receiving end7 Over $652 per month starting . Family Nurse Prac- An Equal Opportunity 245-6456. Growing consulting firm 244-6161 . 500,000 calla are titioner with three or An Equal Opportunity Employ~r FRIENDS -- GRADUATES -- 1348 S . W . Bertha Blvd has an outstanding op- An Equal Opportunity received every year at Emplo~r more years of ellperience Studenta of Black Colleges Portland, OR 9n19 portunity for Project the Portland-Multnomah Emplo~r to either form a partner- CITY OF PORTLAND Mechanical EnginNr Ex- County Emergency ship or serve in a prac- POLICE RECORDS WE NEED TO KNOW if you would be interested in CITY OF PORTLAND Communications Center titioner position. Thia is penanced in HVAC, CLERK I attending a conference to diacuu isaues which TYPIST CLERK Energy Management & from people who need an ellcellent opportunity 7 $4.53/hrto$6.0l/hr are currently impacting Black colleges . If enough t 63totl,005 piping systems tor in- police Hrvice. The to work in an Will perform general interest is shown, a conference may be Entry level rate at $763 dustrial commerical ta- operators who take economically and clerical tasks processing scheduled. It you would attend such a con- mo plus excellent cilities. Responsibilities these calls have to be ethnicelly diversified and maintaining in tor• terence. please call collect: benefits package and include chent contact & special -- calm, collected community in a prac- mation on crimes, in- Pearl S. Gray, Director raises at regular inter- project management. and committed to ser- titioner owned and cidents, and arrests Affirmative Action Office vals. Benefits include: paid vacation and sick ving the public. Can you managed clinic. Thia BSME & 5 + years ex- reported to the Portland perience required. Salary Police Bureau. Salary in- Oregon Sta te University le■ve, peid life insurance handle a job that is N.E. Portland Clinic is 1 range $25,000 - $30,000 c I u des generous Corvallis, Oregon 97331 and paid health and den- demanding, stressful but the first of its kind in the annually. Send resume, benef1ts: paid vacations ,..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ P_h_o_ne 54_._ 3_ 666 _ : _7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __J tal insurance for em• rewarding7 If so, we northwest. Send resume orcall: need you. 15.16/ hr. to to: and holidays, paid sick CITY OF PORTLAND ploy881 and dependents. Elcon Associates, Inc. begin, t6.19 after 6 mos. Mariah A . Taylor leave, paid medical and BUILDING Duties include heavy 10550 SW Allen Blvd with poHible future RN., PNP dental insurance for em- MAINTENANCE CITY O F PORTLAND typing and possibly raises to •B.39 / hr. plus Beaverton, OR 97005 1202 N. E. Beech St. ployee and dependents SUPERVISOR II ENGINEER I CIVIL receptionist work . Must 1 attractive benefits. Call and more. Must be $l, 9l0/mo el,591 / mototl,900/mo haveknowledgeofbasic Portland, OR 97212 Tektronix 11, looking for an or write us about ap- wilhng to work all shifts. Will coordinate and This is entry-level office practices and enthu1im1tic manaier who ha11 the ability plicet ion procedures, to develop nnd implement traininl( Must possess a valid aHure completion of professional en - procedures. qualifications and the proiram11 driver's licenH and be custodial and mein- gineering. Must have a APPLY A11 tht> Salt>11 l'rainintc Manaier for exemination process. able to pass a ~ersonal tenance repair activities valid E.I.T. or qualify on Portland Civil Service our comput.-r peripherals division you APPLY SECTION SECRETARY will lw required t.o de11ign, develop, and history invest1gat1on at public facilities. Will a subsitute written 510 S.W. Montgomery Portland Civil Service I implement ba11i•· trainrnl{ packal{e11 for Retired Senior Volunteer Program conducted by the Pohce assign and direct maint. exam • Ent r Y - I eve I Portland, OR 97201 510 s.w. Montgomery 11t>lt'('ted Kubjecu . Additional dutie11 will F-ull time, 12 months per year. Bureau. personnel, inspect and analytic or design work No later than Friday, be to eHtahli11h, maintain and review Portland, Oregon 97201 APPLY evaluate work, order and in: streets, water supply May 9, 1980. Women proiram11 for meaHurin1t quality of OPEN CONTINUOUS Quallflcatlon1: da11ae11 and performance of ealet1 force Portland Civil Service purchase supplies, and and distribution, storm I and minorities are en- Women and minorities and r uKtomer " 11tudents", and mann11w ' 51 o S. W. Montgomery maintain rec O rd s . and sanitary sewers, and •, couraged to apply. 11alt>B lraininl( prol{rumM and J)t'raonnel • re encouraged to apply. Typing 50 wpm, shorthand 80 wpm, year Portland, OR_ 97201 Requires a variety 01 wastewater treatment. An Equal Opportunity To qualify, you 11hould have computer An Equal Opportunity previous experience in secretarial. science t'ducatinnal backtcround with Open cont inuous . , mechanical skills and Also includes contact Employ,r Employrr :I .'i ye11ri1' experience in either snle11 Salary: Women and minorities iuperv1&ory capabilitie■. with the public, contrac- munl\lt\'in'Pht or 1ialt'8 traminl{. $718 per month plus fringe benefits program. are encouraged to apply, APPLY tors and other agencies. CITY OF PORTLAND lteadquartettd n .. ar Portland, Oreiron Application Deadline: and 1tupported by 1111le11 and 11ervi,e An Equal Opportunity I Portland Civil Service APPLY GREENSKEEPER I ATTOR N EY profe1111ional11 throuahout tht' ll.S., we are May9, 1!81. t:mployrr Portland Civil Service 11,274 to 11,422 mo. 510 S. w. Montgomery within a two hour drive ot the <'a11cade Legal Aid Service p 510S.W. Montgomery Plus benefits. Respon- MountainH to the 1-:ruat and Parilic O1'l'an O 97201 Attorney with federal REAL ESTATE INSTRUCTOR ortland, R Portland, OR 97201 I • i b i Ii ti ea inc I u de : EXECUTIVE Heul·hes to the WeHt. The close by natural No later than Fridey, court experience needed Length of Employment: playt(J'ound11 and the City of Portland DIRECTOR May 16, 1980. Women Open Continuous. ' mowing; installing and to handle impact provide a v11riety of re,:reationul nnd Full - time, 9 months per year. Burn side Projects , and minorities ere en- Women and minorities operating drainage and rulturnl intt'U'IIUI litigation and advocacy Aaa1gnment: ed ly areencouragedtoapply. i rrigation systems ; provides basic survival PleaBe r all Uene Lamhird at training on behalf of in- Instruct classes in the Real Estate Associate to app • : An Equal Opportunity chenging pins and cups; services, counseling and courag I MOO ,,n I 16~ or send a detailed re1<um•· An Equal OpPortunity stitutionalized elderly Degree Curriculum, with emphasis on Real Estate indudml{ 11al11ry hi11tory to <,ene l.ambird, advocacy ot end skid Emplo~r Employ~r and related gold course Law, Real Estate Finance, Real Estate Practices, ! row. 25 staff, $300,000 MS f)[, -0:ia. Tektronix, I nc . PO Box :,00, I maintenence work. Will and homebound. Salary 1 I\ 76, Heaverton. Oretc<m !17077 Real Estate Office Management, Real Estate ASSEMBLER - - - - - - - - -- - - - - operate and maintain a 1 rangeS15,000tol19,200 budget. Salary $833 per An equal opportunity D.O.E. Send resumes to: Supervision of Sales Personnel, Real Estate Pre- month until 9-30-80, t>mployer m f he. ELECTRO-MECHANICAL wide variety of J.R. Foreater hcense treviewl, and Real Estate Re-License. $1,000 to $14,000 from ASSEMBLER specialized machinery 1 310 S . W . Fou rth Ave. Other classes in the Business Technology and relating to golf courses. 10 1- 80 . Application Suite 900, Supervisory Training areas may be aaaigned. The GREENSKEEPER II available at: majority of these classes will be taught evenings. tl / mo to , 620/mo Portland, OR 97204 1 314 N . W . 6th 422 As a manufacturer of kidney dialysis equipment, C(MMT HU TU t Ill UUM'S • Assist in organizing and conducting Real Estate I Deadhne 5-1 9-80. ' plus benefits. Women, minorities and w e are seeking experienced mechanical assem- Seminars and Workshops. Develop cirriculum and Same duties as above hand ic apped en - An Equal Opportunity blers. Applicants should be familiar with small course outlines. Work closely with Oregon Real plus providing lead couraged . to apply . Emplo~r hand tools, blue print schematica, and be able to Estate Division, the Clackamas County Board of worker direction to 616180 closing date. follow verbal and wrinen instructions. Minimum Realtors, and other groups to help maintain Greenskeeper l's and starting wage: $3.97/hour. THE PORTLAND quality, up-to-date instruction and service to the aasuming supervisory WOM EN'S HEALTH Real Estat" l"1du1try. responsibility for courses Our benefits plan includes medical/dental/life in• CENTER Minim um Selection Crlterle: on weekends and during surance; tuition reimbul'Nffl8nt; savings plan and A WOMEN'S Bachelor's Degree in any area, with Real Estate auperintndent 'a absen- many others. CHOICE CLINIC major or minor desirable. ces . Higher level of hlb. 1191 To apply. pleau contact our Hum an Rnourcn Depart• training for Grean- Complete Gynecological Deslrable Selection Cnteria: ment; akeeper II. Applic■nta In• Service■ terestad in either 8 -0 DRAKE WILLOCK Abortions in a clinic Satisfactorily completed a minimum of three 13) of position must fill out 11 Setting 13520 SE Pheasant Court the following courses or equivalent during the separate application no 4160 SE Division Portland, OR 97222 past five (51 years: later than Friday, May 9, 239-8004 1503) 659-3355 X 60 Real Estate Law, Real Estate Finence, Real 1980at: Estate Prectice. Portland Civil Service An Equal Opportunity Employer m-J-h Real Estate Office Management, or Real Estate 510S.W . Montgomery TRAINING Supervision of Sales Personnel. Portland, OR 97201 INSTRUCTOR Documented successful experience as a Real Women and minorities For residential 8 week Estate Salesperson or Broker during three (31 of are encouraged to apply. camping program . the past five 15) years. An Equal Opportunity INDUSTRIA L DEVELOPM EN T Minimum Quallfl - Starting Date: Emplo~r OPPORTUNITY IN CITY OF PORTLAND cations : B.S. degree in September 15, 1!81 special education , S.lary: PSYC HIATRIC • Electrlclans lmarlneJ • Boilermakers lboller repelr■I • Plpetltters teaching experience, The City of Portland has been awarded a t 1.3 Initial placement baaed on educational AIDE with work uperience • lnaulators lplpe coverersl lffiillion grant from the U.S. Economic Develop- background end experience. Renge: $14,244 Applicants will be accep- supervision, previous ex- ment Administration to provide aaa1stance tor 117,544 179-81 Faculty Salary Schedule), plus full ted May 7th, through perience with handicap- the development of industrial sites that the benefit program. U.S. Ot11enthip leqund May 9th, for peychiatric ped youth, competen- private market has not developed or are not likely Appllcatlon DNdllne. aide to fill future vacan- All federal Clvll Service Benetlta. Liberal v•catlon allowence, paid cies '" individual to develop due to physical or structural develop· Application fom, or inquiry postmarked by May cies at Fairview Training alck leave, pertlally employer funded life & helath Insurance programing. lntereeted ment hmitetlons. To identify projects tor 23, 1980. All supportive materials must be post• Center Starting salary progrems, excellent retirement plan. persons may contact assistance the Portland Bureau of Economic marked by Mey 30, 1980. Finalist lntervl8WS: June 1756 per month. Must be Tom Mason, 867-24711. Development is seeking propoula from the in- 9, 10 & 11, 1!81. For More Information: 18 years or over, good Application deadline: dustrial real estate and development community. Call toll free 1-800--U9-5996 physical condition, have May 16, 5 P.M. Before Jan. 1978 After June 1979 Pubhc as11stance under the program may include CYou mey leave a mesHge •t these numbers outalde of our working transportation. on or oft-site improvements and tinanciel hours. M eaaeaH recorded after working hours.I An Equal Opportunity Contact auistance tor development co.ts. Eli91ble areas Employrr of the City are the Central E■1ts1de lndustnal OR M AIL RESUME TO: Applications aveilable at District, Lower Albina Industrial District and In- Fairview State Personnel ner Northeaat/Unlon Avenue District. 11 copy of Com1111111i19 Division or eny state em- the Requnt for Propo1al can be obtained by ployment office. Contact Ptr1onnel 0ttic:e calling Jeff Pyle, 248-4293. 19800 S. Mollalla Awe., 0Ngon City, Of. 97046 Fairview Peraonnel ... 2131 . Ext l t l Propouls due 5:00 p.m .. frtdlly, May 30, 1980. 2250 Strong Rd . COffSVIIEI Cl«k•ma COM"""'''' Col• u .4,. Eqwl Portland BurNu of Economic Development DIJ'OutmO■ ATTN: Code 170.2 (PP) S .E. Selem o,,,,o,t11,.,1,1,4Jflmwt1w A,t,o,i E"'plo,r, cum. 82{)S. W . Ftfth BR EMERTON , WA 98314 Phone: 378-5389 DEn .E Portland, 01'9g0f'1 97204 PUDLO~ LOUDO Portland Observer INSTRUCTOR JOB FINDER - 1 w: ! !ATTENTION I! I I Sales T1raining Manager I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 Tekt,ronix I I I , ,_1!!!1!!11•--•---••- -----•-----------, PSN.S CHALLEN,GIIN·G O'P:P01RTUNIT1 IES E.xperienced Jour n·ey / L.i mited ATTENTION : CLA<YAMAS College For work on Submarines, Ai.r craft Carriers and other types of surface vessels 1 PU'GET SOU:N:D 'NAVA,L .SHIPY A\RD