Community Calendar I h,°S‘ A n Alexandcr- Monday, A pril 14. 1980. 7:00 p.m.. Channel GAP TV. Guests are: Dr. Carolyn Murray, Pyschologist, PSU “ Black Femimism, Music by Thara Memory and Sonny King, Poetry reading by Kamasi Malonga. . . J 1* u,riC? n IM* t ' onal P ri,o n O rganization presents a community forum r-h , ? , P m cnl U S' Pnsons ” Saturday 3pm at Hughes United Methodist s ju jw s s N E' alllng St- Por,|and. Oregon. For more information call (503) ,n P ortland School Board. (I) Desegregation proposals. (2) Community in­ volvement. :30 p.m. A pril 14, 1980., administration building, 501 N. Dixon. N ortheast C oalition of N eighborhoods. (1) Special meeting on Tri-Met. A pril 15, 1980, 7:30 p.m.. King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 N.E. 7th. S tate R epresentative Dave Frohnmayer, Republican candidate for A ttor­ ney General, announced today two speaking engagements in Portland for Satur­ day, A pril: 11:00 A M , The American Association o f University Women West­ minster Presbyterian Church, 1624 NE Hancock. 12:30 PM, The Oregon Com­ munity College Association Holiday Inn Portland A irport. The press and media are invited to attend. Panel Discussion. On Sunday, A pril 20, the M ilitant Bookstore w ill present a panel discussion on public utilities, at the M ilitant Bookstore, 711 N.W. Everett, Portland, at 7:30 pm. For more information contact Joel Shapiro at 222-7225. A one dollar donation is requested. H ousing In The 80 s: Changes end Challenges. Saturday, A pril 19, 1980 Northwest Service Center, 1819 N.W. Everett Street, Portland, Oregon. A fghanistan: A panel discussion, The S oviet Invasion: 7:30 pm Sunday. A pril 13, 1980 at Portland State University, 75 Lincoln Hall, S.W. Broadway and Market St. Donation: $2.00 (unemployed $1.00) For more information call- 236-0741 or 239^845. B icycle Training fo r Beginners will be offered next Thursday beginning at 7 p.m. at the YM C A Northeast Fitness Center, 1630 NE 38th Ave. For more in­ formation call Northeast YW CA, 281-1169. C andidates Billed - Democratic state and non-partisan candidates or their representatives will speak on Thursday, A pril 17, at noon at the Imperial Hotel, 400 S.W. Broadway, Kings Room. This is a no host luncheon and the public is cordially invited to attend. N orth Portland Family Practice and Industrial C linic. The community is cordially invited to attend an open house on Sunday, A p ril 13th from 1-4 p.m., 105 N. Killingsworth. Refreshments will be served. For more information call 285-3323. The N o rth w e s t S tu d e n t C o n fe re n ce A g a in s t th e D ra ft occurs the weekend o l A pril 12th and 13th at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. People at­ tending the conference may check-in beginning at 7:00 pm. Friday, A pril 11 at the conference headquarters on the bottom floor o f the Community Center. Save Energy, Save T o m o rro w is the bumr»er sticker designed by seventh grade student Steve Petterson, to energize the day o f A p ril 15th which begins Energy and Conservation Week at Robert Gray Elementary School, 5505 S.W. 25th, Portland, Oregon. A variety o f speakers have been invited to make presen­ tations to classes from grades live through eight, and a Tri-Met kit on transpor­ tation, called Wheels, w ill be used in the primary grades. Home economics teacher C aria Suckow, and Robert Gray parent Sue Murchc are cochairpersons for this event. W om en and M ortgage C redit - “ Everything You Need to Know to Buy a House” sponsored by the N.E. YW CA on Saturday, A p ril 19, from 9:30 to 3:30 at the Mallory Christian Church, 126 N.E. Alberta. Bring a lunch if you like. Coffee will be provided. To register call 288-5173. The In te rim Ju d ic ia ry C o m m itte e sub c o m m itte e on Insurance will hold one o f its two A pril meetings in Gresham. The A pril meetings are scheduled as follows: Friday, A p ril 11th - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the State Capitol in Salem, Room 350. Saturday - A pnl 12th - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Board o f Director’s Conference Room at Mount Hood Community College, Gresham. Members o f the public are invited to attend and testify. The Title V II, ESSA Parent Advisory Committee w ill meet Tuesday, A pril 15, 1980 at 10:30 A.M . in the Board Auditorium o f the Eudcation Service Center 501 N. Dixon Street. Portland Observer April 10. 1980 Page 9 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Notice is hereby given that the Tn-County Metropolitan Transportation Dwtnct of Oregon (Tn Met) will receive sealed bid proposals until 10:00 A M Pacific Day Light Time, Wednesday. Apnl 30, 1980. at its facilities at 4012 S E 17th Avenue, Conference Room "C ," Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97202 atten bon Ms Susan Swenson, Assistant Contract Specialist, Grants and Contract Bids will be opened at that time for Furnishing approximately seven hundred 1700112-volt heavy duty batteries to be delivered as required to Tri-Met facilities F O B. at 4100 S.E. 17th Avenue, 9800 S.E. Powell Boulevard, Portland. Oregon Delivery shall be in the manner prescribed in the specifications. Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General s list of ineligible contractors. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will not discnmmate with regard to race, color, sex or national ongm, in consideration for contract award The Bid Documents including Specifications. Conditions, and Rules for Bid ding may be obtained from Ann McFarland at (503, 238 4891 TRI COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON PaulN. Bay Executive Director Planning and Development Poetry: the pause of Black people will be aired on "Dialogue” Saturday, A p ril 12, 1980 at 7:30 a.m. and Sunday, A p ril 13, at 10:00 p.m., with host Ullysses Tucker, Jr. This show will Blacken your mind, soothe your spirits and allow you to witness accomplished Black poets from the Northwest in action. The poets are: sister Lois Berry, brother A rt Alexander (host: TCB Channel 10) brother Nyewusi Askari (writer, poet, reporter, Portland Observer) Bankale (A frikan drummer) and Portland Black Repertoire Theatre (under the direction o f Rosemary Allen). Watch..It will be an experience to remember!!! NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH (Photo: R ichard J. B ro w n ) BID OPENING DATE Labor, Materials ft Equipment for N Lombard Street Waste W ater Pumping Station. For information call Carlton Chayer Ass t Purchasing Mgr, 248 4002. 10% Bid Surety Required' Prequalification of Bidders Required. 0 4 /1 7 /8 0 0 4 /2 9 /8 0 ^«qualification of M E N T A L HEALTH COUNSELO R Reg. M A or M S W in counseling, psych, or psych soc work + 2 yrs. exp. Lie. prêt. 40 hr. wk. 1 eve., resume. Exec. Director G uadalupe Health Cntr. 75 Wellington, Daly City, CA 94014 Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity j Employer Host an AFS foreign student. MS International Sc holarships ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH C o rn er of 8th and S kid m o re Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11:00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister 31 3 t.isl 4 3rd Street, New York, N Y Telephone (212)661 4S5O HUGHES M EM ORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 10017 04/22/80 C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D C O N S T R U C T IO N E Q U IP M E N T O P E R A T O R II Salary starts at 51,531 per month, increases to 51,602 after 6 mo. and 51,711 a fte r 1 year. V a c a tio n s , re tire m e n t plan, paid health, dental and life insurance plus m any o ther b en efits. M u st be th orou gh ly skilled o p e rato r of hydraulic backhoes with some skill in operation of a mobile hydraulic crane. Must also be able to do own rigging, servicing and m a in ten a n c e. All w ork is year around in the Po rtlan d area. Qualified operators: APPLY Po rtlan d C ivil Service 510 S .W . Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 No later th an Friday, April 11, 1980. W om en and m in orities are e n ­ couraged to apply. A n Equal Opportunity Employer ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 NE A L B E R TA STREET R everend B ertram G riffin . Pastor 281 4429 Masses 5:00pm Vigil - Saturday 10 00am Choir Sunday 12:00pm Folk — Sunday ST. ANDREW C O M M U NITY SCHOOL 4919 NE 9th Ave Norita Kelly, Principal 7:00pm You are W e lc o m e to W orsh ip at T H E A R K O F S A F E T Y C H U R C H O F G O D IN C H R IS T "A warm spirit o f fellowship always The Honorable Bishop U .V Peterson, D.D "The Holiness Preacher," Pastor .s DESCRIPTION W astewater Sludge Utilization. For information call Carlton Chayer, Ass t. Purchasing M gr., 248 4002 10% Bid Surety Required. Lanita D u ke speaks on th e a c co m p lis h m en ts of H a rrie t T u b m a n , one of the m o st co u rag eou s Black w o m e n in A fro -A m e ric a n history during H a rrie t T u b m a n , R e m e m b ere d . The ev en t w a s p u t on by the C o m m u n ity Professionals a t th e A lb erta T heater I N1 - 89 ___ CONSUMER information CENTER, DEPT.E PUEBLO, COLORADO 81009 3725 N. Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, Oregon 3T221 ’ HID NO - Free1 The new O mmuitmn Information Catalnu of over helpful Federal publications Writ, 7:30pm Showers of Blessings Broadcast KLIQ 1290 3 30 4 30 6 30pm vpwvy 8 00pm Evangelistic Worship Noon Day Prayer Tuesday Friday N O N D IS C R IM IN A T IO N : No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3 100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file the required documentation with the Contract Compliance Division, Room 209. City Hall, 1220 S W Fifth Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97204, 248 4696 at least five 15) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid Unopened. JOB FINDER 7 :00pm 5:00pm 11:15em W hen Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified c eck, cashier s check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland fo- an amount not less than ten per cent (10% ) of the aggregate amount of the bid as S m d ^ n d ^ ’i r Hd 'rrevocable ,or ,he specified ,n the proposal to^revokeh.s 7° 88 ,IX8d 8nd damages should the bidder seek ’ o /evo ke h s offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him. P o rtla n d O b s erv e r 9:30am 10:30am S ijjm Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address For additional in­ formation telephone Buyer at numer listed. Bu\ er' 2J S 4 1 9 t W% B,d Sura,V Bidders Required. Prayer and Pastor Phone 281 6476 Church Phone 281 0163 Sunday: Sunday School Morning Worship Sealed be received in Room 113, City Hall. Portland, Oregon 97204 for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M . on the dates indicated 0 5 /0 6 /8 0 Construction of Asphalt Chip Seal Overlay in SE Portland. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer 248 4191. 10% Bid Surety Required. Prequalifications of Bidders Re­ quired. 04/15/80 Labor, Material ft Equipment for Improvement of N W Wilson Street from N W 23 to N W 24. and N W Roosevelt Street from N W 21 to N W 22. For information call Michael Ackerman REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Service 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday W ed. - Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday - Brotherhood Fellowship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday INVITATION TO BID Construction of Elk Rock W astewater Pumping Station ft Remoldeling of Tryon Creek Pump Station. For informa­ tion call Carlton Chayer, Ass't Purchasing M gr., 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety Required. Prequalification of Bidders Re­ quired. ATTENTION! ATTENTIONI The Annual Lucius Williams Tea will be on the 26th o f A pril at Jantzen Beach Red Lion. This is the 4th year that this Tea has been given in honor o f Lucius William who was president o f The Royal Esquires for many years, a member o f the Texas Club, a member o f Mt. Olivet Baptist Church and the NAACP. This is a benefit for the American Cancer Society. The hour is 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. A M o b ile Health U n it providing free tests for blood pressure, functions o f the lungs and computerized health profiles will be available A pril 13th from 1pm to 5pm at Fred Meyer Walnut Park Branch. The health testing program is a community service sponsored by the Sharon Seventh-day Adventist Church and is available to all at no cost. Individuals needing medical attention are referred to their family physician. CITY OF PORTLAND T uesday Bible Band/Jr. Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday: "The Pastor Speaks" 84 NE Killingsworth 281 0499 •> •. • -. ■ Phone 284 1620 Grades 1 thru 8