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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1980)
Page 8 Portland Obaerver A p ril 10. 19B0______ Portland Observer JOB FINDER! / CASUALTY RATER PART TIME 4 FULL TIME Opening tor commercial casualty rater with 2 years commercial casualty rating experience, mcl general liability commercial and private passenger auto COMMERCIAL PROPERTY RATER This position requires 1 to 2 years experience In commercial property and multiple peril We are located In the Cedar Hills area and otter excellent benefits to support competitive salaries Free parking and use ot employee cafeteria For further details, call Personnel Dept at 643-Z661, or send resume to JW3 NORTH PACIFIC INSURANCE CO. P O. Box 74 1675 SW Marlow Rd Portland, Or 97207 Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PO RTLAND TYPIST C LER K/ W ORD PROCESSING A p p ro x im a te m o n th ly salary is $763 entry rate, $813 a fte r six m onths $861 after one year, $931 a fte r tw o years. Ap plicants must have skills in the fo llo w in g areas: Skill in operating a CRT screen w ord processor. Skill in proofreading and editing his/her own work w ith speed and ac curacy. Skill in typing at a speed o f at least 65 wpm Skill in general ot fic e p ro ce d u re s, in eluding but not limited to greeting the public, an sw e n n g in q u irie s over the phone, filing. This is a te m p o ra ry p o s itio n . Perm anent status sub je ct to successful com p letion o f Civil Service examination. APPLY C onnie Barnes P o rtla n d C ivil S ervice 510 S.W . Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 W om en and m in o ritie s are encouraged to apply. A n Equal O pportunity Employer OVERSEAS O A tA PROCESSING OPERATORS »IS 000 PROGRAM M ERS »25.000 • ANALYSTS »25 000 ENGLISH INSTRUCTORS »16 000 • UP Reg BS in English (TEFL or TESOL), 2 yrs of exp. All of the positions have the following benefits. H o u sin g ft M e d ica l R e cre a tio n Facils 10 H olidays Plus 10 days R &R every 6 m o (in A th e n s, Greece) B onuses Tax b e n e fit a fte r 18 m o n th s Call Mike about other opportunities, logistics per sonnel, mechanics & instructors. GENERAL OFFICE A D M IN A SS IST M R KTG Fee nego. No. 355B. $900 to start. Type 55 wpm, shurthnd or dictating machine. Call Michael Ingram Full Service Personnel Agency 1220 S.W M o rris o n , S u ite 400, P o rtla n d , O regon Phone: 221 0895 Fee paid ft non fee paid p o s itio n available PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT THE PORTLAND W O M E N 'S HEALTH CENTER A W O M E N 'S CHOICE C LINIC $17,800 $20,650 NEWS FIELD PRODUCER BROADCASTER KGW-TV is currently in 60,000 w a tt KEX is terviewing applicants for seeking a radio news the position o f Field broadcaster. Minimum of Producer fo r "P M five years experience in all M agazine." Candidates phases o f radio news should have experience field. M ust be able to in: developm ent and ' work in the field as well as research of story ideas, the studio. College degree w ritin g story narration, j not required, but helpful, directing and running j Tapes and resumes only, audio for field production, to: view ing and e diting of J im H ow e 3 /4 " and 1" CMX video News D irector tape. Persons wishing to KEX Radio apply should send Golden West resumes to: Broadcast Center Personnel M anager 4949 SW Macadan Ave. KGW-TV Portland, OR 97201 1501 S.W. Jefferson St. K E X Radio, Golden West Portland, OR 97021 j Broadcasters, Inc. is an A n Equal Opportunity Equal O pportunity Em Employer ployer M /F CLERICAL POLICE OFFICER City o f Salem, $1196 - $1526. H igh school graduate or have co m pleted GED, 2 years ot college by date o f ap pointment or required to complete 2 years college w ith in 5 years o f ap p o in tm e n t. A ge: 21 years and n o t ye t 35 years. Vison: Corrected 2 0 /4 0 w eakest eye, 20/20 best eya, normal d e p th p e rc e p tio n and color vision. Closing date fo r a c c e p tin g a p p li ca tio n s : A p ril 2, 1980. W ritte n exam g ive n : May 3, 1980. Apply: C ity o f Salem P ersonnel D ept. 555 Liberty SE Salem, OR 97301 Equal O pportunity Employer W OM EN'S COORDINATOR SECRETARY CODER TRAINEE iF ee pd. No 194K. Lge The Coordinator will be Fee pd, No 256H Good responsible fo r the ■ local co. needs person m ath a b ilitie s , stable re cru itm e n t o f unem I who can type 65 wpm + work history, good star JlBM Mag card I & II. St. ployed, underem ployed ter p o s itio n . S t. $675 ($850 to $1000. a n d d is a d v a n t a g e d $700. wom en, p r im a r ily M A G II A D M IN SECRETARY w om en. I Fee pd, No 194K. Must $800 $1000. W ork w ith m i n o r it y I type 65 wpm, Mag card several to p VIPs. W ill , Responsibilities w ill also ■ IBM I Et II. St. $850 to make reservations Et all ! include the screening of |$1000m o applicants to determine tra v e l a rra n g e m e n ts their acceptability for the Bring your personality ft CLERK TYPIST program and counseling. I Fee pd. No. 2 5 /H En good skills. Start now on ; The Coordinator w ill be NO. 185C, app, fee. Itra n c e p o s itio n , m ust j responsible for the day-to- BOOKKEEPER |ty p e 55 w p m , lite day relations between the No. 248G, app fee. Full Ip h o n e s , m ust be cycle bookkpg, must be i program and the ap Ific ie n t, self-starter. plicants. Responsible for exp'd, preferably in lum I $750 $800 follow up service and field ber, able to m ove to visits: Assist in promoting M A IL ROOM comptroller position. St all non-traditional job op |N o 31J, app fee. Fun $1000. p o rtu n itie s. The C o o r ■ job, clean atm osphere. PAYROLL d in a to r w ill develop a |C o . needs e n try level $1000 to start, Vi tee pd, working relationship with I clerk w ith good appear No. 3O7E. M ust have 4 lance. Pos pays $600 to Labor and Business + yrs exp computerized | start. A g e n t s , A p p r e n t ic e system s, w eekly, q u a r C oordinators and other terly, annual ft monthly Data E ntry C lerk 11 employment Counselors. I Co. will train person with reports. Full bfts. Make direct referrals of G e n ’l Ledger Super Id a ta processing school clients to p o te n tia l job Ib a ckg rn d . Excel o p p 'ty $900 + nego. 5$ fee pd I openings and prom ote Ito learn more. St. $700. No. 303E. Excel spot for j discussions w ith em- person w ith c o m p u te r |N o . 38Y, app fee. ' ployers to ensure exp, a c c tg b a c k g rn d , j prolonged employment. GENERAL OFFICE supervisory skills a plus. The Coordinator’s major J Zt fee pd on No. 22T M a rk e t A d m in Asaiat responsibilities will be to IC o . w ill re im b u rs e $900 $1000, 'A fee pd. recruit and place minority [remainder of fee for per No. 301E. Type 60 wpm , Ison with good typing ft w om en fo r various ap [w illin g n e s s to learn shrthnd nice, must have p r e n t ic e s h ip tr a d e s good exp, excel bfts. opening.Send resume to: [loads of phones ft public B o o k k e e p e r. Full Chg Urban League L E A P. Icontact. Immed hire St. No. 122Y, app fee Plush |$650 3630 N Vancouver Ave dntn ofc, lots of activity P ortland. OR 97227 ft nice people make this Exp d Rater S u p p le m e n t a l Ap [F ee pd, 259X M ust be easy spot to slip into. St. p lica tio n s may be ob $1000 ■exp d in comm 'l proper tained from the Urban lt y Excel future in money A D JU S TO R League Field Office. Ap | & re s p o n s ib ility . A ll Fee neg o . N o. 189S. plication Deadline is April ■major bfts St $850 to One of A m e rica 's best 14, ,980. ■$1100 - known insurance co's is TYPIST Exp'd P o licy T y p is t seeking a field adjustor in D o w n to w n in s u ra n c e [Fee pd. No 262X Must property 3 yrs exp nec. com pany looking fo r Ih a ve exp. in p o lic y St. $16,500 to $17,00. [typ in g ft assembly Excel responsible individual who RATER TRAINEE enjoys lots o f ty p in g . ■ future in m oney & Fee pd. No 258H Good [responsibility. Lge nat'l Position requires accurate math skills excel future Ic o , all b fts S t. $700 typing skills, M IN IM U M ft re s p o n s ib ility St 56 WPM, transcribing ex I $800 + . $700 perience preferred. Ex Call Michael Ingram cellent salary, benefits and working conditions Full Service Personnel Agency Call Ms Hams: 1220 S W M o rris o n . S u ite 400, USF & G Co , P o rtla n d , O regon P hone 221 0895 221 0221 A n Equal Opportunity Fee paid ft non fee paid p o s itio n a va ila b le Employer M /F Selected individuals to provide administrative and technical assistance in various phases of housing division planning and execution including collecting and analyzing data, preparing technical documents and reports. Specific work assignments to include St. Johns Riverfront Project UR Plan, budget, public im provem ents, developer selection; St. Johns business district assistance programs such as public improvements. Complete Gynecological Services Abortions in a clinic Setting 4160 SE Division 239 8004 FINANCE DIRECTOR M ilw a u k ie , O r e g o n , Finance Director, $22,620- $27,596 (under review) lib. ben. Reg. Deg. in ac- ctg. ft 5 yr. prog. exp. in mun. acctg., incl. bud., city fiscal activ. & sys. & invest. M B A /M P A or CPA pref. Resumes to Personnel Director; City Hall 97222 by 4-25-80 C ity of M ilw a u k ie 10722 S.E. Main St. Milwaukie, OR 97222 Qualifications include experience in urban renewal or HCD activities, city-county planning, economic analysis; knowledge of governmental coordination, budgeting, real estate. Other required experience and training outlined in supplemental application. Only Commission application forms will be accepted and must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m ., Tuesday, April 15, 1980. Obtain application at: 1500 SW First Avenue, Portland, or call 248 4800. -1rr A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n /E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer. PRODUCTION WORKER For heavy metal fabricating labor, prior e x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d . Must be able to work any day, any shift. Minimum wage $6.36 per hour. Ex cellent benefits. A p plications fo r fu tu re vacancies may be o b tained in person at the main gate Saturday, April 13, 1980, betw een 10 a.m. and noon. A lu m in u m Co., A L U M IN U M CO., OF AM E R IC A 5701 N.W. lower river Rd. Vancouver. Washington Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND GOLD COURSE SUPERINTENDENT $1,529 to $1,716 First-line supervisory work in the maintenance of one of the C ity's fo u r regulation golf courses. Responsible for planning, scheduling, delegating and co n tro llin g m a in tenance and construction w o rk; re cru itin g and training greenskeepers; preparing and ad m inistering a budget; w ritin g reports and keeping records; and responsible to the inquiries and concerns of the g o lfin g pu b lic. W ill report to the C ity Golf Courses Manager. APPLY Portland Civil Service 510 S.W. Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 No later than Friday, April 18, 1980. W omen and minorities are encouraged to apply. A n Equal Opportunity Employer INSTRUCTOR IN FRENCH Specialist in languages, teaching methodology, for academic year 1980 81 M .A . required. Native fluency in French, competency in Spanish. For details, contact: DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon 97403 Application deadline. April 20, 1980 The U niversity of Oregon is an E qual O p p o r tu n ity / A ffirm ative Action Employer. Boiler Repair PSNS Eifb 1891 CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITIES Experienced Journey/Limited For work on Submarines, Aircraft Carriers and other types of surface vessels • E le c tric ia n s (m a rin e l • In s u la to rs (pipe coberers) • B o ile r m akers (b o ile r repair) • P ip e fitte rs • S h e e tm e ta l m e ch a n ic U S C ifiianihip Required A ll Federal Civil Service B enefits Liberal vacatio n a llo w ance paid sick leave partially am ployer fun ded life ft health inaurancs program «, excellent re tire m e n t plan Scenic B re m e rto n la lo cated on a deep w a te r arm of Pudget Sound, and is a aem l rural c o m m u n ity only one hour from Seattle recently recognized by aaveral publication« a« the city w ith the be»t qu ality of life in the country For M ore In fo rm a tio n : Residents outside State o f W ashington call to ll free 1 800-426 5996 State o f W ashington residents call to ll free 1 800 562 5972 lY o u m a y leave a m essage a t th e se n u m b e rs o u ts id e o f o u r w o rk in g hours.) or mail resume to: PUGET SOUND NAVAL SHIPYARD ATTN: Code 170.2 (PPI BREMERTON, WA 98314 Equal O p portun ity Em ployer M F /H » » r . * IS RECRUITING FOR THE POSITION OF POLICE OFFICER w om en M in o ritie s are encouraged to A pply Applicant must be 21 yrs of age. No experience necessary SALARY $1208 - $1615 monthly. APPLY: City of Spring field, Personnel Office 325 North " A " St. Springfield, OR. 97477 TESTING DATE: Satur day, April 26, 1980 A P P L IC A T IO N DEAD LINE: 5:00 pm April 18 1980 Equal Opportunity Employer SENIOR COMPREHENSIVE PLANNER $1575-$2011 per month College level training in p la n n in g , e c o n o m ic s , g e o g r a p h y , p o lit ic a l scienc, a rch ite ctu re , or related fields and in c re a s in g ly re sp o n sib le exp. in land use planning projects or research; exp. s u p e r v is in g p la n n e rs desirable; or equiv. comb, of exp. and training. TRANSPORTATION PLANNER $1575-82011 per month College level training in planning, transportation, econom ics, geography, political science, architec ture, or related fields and increasingly responsible, exp. in land use or trans portation planning and developm ent, including responsibility for carrying out technical planning projects or research related to transportation planning; or equiv. comb, or exp. and training. DEPUTY RELEASE ASSISTANCE OFFICER $1175-$1500 per month 4 years experience in the co rre ctio n s area of crim inal justice and a Bachelor o f Science Degree or any satisfactory equiv. comb, of exp. and training. Last filing date April 18, 1980. A p p ly fo r all positions listed above at: W ashington C ounty Personnel Room 305 150 N. First Ave., Hillsboro, Ore. 97123 (648-8606) -4/t Equal Opportunity Employer W omen and m inorities urged to apply CITY OF PORTLAND CLERK II $934 to $1,132 This is complex clerical work w hich includes re sponsibility for the per formance of clerical duties in addition to the super vision of subordinate em ployees, or responsibility for independent resolution of problems of a special nature. Responsible to a bureau supervisor or of ficial w ho outlines the general scope of assign ments. Clerk Ills may develop and refine their own working procedures so that specific assign ments are seldom necessary APPLY Portland C ivil Service 510 S.W. Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 No later than Friday, April 18, 1980 W omen and minorities are encouraged to apply. A n Equal Opportunity Employer ' - CITY OF PORTLAND WATER LABORATORY TECHNICIAN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD $1,340 to $1,563 Water sampling, testing, analytic and record keeping w ork in water q uality or waste w ater labs. W ill co lle ct water samples and perform analysis to determ ine compliance with local and federal standards. W ill standardize, callibrate, sterilize and m aintain materials and equipment APPLY Portland Civil Service 510 S.W. Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 No later than Fnday, April 18, 1980. W om en and rmnonties are encouraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND POLICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER $2,054 to $2,316 W ill direct a project to develop im proved data processing operations for the police records system. Work includes reviewing, analyzing and documen ting the current system; developing a 5-year management information system plan; and serving as a liason to other agen cies. APPLY Portland Civil Service 510 S.W. Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 No later than Friday, April 18, 1980. W om en and minorities are encouraged to apply. A n Equal Opportunity Employer E x ce lle n t p a rt-tim e p o sitio n s open fo r school bus drivers. No experience necessary. We provide free train ing. $4 45 $4.92 per hour. COLUMBIA BUS SERVICE 6755 NE C o lu m b ia B ivi P o rtla n d , Oregon 284 6466 A n Equal O pportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND UTILITY WORKER $1,274 to $1,442 These positions involve doing a variety of manual and semi-skilled jobs in the construction, m ain tena n ce , repair and operation of city equip ment and facilities. The w o rk in vo lve s heavy physical labor and is o f ten performed in hazar dous locations, such as street areas, deep d it ches and live sew ers. Some positions involve n ig h t and w eekend work. APPLY P o rtla n d C ivil Service 510 S.W . M o n tg o m e ry P o rtla n d , OR 97201 No la te r than Friday, A pril 11, 1980. W omen and m in o ritie s are en couraged to apply. A n Equal Opportunity Employer • ATTENTION • INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY IN CITY OF PORTLAND The City ot Portland has been awarded a $1.3 million grant from the U S. Economic Development Administration to provide assistance for the development ot industrial sites that the private market has not developed or are not likely to develop due to physical or structural developm ent lim itations. To identify projects for assistance the Portland Bureau of Economic Development is seeking proposals from the industrial real estate and developm ent com m unity. Public assistance under the program may include on or off site improvements and financial assistance for development costs. Eligible areas of the City are the Central Eastside Industrial District, Lower Albina Industrial District and Inner Northeast/Union Avenue District A copy of the Request for Proposal can be obtained by calling Jeff Pyle 24R429J Proposals due 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 30, 1980. Portland Bureau of Econom ic D evelo pm en t 620 S .W . Fifth Portland, O regon 97204 Nursing Program Instructor Associate Degree Nursing/Practical Nursing Length of Employment Full-time, 9 months per year. Minimum Selection Criteria M a ste r's Degree, preferably in N ursing, plus current R.N. licensure in the State of Oregon. Nursing Experience No less than three (3) years, preferably five (5) years o f cu rre n t nursing experience in m e d ica l/su rg ica l nursing w ith g e ria tric, ob- stetrical/pediatric nursing desirable. Also desired ' experience in supervision, coordination, liaison w o rk w ith stu d e n ts a n d /o r c o m m u n ity health agencies. Assignment Primary instructional assignment w ill be clinical and theory in s tru c tio n in advanced m edical/surgical for Associate Degree Nursing; other teaching assignments may include practical | Nursing or other health occupation courses. Starting Date: June 16, 1980 Salary Range $14,244 $17,544 (79 80 Faculty Salary Schedule) I in itia l placem ent based on e d u c a tio n a l( background and experience, plus fu ll b enefit program. Application Deadline: April 18, 1980 (postmarked! by) Finalist Interviews: April 28 thru May 2, 1980 C o nta ct Community College P e rs o n n e l O ffic e 19600 S Mollalla Ave . Oregon City Or 97045 656 2631. Ext 318 ' Clackamas Community College is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer v • BUS DRIVERS . * i ■ - 1 f ¿MS