Puerto Rican independence growinq By Antonio M. Stevens A rroyo trovo Gerald H. Caldwell has been promoted to Personnel Officer at First State Bank of Oregon according to Hal Buttolph, Vice President and Personnel Director. Mr. Caldwell brings to his new position more than 14 years of banking experience, most recently as a loan officer with another major Oregon bank. As Personnel Officer, Mr. Caldwell's primary responsibility is to direct the employee loan program. He will also be assisting with the A f­ firmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities programs. Caldwell is a graduate of Portland Community College where he ear­ ned an Caldwell is a graduate of Portland Community College where he earned an Associate of Applied Science degree in Banking and Finance. He has also attended Portland State University and is a U.S. Army veteran. Civic activities include membership in the Portland Lions Club as well as board positions with the St. Vincent DePaul Child Develop ment Center and the Junior Achievement program. Metal work training available T h e M u ltn o m a h - W a s h in g to n C E T A C onsortium in conjunction with their Private Industrial Council is sponsoring a 12 week M etal W orkers tra in in g p ro gram . The training will be a comprehensive sur­ vey o f the many facets o f the metal trades and w ill include: blu ep rin t reading, physical fitness, safety, CPR, First aid, tungsten arc-welding, sheet metal layout, oxy-acetylene cut­ ting, shop practice w ith hand tools and shielded m etal a rc-w elding. Graduates o f the program w ill have gained appropriate work experience and e ducational q u a lific a tio n s to compete for apprenticeships w ithin the metal trades. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply as this is an ex- cellent opp ortu nity fo r people who are interested in changing to non- tra d itio n a l w ork. A pplications are c u rre n tly being accepted in both counties th ro u g h A p r il 16, 1980. Eligibility is being determined by the fo llo w in g : unem ployed and 18 or older, in good physical condition and able to lilt at least 50 lbs. and residen­ cy in M u ltn o m a h o r W ashington County outside Portland city limits. M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty residents can subm it a p p lica tio n s at 4110 N .E . 122nd Ave., Suite 270 or call Julie Westwood with any questions at 256- 4750. Washington C ounty residents can submit their applications at 111 S.E. Washington St. in Hillsboro, or call Diane Elia with any questions at 640-1781. A n E qual O p p o rtu n ity Employer. Statehood or continued common­ wealth status? In the standard inter­ pretation o f the Democratic Primary held this March in Puerto Rico, that seemed to be the critical question. But there is another alternative — outright independence -- and many observers feel that the primary results demonstrate its growing appeal. A large number o f voters simply stayed home on M arch 16. They represent Puerto R ico’ s crum bling political center, which once supported the status quo in relations w ith Washington, but now favors com ­ plete separation from the U.S. The independence movement today is not limited to wild-eyed radicals: it includes well-educated, relatively a f­ fluent Puerto Ricans, in addition to many o f the island's impoverished m a jo rity . A n d it commands the respect o f foreign governments and political analysts nearly everywhere in the world except the United States. Puerto Rico is Hispanic, but all over the island U.S. power and in­ fluence predom inates, and A n g lo zones stand out — big corporate downtowns, English spoken where the sm art set congregates, the A m erican fla g, stateside ways o f doing things. The proponents o f statehood argue that more o f this will save Puerto Rico. The independen- tistas argue that Puerto Rico is oc­ cupied territory. T aking cues fro m the Palestine L ib e ra tio n O rg a n iz a tio n , the in- dependentistas are now adopting a trip le strategy o f cu ltiva ting inter­ n a tio n a l su pp ort, asserting th e ir presence through selective acts o f violence, and boycotting the political process the U.S. has exported to the island. Two weeks before the primary, for instance, 21 delegates commissioned by an in te rn a tio n a l Puerto Rican S olidarity Conference last year sat down in New York C ity to plan a world-wide strategy for the Island’s independence. The New York meeting spelled out a fram ework o f p o litica l action to promote Puerto Rican rights to self- determination, including creation o f a permanent international Committee o f Solidarity, and an information o f­ fice at the United Nations. The independence movement claimed an added boost from the large number o f Puerto Rican voters who stayed at home during the March prim ary. President C arter’ s victory over Senator Edward Kennedy was also so close that it virtually assured the "status question” w ill be debated during the November campaign. The small but well organized mdependen- tistas may now hold the balance o f power between the tw o entrenched parties on the island. The manner o f President Carter’s victory also gave credibility to the in­ dependence movement. On March 18, Super Shopping Centers Help Lower Your Cost of Living . . . Your nearby Fred Meyer Super Shopping Center is filled w ith "People-Pleasing'' services to make your shopping more pleasant. Wide, spacious aisles, friendly helpful clerks and un­ dercover parcel loading are just some o f the "People-Pleasing" services to you. Plus everyday low prices on thousands o f items you use ancfneed everyday help lower your cost of living. Because we re open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m . daily, including Sunday, you can shop when you W AN T to, not when you HAVE to. Come in anytime and "fu n s h o p " in a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere. ^Valniit Park I n t c r s t a t e P e n in s u la N E K llllngiw orthat Union N Lombard at Interstate 6860 N. Lombard Plenty of Free and Easy Parking Open 9 am to 10 pm daily, including Sunday. K o n a té i .. ■ • . Senator Kennedy complained to the Justice Department about numerous irregularities in the election - and finally focused W ashington’s atten­ tion on control o f the island’s Elec­ toral Board by the pro-statehood par­ ty. The complaints provoked serious outbreaks o f violence on the island, and attacks on campaign headquar­ ters in Chicago and New York. The terrorism - from both left and right - shattered the image o f a peaceful, grateful Puerto Rico that has been the cornerstone o f G o verno r C arlos Romero Barcelo’s strategy to convert the island into the 51 st state. "T h e prim aries in P uerto Rico were suppose to draw the island closer to statehood,” says long-time political observer Samuel Rene Quinones. " I n fact, they have had just the opposite effect.” What the elections underscored — and the terrorism reinforced - was the weakening o f the center position in Puerto Rican politics, a trend long predicted by the independentistas. Important as the elections were, the New York City meeting marked the real com ing o f age o f the Puerto Rican independence m ovem ent. Coming on the heels o f a New Mexico Solidarity Conference supported by the parliaments o f Mexico, Boliva, Ecuador, Costa Rica, C o lu m b ia , Panama, Cuba and Nicaragua, the meeting launched the in ­ dependentistas in to T h ird W o rld politics. . . . _ Indeed, on December 13, 1979, scarcely two weeks after the Inter­ national Conference in Mexico, the G neral Assem bly o f the U nited N ations approved a resolution requiring the United States to initiate its withdrawl from Puerto Rico. The vote (105-7) demonstrated that not only does Puerto Rico have solid sup­ port from Latin America, the non- aligned movement and the socialist bloc, but a g row ing num ber o f traditional U.S. allies in Europe are becoming aware o f the Puerto Rican struggle and are parting company with the U.S. perennial contention that “ Puerto Rico is an internal mat­ ter o f the United States.” “ The international office is a great advance for us,” says Lally Lopez, Executive D irector o f the national Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee in the United States. "T h e problem has always been getting inform ation to people. Once they realize what is really going on in Puerto Rico, they usually agree w ith us and back in­ dependence." "T his new maturity o f the Puerto Rican independence movement has earned it the respect o f most o f the T h ird W o rld . One delegate fro m Panama expressed the need for the island’s independentistas to establish a provisional government, much in the style o f the P .L .O ., which has successfully undergone a metamor­ phosis from a radical, clandestine sect into a credible political arm o f an op­ pressed people. "T h e Puerto Rican independence movement," he stated, “ is Latin America’s P .L.O .” Copyright PNS A p ril 1980 (Antonio M . Stevens Arroyo, is a Catholic priest who teaches Puerto Rico studies at Queen College in New York C ity. He is vice president o f PAD RES (The N ational Hispanic Priests A ssociation) and vice president o f the New York State Ad­ visory Committee to the U.S. Com­ mission on C ivil Rights). DID YOU KNOW? In 1843, only one vote determined that the Oregon Territories would be governed under the American flag instead of the British. YOUR VOTE □ □ □ J S DOES M AKE A DIFFERENCE. 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