Pafle 10 Portland Observer April 10. 1980 $100 total move in to vets. low down FHA, FHA 246, and conventional terms also, model open Sat. Et Sun. noon to 5 p.m. 92nd Ave. at Burton Road. Vancouver, Washington. Call for a showing anytime. Yes, there is a superman and he lives in Portland and plays guard for the Trailblazers. His name is Billy Ray Bates. Sure, the Blazers lost to a better Seattle Supersonic team, but Billy Ray was a winner. How can you both lose and win? Consider this young man's ac­ complishments since rising from the dead Continental League, and resur­ facing in the tough N .B .A . A ll he’s done is shot .500 from the Held, but many clutch shots, was chosen NBA Player o f the Week, and won the hearts o f Blazer fans. Yes, Billy Ray is a winner now and will be for many years to come. Sure, Portland was crushed by Seattle 103- 86. And yes, there were signs scattered throughout the Dome downing Billy Ray for his harsh statement, "w e are going to blow them out,” and some got on him labeling the rookie as "B ig mouth B illy.” But you'd have to understand Billy to know that the young man was not bragging, or purposely trying to taunt the world champions. The confident Bates, I believe, really thought his team could blow them out, and the Seattle blow out was no reflection on Billy’s game. While the vets Calvin Natt, with all the minutes played this year can no longer be considered a rookie, Ron Brewer and Tom Owens wilted like the last rose o f summer and Sonic pressure, while the rookie Bates stood tall and strong like the first tulip o f Wyden hosts hotdog dinner Want to grab your piece o f the political pie - and not give up your life savings in the process? Third District Democratic conten­ der. Ron W yden is in v itin g the “ whole city o f Portland” to jo in him for a S3 a plate hot dog and beer feed, Friday, A pril 11, 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Teamsters Hall, 1020 N W. 3rd. [here w ill be a $1 donation for the elderly and children. Wyden said he’s sponsoring the af­ fair to show people that grassroots p o litic s is s till alive and w ell in Oregon. “ Bob Duncan is throwing a $250 per couple dinner at the same time at the Benson," Wyden explained. " I want w o rkin g people, retirees, housewives and others to feel they’ re not getting their share o f the political pie to know you don’t have to have big m oney to have d in n e r w ith a politician. spring. Bates game is more than one- on-one. This young player has all the tools and to label him strictly one-on- one is grossly unfair. D id you hear that Bobby Gross? " W a it til next year,” use to be a fam iliar cliche o f the old B rooklyn Dodgers, but now can be said by Blazer fans. And just have to believe w ith M ychal Thom ­ pson at center, backed up by Kevin Kunnert, the Blazers w ill be a conten­ der. Now, all you brothers that have in the past avoided the Coliseum like the bubonic plague, can now line up for tickets because finally y o u 'll have a line up you can cheer for. And cer­ tainly identify with if you know what I mean. And the real rookie o f the year plays for the Portland Trailblazers. Spring football practice opened for real Monday and the Oregon Ducks are awesome. Football at the Univer­ sity o f Oregon had it's greatest success in a decade last fa ll - and all in ­ dications are that the Ducks could paddle even higher in 1980. Hie squad that put together a 6-5 record and a ttra cte d the largest crowds in Oregon h is to ry is back almost intact, as only three starters were lost on defense, the offense lost two. A ll four starters return to a back- field that last year set a school season record lo r first downs and that fell just 34 yards short o f a school season rushing mark that has stood fo r a (Continued from P l Col 6) berlain. The "o ld men” o f the Celtics were generally w ritten o ff after that, but they bounced back to win the title again in 1968, Russell’s second season as a player-coach, and again in 1969 , a so called miracle year fo r Boston. This was because they had finished fourth in the Eastern Division during the regular season, barely getting into the playoffs. While at Boston, Russell scored only 14,522 points, dished out 4,096 assist, and grabbed 21,721 rebounds. Russell’ s careei scoring average is 15.1 points per contest. An unselfish player, the lean 6- fo o t-9 postm an concentrated on rebounding, setting o ff the fast break, and blocking shots. Russell’s presence near the basket intimidated shooters and forced them to change their style. Russell played with the likes o f K.C. Jones, a team m ate at USF, Sam Jones, John Havelicek, Bob Cousey, 3716 N.E. Union Ave Portland, Oregon SEE W HAT 88Ç WILL BUY R ¿.in» O'cedar Corn Broom Our Reg «3 96 $2.88 ♦ Roll pack S ave 4 K MORE MILES PER TANKFUL* OilPÜHT Successful program s can w ork wonders in recruiting. Brooks is now getting the size he has always wanted. His frosh recruits on the offensive line goes like this: Randy H ogbin, 6-3, 225; Tom Lovelace, 6-4, 255; Monte Olson, 6-3, 225; Gary Zimmerman, 6- 3. 210; Ryan Zinke, 6-3, 220. The new defensive linemen are even more im ­ pressive: Don Boyd, 6-3. 220; David Culp, 6-4, 245; Brad Hicks, 6-5, 215; C raig K a y lo r, 6-4, 230; T e rry Youngblood, 6-5, 265. Remember these are frosh who are young and have not had access to the weight training. Things are definately on the up­ swing in Eugene and could possibly lead to a post season bowl bid. FIGHT OF THE WEEK Michael "D y n a m ite ” Dokes VS Ossie Acasio. Ocasio is the veteran and more experienced, having fought once fo r the title . But Dokes is dynamite, w ill win, and truly one o f the many good heavyweights on the horizon. Boxing, thanks to the 1976 Olympic team, is truly exciting again. And when w ill Bobby Gross stop blaming his poor season on his team­ mates. His statement in Seattle was uncalled lo r, “ I ’ m doing one thing out th e re ,” said Gross, "a n d everybody else is doing something else.” Well, perhaps Gross was right. Judging on this season’s play. Gross had to mean that he was not playing basketball, while everybody else was. Wait til next year, Bobby. Bill Russel,: A living legend Runyan's 880 Store Charmin Tissue quarter o f a century. Returning to the starting tailback position is Dwight Robertson, who as a soph last year scored nine touch­ downs - the most by a duck since Rashad scored ten in 1971. Robertson was also the PAC-10 k ic k o ff return leader. But the fact is Robertson must meet the challenge o f a highly-touted JC transfer, Reggie Brown (Pasadena CC) to keep his starting spot. Reggie Brow n is so good that his a rriv a l caused the departure o f another o utstan din g running back, Reggie Young, who now is reported on the way to Illinois in search o f more playing time. The Ducks are deep at all positions but the key figure will again be senior q uarterback Reggie G g b u rn , who m any fe lt was the most e xciting newcomer in m ajor college ball on the West coast last year as a ju n io r college transfer. Ogburn’s ability to run and pass enabled Brooks to use fo r the- lirst time in four years the rollout at­ tack he prefers. Ogburn led the team in rushing with 644 yards, carrying fo r 100 or more yards three times. His total o f­ fense fig u re , 1,549, was the fifth highest in school h isto ry, ran kin g behind only All-Americans Dan Touts and Bob Berry. "W e open with three straight home games next September. What we’ re looking for is three straight sellouts,” said Brooks. And don’ t rule out three straight wins either. with CAS BOOSTER Gasoline Detergent A 10 000- mile test showed art average of almost 4 improvement in fuel economy when GAS BOOSTER was added after 4 OOOmilesofdrivingwithuntreated fuel That s like averaging an extra 12m