Ura Franses ?c* osn-’ e -c -s r îP Univ r s i t y of , : \ ' 3t ! .iL .t r y PSU Black Studies seeks masters program The P o rtla n d State U n iv e rs ity Black Studies D ep artm en t has requested a m asters degree program , a transfer to the Social Science D iv is io n and a name change. According to department head D r. B ill L ittle , the masters program w ould allow more inten­ sive research, publication and com­ m unity service. The department now offers a Cer­ tificate in Black Studies to students who earn th e ir degrees in o th e r fields. Approxim ately 600 students take courese in the Department with 150 in the Certificate Program. O f these approximately 40 per cent are Black Am ericans, 15 per cent are A frican and 20 per cent are Arab. The masters program w ill develop persons who can correct omisions and errors o f past scholarship and who can serve in teaching, foreign service and many other fields. L it tle proposes to change the name o f the d e p artm en t to A fric a n /A fro -A m e ric a n Studies to more nearly reflect the department’s focus. Classes are currently taught on A fric a n h is to ry and econom ic development, and the course o ffe r­ ings w ill be exanded to inclu de Brazil and the Carribean. “ Black Studies implies to many people only the study o f Blacks in the United States, which is a small part o f the study and research we anticipate,” L ittle explained. Black Studies is the study o f the peoples o f A frican descent, both on the A fr i­ can continent and in Diaspora. The proposed program w ould be con­ cerned p rim a rily w ith the exper­ iences o f A frica n -A m e rica n , A fri- ca n-C a rrib ea ns and A fric a n s in A frica. A frica w ill be the focal point o f examining the forces that have shaped the lives o f Black people throughout the world. L ittle also hopes to take Black Studies out Urban Studies and into Social Science where he feels it belongs academically. 1 he masters program would allow expansion o f s ta ff and w o u ld in v o lv e close re la tio n s h ip s w ith o th e r d e p a rt­ ments such as geography, history, anthropology and literature. Since it w o u ld draw m ore a d ­ vanced students, the m asters program w ould allow more inten­ sive research and p ub lica tio n and w ou ld assist the developm ent o f communication w ith other research in s titu tio n s . This w o u ld help the department better respond to com­ m u n ity requests fo r in fo rm a tio n and assistance. A m ong the co m m un ity services now provided are three m ajor lectuc series: the Charles Chestnut Literary Series, the G eorge W a sh in g to n Bush Black Leadership Series and the W .E.B. DuBois Black H istory Series. The dep artm en t sponsors approxim ately ten workshops each year and has p u b lish e d several m ajor research projects. The department, which has often s u ffe re d lack o f s u p p o rt and com m itm ent from the U nive rsity, s till has its problems according to L ittle . A lth o u g h there is support fro m the pre sid e nt and vice president, the fa c u lty com m ittees tend to be negative and throw up obstacles, fh e fa cu lty comm ittees opposed department status and at a time of shrinking budgets are com ­ peting fo r s ta ff and funds. “ The battle fo r the masters program w ill be fo u g h t on resources; ra tio n a l goes out the w indow .” PORTLAND OBSERVER Volume 10 Number 14 April 10.1980 10C per copy USPS 959-680 Civil Service adopts minority list rule i i i c ruruaiiu v iv u service c o m ­ m ission, after a lengthy hearing, decided last Friday to change the 80 year old "ru le o f three.” According to that rule, applicants fo r a city position must be selected from among the three persons with the highest civil service score. Many blame the C ity’s lack o f at­ tainm ent o f its a ffirm a tiv e action goals on the fact that minorities tend to score lower than whites on civil ser­ vice tests, and therefore place lower on the lists. The current City w ork­ force is about 8 percent m in o rity (compared to 9 percent minorities in the work force), but a large percent o f inc m in o rity memners are in the Hum an Resources and Ad­ ministration and Finance Bureaus. The new rule w ill allow a depart­ ment that has an underrepresentation o f minorities to request a ffirm ative action status. That department w ill receive two lists - one with the three top candidates and the other with the top three female or m in o rity can­ didates. The manager can, but is not obligated, to hire from the second list. A lthough the new rule w ill make m inorities and women available to those managers who wish to hire, it does not guarantee that they w ill be hired. Planing mc monon to accept the rule change, C iv il Service Com missioner Rudolph Westerband said court orders against consideration o f race in employee selection were made “ in an attempt to get qualified people in to jo b s w ho had been denied.” “ U n fo rtu n a te ly there are not enough jo b s fo r everyone. H istorically m inorities and women have born the brunt o f scarcity in the past; they still bear the brunt. I t ’s a sad situation that courts must take account o f the im balance in em ploym ent w ith the w o rk force and decide th a t a s ta tu te th a t p ro h ib its d is c rim in a tio n must I in II some circumsta way that consider^ race and sex. The Supreme C o u rt has decided that the o nly way to make the statute work is to consider race and sex. “ It is now 1980 and s ta tis tic s p ro ve th a t n o t w ith s ta n d in g the 1964 C iv il Rights A ct and statutes passed by the Oregon Legislature in 1949 the largest and most populated city in the state has a problem -- a serious problem . I t ’ s em ploym ent figures do not reflect the people that the C ity serves.” A lth ou g h opposed by the m ajor c ity u n io n s, the rule change was p a .V S C U unanimously. U llc t llim o i passed U I.7S .I Iini iai uil m ini Jordan uses new minority certification Cartier Productions Fashion Show and Disco Dance Saturday Evening at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion. Looking on is Master of Cermonies George Smith. Miss Mikes is also one of nineteen young ladies seeking to represent Portland in the Miss Black America Contest. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) Carter nominates Jones President Jimmy Carter this week announced his intention to nominate James E. Jones J r., o f M adison, W isconsin, to be chairm an o f the Special Panel which was created by the Civil Service Reform Act o f 1978 to resolve conflicts between the Merit Systems Protection Board and the Equal Em ploym ent O p p o rtu n ity Com m ission in em ploym ent discrimination cases. Jones has been a professor o f law and industrial relations at the Univer­ sity o f Wisconsins since 1969 and con- sidered an expert in both civil service and civil rights law. He has been on the staff o f the Institute for Research on Poverty since 1970 and has been director o f the Center for Equal Em­ ployment and Affirm ative Action at the University's Industrial Relations Research Institute since 1974. He was born June 4, 1924, in Little Rock, Arkansas. He received a B.A. from Lincoln University in 1950, an M .A. from the University o f Illinois in 1951, and a J.D. from the Univer­ sity o f Wisconsin School o f Law in 1956. C aptain Robert A rv*t Captain A. Sk?hw2irt7 Schwartz, per sonnel officer for the Police Bureau, said Tuesday that C om m issioner Charles Jordan has asked that a ffir­ m ative action c e rtific a tio n be authorized for the Bureau. Stating he doesn’ t know yet how the new tw o list system w ill w ork, Schwartz expects the Police union to file a suit asking tor an injunction against use o f the new system. Placing minorities and women on a separate list w on’ t accomplish the goal o f hiring m inorities “ because female whites are higher on the list than minorities.” Schwartz credits the fact that Blacks score lower on the written test to lack o f education. "W hen Blacks have the same education as whites, they do as well on the written test. Blacks do as well as whites in the other areas - the psychological, oral interview, medical and background analysis. The physical a g ility test, used to rule out female applicants, "has been altered until it now screens out no one.” W ith 800 to 1200 persons com ­ peting tor 50 jobs, the competition is great. The average candidate having The Black United Front will hold a public hearing on the School Board's desegregation plan and the BUF education proposal. The hearing will be held on April 10th, at 7:30 p.m. at King Neighborhood Center, NE 7th Avenue. qhmii ihrop about three years o f college, ««_~ “ with . some notable exceptions this has built a trememdous police force.” The last examination was slanted in a way that it gave preference to Oregon residents and people who are or have been police officers, so that the first fifteen in the list were officers 11 other cities. Recruiting of Black applicants has not been successful. Captain Schwartz believes college educated Blacks, who ... would be successful candidates, have better opportunities in other fields so are not interested. Recruiting efforts in Los Angeles, San Jose, U tah, Cleveland and other cities have been "abject failures.” A few years ago a recruiting team brought six Black o f­ ficers from North Carolina, but only tw o remain and one o f those is resigning. Schwartz said he docs not know why the turn over o f Black o f­ ficers is so high, but they might have been affected by "cu lture shock” - coming to Oregon from the South. The Bureau now has a fu ll time m inority recruiter and is planning a scholarship program where m inority students w ould w ork fo r the students would work for the Bureau during the summer and go to college during the school year. There are also tutorial programs to acquaint poten­ tial applicants with police procedure (Please turn to page 10 Coi 3) Fauntroy represents Kennedy The Oregon tor Kennedy Com m it­ tee announced today a series o f ap­ pearances by Congressman Walter E. Fauntroy, Democrat o f Washington D.C., on behalf o f Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Walter E. Fauntroy, the first per­ son to represent the D is tric t o f C olu m b ia in the U.S. House o f Representatives in 100 years, was elec­ ted Delegate to the House in 1971. Fauntroy was the chief architect o f legislation in 1973 that permitted the District o f Columbia to elect its own M ayo r and C ity C o u n cil and engineered the passage by both the U.S. House and Senate o f a C on­ stitutional Amendment calling for full C ongressional representation fo r District o f Columbia citizens in the U.S. Congress. That resolution is now before state legislatures fo r ratification. Since his election to Congress, he has continued to build a record o f achievement, having played key roles in the moblization o f Black political power fro m the N a tio n a l Black Political Convention o f 1972 to the presidential elections o f 1972 and 1976. In the 95th Congress W alter E. Fauntroy was a member o f the House Select Committee on Assassinations and Chairman o f its Subcommittee on the Assassination o f M a rtin Luther King, Jr. He is now a member o f the House Banking, Finance and U rban A ffa irs C om m ittee and a Member o f the House District Com­ mittee where he serves as Chairman o f the Subcommittee on Government Affairs and Budget. He is Chairman o f the Board o f Directors ot the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Vice President o f the M artin Luther King Center fo r Social Change. He is pastor o f New Bethel Baptist Church in Washington D.C. Congressman F auntroy w ill ad­ dress the Oregon Assembly for Black Adairs at the A irport Holiday Inn at (Please turn to P 2 Col 4) REP. WALTER FAUNTROY Bill Russell A living legend My Ullysses Tucker, Jr. Bill Russell of CBS Sports takes time with Ullysses Tucker. Jr., Portland Ob porter (Photo: Jimmy Robinson) B ill Russell, who revolutionized professional basketball w ith his defensive wizardry and the man who was an inspiring college and 1956 O lym pic’ s player, traveled to Port­ land recently with CBS Sports. Russell teamed up with play by play announcer Brent Musberger to bring America “ The Best In Basketball” when P ortland played host to the Seattle Supersonics in a N .B .A . miniseries contest. After performing his duties, Russell slipped through the crowd ignoring the calls from several fans. "H e y Big B ill,” “ Look, there’ s Bill Russell,” “ Billy baby,” and "H e llo M r. B ill.” Others did not recognize the massive broadcaster; they only worried about the tr a ffic on the freeways going home. F in a lly, he made it to the CBS mobile bus which was parked in the rear o f Memorial Coliseum. Inside he confirmed his Hight time to Seattle where the final game o f the series was telecasted. Now he and Brent Mus­ berger were o ff to their hotel rooms. " M r. Russell, excuse me but could you spare a moment.” " I ’m sorry, but I'm in a hurry,” said Russell. “ But all I need is about five minutes ot your time. " O k a y ,” he said. “ But not fo r long.” “ How do you feel as a role model for thousands o f youngsters around the United States?” " I never think about it,” said the five tim e M V P in the N a tio n a l Basketall Association. " A ll I can do is the best I can. I ’ve been pretty fo r­ tunate to have been able to do some o f the things I have done in life ." "L ik e I told my son once before when he told me that he didn’t think I’d ever be proud o f him because I ’ve been so many places and done so many things. I told him that he could make me proud by being able to take care o f himself out in society.” A graduate o f M cClym ond High School in O a klan d, C a lifo rn ia , Russell became an A ll-A m erican at the University o f San Franscisco. He helped the Dons win 60 consecutive games, an all-time collegiate record that still stand. USF won back to back N C A A championships with Russell, (1954-55 and 1955-56). He kept his winning tradition going by playing on the United States team that won the basketball gold medal in M elbourne, A u stralia, w ith an un­ beaten record, (8-0). Russell joined the Celtics in 1957 as th e ir N o. I d ra ft pick and im ­ mediately led them to their first N BA title, their first o f I I during his 13- year p ro career, in c lu d in g a un­ precedented eight in a row. The streak was snapped in 1967 by the Philadelphia 76ers and W ilt Cham- ( Please turn to page 10 col. 2)