Portland Obaarvar February 28. 1980 Page 9 Obituary Community Calendar •V 0. 1- r. al li­ l­ ilí M arth a E lnora Foster Warren died at Bess Kaiser H osp ital on February 19th. She was active in many community service groups in­ cluding the American Public Health Committee, the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, Comprehen­ sive Planning. She was most recently employed by the Senior Adult Service Center. M rs. W arren was a native o f G uthrie, Oklahoma, born on Oc­ tober 12, 1916. Survivors are: daughters Wanda Jean Baker, Vangie Lu Warren and Eleanor B. Gregory; sons Elwen W. and John M. Landers and Gaylord Warren; eleven grandchildren and nine great-grand children. Funeral services were held at Vancouver Avenue C hurch on February 23rd, w ith interment at Lincoln Memorial Park. She was an active member o f the Urban League and the NAACP and was a member o f Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church, where she was Senior Choir Director and a Trustee. O G rt n a f I I i i - I The Family of Alfred (Stanley) Franklin & W is h e s to th a n k a ll fo r th a ir c a rd s , flow ers, visits, concern and m oat of all thair prayers, during the long illness and the passing of our love one. (M ay God bless all of you) /* Mrs. Rubie Franklin Portland, Oregon 97212 ST. A N D R E W S C A TH O L IC C H U R C H 281 4429 Masses: 5:00pm Vigil Saturday 10:00am Choir - Sunday 12:00pm Folk - Sunday ST. A N D R E W C O M M U N IT Y SCHO O L 4919 NE 9th Ave. Norita Kelly, Principal Phone 284 1620 Grades 1 thru 8 ALLEN TEM PLE C M E C H U R C H Corner of 8th and S kidm ore Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11:00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister NEW HOPE M IS S IO N A R Y B A P TIS T C H U R C H REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday School Morning Worship Evaning Service 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday Wed Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday — Brotherhood Fellowship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday B enefit. A benefit for the Hanford Conversion Project is happening Thursday, March 6, at 633 S.W. Montgomery, on the P.S.U. Campus. There’ ll be music, a movie, and refreshments. Doors open at 7:45 p.m. Ad­ mission is $3. Low income $2. For more information call Anita Lawson- Adams at work 280-4410. Benefit for Amnesty International Saturday, March 8th Smith Ballroom, Portland State University, 7.30 p.m., 8:00 performance. Admission $2.50, Students and Senior Citizens $1.50., For further information please call 282- | 7848. Aging in the 80's w ill be the topic when O.J. "J im ” Gates addresses the Westside Unitarian Church Sunday March 2nd at 10:00 a.m. Free Tax Service to elderly, low income and/or handicapped persons. This service is to assist people with simple tax returns. The service is provided at the following locations: Mondays - 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., Montavilla United Methodist Church, 232 SE 80th, Portland, Oregon., Fridays - 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., Hollywood Senior Service Center, 1820 NE 40th, Portland, Oregon. This free service w ill last until A pril 15, 1980. For further information call 248-5276 or 248-5217. Census M e e tin g . The Public A ffairs Committee o f the N AACP and the YW CA are join tly sponsoring a meeting, “ 1980 Census - A Call To Action,” on March 5ht, 7:00 p.m. at the Salem Housing Authority Recreation Room, 360 Church Street, SE. For additional information contact: Anna Christian- ! son, NAACP, 362-8419 or Connie Pelton, YWCA, 581-9922. Guidelines for Candidates 9:30am 10:30am 7:00pm 5 00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm Prayer and Pastor Phone: 281 6476 Church Phone: 281-0163 3725 N. G antenbein A venue, P ortland, O regon 97227 DO YOU NEED HELP? Is the DEVIL working against your home, nature, job, church, money, child ren, sex, neighbor, health, sick, family, loved ones? Are there demons on your body or in your home? Have you been in a fix where you cannot keep or find the RIGHT man or woman? If you need help with any or all of these problems you should call me NOW!I Tomorrow may be too late!!! Does your luck pass you by? If so, I have lucky hands to help you be a winner in all GAMES OF CHANCE—Bingo, Reno, Tahoe, Las Vegas. Special, Miami, Fla., etc. If you are a spiritual seeker who needs help not promises —call me. I am a "God Gifted' man.’ l can help you in a hurry. INVITATION TO BID _ Sealed proposals will be received in Room 113, City Hall, Portland, Oregon 97204. for iter.-s detailed herein until 2:00 p.m. on the dates indicated Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional in­ formation telephone Buyer at number listed. When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal. Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him. NON-DISCRIMINATION: N o proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is certified as an -EO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file the required documentation with the Contract Compliance Division, Room 209 City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, 248 4696, at least five (5) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid Unopened BID NO ___D ESCRIPTIO N BID O PENING DATE 89 Wastewater Sludge Utilization. For information call Carlton Chayer, Ass t. Purchasing Mgr., 248 4002. 10% Bid Surety Required. 0 4/17/80 Labor, Materials & Equipment for Construction of Power houses Nos. 1 & 2 on Bull Run River. For information call Carlton Chayer, Ass t Purchasing Mgr., 248 4002. 10% Bid Surety Required Prequalification of Bidders Required on this Project. 03/27/8Û 92 Furnishing Three 1 Î4 Yard Low Bed Dump Trucks. For infor­ mation call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 248 4003. 10% Bid Surety Required. 03/04/80 90 (Continued from page I col. 6) II. Black Participation in the Federal Governm ent and Political Par­ ties. 4016 N.E. 10th Ave. 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bertram G riffin, Pastor Class on Skateboarding and roller-skating will be held March 6 at the Western Forestry Center. Co-sponsored by the Center and the Boy Scouts o f America, instruction w ill be given by Denny Watson o f Ride-on Skateboards Inc. W om an's Day. March 2, 1980 - 11:00 a.m., Bethel A.M .E . Church, 5828 NE 8th Ave., Portland, Oregon. Reception to follow in the multi-purpose. CITY OF PORTLAND The guidelines call attention to the wide discrepancies in the representation in the federal workforce between Blacks and whites. CBC asks for support of a program that articulates specific goals and timetables for increasing the representation o f Blacks in the Senior Executive Service, GS levels 12 through 15, and in Presidential appointments. The guidelines ask for special attention in making Presidential appoint­ ments to top economic policy positions, State Department and other foreign a ffa irs positions, the independent regulatory commissions, the federal judiciary, the White House Domestic Council, the National Security Council, the Council o f Economic Advisors, the Council on International Policy, the Council on Wage and Price Stability and the Office o f Manage­ ment and Budget. Th guidelines ask for the use o f Presidential influence to support appointment o f Blacks to international organizations to which the nation belongs. The CBC asks that the Democratic and Republical Parties increase Black representation on the staffs o f national and slate committees. III. Civil Rights and A ffirm a tiv e A ction The CBC calls on candidates to: - campaign and hold office in a manner that makes civil rights and equal opportunity an issue o f highest priority - speak frequently and forcefully to educate the public to the disabilities faced by Blacks and other minorities - strengthen the machinery for affirmative action and set-aside programs - support ratification o f the DC Voting Rights Amendment - support ratification ol the ERA V. Census and Redistricting The guidelines ask for the use o f full judicial power against discriminatory redistricting plans which may occur after the 1980 Census. They ask that federal fund allocations be adjusted to respond to shortchanging o f com­ munities where a disproportionate minority undercount may occur. VI. C rim inal Justice Candidates are called upon to oppose legislation which purports to reform criminal law but which has serious negative implications for Blacks and other minorities. Among such effects would be efforts to increase the already ex­ cessive use o f incarceration. Instead, incarceration and discriminatory treat­ ment o f Black and other minorities should be reduced and community-based alternatives sought. VII. Foreign Polciy In foreign policy decision making the CBC asks candidates to: - continue policies toward African countries which stress expansion o f economic assistance; - support m ajority rule for southern African nations; - re-examine policy which emphasizes the Cuban presence in Africa and which maintains Cold War concepts to the detriment o f relations with certain African countries; - encourage withdrawal o f Moroccan involvement in the Spanish Saharan conflict; - apply increasing economic and political pressure against South Africa; - increase refugee relief fo r A frica , which has the greates number o f refugees in the world; - correct the inequity in the amount o f funds for African refugees com­ pared to those form southeast Asia and eastern Europe; - change the US immigration policy which discriminates against Haitian boat people; - bolster economic and political relations with Caribbean countries that are suffering from disruptive conditions. 93 Furnishing 1 Hydraulic Drop Hammer. For information call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 248-4003. 10% Bid Surety Required. 94 95 Furnishing 1 Diesel Crawlor Backhoe/Loader. For information call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 248 4003. 10% Bid Surety Required. REVEREND CLAUDE HOSKINS 553 GLENVIEW AVENUE OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94610 TELEPHONE: ( 415) 444 4883 id Advertisement 3/1 3 /8 0 Labor, Materials & Equipment for construction of central business District Storm Sewers - Phase III. For information call Carlton Chayer, Ass t Purchasing Mgr., 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety required. Prequalification of Bidders required on this project. 03/25/80 RED BID 86 Labor, Materials & Equipment for Synthetic Track Surfac ing at Portland Civic Stadium. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Surety Required. Prequali cation of Bidders Required on this Project. 03/04/80 Invitation to Bid The Housing Authority of Portland will accept sealed bids until 2:00PM (PST) March 14, 1980 at 1605 N.E. 45th Portland, Oregon 97213 for the following: Furnish and install floor insulation at housing project Columbia Villa, Ore 2-1, 8910 N. Woolsey Ave. Portland Oregon. (Approximately 300,000 square feet) Bid forms and specifications available at the maintenance dept. 8910 N. Woolsey Ave. Portland, Oregon or call Mr. Max Fagg or Mr. Richard Jones at (503) 249- 5555. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Columbia Slough - N.E. Failing Street East Portland Freeway - Multnomah County Bid Date: February 28,1980 - 9:00 A .M . DONALD M. DRAKE COMPANY 1740 N.E. Flanders, Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 226-3991 W e are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority sub-contractors. 4. H U G H E S M E M O R IA L U N IT E D M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H REV. AUSTIN V. RAY, MINISTER 111 N.E. FAILING Dial A Prayer 284 0684 Worship 11 00am TESTIMONIALS 1) M iss Joyce J W . P ortland, OR., was in a fix where she could not find or keep a good man. I, Rev. Hoskins, removed the fix and the jinx from her NOW she can draw the man of her desire to her like a magnet. 2I M r ft M rs. C.P. of C om pton, C A., could not win the BIG one. They called Rev. Hoskins and Rev. sent them a for sure win blessing money hand. They went to Las Vegas and their luck kept on coming, winning more than $16,000. 3) Ms. Barbara T., In g le w o o d . CA . had a man who loft home for another woman. She called Rev Hoskins with tears in her voice. She want ed him back I! Now he is back and eating out of her hand. 4) M r Paul, Los Angeles, C A., was in a fix and rooted by this woman As a result he lost his nature for other women, but through Rev. Hoskins' work, Paul regained his nature and became luckier than ever with women, money and his business 5) M rs. O .I.. Long Beach, CA.. had demons in her body, and in her home, causing all kinds of bad luck, and unnatural sickness. She called Rev Hoskins and in 72 hours her home and body were free of unclean spirits. (The names in the above testimonies have been changed for the protec­ tion of the individual. I I guarantee to do what I say I can do. I have a big re puiation to protect. I know the power of the SPIRIT Don't put it o ff Don't let distance keep you from calling. Call n o w ll! You will be glad you did Tell a friend where to get HELP today RESULTS GUARANTEED 03/04/80 Church School 9 45am Office 281.2332 Specializing In Individual • Marriage and la m ily • Gruup Therapy WANTED "The Church W here NO Stranger Feele Strange Home Owners who want to have their homes covered with permanent siding at a low price. W e have to dispose of discontinued colors and designs of aluminum and vinyl sidings before March 31. W e will install the siding and guarantee the workman­ ship for 30 years. All factory warranties apply. You ars Welcome to Worship at T H E A R K O F S A F E T Y C H U R C H O F G O D IN C H R IS T Call and ask for Grace Walker 223-9050. "A warm spirit o f fellowship always The Honorable Bishop U.V. Peterson, D.D. "The Holiness Preacher," Pastor Wholesale Division Aluminum Builders Service, Inc. 2221 N W Thurman, Portland * '29 years in business locally Sunday: Sunday School Morning Worship 9:15em 11:18am Shower« of Blessings Broadcast ' 3:304 30 KLIQ 1290 6 30pm VPWW 8:00pm Evangelistic Worship Noon Day Prayer Tuesday Friday Tuesday Bible Band. Jr Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday: The Pastor Speaks' 7 30pm 700pm 7 30pm 84 NE Killingsworth 281 0499 I