Page I Portland Ob1en,er February 21. 1-, Portland Observer JO ,B F,l ,N D.ER •.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t. PROVIDER SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE P011t1on require • degree in Bu11n ... Adm1natra- tion. me1or 1n accounting and a minimum 2 years experience m the Health Care of Public Account- ing f1ekt. A h1gh level of proficiency in oral end written communication skills II nece1aary for effective presentation of fm1nc11I information to both In- ternal and external management. Rapona1ble for developing end maintaining good profe11ionel relations with providers of service through effec- tive presentation end communication of Blue Cro11 policies. Develop• end a111at in the 1m- plement1t1on of alternative reimburument pro grams. Assist ,n development and presentation of educational work1hop1 and seminars. Analyze and prepare document• and reports. aaa,at m e1tebliah1ng end maintaining cooperate relat1on- ah1pa with providers, financial and administrative personnel. 1 Please apply or submit resumes to Personnel ' Department. BLUE CROSS OF OREGON An Equal Opportunity Employer BANK CLERK Under the 1pecific direction, of the an1ly1i1 Fee Paid & Non FM Paid POlitiOnl Available 1upervi10r, dON quenlitetive anelyail of medical We Are An Equal Opportunity Employment Ae«tC'Y task• in maintaining Qty- owned vehicle,. record• and 11111t 1n other areas II auigned. 1 yr EJCcellent part time Repair /replace tiru WAREHOUSE MGMT TRAINEE of medical records e,cperiance or comparable po1it1ona open tor u1ing 1t1nderd 1hop No 393N122119. Electrical 1c1dem1c e,cperience. Pleela apply personnel of- I school bus drivera. 1'14o machine•, replace• 1upply parson with one Fee pd 190BX01170. ice. I e,cperience nec .... ry. filtera, lubH ch1nge1 or more yra e,cp i1 Nat'I co want• an- We provide free train- b1tterie1 end w1pera. needed for thi1 Htab thu1iHtic peraonallty. EMANUEL ing $4.45 $4 .92 per Requiru 1hop local firm. All bft1. St Coll degree helpa, excel HOSPITAL hour. knowledge end slt1lla end t950 to t1040 mo. Cell training program w• ' an N. Oaten_.n Ave. unlimited edvmt. All- • valid driver's licenH. MIKE. I Portland, OR 'ITZZ1 bft1. t1000 up. Call Moat po1ition1 involve COLUMBIA BUS MIKE. 1hitta end weekend,. SERVICE CITY OF PORTLAND An Eqwol Oppona,nity Emplo~r WAREHOUSE APPLY ANNEXATION TERRITORY No 342M12209. lmmed Portland Clvll Service 6756 NE Columbia Blvd ASSISTANT Board Portland. Oregon •19,<IM to t20,280 CITY OF PORTLAND MANAGER TRAINII hire for peraon with • 510 S. W. Montgomery 6466 Will develop end SURVEY TRAINING POLICE IDENT TECH 1olid work record, 284 ..,..on 97201 RESEARCH TRAINEE TRAINEE P o rtl • nd , Or - propose anna,cetion · t · · I •6 • 27/h r. T reineea work w1rehou1e beckgrnd, No 382812289 . Start U An Equal Opportunity policie1 con1iat1nt with nique . raining. program in the Criminelilticl Divi- electrical aupply e,cp. All with a lge nat'I co in an N 0 I ater th en T uea d 1Y • training March 4, 1980. Women Employer e1tabllahed city policy on special pubhc survey lion of the Portland Po- I bfta. St $800 to $1800. ulating program. Thia i1 one co and minoritie1 ere en- 1 - - - - - - - - - - ~ end will a1aiat in the project. Entry level lice Bur••~- After a ai,c Cell MIKE. couraged to apply. revision and main- position, combine in- month training program you will learn to manage An Equal Opportunity ENGINEERING tenence of Portland's dividuel end claaaroom of cla11 study, on the job 1 •rly in your career. Ex- COMPUTER Employer . TECHNICIAN II enne,cetion policy. Will training at a local com- training end ult-study, cel bftl, feat hirel t1400- OPERTRMT City ~f Salem, seasonal I provide enne,cetion intor- munity college with trainees are eligible for t1flX>. Cell MIKE. CLERICAL poa1t1on. t6.49/hr. Rep- . d . supervised area-wide appointment as a Police t No e,cperience7 Find out resent the City of Salem metion an aaaia ance to survey work. 40 hrs per ldent Tech I. Full per- ' No 106X0180. lmmed FIELD REP how 16 hrs/mo plus 2 as Construction Inspect- owners, developers, week for 1 year. Starts fo rm~nce Te~h• obte!n, hire for person with wks annual training m or for Public Works con- realtora, city bureaus immediately. Applicant• c 1 1111fJ and identify fin- computer acience degree the Army Reserve can tracts and private devel- and other governmental . . gerprinta and perform ' or math degree. Must be Fee pd 396B12289. I start you toward a full opera· pro1ect1 involving bodies. mua t be CETA_ eligible simple photography. In- familiar with IBM 370 & Degree nee, out1ide time Job in a civilian firm. street improvement,, APPLY • nd must be residenta of volv91 fingerprinting and it poHible, some 18 1 91 e,cp helps, e,ccel Openings tor typists, water, sewer and storm Portland Clvll Service Multnomah County out- photographing 1uapect1, legal clerks. atenograph- dram installations. E,c Board aide • of Portland City victims, employees and ' working All Start bfta training d thru profit e,cp. 1haring. unlimited program, edvmt in L im1ta. Dea hne for ep- job applic1nt1. Shift ers. C a II A rmy R e1erve perience m performing 5 10 s.w. Montgomery Opportunltie1. 234- engmeermg, surveying Portland, Oregon 97201 plicetiona is March 6th. ' work may be required. ' during training $1450 future . All e,cpenaes • co 7209-Jlm Browning. and drafting tasks, com- No later than Monda Apply early. For com- APPLY: mo. Call MIKE. I car. St t1200-t1600 + An Equal Opportunity plet,on of a 2-year tech- , Y, plete information about Portland Clvll Service . annual bonuH1. Call Employer meal course with an AA March 3 , 1980 • Women RESEARCH TRAINEE 610SWMontgomerySt COMPUTER MIKE. degree and ma1·or course and minoritiea are en- Portland, OR 97201 PROG-OPERTR PART · TIME I contact between 9 to 11 No later than Friday, I MARKETING REP work in engineering or courag ed toappy. 4 EMPLOYMENT mathorequ1valentcom- AnEqualOpportunity amand1 to pm: March 7, 1980.Women , No 115G01110. Muat j Editors. Illustrators. · In bmation of e,cperience Empfouer ., Public E I Service and Minorities are en- • have IBM 360 e,cp & able I Fee pd 397B 12289. 1 ..... mp oyment couraged to apply. _. terpretor 8 • Co mmumca t1on System Operators and training in engineer- A E to program more than 1 local co need• aucceuful 110 NE 122nd, Rm 280 · 1ng surveying, construe- n qua 10 ipportun 1 ty No e,cperience neces t tak· d. d Portland, Orenon E I language. Must be salesperson to no HM• ,on S mg, rea 1ng an • mp orr sary. We train. Do some interpreting plans, blue- , SECRETARY / Telephone: 256 _0535 CITY OF PORTLAND willing to work awing or market share . Full bft1, thing for your country prints and apecificat,on, . _RECE~TIO~IST Equal Employment PUBLIC SAFETY grave. St $1200. Cal, car, e,cpenaes. St $1000- and yourself. Call Army testing of construction C1v1I engineering and I Opportunity ANALYST MIKE. $1300. Call MIKE. R 91 erve Opportunities. materials, soil compac- planning t_irm needs a A "irmative Action $1,494/mo to $1,78>/mo. ' COUNTER SALES RATER 234-7209 - Jlm Brown tion and density testing sharp, person JJ' Employer Ing flt h motivated · f Public Safety Analysts I · and in place pipe pres- to t e position sec- design, conduct and co- An Equal sure testing. Valid Ore- retary/recept1ontat. Th•• 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E Opportunity t ordinate research, data Fee pd 398A12289 . Lfe Fee pd No 1BOC12179. th 8 ....!!'.J!!EYer gon driver·• hcenae re- is growth position wi LIVE IN MANAGER collection and analysis in 1 local co needs a rater Nat'I co will hire person quired. Requires use per- room_ to advance: _Skills E,cperienced apartment aupport of the Portland now. All bfta, e,ccel to learn the biz starting in sonal vehicle on the job. required_ are: ability _to manager needed to man- , Police, Fire ~nd future. $750-$900. Call counter sales. Growth RESEARCH po1ition, will move to Must provide proof of in- handle cltenta with poise age elderly and family ~mergency Communtca- MIKE. TRAINING outaide aelel, e,ccel bftl, surance. Mileage 11 re1m- an_d courtesy• typ~n~ unit will receive salary t1ons Bureaus. Some po- See ad under Survey bursed. Clo1ing date : skills of 60 WPM mmi- 1$600/mol less monthly aitions will involve · MGR 'S ASSISTANT good training. St $1000 ~. Apply: mum with e,ccellent • f • th de 1 Training. up. Call MIKE . 31141 City of Salem grammatical skills, and rent . Company paid asa11 mg in e ve op- t860UP Personnel Depart,'.,,ent general organizational benefits. To apply call ment and maintenance bT M. · f Debroah Mann, 249- of automated informe- Fee pd No 51H01040. ASSIST'T BOOKKPR ANALYSIS 555 Liberty SE, a , ity, immu_m ive 5561 or apply in person tion systems; while Reasonable typing Salem Oregon 97301 Ye 8 r 5 e ,c Pe" enc e • at 8920 N w 001,._, Ave. others involve the use of SUPERVISOR t860-$900 speed, dictating ' EOE Pleasant working condi- - , Under general direction tiona, good benefits, 981 . Hiring immediately. All comple,c stat1st!cal anal- , machine, ahrthnd or Co pays fee for e,cp'd of the director of medical ary negotiable. For ap- qualified applicants will ya11. Two openmga e,c1st one with good bookpg pointment call: receive consideration now in the Police Bu- 1peedwriting & other records, supervises gen'I ofc e,cp nee. E,ccel backgrnd Customer ser- C3G $370.00/thousand 227 -0466 without regard to race, reau. general completion of APPLY : growth po1ition. good vice & some payroll. WIisey & Hem color, religion, national medical records. Aaa1st for envelopes you mail Portland Clvll Service future, all bfts. Call variety + ucel bfta, 222 SW Harrlaon #4 origin, age, se,c, se,cual director of medical postage paid free. 610 SW Montgomery St MIKE. Hurry, co needs you Portla1nd, OR 97201 onentat1on or political at- records in achieving Glenna Portland, OR 97201 now. No 53P010440. Cell We are an Equal filiation. departmental goals and No later than Friday, P.O. Bo,c 13403 MIKE. RECEPTIONIST Opportunilyl Affirmative Equal Opportunity March 7, 1980. Women objective. Aaa1st director Portland. Ore. 9n13 Action Employer Employer & Minorities are encour- in compiling and dis t800 + WAREHOUSE aged to apply. playing health care , · No 294H12179. Type 50 Lge local co wenta stable An Equal Opportunity statistical data tor wpm, good phone voice individual to work & Employer departmental and necessary. Bookkpg learn. Adv . ta1t, quick TYPIST medical staff research ' backgrnd helpful. Good hirel Good bftl. $6.42 hr. hlb. 1191 Immediate opening in studies. 2 years of . downtown insurance . advmt potential, e,ccel No 392K12289 . Cell Iuperviaory e,cperience MIKE. No e,cperience neces- , bfts. Call MIKE. required or equivalent, 1 1 sary, but helpful. 45 educational background WPM MINIMUM. E,ccel- I in medical records ad- WORK OVERSEAS lent benefits, working HUSPITAL ministration . Accredited condition,, hours, start- Immediate pert-time op- Make more money 1 with the American ing pay. Call Ms. Harris. enings in the Army Re- working abroad . Regard· Records Association . U.S.F. & G., An serve. Clinical apecialiat, leas of your age, se,c or Registered with the ward attendant, medical present job. All types of 221-0221 American Records lab specialist. ,c-ray spe- workers urgently An Eq1111/ Opportu11ity cialist. We provide needed. For details send Aaaocietion. Graduate of Employer training. Cell Army self-addressed stamped Record Technology RHerve Opportunl- program required. envelope to: tlH, 234-7209-Jlm Bachelor degree in Foreign Employment Browning. medical records ad- 701 Washington St. An £qua/Opportunity ministration perterred . Buffalo, NY 14205 Employer Please apply personnel • Pattern makers • Boiler Repoir office: • Pipefitten • Electricians (Marini) EMANUEL HOSPITAL • ShNtmetol Mechanics • Electric Power Controller 21ll1 N. Gatenbein Ave. • Shipfitter1 Portland, OR 97221 • forger, Equal Opportunity • Tool and Cutter Grinders • Pipe ln,ulotor1 (loggers) Employer • Mochinists (lnlide) • T oolrnoliers On , all It mporary ,·uh lPrlB work eva,lablP d n .nd ,,. 1n 'uft l'nor eapera•nc, tn food p I' , 10n and r 1n11 helpful. ThH4! 1 I, can I, lo porm11n, nl pm111on 1 ,1 h Keypunch Operators irr mulutt pt rman• nt opt nllll(~ for hifl K, pun< n Operator, t onnal h hool1nl(or I qu1vawnt .. ork lptrl\'nCP t 1harit lln 1, 111'.\I , ard punch or Ii I Part Tme Assembler f f t •~ trnhll , f nand 1, ah11ih Trunni,:,.ill l p ldf'd Clerk Typist \\ ,ht ' I I Secretary I 1n ' rt 1n 1 p "ft!ktronix ' l I I I I I PSNS CHALL1 E NG l NG OPPORTU NITl1 ES 1 1 I for work on Submarines, Aircraft Carriers and other types of surface vessels Working with you ... " n 4 t C' ] I I Food Service Attendant l f Experienced Journey / Limited Tektronix Opportunities (, . ITE 400 CALL lli031 221-0III I U.S. NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON ay1tema. Independently SECRETARY responsible tor all related $926/mo, Housing Au- maintenance, repairs, in- thority of Portland. Type stallation, building codes with speed and accura- end inventory. cy, answer phone, public Oregon Reglonel contact. 4 yrs office e,c- Primate Research perience. Must have cur- Center rent driver's license and 505 N.W. 186th available car. To apply prepare resume and cell Beaverton, OR 97005 for appointment to test. 645· 1141 Call Kathy Wilson, 249- An Equal Opportunity 5533. Position at 1605 Employer NE46th . 1 , 1 ° Full and part time positions for persons with good typing, 10- key skills and math oriented . Downtown location. Excellent working conditions and fringe benefits. Cafeteria provided. 10-2:30pm U.S. Bank Plaza 556S.W.Oak PLUMBER Equal Opportunity Journeymen with e,c- Employer perience m metal, gla11 end plastic piping...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ,. n1 MEDICAL RECORDS ANALYSIS CLE'R K I 100 SW Market St Portland, OR 97201 INTERVIEW TRAINING See ad under Survey Training. BUS DRIVERS GROUNDSPERSON TRAINEE Temporary po1ition H1i1ting tr1n1plantlng tree,, land1c1ping , v1riou1 ground1-keep1ng dutiel. Or . . on REGIONAL Prlmete Reaeerch Canter 505 N.W. 186th Belverton, OR 97006 646-1141 An Equal Opportunity Employer I We otter an e,ccellent benefits package + fle,c time hours. INDUSTRIAL NURSE Registered nurse with clerical skills and typing required. Must be able to work any day, any shift. Salary $1600 per mo. Telephone 289 - 5506 !Portland) for interview appointment Aluminum Company of America Vancouver, WA An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND AUTOMOTIVE SERVICER I t7.36 te.32 Perform• ba11c Hrvice • Mointe,ionce Mochinists CITY OF PORTLAND PARKING PATROL DEPUTY tl, 183/moto t1,402/mo Will patrol a11igned area• of the city on foot or in 3-wheel vehicles identifying violations of the City'1 parking code; i11uln9 cit1tion1; ap- pearing m court end re1pondlng to reque1t1 for information from the public . Mu1t be prepared to work outdoora m ell weather. APPLY Portland Civil Service 801rd 610 S.W. Montgomery PorUand, Oregon 97201 No later then Monday, March 3, 1980. Women and mlnoritiH era en- couregad to eppty An Eqw,I Opportunity E,nplo:,a U.S. Otlaen1hip Require.I Al f . . . ol Cml Str,,ct S-titt. Liwal ¥Otatliln aao-e, paid lid .-.., partialy ..,..,. lundad ita & heollli • - • P,OIII'_,, ucehnt ,.,,,_,plan Scenic 8,-ton it locoted OIi o _., ~ or• ot 11..., 5-ld. ond ii o _,...,,111 ,_.;,y - , OM ho.,r ♦rOffl $eot119, reclllfl), recop,ud by - a l DUblicoflOM DI the city with the best ".,allty at Mfe" ill the c.-try Por Mete lnt.1Mt_., eutlWe 1tate., W..hin"9" Coll tell free 1-I00-426-5"6 State _, Wethinften ,.._.,. Cal ... free 1~5'2-S972 (Ye.. ..y ...,,_ • m11aa1• at ttieN nufflMn eutlicle .. eur w.tdftt heun.) • mail '""IM t9: PUGET SOUN,D NAVAL SHIPYARD 1 ATTN: Code 170.2 (PPI BREMERTON, WA 98314 An .... opportunity ....,., M-f.ft The Portland Homebuilders Association fosters a close working arrangement with the District Coun- cil of Carpenters. Jim Goodrich, Homebuilders executive Vice President and the union often co- operate in matters of mutual interest. Union peo- ple have testified at various land use planning con- t erences aimed at bringing about realistic land development for the benefit of all. The association and union participated in Joint efforts to bring about lower home mortgage interest rates. They are working together on fairer workmens compen- sation legislation. The Homebuilders Association also has a representative on the various union trusts. Working for you .. . We're Building the 20th Century ... In Many Ways. DISTRICT COUNCIL of CARPENTERS (United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners) 2828 S.W. Corbett I Portland, Or9g0n 97201 I 227-3291 du Fe ma clu Co Co 51V4 Ur wa Av she Tr1