Black professionals discussed A forum entitled “ Black Awareness in the Professional Set­ ting will be held in the library of the University o f Oregon Science Center on February 28th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. The U.S. Forest Service is seeking young people between the ages o f 15 and 19 who want summer jobs. The Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) offers an opportunity for hard work b u ilding tra ils, planting trees. working in campgrounds and other outdoor activities along w ith a chance to learn about the environ­ ment and how to protect it. Young men and women work from mid-June to m id-August. Groups are co-educational, with from 20 to 40 enrolles. Some camps M aking arrangements fo r this event will be William Jackson, A f­ firmative Action Officer for the cen­ ter and Dr. Avis Graham, nurse psychologist. Others taking part in leading the discussions are forecast to be Dr. Caroline Murray o f the Black Studies department at Port­ land State U niversity, Angie Richardson, nursing supervisor for Kaiser Permanentc Clinic and Dr. W illia m Brown, physician and surgeon o f the Phil Reynolds Medical Clinic. The panelists w ill focus on re­ wards, assets, problems and sup­ ports encountered by Blacks and other ethnic m inorities in professional settings. The forum is public. are residential, with the group living in the forest, but others are located where students can live at home and commute. To apply, contact the State o f Oregon Employment Service or Mel Loftus at the Mt. Hood National Forest. (667-0511) Correction Last week the Observer featured photo o f Sherri Johnson o f George School, the school which won the McPhearson A w ard, w ith her family. We neglected to mention her parents, James and Verdell Gulden and her sister Chocka Gulden Students learn work skills, help elderly A unique Work and Learning I Ex­ Cv. change Program is taking place in NE Portland. Enrollees o f the Tim ­ berlake Job Corps Center and clien­ ts o f the Highland Adult A ctivity Program have formed work crews. Job Corps enrollees are learning behavior management technics so that they may work effectively with the handi-capped. Highland Adult A ctivity Program clients are lear- ____________ - . ning the safe use o f hand tools. Together, these folks will spruce up 20-30 yards in the King Neigh­ borhood in preparation for Spring planting. Agencies have been involved in planning and training aspects o f this program for the past two months. The first yards were done Thursday, February 28. ... ' This program is the result o f the co-operative efforts o f the following agencies: King Improvement Association, Highland Adult Ac­ tivity Program, United States Job Corps, T.H .E. C.R.I.B., Portland C om m unity College. For in fo r ­ mation contact; Richelle Capozio 281-6936 or Pamella Tate at 1-834- 2291. SAFEW AY Are high food prices making you frown? Then, turn that frown up­ side down. “ Cheep” chicken loaf w ill put a smile on your face and change in your pocket. I t ’ s a nutritious and delicious budget en­ tree. Leftover or canned chicken com­ bines with the incredible edible egg to make this dish a real bargain. Did you know that eggs are only 60C a pound when large eggs sell for 9(X a dozen? Eggs are versatile, too. In this recipe, they act both as a binder holding the lo a f together, and to provide high-quality protein. For easy preparation, hard-cook the eggs a few days in advance and store them in the refrigerator. If you’ re feeding a hungry family on a tig h t budget, remember “ cheep” chicken loaf. This “ centsi- ble” taste tempter is bound to be a favorite. CHEEP CHICKEN LOAF 6 to 8 servings 2 eggs % cup chicken broth or milk 'A teaspoon poultry seasoning ’/« teaspoon salt 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs 6 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 1'A cups chopped cooked chicked or turkey or 2 cans (5'A oz. each) boned chicken ’A cup chopped celery 'A cup chopped green pepper '/« cup chopped onion, parsley sprigs. optional gravy, mushroom sauce or cheese sauce, optional Beat together 2 eggs, b ro th , poultry seasoning and salt. Stir in crumbs. Reserve 3 center egg slic es for garnish. Chop remaining eggs. Add chopped eggs and remaining ingredients except parsley and gravy to crumb mixture and toss lightly to mix. Place in greased 8'/i X 4'/i X 2'/i inch loaf pan. Bake in preheated 35O“F. oven 50 to 55 minutes or un­ til lightly browned. Loosen at edges w ith spatula. Invert onto serving platter. Garnish with reserved egg slices and parsley, if desired. Slice and serve. Top slices with leftover gravy, mushroom sauce or cheese sauce, if desired. G E T T H E O R IG IN A L C U R L " M A C H IN E " BYO M AKA WELL - Ito not really a "Machine" BUT. as a DAILY APPLICATION to ACTIVATE YOUR COLD WAVE CURL TREATMENT. IT S THE BEST ON THE MARKET. OMAKA CURL ACTIVATOR and MOISTURIZER "THE CHOICE OFTHE NATION'S TOP BEAUTICIANS." ★ ♦ * OMAKA HAIR PRODUCTS ★ * ★ Manor House Grade A Frying Chicken Cut-up lb. 64Ç Miracle Whip 3 2 -o r Jar Limit 1 @ ? s 9 8 « Elbow M acaroni and Long Spaghetti Town House. 22-02 ®©69* Crushed Wheat P’ $ SuvJwch 2« 5 01 30* • Who* Afhoi» 24 01 Ujp on These V a lu e *! Coffee i7 3 -$ £ 9 9 Edwards Assorted Grinds © Whole Chicken © Grapefruit Juice © Dawn Liquid © V05 Hair Spray 3-P ou nd Can Chunky Soup Town House Chicken or Beet 1 9 -0 u n c e Can 69 20 S o ft M a rg a rin e Ä voguât» Sotad I C ris c o O il CxwkingOl 24-01 * • L y n d e n D in n e r * x c,s r MOttyiSotM © M a g ic B le n d Drooomg 32-oi Sonato ’OOS © A p p le S auce hofix« 4S-0J 12-Puk Beer Heidelberg ,2 -0 u n c e Cans p lu sd eo Box of 200 Trail Blaxej Player Cards featured this Week - «I«*" APPROVED BY: THE MISS TEEN USA PAGEANT, 1980. tww»4 SNOW STAR Q Ask for O M AKA at your favorite Beauty & Barber Supplier. Beautiful Hold 20* Oft Label 7-02 Can © Q u a rt Y o g u rt © G ia n t B uns © C a re ss B e a u ty B a r ‘ 5 98« © B o n z Dog S n a c k s ’4 © P u rin a D og M eal X X S-J19 FRENCH Assorted Flavors • 7-02 Tube Half Gal $139 J725 •« Y * Dinnerwirt M a r k in S u lk ird shirt 12-oz Can SAVE 20 6 9 © 69 I Thu week s feature BREAD & BUTTER Bel-air Concord SAVE 10 09 /, Grape Juice Bel-air 24-oz Steak Cut SAVE 50 S |1 4 BCL-AIR Fries I 1 79‘ Crown Pr»int * N T MOM hock wee I I ItW \ T M W e » s F e o tw e * Beverage W t o w W M W . W « . . F .b , 27 thru T in «., M . ren < , , N . E . Union 6 V—— , M (u.| Mt Of 13 pWe' k pick »hem ul way , C - hecksiand j3 s s r > - - * ' Town House Pink or Natural 46-02 Can J1 '5 »1« 75« Ice Cream T oothpuste Aqua-fresh Fluoride 2 S1 2 6 ' o n 50-or Can F ro z e n Food F a v o r it e s ... d i k ïIg prnTTCJ Tissue Ranch Table Detergent 20* 0(1 Label 32-02 so'PdTQ Truly Fine 2-Ply Or call: 227 2902 B ig S a v in g s at S a fe w a y ! No.1 Potatoes! Whole Fryers ,5. 54« 10*58« All purpose Russets Compare Kraft Salad Dressmq visit: JOHN REED BOOK STORE In the Dekum Building 519 S.W. 3rd Avenue Sixth Floor l t ’$ OOt* J*-** Cheer up with "Cheep" loaf Interested in current books about African Liberation? S A F E W A _ Y _ _ _ SALIS LIM IT» TO »TA IL QOANTITIIS OMIT E veryth ing You Want from a S tore ...A n d a t t t t le b it more. I < .4 - »