Portland Observar February 28. 1980 Pago 6 HAPPENINGS t v GET THE ORIGINAL CURL "MACHINE" BY OMAKA E N T E R T A IN M E N T X« WELL- It's not really a "Machine" BUT, as a DAILY APPLICATION to ACTIVATE YOUR COLD WAVE CURL TREATMENT, IT'S THE BEST ON THE MARKET OMAKA CURL ACTIVATOR and MOISTURIZER "THE CHOICE OFTHE NATIONSTOP BEAUTICIANS * * * * OMAKA HAIR PRODUCTS ★ ★ ★ APPROVED BY: THE MISS TEEN USA PAGEANT, 1980. Ask tor O M A K A at your favorite Beauty & Barber Supplier. DO YOU REALLY W A NTTO SAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL? We offer savings of up to 40% and more on fine quality wonder and Hostess products, plus large discounts on other baked goods Besides our every day low prices, we feature in store specials daily. Just look for the bar 9ai,t signs on the displays in our store Discover for yourself what thou sands of smart shoppers in the area have found fcSW M elba M oore's recent Los Angeles opening brought out some of her best 'old frie n d s .” H er " P u rlie " co-star C levon L ittle, acto r Richard Roundtree, and Love Boat's Ted Lange all stopped backstage to catch up on old times. Clevon and M elba had not seen each other for tw o years. ‘ W ouldn't you know it," M elba lamented, "three gorgeous men come to spend some tim e w ith me and I've got a second show to dol" ■c © You'll be amazed at the savings you make at our Wonder Thrift Shop! Food stamps gladly accepted ***** D on't miss Sarah Vaughan at the Civic Auditorium . Patron tickets, at »60. are available through ARTQ UAKE (227 2787). Reserved tickets, priced at »9. »8 and »7 may be obtained from the Oregon Sym phony Ticket Office. Portland Civic Auditorium Box Office. M eier & Frank. Frederick ft Nelson and Stevens ft Sons. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED You must tie completely satisfied with every purchase or we will cheerfully refund your purchase price WONDER-HOSTESS THRIFTSHOP 115 N. Cook St. SARAH VAUGHAN APPEARS WITH SYMPHONY Jazz vocalist Sarah Vaughan and conductor Norman Leyden appear together again with the Waymon Reed Quartet and the Oregon Symphony Pops Orchestra in Portland Civic Auditorium, Sunday, March 9 at 8:00 pm. Vaughan and Leyden recorded together in the early fifties under the direction of M itch M ille r at Colum bia Records. This perform ance, their first collaboration in live performance, will be a benefit for ARTQUAKE, Por tland’ s annual celebration of art, craft, performing arts, food and fun. Vaughan’s delivery and repertoire have embraced nearly every type o f music: gospeal, jazz, classical and pop. She enjoys the great distincition o f being an incomparable jazz performer with the range and ability o f an opera singer. Equally at home with a jazz quartet or a symphony orchestra, Vaughan will be backed by both in this special performance, singing some of her favorite such as “ Since She Went Away, ” “ Misty, ” “ / Got It Bad. " “ Wave, " “ There W ill Never Be Another You, “ “ Easy Living, “ “ Summer tim e " medley, “ Someone To Watch Over M e” medley and “ Send In The Clowns." The Oregon Symphony Pops Orchestra, under Leyden's direction has sold out its regular series for eight years running, so this special performance provides an opportunity for people who have been unable to obtain tickets tor the series performances to enjoy Leyden’s smooth, easy-going conducting style and the light, popular repertoire for the Pops Orchestra. Arlene Schnitzer, president o f the ARTQUAKE board o f directors for 1980, expressed her enthusiasm about the March 9 benefit performance as the first step toward year-round Festival programming and fund raising. The thirty members o f the newly expanded Festival board are generating a wide base o f community support through sale o f patron tickets for the Sarah Vaughan performance. V Corner of Vancouver ft Cook St., Portland, Oregon Open Mon thru Sat — 9am-6pm —Closed Sundays SAR4H VAUGHAN PW Y/MON REED QUARTET WIIM N O R M A N LEYDEN A N O ÎM» O REG ON SYMPHONY POPS ORCHESTRA IN A SPfCtAl M M F If P » » K *M A N C I K » ARTQUAKE SUNDAY MARCH 9 - 8 PM PORTLAND C IV IC AUDITORIUM W hen W ayne C o op er, V o calist for C h oco late C ity /C a a a b la n c a recording artists Cameo, returns to his N ew York City home after several weeks touring across the country, he's greeted at the door by a faithful and unusual friend. Coke. Coke is Cooper's pet ferret. Why a ferret? Cooper explains that: "He's easy to take care of and has a w o n d erfu l p ersonality. He's playful and likes m ucho a tte n tio n . I w o u ld n 't trade him in for any other kind of pet. FFerrets. by the w ay, are related to weasels and were often trained to hunt rats or rabbits." Cooper is looking for a lady friend to keep Coke company. He ex plains that, "I really w an t to own a ferret farm one day." PRODUCED IN PART BY A SPECIAL GRANT FROM CABLE C O M GENERAL INC SEE SPORTS O N G IA N T SCREEN T V. JOE’S PLACE 1801 N.E. Alberta The Friendly Tavern .. X I o i - ’ßCCK “ A i v .• J ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. Art hae played an Important rola In the history of Black Amarlcana, whose accomplishments ara being honored during National Afro- American Hiatory Month In February. A century ago. Black artiste could only succsad If their works wars not Identified with thslr race. Today, howavar. Black artists Ilka Francis H. (Sonny) Brown have achieved national recognition through emphasis on Black subjects. An example of such work Is Brown's "Debroah-Martha's Vineyard 1975" (above), which was sslactad for the North Carolina Artists competition sponsored by R. J. Reynolds Industries. Inc. American State Bank We have portable TV's from $49 up. TV, FLOOR MODEL $99 We also have microwave ovens. Full ser vice warranty on all TV sets sold. Come on by and see us at 8139 Denver 285-1626 “ The Bank that integration b u ilt” 2737 N.E. Union COMMERCIAL ELECTRONICS INC. 282-2216 We are open from 9 a m. to 6 p.m. each day except Sunday. )