Portland Observar February 28.1980 Page 3 DESEGREGATION D R A FT II Your C hance To Speak * PU B L IC M E E T IN G S Marantha Church 1222 N.E. Skidmore St. Feb. 29 SOUNDS OF JEFFERSON 7:30 TO 10:30 P.M. * PORT I A M ) Pl BI 1C SCHOOLS Board of Education I OK I t R U H R INFORM A I ION. C AI I O F S K . R K ; \ 1ION IN F O R M A IIO N CEN TER - ’ 4 9 -tU I. The Morns Marks House 1501 51V Harrison Srreer Portland 97201 Telephone 227-26Ô 6 DES CONNALL Professional Corporation LEGAL CLINIC CONCENTRATING IN THE FIELDS OF: MATTIE SPEARS JUDGE MERCEDES DEIZ 1RS employees celebrate Black History Week Last week to celebrate Black History Week the Internal Revenue Service (IR S ) Black federal em ployees sponsored a very enter taining and inform ative program. A t the Portland Federal Building. Judge Mercedes Deiz o ffic ia lly opened the week’s event. Others on the program included A n th o n y P h illip s singing “ L ift Every Voice and S ing,” Herb Cawthorne's oral presentation o f M a rtin Luther King and W .E .B DuBois; songs by Mattie Spears and Ira M u m fo rd ; music by A ndre Stewart and the Sounds o f Jeffer son; and poetry by Roland Tate. Talks on different aspects o f the Black experience were given by Commissioners Gladys McCoy and Charles Jordan, Reverend L.F . Hines o f Bethel A .M .E . Church and Ron Herndon o f the Black United Front. CRIM INAL LAW INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF INTOXICANTS DOMESTIC RELATIONS WORKERS' COMPENSATION BANKRUPTCY PERSONAL INJURY W ILLS - PROBATE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS CONSUMER PROTECTION 4 The week long event concluded i with a luncheon o f traditional foods from the Black com m unity in cluding Southern Fried Chicken, Bar-B-Que ribs, greens, cabbage, ham hocks, ham, sweet potatoes, blackeyed peas, seafood gumbo, corn bread and sweet potato pie. The IRS Black federal employees are planning to follow-up this event with others during the year. (Photos: by Richard J. Brown) If you have a problem that is not covered in this list, please call and ask whether we can help. Chances are, we can. If not, we can recommend someone else for you to call. One way or the other, we want to see you get the kind of professional legal counsel you're entitled to. The best time to call us, or any attorney, is before you are embroiled in a legal problem. This is called preventative law and it makes a lot of sense Regardless, when you call us we will arrange for an initial consultation at your convenience. Cost: $20 We probably can't solve anything in this meeting, but it is a chance for you to explain your particular problem and for us to give you some idea of w hat it'll take to reach a solution. If you want us to proceed, w e'll give you an estimate of the fees you should plan on. In writing ’LIFT EVERY VOICE AND SING"