Portland Observer Section II February 28. 1980 Page 9 1883 —American missionaries translate the Bible into the Zulu language. 1886 — Ricketts and Scholl, two Black missionaries from the Northern Baptist Organization, were appoint­ ed to the Congo. The National Baptist Convention was created in St. l.ouis. It served to consolidate slate, regional and missionary bodies into a whole. 1887 _ | n addition to being a statesman and educator fo r Liberia. Edward W ilm ot Blyden had published Christianity, Islam and the Neftro. ¡988 —James (Holy) Johnson was appointed assistant bishop o f the Niger Delta Church Pastorate. ¡900 —John Chilembwe o f Malawi, a graduate o f the Virginia Theological Seminary and College, established the first independent (Black) African-operated mission in his homeland. His martyrdom in the Chilembwe R ebellion o f 1915 encouraged his countrym en to produce more teachers, evangelists and artisans. James Johnson as a young man. Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. This was a direct result o f the evangelistic work that the M.E. Church did among the (then) slaves. ¡877 —Christianity was introduced into hostile Uganda. It was recorded that torty-five missionaries suttered martyrdom until the establishment ot a British admin­ istration in 1894. So, the circle comes full. We know that the majority o f Black America’ s ancestors practiced well-developed religions that were rich in gods; however, there generally was one all powerful Supreme Being. When the slaves in the New W orld were first imported, a serious eftort to Christianize them was begun. Many captives readily ac­ cepted the new faith because o f some o f the striking similarities between the new and the old. The phenomenal growth o f the Baptist and Methodist denominations among Blacks is attributed to the high em otionalism involved in the evangelical torm o f Christianity which has done much to tashion the present form o f worship. John C h ilem b w e and fa m ily , about ten years before the 1915 rebellion. REACHING THE TOTAL MAN BODY - MLND - SPIRIT PRISON MINISTRIES, INC. Representative Ed Shackelford 3380 N W . 178th Portland, OR. 97229 15031645 2720 Director John H. Parker 4042 N. Michigan Portland. OR. 97227 15031282-4705 C WANTED Gold scrap and old jewelry ■'sar HIGHEST PRICES PAID Jewelry /Watches/Diamonds] Personalized & Custom Made Jewelry Trinity Cathedral. Trinidad • T $ PATON JEWELERS ; 4616 N .l. Sandy Blvd. Jamaica baptism 281-8801 |