Page 8 Portland Observer Section II February 28,1980 ¡827 —The Anglican Church Missionary Society estab­ lished a settlement fo r freed slaves at Erere Town, (Mombasa) Kenya. ¡842 —Samuel Johnson Prescod was the lirst Black Barbadian in the Assembly. Mid-1800s — David Livingston, aided by Tippu Tip and Chuma (Livingston’s “ man Friday” ), explored the A f­ rican interior and paved the way lo r missionaries to evangelize the interior around 1878. Bombay, a native o f Zanzibar, was also instrumental in aiding Stanley, Cameron, Burton and Speke for the same purpose. 1853-72 — Dr. Alexander Crumwell served as clergyman and educator in Sierra Leone and Liberia. From 1873 until his death, he was a prolific w riter and speaker throughout leading cities in the States. 1857 — Bishop Samuel Ajaye Crowther, first Black bishop o f the Church o f England, founded the Niger Mission. !860s-1890s — W orkers from Jamaica and Antigua formed a small Christian community on the west coast o f A frica. Missions were formed with mixed success throughout the area. Others were formed by Catholic and Protestant orders at a tremendous toll: close to nine hundred members were lost in about sixty years ot Christianizing. Nat Turnar tails his disciples "On to Jerusalem" - September. 1831. elect. The Vesey (1822) and Turner (1831) insurrections inhibited its growth, somewhat, until the "Black laws were repealed. 1820 — Liberia was founded and supported by the American Colonization Society for the purpose o f set­ tling " . . .free persons o f color on the African Conti­ nent.” Rev. Lott Carey was the first American missionary sent to Liberia after having bought his freedom seven years earlier. 1860-62 — French C atholic missionaries established three schools and a technical center in Tanzania. 1861 — Anglican missionaries were the first to prose­ lytize in Malawi. 1868 — The first C hristian mission was founded in Bagamo, Tanzania by the Holy Ghost Fathers o f Fran- 1821 —AM EZ became a national body with Rev. James Varick as its first bishop. France. Others quickly followed to achieve a balance o f the Catholic and Protestant faiths. 1826-28 —Rev. Carey administered the affairs o f the Liberian Settlement; first as vice agent, then as adminis­ trator until his death from an explosion. 1820 —The first national convention o f Black men, organized by Rev. Richard Allen, was held in Philadel­ phia. 1821 — Legislation permitted free "coloreds” in Bar bados to vote. Nine years later, anyone could be elected to the House of Assembly. 1834 —Slavery was formally abolished throughout the British Dominion. The ambitious education program developed by the Church o f England for the slaves had founded twenty-one churches and chapels, and 154 schools on Barbados. Tlppu Tip ¡870 —The first Zulu pastor was ordained by American m issionaries. Black members o t the M eth od ist Episcopal C hurch, South, broke away to form the Black History Week at F OUR ROOTS ARE IN AFRICA OUR LIVES ARE IN AMERICA OUR STRENGTH IS IN THE WELL BEING OF EACH OTHER CENTER FOR COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH . A PLACE WHERE PEOPLE HELP. L