Pag« 6 Portland Observer Saction II February 28.1980 1693 — Reverened Cotton Mathers, a founder o f Yale University, organized a "Society for Negroes.” He ad­ vised the slaves " to be good and faithful servants in order to enjoy the great privileges o f Heaven.” 1701 —To counteract the success that the Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians (to a lesser degree) were having with the underclass (including slaves) in the colonies, the Church o f England formed the Society for the Propagation o f the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Slaves were required to declare, under oath, that their conver­ sion was for the "hereafter.” ¡726 — Exhorters (untrained ministers or evangelists who were well-versed in the Bible) met with great suc­ cess in proselytizing free Blacks in the North; and overseers and (clandestinely) slaves in the South. 1744 — Jacobus Eliza Johannes Capitein was the first African to receive Protestant ordination. As a member o f the Dutch Reformed Church, he was appointed Chaplain at Cape Coast. 1764 —Christian Protten, a European educated Ghan- lan, produced a grammar in the Fanti language that in­ cluded selections from the Bible. 1765 — P hilip Quaque, ordained by the Church o f England, was responsible for the religious training o f the Negroes on the Gold Coast. He served the difficult post for 50 years. Moravians developed a mission in Barbados. By the end o f the century, they had converted close to four thousand slaves. ¡772 —Slavery was essentially abolished in England by a judicial decree. ¡773 —The first Black Baptist church was founded at Silver Bluff, South Carolina. First Colored Baptist Church in North America at Savannah, Georgia, 1788. Congratulations on a History o f Accomplishment and Best Wishes fo r All Success in the Future Commissioner Frank Ivancie