Pefl® 10 P ortlan d O bservar February 2 8,1 Sports Talk by Ron Sykes Sports editor Roberto Duran rated number one by both the WBA and WBC soundly whipped Wellington Wheately, the Latin American champ at 147 lbs. Wheately ranked seventh, was no match for the hard hitting Duran. Wheately scored with a good jab and a few combinations to win the opening round but after that it was all Duran. Wellington went down in the second round after taking a solid right to the head. This was the first time the Latin champ had ever been floored in his young career. Duran had him down twice more before finally finishing him in the sixth. Duran considered by many as the greatest fighter pound for pound in the last decade seemingly has a per sonal vendetta against Black fighters. In the past he’s made the following quotes after a tough fight w ith P o rtla n d ’ s Ray Lam pkin, Roberto said, "The next time I get in the ring with him (Lampkin) I ’ m going to kill him.” What he did in reality was to end Ray’s career. Before the fight with Wellington Wheately Duran stated, " H e ’s got only three more days to live.” He then proceeded to KO the Latin flash. Now he’s publicly stated that he’s sincere, dedicated and working hard so that, " I will destroy Sugar Ray Leonard.” Duran is without doubt a great fighter and so far he has dominated all that he’s met. But there’s always someone, somewhere that’ s just a little better. And the laws o f gravity tells us that what goes up must come down. M r. Duran has finally, or will meet his match whenever he takes on Sugar Ray. Duran has been up fo r seven years, and now Leonard will be the one to bring him down. And you can bet on it. Duran seems to be especially up for Black fighters, and always seems to want to kill or destroy them for some reason known only to him. The belief here is that the Panamanian is on a collision course and w ill end up a loser against Leonard. Kudos to our amazing USA Hockey Team fo r capturing the gold. Probably shouldn’t expound on hockey much further. Everyone is now caught up in the excitement o f the whole thing, but it’ s doubtful if most o f us really know the d if ference between iceing and o ff sides. But weren’ t the 1976 Olym pic Boxing Team something else. And they’ re s till marvelous. Last weekend we had a chance to view two fighters, Howard Davis, 135 lbs and M ichael Spinks, 175. W hile Davis struggled on his way to a close decision, Michael was devasting and finally, after years o f helping his brother Leon, showed the world that he’s ready and able. RATING TOP FREE AGENTS I f there’ s gold in dem dere hills, then this year's crop o f NBA free agents are going prospecting. Some will strike it rich, while others will come up empty. Peter Versey, writing for Basket ball Times, gives his views on the 1980 graduating class. Lionel H o llin s: (traded from Portland to Philly on Feb. 9 for a first round draft choice.) Almost two years o f injuries have devolved him considerably. Was once one o f top eight guards in league and still could be i f healthy. I ’d gamble on him because he’s solid citizen and still young at 26. FRED BROWN: He’s a fixture in Seattle as long as he doesn’ t get crazy and demand the outrageous. Freddy won’t. He now has accepted his role and at 32 he knows where it’s at. R IC K Y SOBERS: Is having a decent year, but I can’ t see him being heavily recruited, unless the Marines feel he’ s worth it. LA R R Y KEN O N : H aving a lousey year and demand for him might be less than you’d expect. B IL L W ILLO U G H B Y : Should finish second to John Roche for c o m e b a c k -o f-th e -y e a r a w a rd . Proved he belongs in pros, but, again, should be loyal to Cav coach Stan Albeek for giving him a chance when no one else would. AUSTIN CARR: Been too long in Cleveland. Needs a change and if someone’ s smart they’ ll sign him. Has some good years left in him and won’t cost that much to land him. Compensation w on’ t be drastic either. GUS W IL L IA M S : Only draws JI75.OOO, but teammate Dennis Johnson might have sapped owner Sam Schulman o f all his generosity. Wants nothing better than to remain in Seattle. ( If owner allows Gus to leave he’ s got to be the world’s wor st owner, and that includes Larry Weinberg.) CEDRIC M A X W E LL: Boston’ s forgotten man, except by teammates and opponents. Presence down low allows Dave Cowens to roam out side. Deserves huge upscaling and should have no trouble getting it because he’ s intrical part o f winning form ula. Bidding on him w ill be heavy. (M axw ell and T iny A r chibald along with Larry Bird is receivi (Maxwell and Tiny Archibald along with tree agent M .L. Carr are main reasons rookie L a rry Bird is receiving so much ink.) Ali: The tool of white America By Ullysses Tucker, Jr. Several months ago this journalist wrote that Muhammad A li was the greatest Black role model to ever set foot in the world o f sports. Well, after hours o f intense con templation and listening to opinions o f others, not to mention America’ s recent exp lo ita tio n o f his per sonality, a new opinion has been developed. A li, is the man who won the heavyweight title three times, the man who showed Black people that they could stand up to the op pressive system when he defied the draft in 1976. At the time Ali was quoted as saying “ I ’ m 90 percent a Muslim, and 10 percent a fighter,” which is a strong statement. More recently, the controversial ex-fighter contradicted his once respected philosophy when he openly supported the Carter ad m inistration’ s attempt to reinstate the draft o f youths between the ages of 18 and 20. Docs A li know that Blacks are always drafted disproportionally than other ethnic groups? Does he know that a war would be a great way to stim ulate the American economy, and a way to curve the high population? Does A li know that Black people will be the first to go if a war breaks out? Does he openly supports the systematic elimination o f our race? To say he supports the draft is to answer all these statements yes - to make matters worst, A li then said that he “ would be one o f the first to volunteer to defend the United States o f America.” Is he now 10 percent M uslim and 90 percent a fighter? After the American government MUHAMMAD ALI saw how easily they could exploit A li, they sent him on a mission to Africa to urge Africans to boycott the Summer Olympics in Moscow. A li’s peace mission caused mixed reactions in several o f the countries, and one country, Tanzania refused to meet him because President Julius Nyerere thought that he was being used as a tool by America. A li had the nerve to say after wards that " I'm glad that he didn’t talk to me to show the world that he doesn’ t like the message that I had...” STOP LOOKING BUY TOMORROW'S SECURITY FOR YOUR FAMILY TODAY Personally, Nyerere did A li a favor by not taking part in the ex p lo ita tio n o f his personality. At least the Tanzanian government will have a clean conscience when A li tails flat on his face. The Kenyan government met w ith A li out o f courtesy rather than trying to talk about the boycott. While in Kenya, A li visited a wild animal park near Nairobi where he wanted to box a lion, since he had beaten all the men on earth. " I ’m out to conquer the animals and monsters. I ’ ll be the universal A PERSONAL M O M E N T FOR TH O SE W H O CARE We see jet streams in the sky, the airplane crew does not. As children we have encountered the jet stream left by adults. Good and bad these memories live with us today. Those people are not aware of this, just as we are not aware of the jet stream we leave for todays child. Thanks to love, many jet streams will be kindly remem bered. 1 !979W m A Kwminri New 3 and 4 bedroom homes with or without family rooms in Van couver close to 1-5 and 8 minutes from Interstate bridge Include 2 baths, double garage, brick fireplaces, range, dishwasher, garbage disposal, w /w carpets. All are energy efficient with 10 year Home Owner s Warranty. Cash price for 3 bedroom with 1036 sq. ft. would be $ 4 8,500, 11 Annual Percentage Rate w ith 360 m onthly payments at $480 64 principal and interest plus estimated taxes and insurance. Veterans move-in for $100.00, FHA purchasers move in approx $2,660 00. PRESENTED BY AMERICAN STATE BANK HERMITAGE REALTY, INC. 4715 Si Johns Rd V«nc, W A 9X661 f 12O61694-X577 206(574-1522 TW N 8 9 M A»e Portland, OR 97220 221X22 241-3723 2737 NE Union Ave. cham pion,” A li told Associated Press. He left his car twice, charging- al ter antelopes and zebras on foot. They became frightened and ran away. A li was lucky that there were no lions in sight. How can a man o f A li’ s status stoop so low? To the point where he has as much credibility as the dollar with his race — a man who millions o f Afro-Am ericans looked to for wisdom, motivation, and leadership has failed all those who respected him . A man w ho’ s voice rang around the world when he spoke has turned into a silent whisper... Here’ s a much used quote that can sum up A li’s predicament, “ He who is used and knows that he’ s being used is wise, he who is used and doesn’ t know that he’ s being used is a fo o l...” Wise up A li!! SUMMER JOB Looking fo r a summer job? Age 15 but not yet 19? Outdoor work in the woods interest you? The Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) is looking for you. See your work experience coordinator at your High School. or call Mel Loftus. MT. Hood National Forest Phone:503-667-0511