c Portland Observer January 17, 1980 I Page Paue9 9 W A G E /H O U R C O M P L IA N C E S P E C IA L IS T Portland Observer JOB FINDER R E C E P T IO N IS T / TELEPH O N E O PER A TO R Conscientious people are needed by Kodak to fill a position of tem po rary em p lo ym en t as recep- tio n ist/telep ho n e o per­ ator. Some typing is re­ quired. Excellent bene­ fits. Interviewing in Port­ land Jan. 21 and Jan. 22. For an appointment call Mr. Hammer, (5031 777- 3831. KODAK A n Equal Opportunity Employer m / f EM PLOYM ENT O P P O R T U N IT Y As a leading company in the kidney dialysis indus­ try, B-D DRAKE W IL - LOCK employs approxi­ mately 300 people in the Po rtlan d m e tro p o lita n area. Employment opportuni­ ties at B-D DRAKE W IL- LOCK are varied and provide em ployees the opportunity to dem on­ strate their ability to ac­ cept increased respon­ sibility. An Equal O pp o rtu nity Employer, B-D DRAKE W IL L O C K encourages all interested job appli­ cants to inquire direct th ro ug h the Industrial Relations D epartm en t. Also employment oppor­ tunity inquiries may be directed to any Oregon State Employment Ser­ vice. B-D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 S.E. Pheasant Ct. Portland, Oregon 97222 (503) 659 3355 FIELD SERVICE R E P R E S E N T A T IV E R e s o u r c e f u l, con­ scientious, w om en and men are needed by K o d a k 's c u s to m e r e q u ip m e n t s e r v ic e s division in Portland to service Kodak business equipm ent. Knowledge of solid sate electronics and experience a n d /o r training in the repair of electromechanical equip­ ment required. E x c e lle n t e m p lo y e e benefits. Interviewing in Portland January 21 and 22. For an Appointment call M r. Hamer at (503) 222 3831 KODAK An Equal Opportunity Employer m / f C ITY OF P O R T LA N D N E IG H B O R H O O D Q U A L IT Y M A N A G E R The salary is $27,726 the first year, $ 2 8,55 8 the second year, and $29,370 after two years. This is a management position administering an e n fo rc e m e n t p ro gram for correction of environ­ mental problems on pri­ vate property. Through subordinate supervisors, the employee directs and coordinates the work of others involved in in ­ spections to ensure com ­ pliance with codes cov­ ering housing, zoning, d a n g e ro u s b u ild in g s , nuisance abatement and noise control. This per­ son w ill also develop methods and procedures for the unit to ensure consistency and e f f i­ ciency of operations. The position reports to the Director of the Bureau of B u ild in g s. A p p lic a n ts must have considerable knowledge and skill in the areas of m a n a g e ­ m ent, supervision and communication. APPLY P O R T LA N D C IV IL SERVICE 510 SW MONTGOM ERY PORTLAND, ORE. 97201 No later than Friday, Feb ruary 1, 1980. W om en £t Minorities are encour­ aged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer U N D E R W R IT E R T R A IN E E National Multi-line Insur­ ance Co. seek college g rad u ate for training program. Must be willing to relocate on comple tion. Career opportunity. Excellent salary and bene­ fits. M inorities and f e ­ males encouraged to ap ply. Call Mr. Kindness. USF&G Co. 221-0221 Equal Opportunity Employer m / f M E M O R IA L C O L IS E U M Now accepting applica tions for security agents. Apply at: M e m o ria l Coliseum M a in O ffic e 1401 N. Wheeler Po rtlan d, OR 97227 An Equal Opportunity Affirm ative Action Employer Oregon Bureau of Labor b Industries, Portland O ffice. A p p licant must have proven ability to prepare com prehensive w ritten reports, c o m ­ m u n ic a te e f f e c t iv e ly orally or in w ritin g , analyze and interpret com plex law s, under stand basic account procedure and manager s i t u a t i o n , in v o lv in g stress and co n flict. S a la r y $ 1 ,1 2 1 .0 0 $1,435.00 per mo. Send resume by Jan. 22 to: Bureau of Labor b Ind u stries Personnel O ffic e 1400 S W 5th Room 469 P o rtlan d . OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer - R ESEA RCH A S S IS T A N T U N C L A S S IF IE D F ix e d -te rm , o n e -y e a r position as Research Assistant Unclassified in c h e m ic a l s ilv ic u lt u r e research. Assists in research on ecological and silvicultural effects of herbicides in Pacific N o rth w e s t fo re s ts . A vailab le M arch 15, 1980. $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 /a n n u m . M .S . (completed or near completion) in chemical silvicu lture or ecology required. Send letter of application, curriculum v ita, tra n s crip ts, and three letters of reference by March 1, 1980 to: Jo h n C o rd o n, Head D e p a rtm e n t of Forest Science School of Forestry O regon St. U n iversity C orvallis, OR 97331 Oregon State University is an Affirmative Action Equal Employment Op portunity Employer and com plies w ith S ection 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. P S Y C H IA T R IC R EG ISTER ED N U RSE W e are seeking a psy­ chiatric R.N. to work in a co m p rehen sive m ental health center. This is a full time position. Qualifi cations include: B.A. in nursing, training and ex­ perience in therapy. Psy­ chiatric assessment skills are necessary. For ad ditional information, call or write: Peninsula C ounseling C enter 603 East Eighth, S u ite 4, Port A n g eles. W A JOIN OUR FRIENDLY STAFF AT THE BENJ. FRANKLIN As a TELEPHONE TRANSFER CLERK. You will be trained to process and deliver deposit requests taken by telephone from custom ers. Requires ability to type 30 w .p .m . and communicate with customers by telephone. Apply now at our Personnel Department: One S .W . Columbia (between 1st b Front Avenue) 9 :0 0 a .m .-1 :0 0 p .m . M-F B EN J. F R A N K L IN FEDERAL S A V IN G S b L O A N S An Equal Opportunity Employer T Y P IS T Large insurance com pany is seeking a fu ll­ time typist who types 40 w . p m . K n o w led g e of co rrect g ram m er and spelling required. No ex­ p e r ie n c e n e c e s s a r y . Duties include copy typ in g . $153 to $184. w ee k, d epending on exp. This position offers excellent advancem ent o p p o r t u n it ie s , g o o d b en efits, and a c o n ­ v e n ie n t d o w n to w n location. For interview contact Helen Albrecht, 226 3761, ext. 240. F IR E M A N 'S F U N D IN S U R A N C E C O M P A N IE S 121 S .W . Salm on P o rtlan d , OR 97204 A n Equal Opportunity Employer m / f BANKING PRO O F O P E R A T O R S Part tim e position available in our proof d ep t. Hours are 4 O ’clock pm to finish Mon-Fri. Located on SW Macadam Ave. CRT O PERATOR Located at SW M acad am A ve. Typing skills at 50 wpm , CRT or keypunch exp preferred. A C C O U N T IN G CLERKS Im m ediate openings for accounting clerks in our Financial Administration and Bank Card D epart­ ments. Location is near John's Landing on S W M acadam Avenue. A c ­ counting background or knowledge preferred. EXC FRINGE BENEFITS The Oregon Bank 121 S W Salmon 16th Floor Portland, Oregon Mon-Fri 9-1 PM 222 7558 or 222 7943 CLERICAL JOIN THE TEAM Whose Commitment to Excellence is as Strong as Your Own Due to Nike's continued growth and increasing work load, we have the following clerical positions available: Northwest Portland Area ★ DATA ENTRY CLERK Minimum 6 months to 1 year data entry ex­ perience, light typing, and 10-key by touch. ★ DATA ENTRY/FILE CLERK Minimum 6 months to 1 year office ex­ perience, 10-key by touch, light typing, and willingness to do filing. For confidential consideration, please call Sandy Pessell: (206)457 0431 Tektronix O pportunities Food Service Attendant On call, temporary cafeteria work available both day and swin. hift Prior experience in food preparation and serv ing helpful. These jobs can lead to permanent positions Keypunch Operators V\ e have immediate permanent openings for swing shift Keypunch Operators Formal keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required Familiarity with 129 IB M card punch or Inforex key to disc desirable P a rt Time Assembler Part time positions available for electronic assembly work, (rood vision anti the ability to do detailed work required Training will be provided Clerk Typist Will perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties Average typing ability required W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties. Two years secretarial training or experience required Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write to T E K T R O N IX , IN C . P O. Box 500 P. Beaverton. OR 97077 An equal opportunity employer m /f. Tektronix iron m i • « it»*» Equal Opportunity Employer BRS. IN C . 3900 S .W . M u rra y B eaverto n , OR 97005 641 6463 Ext. 402 Equal O pportunity Employer FACILITIES ENGINEER i You will act as a liaison between contractors and ' our Corporate Facilities M a n a g e r. Y o ur re sponsibilities will include scheduling maintenance , p ro je c ts , e s ta b lis h in g standards .and fo r ­ m u la tin g o p e r a tin g policies and preventive maintenance programs. You w ill need w orking kn o w led g e of building and s a fety codes, P E R T /C P M scheduling techniques, construction d o c u m e n ta tio n an d s p e c ific a tio n s , H A V C and electrical systems. You qualify if you have an Industrial/Mechanical Engineering degree or equivalent experience as a p lant facilities en g in eer. A top c o m ­ pensation and b en efit package is part of this position as well. For im m e d ia te c o n ­ sideration, call or send your resume to N a n c y A n d re w s a t 1603) 641 3161. e x t . 166. P .O . Box 234B9-OR47. P o rt­ la n d . O R 97223. An Equal O pportunity Em­ ployer m /f /h . INSURANCE NORTH PACIFIC INSURANCE CO has immediate openings for: : * CASUALTY RATER Opening for commercial causualty rater with 2 years commercial casualty rating experience, inc. general liability, commercial and private passenger auto. • FILE CLERKS W e need a responsible individual to fill our File Clerk position. Requires physical exertion and being on feet. Trainee is sufficient. $600 mo. to start. * W e are located in the Cedar Hills area and of for excellent benefits to support competitive sala­ ries. Free parking and cafeteria allowance. For fur­ ther details call Personnel at 643 7661, or send resume to: P.O Box 74 1676 S W M a rlo w Rd P o rtlan d . O r 97207 t-quat ( Ippiirlunuv Im pltirrr FLOATING POINT S Y S T E M S . IN C . O R EG O N STATE U N IV E R S IT Y F ixed -term position in F o re s t M y c o lo g y available April 1, 1980, to assist in m yco rrhizal r e s e a r c h . R e s e a rc h Associate, Ph D. in Soil S c ie n c e , P la n t P a th o lo g y , F o re s t Science, or related field, $15,000-$19,000 annum, Application closing date January 30, 1980. Send resume, three letters of reference, transcripts to: Jo h n G ordo n , H ead D e p a rtm e n t of Forest Science School of Forestry O regon ST. U n iversity C orvallis. OR 97331 Oregon State University is an Affirmative Action Equal Employment Op portunity Employer and com plies w ith S ection 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 S EN IO R C O M P R E H E N S IV E P LA N N ER $1575 $2011 per month, college level training in p la n n in g , e c o n o m ic s , g e o g r a p h y , p o lit ic a l science, architecture, or related fields and in ­ c rea sin g ly resp on sib le exp. in land use planning projects or research; exp. supervising plan ners desirable; or equiv. comb, of exp. and trng. COOK I $588 $750 per month, at least one year of e x ­ perience in volum e cooking w ith in an in ­ stitution, school, com m ercial firm ; or c o m ­ pletion of a commercial food preparation training program form a college or trade school; or any satisfactory equivalent co m b inatio n of ex­ perience and training. C H IEF CO O K $977-$1247 per m onth, three years of experience in volum e cooking and m eal p rep aratio n and planning in an institution or commercial firm; suf ficient elementary school ed u catio n to insure ability to read and write; or any sa tis fac to ry equivalent com bination of exp erien ce and training. E N G IN E E R IN G T E C H N IC IA N 3 $1361 $1737 per month, AA degree in civil or traf fic engineering and 2 yrs of increasingly respon sible exp. in civil or traf fic engineering, or 3 yrs of exp. in civil tra ffic engineering; exp. super vising or train ing technical personnel; or any equiv. comb, of exp. and trng. Ability to ob tain a valid O regon driver's license. Ability to obtain a d ep u ty c o m ­ mission if assigned to w e ig h m a s t e r s u p e r ­ vision. M ULTNOMAH CO UN TY D E N T A L A S S IS T A N T R E C E P T IO N IS T $779 $908 monthly. This is technical and clerical w ork assisting d en tal p rofessionals in th e provision of clinical den­ tal care. Specific duties include direct assistance to the dentist or dental hygienist a n d /o r recep­ tionist duties including basic clerical duties necessary to the clinic operation. TO Q U A L IF Y applicants must have one year of experience as a dental assistant/receptionist, or com pletion of a dental assisting p ro gram a c ­ credited by the American Dental Association or a f­ filia te d w ith a c o m ­ m unity school system ; A N D possession of a c u rren t c e rtific a te of ra d io lo g ic p ro fic ie n c y from the Oregon State Board of D ental E x a m in e r s , or possession of certificate w ithin six months after employment. F A M IL Y N U R S E P R A C T IT IO N E R $ 1 4 7 6 -1 9 5 4 m o n th ly . Provides comprehensive nursing care in fam ily p r a c t ic e ; p r o v id e s specialized nursing ser­ vices w ith emphasis on prevention, control and tre a tm e n t of diseases, and health m ain- te n e n a c e . C u rre n t o penin g is at th e In ­ dochinese Health Clinic pro vidin g services fo r refugees. TO Q U A L IF Y applicants must be licensed by the State of Oregon to prac­ tice as a registered nurse and possess a State of Oregon Certification as a Fam ily Nurse P ra c­ titioner and possess, or be able to obtain, a valid Oregon driver's license w ith availability of per sonal automobile. R E G IS TE R E D N U R S E C O R R E C T IO N S $1 1 9 7 -1 6 9 1 m o n th ly . P erfo rm s p ro fess io n al nursing duties for incar cerated persons at various C ounty co rrec­ tion fac ilitie s; specific duties involve physical assessm ents, sick call, m e d ic atio n and tre at ment rounds. Applicants must be available for all shifts and weekends on a rotating basis. TO Q U A L IF Y applicants m ust have g rad u ated fro m a school of professional nursing with accreditation at time of graduation, and possess a c u rren t license to practice as a registered professional nurse in the S ta te of O reg o n . A p ­ plicants m ay be exam in ed but not e m ­ ployed prior to obtaining a license. A P P L IC A T IO N S for the above positions are ac ­ SEW A G E P L A N T cepted until a sufficient OPERATOR I number are received to Unified Sewerage Agen s c h e d u le an cy, $1187 per m onth examination. w ith periodic step in ­ W H E R E T O APPLY creases, 2 yrs college M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty and 1 yr. exp in activated Personnel O ffic e sludge or e q u iv alen t i 426 S W S tark co m b in a tio n of ex 7th Floor perience and training. P o rtla n d . O regon Apply for all positions Phone (503)248 5015 listed above at: A n Equal O pportunity W ash in g to n C o u n ty Employer P ersonnel. Room 305 150 N. First A v en u e HO TEL D ESK CLERK V aried schedule NCR H illsbo ro , OR 648 8606 e x p e r ie n c e W o m en & m in orities 4 2 0 0 urged to apply. p referred; or w ill train right person with similar A n Equal Opportunity ex p e rien ce B o n dable, Employer good reference required. Excellent benefits. Apply in person 2-4 p.m . E L E C T R IC IA N For sawmill and venier SHERATON plant. Excellent w ages P O R T L A N D HOTEL and benefits. For appli­ 1000 N.E. Multnomah catio n fo rm s and to Equal Opportunity arrange interview write Employer m / f SO UTH COAST LUM BER C O M P A N Y P O. Box 670 B rookings. OR 97415 Or call: (503)469 2136 On« legend placel the Gar­ den of Eden between the <4/1 Equal Opportunity T ig ni and Euphratet Rivert Employer in today'i Iraq ; »1 • » > GRAPHIC ARTIST Two positions-Job Sharing Tw o half-time (20 hours per week) positions. 12 months per year. Open to other combinations such as 8 0 % -4 0 % , 70 % -3 0% , etc. TO QUALIFY Graphic Design or Commençai Art Degree, or two (2) years ex p e rien ce as an artis t or g rap h ic designer, or both Artistic and Graphic skills in­ cluding d ra w in g , illu s tra tio n , h a n d -le tte rin g , design, layout and paste up. Solid writing and oral communication skills. Ability to operate produc­ tion equipment, typesetter, head-liner, horizontal cam eras, e t c ., desirab le. P o rtfo lio m aterial requested. Basic knowledge of printing industry. Typing skills desirable. POSITION DESCRIPTIONS Assist in the planning and design of all printed materials requested by authorized campus depart­ ments or affiliates. Supervise work-study students and p a rt-tim e personnel in th e C ollege Publications Office. Salary Range: $842.00-$926.00 per month based on full-time. Application Deadline: Postmarked no later than February 1, 1980, Contact C l M W Community College Personnel Office 19600 S. M ollalla Ave., Oregon City. Or 97045 66ft 2631, Ext 318 Clackamas Community College is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer a C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D P E R M IT C EN TER S U P E R V IS O R Salary starts at $2 ,177 per month increasing to $2,366 after one year. To direct th e cen tral p erm it c e n te r of the C ity 's Bureau of Buildings and supervise techn ical and clerical people screening permit applications and building plans, ap p ro vin g and issuing a variety of per­ m its. A p p lica n ts must h a v e c o n s id e r a b le kn ow ledge and skill in th e areas of m a n a g e ­ m e n t, s u p e r v is io n , com m unication and in ­ terpersonal relations plus knowledge of construc­ tion perm it processing procedures. APPLY P o rtlan d Civil S ervice 510 S .W . M o n tg o m e ry P o rtlan d , OR 97201 No later than Friday, February 8, 1980 W omen b minorities are encouraged to apply. A n Equal Opportunity Employer MEDICAL P S Y C H IA T R IS T Full tim e position im ­ m ediate opening. Also need therapists-Masters degree or D o cto ra te required-W e are a com ­ p r e h e n s iv e m e d ic a l h e a lth c e n t e r / m u l t i - disciplinary sta ff. C o m ­ m u n ity of 40 ,0 0 0 . S e r­ ving catch m en t area 175,000. Contact: Personnel V o lu n te e r C o o rd in ato r C .W .C . M e n ta l H e a lth Box 969 Y a k im a . W ash . 98907 (509)596 4316 C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D A U T O P A IN T E R A p p ro x im a te m o n th ly salary $ 1 ,7 2 6 plus benefits package. W ork in v o lv e s c le a n in g , priming and sanding sur­ faces; and masking and spray painting surfaces to m atch original finish es. W ill mix and match colors; buff and polish; mask and apply decals and letters. APPLY & S T A T E OF O R E G O N DEPARTM ENT OF C O M M E R C E M A IL S E R V IC E S OPERATOR $741 $934 The D e p a rtm e n t of C o m m e rc e , Ad­ m in is tr a tiv e S e rv ic e s D ivisio n, has an im ­ mediate vacancy. Responsibilities include: providing mail services fo r a d e p a rtm e n t w ith 600 em plo yees; i.e . operate and maintain a postage meter and pick up and d eliver mail throughout department W e are loo kin g for someone w ho , in addi­ tion to p erfo rm in g the above duties, has an in­ terest in advancing into a career in Fiscal Operations, accounting, budgeting, etc. In te re s te d a p p lic a n ts should submit a current copy of their resume or em ploym ent application to the: Personnel S ec tio n D E P A R T M E N T OF COMMERCE Labor and Industries Bid. Room 430 Salem. OR 97310 A p p lic a t io n s a n d / o r resum es need to be received no later than M o n d a y , J a n u a ry 21, 1980. Interviews will be scheduled for those ap plicants w ho appear to be best qualified The D e p a rtm e n t of Comm erce is A n Eq ual O pp o rtu nity/ A ffirm a tiv e Action E m ­ ployer W ORK OVERSEAS M ake m ore m oney working abroad Regar dless of your age. sex or present job. All types of w o rk e rs u r g e n tly needed. For details send self-addressed stamped envelope to: Foreign Employment 701 Washington St. Buffalo, NY 14205 Portland Civil Service 510 S.W. Montgomery Portland. OR 97201 No later th an Friday, Ja n u a ry 25, 1980 W om en b minorities are encouraged to apply. An Equal O pportunity Employer O nly female and young gonl lai deep in treat, mature male! lleep on the ground at th e b a te o f th e tre e