Page 8 Portland ObHrver January 17, 1980 Portland Observer J01 B :F INDE R 1 flESTAURANT ASSISTANT COOKS Evening Shift Need efficient cook, to prepare food for com- mercial & non -com- mercial uae. Mu1t be able to meet deadlinea. Salary: $4.45 to $5 hour plu1 differential. Apply between 9 and 2 , p.m . Department of Human Re1ource1 Mgmt. GOOD SAMARITAN Hospital & Medical Center 2183 NW Northrup An Equal Opportunity 1 The Houting Authority of Portland will accept ae11ed bids until 2:00 PM CPSTJ February 19, 1980 at 1 S>5 N . E. 46th Ave. Portland, Oregon tor the following: OFFSET PRESS OPERATOR BINDERY ASSISTANT Furnish and install draperies tor 337 window opening• located at ore 2· 16 Holgate HouM, 4801 S.E. 39th Ave, Portland, Oregon and ore 2-23 Stark Manor, 600-668 S.E. 217th Ave. PoaJand._ Oregon. Bids will include removal of old drape■ and in- Join our in-houH printing department and 1tallation of new. operate 011r Davisdon 500 or 750 and various bin- dery equipment. Requirea experience operating an Alto furnish draperiea only, for 421 opening• for sixteen (1 61 other projects, to be offset pre11, plate burner, 3M camera / plate delivered to the maintenance dept. maker, and various binding equipment. Bid form• and specification, available at the maintenance dept. 8910 N. Woolaey Excellent working condition• and fringe benefits. Ave. Portland, Oregon or call Mr. Max Fagg or Mr. Richard Jonea at 249-5666. Salary commen1urate with experience. Apply now at our Peraonnel Department. One S.W . Columbia CITY OF PORTLAND (between 1st & Front Avenuel 9:00 a.m.-1 :OOp.m. M-F -- 'I NVITA'T ION TO B'l'D BENJ. FRANKLIN FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN An Equal Opportunity Employ~, t fllf'low•r Sealed propoul1will be received in Room 113, City Hall, Portland, Oregon 97204 for iter .. 1 detailed herein until 2:00 p.m. on the dates indicated. Plans ar,d specifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional in- formation telephone Buyer at number li1ted. Community Calendar Dr. Ngam Nwachekwu of the Nigerian Mission to the United Nationa, ,poke on " Africa in the World Preas," at the Annual African Cultural Night 1pon1ored by the A11ociation of African Students. Portland State Univeraity. Or. Nwachekwu said many American journalist• arrive in Africa with pre-conceived idaH, and see and write the news in light of thoae ideH. In ejecting the U.S. pre11. the Iranian, are making the same claim• •· that new, i1 not always factually reported in the American pra11. (Photo: Richard Brownl Bits & Pieces h_v R11rh Spent·er Mrs. Gail S1rong, opera singer, who resides in Frankforl, Germany, recenily vi,i1ed her parenl,, Mr . & Mr\. l.u1her S1rong. M r~. Gail Slrong •~ a lormcr rnu~1c teacher ac Sahin l lemcnlar\' &:hool. M s. Barbara Jordan, lorrner member of Congress, wa, selecced by readers of Ladies Home Journal, as Judicial Woman of' che Decade. The Ponland Sec11on ot' che Nalional Council ot' Negro Women, will have 11's 111on1hly mee11ng, Monday, January 21, 7:30 p.m. al 1he 11:eng Neighborhood 1:acili1y. Mr'i. Beny S1ephens 1s president ot 1he Porlland branch. The Re,erend Thomas Strayhand is recovcnng al home afler a stay m lhe hospital. The Swann ruling by lhe U.S. Supreme {'ourl, in 1971, gives parent\ lhe legal right to challenge busing requ1rernenh if lhey believe lheir children's health, 'iafe1y, or educalion ~ould ~uft'er. When Bid Surety i1 required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check, ca1hier'1 check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland tor an NAACP PUBLIC EDUCATIO N MEETING. The public education amount not lesa than ten percent 11oiv,1 of the aggregate amount of the bid as meeting of 1he Vancouver, Washinaton Branch of the NAACP will be held guaranty that the bid ,hall be irrevocable_tor the period specified in the propoul. Sunday afternoon January 20, at J O'clock, at Pacific First Federal Savings Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damagea should the bidder seek and Loan, 91 S Broadway, Vancouver, Washinaton. The speaker will be to revoke hi1 offer tor any reason not authorized by law and not contented to by Loui~ H. Drake, Community Services Specialist, U.S. Department of Com- City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and merce, Bureau of the Census from Seallle, Washinaton. He will discuss lhe provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the contract, in the event 191!0 cen~us and 1he importance of being coun1ed. A film will be shown and the said contract is awarded to him. 1here \\ill be brochures for the public. The public is invited; refreshments will NON-DISCRIMINATION : No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder be served. For additional information call (206) 69S-S972. ·• certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3. 100 EYEWITNESS REPORT FROM CUBA. Sunday, January 27, 1980, the r,f the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should tile Mili1an1 8ooks1ore will presenl an eye-witness report from Cuba. The !he required documentation with the Contract Compliance Division, Room 209, speakers will be a group of Portlanders who visited Cuba in December, 1979. •:ity Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, 248-4696, at least five They will give presen1a1ions on the Women's Commillees, on the Commit- 151 days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid 1ee~ 10 Defend the Revolution, and a slide show. The presentalions will be ·Jpening Date and Time shall reault in the return of your Bid Unopened. held at lhe Militan1 Bookstore, 71 I N. W. Everell Street, Portland, on Sun- DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE day, January 27, al 7:30 p.m. A SI dona1ion is requested. For further infor- IID NO. ma1ion con1ae1 Joel Shapiro al 222-7225 62 Construction of Marquam Nature Trail. For informa- FORUM. On February 3, 1he Mililant Books1ore will presen1 a forum on tion call Michael Metroka, Buyer, 248-4003. •2,500 capitalism's economic crisis today. The speaker will be Marty Landsberg, Bid Surety Required. Special Prequalification of professor of economics at Lewis and Clark College. He is also the regional 1/ 29/ 80 Bidders required. coordinator of 1he Union of Radial Political Economists. This forum, oriitinally ~cheduled for November 18, 1979, war;, cancelled due to illness. his 76 Labor, Materials & Equipment for Improvement of SE now rescheduled and updated. The 1alk will be held al the Militanl 84 .Ave. from Lafayette to Powell Blvd. For infor- Bookstore, 71 1 N. W. Everett S1., Portland. II will begin at 7:30 p.m. A one mation call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191 . 10~o dollar donation is reques1ed. For more information conlact Joel Shapiro al Bid Surety Required. Prequalification of Bidders Required. 01 / 29/ 80 lhe Mililant Bookstore, 222-7225. Furnishing & installing 6 mobile hydraulic power source SABIN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. 7:30 p.m., January 21, 1980, system,. For information call Michael Metroka, buyer, Sabin School, 4013 N.E. l81h 248-4003. 10% bid 1urety required. 01 / 29/80 KING IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION . 7:30 p.m., January 22, 1980, King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 N.E. 7th. 78 Labor, materials & equipment tor construction of Portland AREA I SCHOOL BOARD ADVISORY COMM ITTEE. 7:30 p.m., Civic Stadium Commiuary facilities. For information January 21, 191!0, Markham School, IOSJJ S. W. Capitol Highway. call Michele Ackerman, buyer, 248-4191 . 10% bid surety AREA II SCHOOL BOARD ADVISORY COMMITTEE . 7:30 p.m., required. Prequalitication of bidders required. 01 / 22/ 80 January 21, 1980, Madi~o11 High Schuol, 2735 N.E. 82nd. NICARAGUAN LITERACY CRUSADE BENEFIT. On Friday, January 25th, lhe Porlland Nicaragua Support Committee will be: hosting a benefil "Pena" or celebra1ion to kick off a fund-raising drive to aid the National Literacy ( ru\ade in Nicaraaua. The benefit will fea1ure 1radi1ional Lalin The City of John Day. Oregon, invites bids for the construction of Water System Im- American refreshments (Empanadas, a type of cheese, vege1able or chicken provements. Work includes a 400,000 gallon reservoir complete with site preparation pas1ry and 1,1,ine or juice.) and se\'eral local musicians will perform . In ad- and access road, approximately 2600 feet of 10-inch waler line, approJtimately 1900 di1ion, a new ,lide \how on lhe history of Nicaragua, the war of liberalion feet of 8-inch water line, existing well modifications including new pumps, motor, and 1he pre~enl recons1ruc1ion efforts will be presen1ed. There will also be a and chlorine injection facility, booster pump station modifications including valving, discussion on the Na1ional Literacy Campaign and other programs of the piping, and installation of two new pumps and motors, and a telemetry system. Nicaraguan National Governmenl of Reconstruction and 1he Sandanista Sealed bids for the described project will be received by the City of John Day at City Na1ional I ibc:ra1ion Fronl. The program and refreshments start al 8 p.m. al 1he Campus Chrislian Mini'ilne'i building, 633 S. W. Mon1gomery and a Hall, 240 South Canyon Boulevard, John Day, Oregon 97845, until 2:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, February 13, 1980, and will then be publicly opened and read. No bid S2.00 donation 1s asked. Child care will be provided. The benefil is sponsored by lhe Por1land Nicaragua Supporl Commitee, a group of Poriland residents shall be considered unless it contains a statement by the bidder that ORS 279.350 who are actively working to provide information about 1he ne~ Nicaragua (prevailing wage law) will be complied with. The contract time tor the project shall be and to aid in ""halever ways possible lhe on-going recons1ruc1ion efforis in 240days. The Contract Documents may be eKamined at the following locations: John Day 1ha1 coun.ry. The evenl is also sponsored by lhe Lalin American Studenl City Hall; Anderson-Perry & Associates, Inc., La Grande and John Day, Oregon; Ass, alion al Porlland S1a1e University. For information. call 235;3087 Anderson-Perry & Associates, Inc., Walla Walla, Washington; Northwest Plan Cen- day lr 235-9381! evenin1s. ter, Portland, Oregon; Associated General Contractors of America, Boise, Idaho; Idaho Plan Exchange, Boise, Idaho, and Central Oregon Builders Exchange Bend ST. A NDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH Oregon. • • 806 NE ALBE RT A STREET 281 -4429 Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of Anderson-Perry Maues & Asaociales, Inc., P.O. Box 1107, La Grande, Oregon, 97850, upon payment of 5:00pm Vigil - Saturday $8>.00 for each set. Any planholder upon returning the Contract Documents prompt- 10:00am Choir Sunday 12 ()()pm Folk Sunday ly and in goad condition will be refunded $50.00. The Contract Documents will be available after January 11, 1980. ST. AN DREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL n Ms. Sadie Grimmell recently ,1~11cd her fa1her, Mr. Uennell Grimmelt. Sadie leache~ al Indiana Umve"lly. M'i. Rua Hutts e\caped Poriland', snow ,1orm She wa Vl\ltmg in ~arm, 55 degree, Brooklyn, New York. I he Uni1ed States has lhe dubiou~ diMmc11on 01· leading the we,tern world in 1he number ot' people ii nnpnsons. More than 540,lX)() men. women, and children are currcn1ly conl1ned 111 Jail~. pri,ons, and juvenile m~111ution~. Mn . Mamie C. Holden trom Ceniraha, 111. 111111 change her re~idence 10 Por1land. She ~ill reside wilh her daughler, M'i. l::dna Ba,kell. Mr. Roman Jones I\ recuperating al home aller a slay in lhe hospi1al. Ms. Lari While has compleled her 1ram1ng for employment specialist. She lives m Seallle and 1s employed by Opera1ions lrnprovemenl. DO YO U NEED HELP? It lhe DEVIL working againat your home, nature, job, church, money, child- ren, se11, neighbor, health, tick, family, loved onea7 Are there demons on your body or m your home? Have you been ,n a fi11 where you cannot keep or find the RIGHT man or woman? If you need help with any or all of these problems you 1hould call me NOW!! Tomorrow may be too late II I Does your luck pass you by? If 10. I have lucky hands to help you be a winner in all GAMES OF CHANCE Bingo. Reno. Tahoe. Ls■ Vega■ , Special, Miami, Fla., etc If you are a apiritual -ker who needs help not promises call me I am a "God Gifted" man I can help you 1n a hurry Invitation to ,Bid 4919 NE 9th Ave Nortll Kelly. Prtncipal Phone: 284 1620 GredN 1 thru 8 UNITED M ETHODIST CHURCH REV. AUSTIN V . RAY, MINISTER 111 N .E. FAILING 0111 A Prayer 284 0684 Worthtp 11 00.m TESTIMONIALS MiH Joyce J.W .. Portland. OR .. was rn a fot where she could not find or keep a good man. I, Rev Hoskm1, removed the fi11 and the 11m1 from her NOW the can draw the man of her desire to her like a magnet 21 Mr. ft Mra. C.P of Compton, CA ., could not wm the BIG one. They called Rev HC>lkins and Rev sent them a for sure win bleuing money hand. They went to Ls■ Vegas and thetr luck kept on coming, w1nn1ng more than t16,000 31 Ma Barbara T., Inglewood. CA , had a man who left home for another woman She called Rev. Hosk1n1 with tears ,n her voice She want ed him back, 1 Now he II back end eating out of her hand 41 Mr. Paul. Lo. AngafN. CA., waa ma fut and rooted by thi1 woman. As a rnult he lost hit nature for other women, but through Rev Hoskin,· won. Paul regained hit nature and became luckier than ever with women, money and hit business 51 Mrs O I , Long BHch. CA , had demona m her body, and m her home, ceu1mg 1ll lund1 of bid luc:k, and unnatural S1Ckneu She called Rev. H01k1ns and in hours her home and body were free of unclean 1p1ritl (The names ,n the above tnt1momea have been changed for the protec I t10n C'f the ,ndividual I I guarantN to do what I say I can do I have a big re putation to protect I know the power of the SPIRIT Don t put ,t off Don t let d11tance keep you from celling CaH nc,wlll You WIii be glad you did Teti. fnend whefe to get HEL today RESULTS GUARANTEED Sp«tt1fii,,., '" fn,lividuot • M11m111r 11nd fil,.,i(y • (J,ovp Tlwropy 1) n REVEREND CLAUDE HOSKINS 563 GLENVIEW AVENUE OAKLAND, CALI FORNIA 94610 TELEPHONE P,a • A C 4151444 ITL 4883 Church School 9 :«.am Office 281 2332 ''The Church Where NO Stranger FHII Strange" The State of Oregon Employment Division seeks proposals tor operation of an 8 week Conservation Corps Cmp during the summer of 1980. Proposals are due no later than 2/08/ 80. The project will involve youth ages 14 - 18 1n con1ervation work and related education and recreation activities. For further information con - tact : STATEWIDE PROGRAMS UNIT · YCC EMPLOYMENT DIVISION 875 Union Street N .E. Salem. Oregon 97311 Phone 378-2964 ALLEN TEMPLE CM E CHURCH Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:JOam Sunday Worahip 11 :OOam Chriatian Youth Fellowship 8:00pm (aecond and fourth Sundayal Reverrnd Thomm L. Strayhand, Minut~r NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunct.y School MomingWCJrlNp E-,,ne 5afYICe 2nd 4th Ind 5th Sunclllye COfflfflUn0\ 11t Sunday Wed Flffll¥ ,rayer Meeting Ind Bible Study Fridey lrothethood Fellowth~ Serw:e w,tt, Mom!no St■r Jr1' Sunday 9 30■m tOJOlm You are Welcome to Worship at THE A RK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD I N CHRIST "A worm spirit off •llowship 11/wav," The Honorable Bishop U .V . Peterson, D.D. "The Holiness Preachef," Pntor. 7 OOpm 5 OOpm 7 JOpm 7 00pm ,r..,_ and Paator Phone 211 8419 Church Phone 211 0183 3725 N. Gentenbein Avenue, Portland , Ore,g on ,9TlZ1 runcMy Tuwdly Sunday School Morning Worah,p "~ol 9 l!iam 11 1!iam lllN■lngllfoedcat" KGAR1!ili0 YPIC E ~ Worat,,p Tueadlly Frtdey 11JOam12JOpm I! JOpm 8 00pm Noon Dey Prayer Bible Band Jr Church W--1ev , JOpm C'-R"-'NI 7 OOpm Frtdly " The PNIOf SC>NIII 7 JOpm 84 NE lttlhligMOtth 2111049!! I