Portland Observer January 17,1980 Page 7 ------------- \ Sports Talk by Ron Sykes Sports editor Oregon State University's basket ball team was ranked fo u rth this week by Associated Press, th eir highest ranking ever. The Beavers, ranked ninth last week, posted road wins over Arizona and Arizona State over the weekend to launch them into their current lo fty berth. A nd isn’ t it amazing that Coach Ralph M iller is counting heavily on fo u r local products; Ray Blume, M a rk Rad ford, Rob Holbrook and sixth man J e ff Stoutt all played in the P or tland area. In fact, it’s almost like the state o f Oregon against the world. A nd B lazerm ania has been re placed by B eaverm ania. H ow quickly they forget. The Beavers can't relax because George Raveling is bringing his red hot Cougars, 14- 2, to the W illa m e tte V a lle y and believe the Cougars will be tough. In fact, some arc giving WSU a chance for the PAC-10 title, if OSU should slip down. Is this finally the year U C L A will be dethroned? However, don’t feel sorry for the men froth Westwood. A ll they’ re doing is playing four freshmen who were first team A ll- American as preps. The experience will come, but what is really needed is a good big man. But, too, that will also come.. .next year. Is boxing in a sorry state o f being? We all,expected a decline in the heavies when the great M uham mad A li retired, but what we saw S atu rd ay was rediculous. Leon S pinks, lo o k in g not u n lik e the Goodyear blimp, was out o f shape at 209 pounds, and wasn't very im pressive against a M r. Evangelista, who h im s e lf looked m ore lik e a baby whale than a professional boxer. Sure Leon eventually took his opponent o ut, but only after takin g considerable punishm ent h im self in the second ro u n d . I believe in Leon S pink’ s case, the young man just achieved too much, too soon. H fn e v e r realized fully ju s t what he had, and surely couldn’t handle his quick success. H e says he’ s now training hard but his body surely doesn’t show the end result o f this so called rigorous training. In boxing you must pay the price if you want to make it to the top. There are no short cuts, and M r. Spinks is not yet ready to pay the price. One heavyw eight th at does appear to be ready is Michael Dokes. Remember the brash young am ateur that tried to pattern his style like Ali? Well, after a long in jury, Dokes is back, and is most im pressive. M ic h a e l Dokes star is definately on the horizon. Blazers are still stumbling and still not playing A b d u l Jeelan i. The question now is, ’ ’ has Jack Ramsey got his coaching game together?" Remember that Ramsey builds a team and if his past record is any in dication, he will also destroy a fran chise. Just food for thought. Super Sunday will prove to be a super yawner. Pittsburgh Steelers will dominate a Ram team that relies too heavily on the run. Super Bowl 14 will be about as interesting as Ivy League football. In fact, H arvard vs. Yale would probably be a better show. The 9-7 Rams just somehow fails to generate very much interest or enthusiasm. And it was good to see Roberto D uran, ex-lightweight cham pion, looking good again. Although he was obviously in against a lesser op ponent, Josef Nsubuga o f Uganda, and now fighting out o f Norw ay. Nsubuga was game and showed prom ise, but was obviously not ready for Duran. And it was nice seeing Roberta standing there with arms held high in victory. Hold'em high Roberto for when you finally get your wish and a fig h t w ith Leonard, you’ll certaintly not have reason to celebrate. Sugar Ray is not only going to beat Duran, but will destroy him, and it won’t be close. This, however, is one Black man’s opinion. PCC basketball captain thinks pro W hen P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity College’s Cascade Center basketball team c ap tain , G ary Thom as, 22, finishes his third year at PCC this spring he plans to “ do whatever I can to make the pros.” Thomas a 6 ' 7 ’ center who comes to PCC from Lincoln High School, is averaging 20 points per game this season, up from 16 points per game last year. ‘ ‘ I may not m ake the N B A ,” Thomas said, "b u t I want to play anywhere I can. I may have to go overseas someplace with a team. But I am the type o f person who, if you just give me a chance, I ’ll show what I can do. And all I ’m looking for is the chance.” Thom as plans to show pro basketball coaches what he can do this summer at a basketball camp in California. As part o f an education course fall term Thomas taught basketball to a w om en’ s team at Jefferson High School, an experience which also has Thom as considering coaching. Coach John Lee, a former foot ball player, basketball star and bas ketball coach at Linfield College, said Thomas has brought the P C C team from its beginnings three years ago from "just a mediocre team to one with the chances for a very good season.” The PCC team which plays home games in the gym at the North Port land Cascade C e n te r, 705 N . Killingsworth St., has a 4-2 season, with scores over 100 points in all games. With 12 home games and 4 away games left in the season, Coach Lee said the Cascade C en ter’s team should offer a lot o f free sports action for the community. "People who live nearby like to come over and the team is fun to watch this year," Lee said. “ They are an exciting bunch o f kids to watch, lots o f hustle and fast break ing b all." Lee said he thought " k id s are getting interested in coining to school here because it’ s close and because they can play good basketball." Thomas, who is the son o f Rev. and M rs . Roosevelt Thom as, minister and missionary to the St. Luke Church o f God in Christ, 2700 N .E . Summer, said that neighbor hood interest in the team helps make the playing more fun this year. “ When the team and everybody knows the game it makes iny job a lot e a s ie r,” Thom as said. H e describes himself as a team captain who prefers to say a little and do a lot. “ I ’ m a real active p la y e r,” Thomas said. " I love to steal the ball. 1 dunk. I like to get in the game and make things happen." Thomas said his close friendship with teammates on and o ff the court has kept him with the PCC basket ball team. Coach Lee said the PCC team has moved fro m C ity League C o m petition to a schedule with small college ju n io r varsity teams and other community colleges. LOOK FOR THE BIG "T" "A Sure Sign of Good Taste" ★ Wine Cellar k V arietal Wines Italian Swiss Colony FfWi Col» h S rti I. ZMsedd. CMnm Slone. Cobomof SaMgnon 1% Liter Sar-S Extra lean Sliced Bacon.. ,12ox. Fkg. Sar-S Biggie Franks SE 20th ft DIVISION SE 72nd b FLAVEL NE 16th ft FREMONT W BURNSIDE al21»t SAN RAFAEL 1910 NE 122nd . .i-fc. Fkg. Forest Grove 2329 PACIFIC Oregon City 878 MOLALLA Candy ,051 SW 1st LLOYD CENTER D |v |s OSE DIVISIO N 3966 SE POWELL NE 74th (r GLISAN HILLSBORO - Seo SE OAK T R □OQOQI L L Pacific Power Citizen o f the Week Sweeping clean Duane Allan. OSU. take« two in Far West Classic match between the Beavers and Brigham Young. Local youth entertain crowd The D unk Kings A ll Stars delighted basketball fans at the Portland Coliseum during the 1979 Far West Basketball Tournam ent Dec. 26-29 with a feature halftime lowered hoop dunking exhibition during the Clemson vs. Texas Tech game. The A ll Stars from Washington and O regon received a rousing reception from the i r r — p— crowd with encore chants o f “ more and raise i t ! ” with the young dunkers responding w ith a fu ll reportoire o f spectacular dunks at lowered hoop heights from six feet to an electrifying performance on the arena glass by Keith Washington and Greg West o f Benson Tech High School and Jon Anderson o f Lebanon, Or. The Pittm an brothers, Tony 14 and Tim m y 12, also responded with some excellent dunks. Tim m y en- O W t» fripSM u l n amt f t i u m j if.^ crowd he could get up and should be on the arena glass soon. By Ullysses Tucker. Jr. “ Last year when I was with Chicago, we swept Portland; now I am in In d ia n a sweeping them again,” said Mickey Johnson, after the Pacers slipped by the T r a il blazers 122-118 behind his 31 points and 12 rebounds. “ Over the last few years Mickey has had some o f his best games in this C oliseum ," said Paul Knauls, owner o f Geneva's Food and Drink on N orth W illiam s Avenue. “ I ’ ve always been a fan o f his, he can really shoot the b a ll." Knauls, and his w ife Geneva have been avid Blazer fans fo r years. They represent two o f a few Blacks who are season ticket holders. Knauls then enlightened this w riter to the fact that Mickey Johnson was draf ted by the Blazers in the fo u rth round o f the 1974 college draft, and released after rookie camp. Also drafted and released that same year was Jan Van Brenda K a lff, currently o f the New Jersey Nets. Bill W alton was the number one pick that season for the Blazers. Johnson, a graduate o f little A urora College in Illin o is , signed with the Pacers this past summer as a free agent, a fte r spending four years in Chicago. “ I was more than glad to leave that city,” he said. "There was a lot o f undue pressure on me from the fans, the coaches, and maybe even from the management. Ed Badger and I got along pretty good until we started to lose games. Coach Larry C ostello and I hardly ever com m unicated w ith each other. I couldn’t believe that they tried to blame me for us losing games. I th in k they wanted to low er my m arket value since they knew I wasn't going to sign with th e m ,” he continued. Head Coach o f the Pacers, Bob "S lic k " Leonard had faith in John son’s ability as a player. He said, " I found it hard to believe all those rumors about M ic k e y . I just couldn’t buy that. Whenever a team loses in this league, somebody -.BfcBWf» fM the blame. M ost o f the time, Payers are the ones who get the beef. Mickey is a good person. Up to this point, 1 think he’s having his best year in the N .B .A . He gives us a scoring punch from the outside when his shot is on, and he’s very quick at 6-foo t-9.” Johnson, a native o f Chicago, has scored 4,443 points, grabbed 2,970 rebounds, and dished out 862 assist going into his fifth N .B .A . season. Johnson’s career scoring average is 13.5 points a game, with his best season coming in 1977-78, when he scored 18.3. Last season he averaged 15.4 points, and grabbed 7.6 rebounds. Johnson’ s 380 assist were second best among forw ards around the N .B .A . Rick Barry o f the Houston Rockets led the league. C u rre n tly , Johnson is firin g in points at a 21.1 clip and pulling down only 3.0 rebounds per contest. W hen questioned about his reputation about not playing any defense, Johnson quickly replied, " I th in k my D is pretty good. People don’t take me to the hoop at will. Everybody in this league gets burned with all the talent on hand. That bum rap was something started in Chicago; you know how the press tries to degrade some athletes." Johnson continued, “ I ’m only 27 years old and just moving into the prime o f my career. I don’t have to prove that I belong in this league anymore. A ll I have to do is build upon what I ’ ve already accom plished. Now that I have the past behind me, I can start devoting myself to the future. I ’m very glad that I ’ ve found a home w ith the Pacers; it’s a nice organization.” “ M y advice to youngsters is to obtain a sound education just in case athletics don’t go your w a y ," Johnson smiled. “ This is a numbers game and everybody can’ t get lucky.” James Edwards, the 7’ 1 center for the Pacers who added 35 points against P o rtla n d said, " ju s t th in k ...th e Blazers had M ickey, Johnny D avis, C o rk y , Moses Malone, and Bill Walton in the past couple o f years. M ayb e th ey’ ve traded away all their good players. Not to mention that they | up in the 1977 draft. > m ir .i . No more dedicated couple can be found in our community than Reverend John Parker and hit wife, Vivian. Reverend and Mrs. Parker, Founders of Prison Ministries, devotes much of their time to visiting in mates of prisons in the Northwest, as weN os weekly visits to Rocky Butte. Aside from counselling and en couraging incarcerated men and women, they assist those who are on parole or are adjusting beck Into society, and aid prisoner's families. Their ministry not only helps prisoners and their families, but remind those on the outside of their re sponsibilities to prisoner-who coma from and will return to this community. BROUGHTTO YOU BY I EBBS* * •