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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1979)
Page 6 Portland Observer December 20. 1979 Special care helps Christmas cactus bloom, says expert For some people the C hristinas cactus blooms fa ith fu lly every year, but for others it never blooms. Tem perature and day length are the two most im portant factors in causing a Christmas cactus to bloom. “ These plants go in to their bloom cycle in S eptem ber. T o insure flowers by Christinas, start adjusting the plant's environment n o w ," says Ray McNeilan, Oregon State Univer sity Extension home gardening coor dinator. Place the cactus where it w ill have darkness from 5 until 8 To make sure no lig h t interferes w ith flo w e r in itia tio n , cover the pla n t with a black cloth, or put it in a cool closet. Just don’ t forget to take it out in the morning, McNeilan warns. A t the same time the plant is being given lo n g n ig h ts, keep the tem perature between 55 and 60 degrees F. Temperatures too warm or nights loo short can prevent a good crop o f blooms. U sually no flow ering w ill occur at all i f the plant is kept at temperatures above 75 degrees L. C o n tin u e th is flo w e r in itia tio n treatment fo r about six weeks. A lter that the pla n t can be returned to normal day lengths and a somewhat m ilder temperature. W h ile the flo w e r buds are fo r m ing, give the plant less water but don’ t let it get so dry that the leaves shrivel. Do not fe rtiliz e the plant "* during this period. Flower buds may drop i f the plant is exposed to drafts or rapid changes o f temperature. A ctu a lly, a fine balancing act is necessary. O verwatering w ill cause bud drop, but so w ill lack o f water, and light levels that are too low. A fte r the C h ristm a s cactus flowers, place it in a cool location out o f direct sunlight. There are several strains o f the so- called C h ristm a s cactus. Some flower early, such as the "S chluin- bergera tru n ca ta " or Thanksgiving cactus. Other flow er later, such as the “ Schluinbergera gaertneri” or Easter cactus. The scientific name fo r Christmas cactus is "Schluinbergera brideesii.” Attract fall weeds now urges Gardener (Left) Mr. S. Kelsey and (right) Gloria Kelsey stand by as their son points to his art work on billboard Student wins first place art painting contest by I indu Thompson If you happen to have been in the downtown Portland area (7th and Stark) within Ihe past few months, you could not have avoided the fantastic piece o f art work located on the billboard in this block. As you viewed the billboard you probably wondered what inspired the artist to so this particular painting. During the I978-79 school session, the Ackler Com m unication “ Larger than L ife " sponsored an art contest for freshmen and sophomores throughout the Portland Public School system. painting was .ubmitted by Tim othy’s Students were to draw pictures relating to the theme “ Nature” . The painter o f the above painting, Tim othy Kelsey, chose to relate his painting to the feeling o f security he gets from his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. S. and Gloria Kelsey. He por trays this in his portrait o f a mother and father protecting their children even before they are born. Chosen from l ,000 oilier freshman and sopho more entries, it was this theme and painting which won first place. The art teacher, Ms. Crabtree. Timothy is a 10th grader from Grant flig h , a young man with depth, and loads o f personality. A member o f the Kelsey trib e — where there are three other handsome sons— he enjoys football, inastial arts, and, o f course, painting. During football season, he is a safety defensive player fo t the Grant J.V . football team. The late summer rains throughout Oregon have brought on a flush o f weed g ro w th in shrub and flow er beds and law ns. Ray M c N e ila n , Oregon State U n iversity Extension home gardening coordinator, advises attacking those weeds now. “ I f you let the weeds go through the winter, you are going to have an even worse problem next spring,” he says. Weeds can be pulled or raked from flo w e r and shrub beds. Then add another inch o f mulch. Lor lawns, McNeilan recommends a treatm ent w ith a weed and feed c o m b in a tio n . The weed k ille r w ill c o n tro l m any weeds that w ill ger minate this fa ll as well as those that are now thriving. " A n d the fe rtiliz e r w ill give the lawn a final boost to keep it looking green and healthy through the w in te r,” McNeilan savs. Urban Volunteer Service provided to gather a local volunteer corps o f professionals who w ould help com m unity organizations. Also in the am endm ent a H e a lth , E d u c a tio n and W e lfa re ap p ro p ria tio n measure was sponsored co n ta in in g what congressmen felt was controversial language concer ning the abortion issue. can devote as m uch tim e as they w o u ld lik e to help o u t n e ig h borhoods. It gives local professionals a chance to use their expertise to help teach others and make them self- su fficie n t,” said Holgate. A lth o u g h the am endm ent c o n taining the Urban Volunteer Corps program has been taken out o f the o rig in a l b ill, as a c o m p ro m is in g m easure, H o lg a te says, d is c re tio n a ry fu n d s fro m H E W could be used to fund the program. He says the a p p ro p ria tio n b ill fo r such money hasn’ t been passed by congress yet, but the decision should be made in a couple o f months. I f discretionary funds are awarded to H E W , it is possible the U V C program can come under the depart m e n ts’ m andate d is c rip tio n and receive funding. H o lg a te says the am endm ent is still being discussed in the conference report subcommittee. He says fo r the m ost p a rt, the U rb a n V o lu n te e r Corps program only existed as a pilot project in some parts o f the country under V IS T A . He says overall the program sounds like a good one, at least on the face o f it. "W h a t the program w ill do is let volunteers give advice to local public agencies and programs. Volunteers gram. W ith Homer Clark. 2pm 6pm JAZZ RAP Cookin' jazz, blues| and popular black music. W ith George Page. 6pm 8pm KIDNEY STEW The blues. W ith | John Head, George Page and Tom W endt. 8pm-12 m idnight ESSENCE OF SOULl PART I The only show of its kind in to w n .f W ith the Groover, J.W . Friday. 12 m idnigh t-3am SA TU R D A Y N IG H T l JAZZ SHOW Swing, bop and progressive’ jazz, latin music, funk and blues w ith Rick Mitchell. CLARK PAGE MITCHELL FRIDAY "The Baddest Block on Radio" By Stephanie I.. Michael The House and Senate have voted to re fu n d the V IS T A p ro g ra m (V o lu n te e r in Service to A m erica) although an amendment to the house resolution has been sent back to a su b co m m itte e fo r m ore w o rk . V IS T A is a program which supplies vo lu n te e rs w ho give e co n o m ic, health, social and educational assist ance to the poor. Steve H o lg a te , press aide fo r Oregon Congressman Robert D un can (Democrat) said the refunding o f vista wasn't the real issue concerning congressmen. He says the point in question involved an amendment at tached to House Resolution 2859. The amendment dealt w ith the U r ban Volunteer Corps, which is a new program under V IS T A . The U V C program was designed fo r low in come urban areas. Lunds would be 11am-2pm UNCLE HOMER'S JAZZHOLEl COVER Portland's longest-running jazz pro-J Celebrate the season w ith a bit of reason. ‘ Tis indeed the season to be jolly. But the holidays are no time for electric contact accidents. Unfortunately, they happen...year after year. And people are seriously hurt. So. here are a few common-sense seasonal reminders from The People at Pacific Power. We lig h t up you r n ig h t. Please d o n 't overdo. If you 're go in g to lig h t up tins ho lid ay season d o it m o destly A nd safely C h e c k a ll c ir c u its fo r fra y e d w ire s, plugs, etc Replace strings of lig h ts if they b lin k on and off when th e y ’re not supposed to Turn on the tree or out side lig h ts in the evening then oft before re tiiin g jl U p on the ro o f top: R eindeer yes. People no. Unless yo u 're as surefooted as a re in deer. stay o ff the roof If you have to g o up pa ckin g a new TV antenna, dec o rations o i whatever know what yo u 're do in g and stay tar. fa r away fro m CB's. Talk about safety, good buddy. It isn't w hat goes out over the air that bothers us it's what goes up. Eager new CBers have gotten into real trouble bv not lo o kin g up for power lines be fore insta llin g their antennas I ook up and live Andrew J. Young appointed Associate Commissioner Stanford G . Ross, Commissioner o f Social Security announced the ap pointm ent o f Andrew J. Young o f Seattle, as Associate Commissioner o f the O ffic e o f Hearings and A p peals o f the S ocial S e cu rity A d m inistration. Young has been H E W Regional Attorney in Seattle since 1971. “ We are fortunate that M r. Young has accepted th is im p o rta n t p osition,” Ross said. “ He is an ex tra o rd in arily talented and dedicated person and his extensive experience as a lawyer makes him exceptionally well qualified fo r this jo b ." A graduate o f the U n iversity o f Washington School o f Law in I962, Y oung was A ssista n t A tto rn e y General fo r the State o f Washington fo r fo u r years b e fo re going in to p riv a te p ra c tic e . In 1970. H E W created a Regional O ffice in Seattle and Young later became its Regional a tto rn e y. In this p o s itio n , he fu r nished legal advice on a ll social security and other H E W program litig a tio n and developm ents in a four-state area. A t SSA, Young w ill head an office o f 4,300 etnployees--including 650 administrative law judges-that han dled n e a rly 225,000 requests fo r hearings during the past fiscal year. Y oung is a m em ber o f the National Bar Association as well as state and local bar associations. He has been active in the Seattle Branch o f the National Association fo r the Advancement o f Colored People, the W ashington State Board fo r C om m u n ity C o lle g e E d u c a tio n . WAREHOUSE SALE!! NEW RECLINERS & SWIVEL ROCKERS MANY VINYLS 8 FABRICS Values to $289 YO U RS$XO FROM O / NEW COCKTAIL TABLES, COMMODES & LAMP TABLES B.P. JOHNS............. $.w ‘69” ROYER.................... *64” Bookcases »oke, from »uv 951 from ‘89" Oak & pine highback rockers (Prices Dinette sets VALUE $429 $O Q Q X y NOW RENTAL RETURN FURNITURE HO* S O F A S ...............» 7 9 ° ° ASSORTED FROM ASSORTED CO FFEE TA B LES UPHOLSTERED »595 ASSORTED L O V E S E A T S . » 6 9 °° E N D T A B L E S . . . .* 5 ” C H A I R S ............» 2 9 ° ° B E D S .......................... » 7 4 ” VINYL FULL-SIZE R E C L IN E R S .. ’ 5 9 ° ° B E D S .......................... * 5 9 ” W« H a v « O v a lity Pvrnltvra H e Iv e r y o n « M a tte r Charge and Forantco The People at Pacific Power c ,t jorënlco r .j on bow to salPi oney and energy revolving credit plan FURNITUR« saus Seasons best wishes from A gift for the W arm at heart May we re com m e nd besides a sin cere w ish for a happy and safe ho lid ay season by any Pacific Power THE FURNITURE SOURCE Visa D eck the H alls. B ut use a safe tool. Power too ls are safe» today than ever be fore But carelessness can lead to tro u b le fast If you r new to o l isn't do u b le insula ted, d o n t short c irc u it safety by ignoring three wav grounded plugs Sarita Claus. Defective or w ron gly assem bled trie toys are dangerous M ake su plug in electric toys are U L or o wise safety approved and if y all thu m bs when it com es to assei let som eone who kno w s what th doing take over D o n t leave elr toys plugged in ove rn ig h t A nd le kids know the rules when it corn playing safe QUEEN SIZE 31ft A N .l. Sandy < OZ ’ 4 9 ' . • . ewe..........................• 5 pc smoked gloss, chrome 4 Herculon Phona 2 J 3 -M 2 2