Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 20, 1979, Page 3, Image 3

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    Portland Observar December 20. 1979 Paga 3
PCC Offers Wine Class
Don Downing, who says he con­
siders wine “ the symphony o f the
p a la te ,” w ill o ffe r an eight week
course in basic wine appreciation
through the Cascade Center o f P o rt­
land College winter term.
" T h e real secret to appreciating
w in e ,” D o w n in g said, “ is to
memorize the taste o f each wine just
as you would memorize each pari o f
Beethoven’ s F ifth Symphony i f y ou
were to u n d erstand how to o r ­
chestrate and blend the entire piece.”
The class, w h ich begins W e d ­
nesday January 9 at 7 p.m. w ill in ­
clude tasting 25 wines in order to
memorize the taste o f each, accord­
ing to D owning. The class w ill be
held at Neil Kelly C o., 735 N. A l­
berta St. Cost w ill be $35.
"W e w ill have a heavy emphasis
on domestic wine because we want
the class to be affo rd a b le ,” Downing
D owning said he doesn’ t always
plan on letting students know exactly
which wine they are tasting.
" I ’ ll let students try to analyze the
taste and develop th e ir ow n
judgm ent,” Downing said.
The course w ill cover wines from
France, Germany and C alifornaia in
a d d itio n to an emphasis on wines
from Oregon.
D o w n in g has co n d u cte d PCC
lo u rs o f Oregon wineries and has
taught wine appreciation classes for
Northwest wine festivals including
this year’ s Newport Wine and Cheese
‘ T i n trying to get known as wine
aficionado at age 33,” Downing said
with a smile.
Downing is a self-taught wine ex­
pert who has his own wine cellar and
has learned wines th ro u g h to u rs,
books, and classes as well as tasting.
" I did n ’ t know that much about
wine u n til one einbrassing evening
when I had invited a leading beer ex­
pert to come to d in n e r,” Downing
said. “ I d id n 't think he would know
that m uch about wines. Just like
most people would do, I ran down to
the wine store and bought a $14 Bor­
deaux to serve with a prime rib and a
Downing went back to the wine
merchant to complain, the merchant
convinced Downing to buy two more
bottles for only $4 each, take them
home, cellar them and d rin k them
when they had matured.
“ I opened a bottle three years later
and it had aged beautifully and had
improved so m uch,” Downing said.
D o w n in g
th a t
m any
newcomers to wines dislike expensive
wines because o f the acidity and b it­
terness o f the taste w ithout realizing
that the wines are young and need to
be cellared in order to soften the
“ The pucker pow er o f wines
leaves w ith aging,” Downing said.
He w ill talk about proper cellaring o f
wines during the class.
For enrollment, call PCC Cascade
American State Bank
energy .
W e can't a ffo rd
lobster tail I had slaved over all day.
But he tasted it and put it down. He
told tne the wine was far too young
fo r consum ption and said he was
sorry I had bought it.”
W a s te ¡ t.
“ The Bank that integration built”
2737 N.E. Union
The Morns Marks House
1501 5W Harrison Street
Porrlond 97201
Telephone 2 2 7 2 688
NEW NUMBERS-interested in the new community services numbers pages in Pacific Northwest Bell's 1900
Portland area telephone directories are (clockwise from topi Jeanne Hartzog, Urban League of Portland; Herb
Amerson, PNB Consumer Affairs Manager; Carol Buechler. Federal Information Center; Judi Stiles, Multnomah
County Office of Emergency Services; Bill McLeod, PBN Directory Department General Manager and Michelle
Carlson, Tri-County Community Council. Over 135 various community services are listed under 48 general
headings on the two pages compiled by PNB and the Portland Community Services Consortium
Pacific Northwest Bell's twin
directories make good
P a cific N orthw est B e ll’ s tw in
fo r
Metropolitan Portland area was a year
old December 14. “ A n d already
they're bigger and looking a bit d if­
ferent here and there,” says PNB
general Manager Bill McLeod. (PNB
split its big book in two-alphabetical
and yellow pages directories—a year
The color photo that won PBN ’ s
first directory cover photo contest-a
shot o f Y aquina HeaD N E A R
Newport—w ill grace the cover o f all
PNB directories in Oregon this year.
Pages two and three o f the 1,087-
page alphabetical listings directory are
devoted to comm unity services num­
bers. Numbers for 139 various com­
m unity services are listed under 48
general headings. C o m p ilin g the
listings was a joint undertaking o f the
Portland Com m unity Services C on­
sortium and PNB’s Consumer A ffairs
Schools and o ther governm ent
agencies are listed alphabetically in the
white pages and also in a new Blue
Pages section o f the yellow pages
directory. Community services num­
bers are also in the blue pages.
Numbers for telephones in subur­
ban Portland communities are located
at the back o f the alphabetical listings
directory. A black stripe at the top o f
the suburban com m unities pages
makes them easier to find.
Names o f persons and organizations
listed in the directories are easier to
read in a new type face, call Bell Cen­
tennial, and with the names and num­
bers in darker print than addresses.
The alphabetical listings directory
contains 391,772 listings for Portland,
M ilw a u k ie , Lake Oswego and
Burlington and the 19 suburban com­
And for those who want to write,
instead o f call, a zip codes map has
been included on page 18 o f the Call
Guide in the alphabetical listings direc­
Z ip codes are also shown in the
Y ellow Pages d ire cto ry, and much
There are 57,836 alphabetical
listings for businesses in the front sec­
tion o f the Yellow Pages book
The Consumer Inform ation Pages
contain tips on "H o w To Be a Better
A special quarter page ad contains
numbers for Weather Services in fo r­
mation around the country. Also con­
tained in the 1,879-page book are bus
inform ation, government and public
school listings, and 1,630 pages o f
classified advertising.
Again this year a special 120-page
directory has been printed and will be
directories, and about 6,61X1 St. Johns
community directories.
228 3618
8:30-4:40 Monday through Friday
▼ «
energy tips.
Name------- ----- ---- --------------- —— ------------------------
Addrew_________ ______
-, --------- ... ...
C ity __________________ State-------------------Z ip -------------
Box t>2. Oak Ridge, TN 37*30
U S Department ol Energy
If you have a problem that is not covered in this list, please call and ask
whether we can help. Chances are, we can. If not, we can recommend
someone else for you to call. One way or the other, we want to see you get
the kind of professional legal counsel you're entitled to
The best time to call us, or any attorney, is before you are embroiled in a legal
problem. This is called preventative law and it makes a lot of sense.
Regardless, when you call us we will arrange for an initial consultation at
your convenience. Cost: $20. We probably can't solve anything in this meeting,
but it is a chance for you to explain your particular problem and for us to give
you some idea of what it’ll take to reach a solution. If you want us to proceed,
we'll give you an estimate of the fees you should plan on. In writing.
'E S . I want tu know IM T C ^ k
« to save energy and money
F r • ■ •
. _____________
Contact nearest Oregon State Em ploym ent O ffice or call:
Clip and mail to "Energy.
Products Development C o rp ., w ill
consist o f 471,751 alphabetical listings
directory and 433,738 Yellow Pages
Men or women with car needed to deliver Portland telephone
books. Must be available five daylight hours. 18 years or older.
Professional Corporation
delivered at the same time as the other
two to residents o f the St. Johns area.
The initial delivery, to be done by