Portland Observer Section II December 20, 1979 Page 15 I LIKE KWANZA CHRTISTMAS IS 1 like Kwan/a. Kwan/a is coining. Black people are Afrikan people. 1 like Id see the brothers and sisters at Kwan/a. Me and my family celebrate Kwan/a. Christmas means having fun with friends and spen­ ding time with mom and dad and grandma. The best thing I like is getting presents and enjoying the fun time. Naihifa Seijtnldin Age 7 Some people just like to stay home and open presents. One good thing about it is getting a Christmas tree and decorating it with pretty lights and a beautiful star at the top. At night you will have some fun dancing around the tree and eating popcorn. If you have some time and there’s still popcorn left before Santa Claus comes, make decorations with the popcorn on strings. WHAT CHRISTMAS MEANS TO ME (. hristmas means sharing and giving and lose. C hrist­ inas means everything to ine. But the special thing is, it is Jesus birthday C hristmas is staying together and having fun with your family, and giving cards to lots ol people like grandparents and mothers and everybody just sharing, giving and loving. C hristmas is having all the tun in loving Christinas and Christmas is my favorite holiday. Angie Johnson Room 210 Boise School Shirley Stigler Grade 4th Room 103 Boise School NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITY 4815 N.E. 7th AVE. PORTLAND, ORE.