Page 14 Portland Observer S ection II D ecem ber 20. 1979 CHRISTMAS IS WHAT CHRISTMAS MEANS TO ME CHRISTMAS IS Il is the das that people celebrate. And this is a lime o f giving and Christinas is. Is ins favorite holiday. And we have fun. And it is Jesus’ birthday. And you can make a snowman because there will be snow Christinas is a fun time o f year when kids all over the world are waiting to open the Christinas presents. On Christmas children are also decorating the Christmas trees. Some children put their shoes outside the door with hay in them for Kris Kringle’ s camel. Some go skating on the frozen ponds or lakes. Children also hang stockings by the chimney for Santa Claus to fill with toys and goodies to eat. For good boys and girls. Christmas is love Because Jesus died on the cross for us. And I love him lor what he did for you and tne because we wouldn’t be here right now on earth. I love the Lord for what he did for tne. Toys sometimes don’t bother me because you don’ t have to have toys all the time, because toys are nothing to me right now. The end. on the ground. And I like to take snow and make ice cream out o f it. And I like the snow that's on my house. And it looks so pretty to me. And I like the lights around my house. And I like when 1—and most o f all I like to— open iny presents. Natalie A. Laster Grade 4, Room I0J Boise School Dear Santa Claus, 1 love you. I hope you will have a very happy merry Christinas. Phillip Sims Grade 4 Boise School Kristen Drew Grade 4 R o o m 103 Boise School I LIKE CHRISTMAS I like Christinas because I go to my grandma’s house. And we sing—and I get so happy, and I give presents to people. And I talk to my grandma and grandpa and we go out to eat. ... . Monica Charleston Grade 4th Room 103 Boise School Michael Smith Grade 3 Boise School Eddie S hannon G rade . . • 3 » * ’ Boise S cho o l * • V ALBINA WOMEN'S LEAGUE FOUNDATION N. N.E. YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 8N.E. KILLINGSWORTH