Page 10 Portland Observer Section II December 20. 1979 WHAT CHRISTMAS MEANS A jo y lu l nine o f year when you give gilts io people in your family. It also means loving and earing lor others on Christinas day. Nor just the gilts, but what you feel in your heart, even if it isn’ t the g ilt you wanted, you should love them and be very, very, great I ul and be happy with what you have, even if you don’ t like the gift that you have and your parents payed alot o f money. Remember it’s the thought that counts. David Jackson Grade 4 Room 103 Boise School CHRISTMAS IS .. Christmas is a special day because that is the day Jesus was born. C hristm as is a tim e fo r giving and loving. Christmas is my favorite time o f year because everyone believes in Santa Claus. C hristm as is my favorite time o f year. I want to shout so everyone can hear. Merry C hristinas is my favorite time o f year! Tracy Bell Room 210 Boise School BLACK HOLIDAY Kwanza is a Black holiday. Black people celebrate Kwanza in Africa and we celebrate Kwanza here Marcus Garvey told me we are Black and now we know we are Black Kumillah Pulliam A xe 7 KWANZA We celebrate Kwanza every year. We love Kwan­ za and have fun. Kwanza is nice fo r Black people. Litnoja means unity. Adjua Miata I.eta Thomas A xe 7 BELIEVE IN KWANZA We believe in Kwanza. Kwanza is lor Black sisters and brothers. Celebrate Kwanza for 7 days. CHRISTMAS IS . . . W inter is not a very nice thing. The snow makes you cold, the ice makes you slide But there is something good about winter, and I know just the thing. You can make snowmen and snowballs. And the best thing o f all is the hot chocolate. Another thing is I can get a cold and w on’ t have to go to school. Derrick Hicks Room 210 Boise Schoo! Solomon Brown A xe 6 'tW ’*< ■ A CHRISTMAS POEM On Christmas day The children play. At night they go away. They come out and play with their Christmas toys on Christinas day. Jimm y Mayes Eliot School Grade 3 CHRISTMAS EVE ON SESAME STREE WITH BIG BIRD MONDAY AT8:00 P.M. KOAPTV10 KOACTV7 .OREGON EDUCATIONAL AND PUBLIC BROADCASTING SERVICE Dennis Griffin Boise School Erin Nielson Age 6 Eliot School DYE FINANCE CO. 418 S.W. WASHINGTON o^ R 0 0 M 3 0 8 -PORTLAND ORE. 97204 NAACP PORTLAND BRANCH PORTLAND. ORE