Page 8 Portland Observer Section II December 20, 1979 WHAT CHRISTMAS MEANS TO ME A CHRISTMAS POEM A CHRISTMAS POEM W hal C h risln ,a s means to me is, that we have lots nt tun, and th a t i t ’ s a special day. B ui the m ost im p o rta n t part is, that it is tu n and people give you toys and things and you ce le b ra te C h ris tm a s . A n d we have C h ris tm a s trees. It means a lot to me and it is also about you. O n C h ristm a s day ch ild ren are gay. O n C h ristm a s n ig h t stars shine b rig h t! The ch ild ren have fu n in the sn o w , They lik e it w hen it glows. The presents are given to c h ild re n that listen. In the night Santa comes. He gives us presents W hen we are asleep. He puts them under the tree. Then back up the chim ney he goes. Ehnsa Bellu Grade 3 Room 103 Boise School CHRISTMAS WHAT CHRISTMAS MEANS TO ME C h ristin as is the funniest day o f the year. So have no fear G o o d o ld Saint N ick is here! C h ristm a s is fu n fo r one reason. It's fu n to see my m o th e r ’ s face w hen she o pens g ilt s a n d go to g ra n ­ d m o th e r's house and see my cousins, and my aunts and ins uncles. A n d I lik e g ilts . Letizia I eon Eliot School (IraiJe 3 CHRISTMAS IS C h ristm as is a h o lid a y when people go o u t and buy and ( hristm as tree, and decorate it and celebrate Jesus b irth day and have ch icke n and have presents a nd s tu ff and th a t’ s what C h ristm a s is all a b o ut. Traci Everest Eliot School Grade 3 Shawntia Heal Grade 3 Eliot School lioneishia Grade 4 Room 103 Boise School WHAT CHRISTMAS IS TO ME ( hristm as is lo vin g and g ivin g . Sharing and caring what happens to yo u r fa m ily . W o n d e rin g i f yo u r aunts and tin cles and g ra n d m o th e r and yo u r cousins are c o m in g over. W o n d e rin g w hat w ill you get, and what y o u r fam ily w ill gel you. A n d that is what C h ristin as is to me. ( assandra Abram Grade 4th Room 103 Boise School Stir la Yvette Channel Grade 4 Room 103 Boise School W H Y BE SENSIBLE W HEN YO U C A N BE SENSATIONAL! YOU CAN CREATE A WHOIE NEW COOR­ DINATED ENVIRONMENT FOR WHAT USED TO BE’ “ JUST THE BATH” WHEN YOU SHOP AT OUR EXCITING BATH BOUTIQUE WE OFFER THE TOTAL DECORATOR LOOK AND COVER THE COMPLETE SPECTRUM OF BATH ACCESSORIES RANGING FROM THE VERY MOD . . VERY CHIC TO THE VERY LUXE LINOLEUM CUV across slaps N IK I 'S COMING TO Just in time for the holidays! The new NIKE store in downtown Portland is opening its doors to the finest selection of running apparel and accessories for your special Christmas shopping needs Looking for a gift to please that racquetball player on your list? You II find a complete line of racquetball equipment at NIKE, plus stylish active wear for on or off the courts NIKE brand shoes are top on everyone s want-list for Christmas And the NIKE Downtown store carries them all. So run on in Monday, December 3rd for the grand opening of NIKE Downtown And be a part of the NIKE Celebration • Drawings • Prizes • Free T-Shirt with every Shoe Purchase 341 SW M orrison Telephone 241-2710 M ondoy-Saturday 9 3 0 -9 0 0 pm Sunday N oon-6 00 There's olso a NIKE Store in the Beaverton M all fo r your shopping convenience Telephone 646-0691 >•**' 505 N E Grand 500 N E Union Phone 234 7271 Mon & Fri. til 9