Portland Observer Section II Decem ber 20. 1979 Page 7 CHRISTMAS WHAT CHRISTM AS MEANS TO ME I.Chnstrnas is giving, L oving, and sharing. I love Christ- inas because it is fun. Presents are given and people love each other and people come over and say Merry Christ­ inas and God forgive people for their sins. The End. I think that t hristtnas is for giving and Loving and shar­ ing things like presents and sharing things back and playing with toys too and decorating the tree and opening presents. Tammy Boise School Tyrone Robinson Boise School by Penny Adair Boise School 4® Christmas ( hristtnas means to us Native American Indians— happy. But we do not celebrate Christinas. And all I do is sit around not doing anything til April. I am living and this is how it will look, i know. Gerard Burch American Indian M ovement Boise School '>9 W HAT CHRISTM AS MEANS TO ME I like Christmas. Me and my cousin. toys and a ten-speed home80,116 ' ° yS ‘ ° ° When it snows I make a snowman I will be happy because I wan. some bike and a game pay day. My brother 3nd 3 b' kC' A " d S° me Ih,ng- A l ,n> Travis Gaters Room 10/ Boise Schoo! W H A 'M R R IS T M A S MEANS TO ME I like Santa Claus. Jesus was born on Christmas. That is why I like Christmas. I like to be together with my family. £ Angela Austin Boise School *£ * LINNTON PLANING MILL 11444 N.W. ST. H ELENS RD. Ande PORTLAND. ORE. 97231 L te v * CHUCK'S ST. JOHN CYCLERY 17017 N. LOMBARD PORTLAND. QRE.I Muría Durant Boise School 0 Micnael Nathanl Age 8 Eliot School ROTH & MILLER AUTO SERVICE 3900 N. MISSISSIPPI BUS. 249-0404 PORTLAND, ORE. RES. 292-0880 •* • ROTH BMW INC. 211 N.E. UNION A' 4 •• r* • , t ■ * : \ t