Page 2 Portland Observer Section II December 20, 1979 THE C H R IS T M A S T H A T EVERYBODY LIKES On Christinas Esc all the children put their stockings on hooks on the chimney. And everybody sings carols and people put t hristnias lights on their Christinas trees and people are very happy about Christinas because it is Jesus' birthdas Have a Happy Christinas. Mane Mitchell Fourth Grade Room 103 Boise School C H R IS T M A S EVERYWHERE Christmas is fun at home. Christinas is fun everywhere. I go over to my grandm other’s house. I was over at my friend’ s house. Have a good Christmas! C H R IS T M A S IS I like Christmas because it’ s Jesus' birthday and every­ body gives and gives thanks to one another. A nd they celebrate Jesus. They be having Christinas cookies and cake and ice cream and chicken. I hope it snows on Christmas so I can go outside and have a snowball fight. Christinas Is Fun. Michael Charleston Grade 4 Room 103 Boise School David H aters Boise School Grade 4 MaH Fi W H A T C H R IS T M A S M E A N S TO ME What Christinas means to me is to give someone some­ thing they wanted tor a long tune. A nd Christmas is on Je­ sus' birthdas. Joe Boise School C H R IS T M A S TREE Before Christm as sse put up the Christmas tree. We decorate it. We put silky stuff on the tree and round bulbs. We put the presents under the tree. And we clean up the house Fddie Shannon Grade 3 Boise School NUDELMANS FORMAL WEAR 440 S.W. 4th & 1114 N.E. BROADWAY I LIKE C H R IS T M A S PORTLAND. ORE I like Christmas because 1 go places with my momma and with my G ram m a and Grainpa. Nane Hauteh Boise School . ’"■T s',' t. ¿ J ' J <, 7 c y • K China B ro th e rso n Age 7 E liot S chool Hot, J* .* *, f 'G 77 f •' G e t i NICKS CLEANERS 5118N.E. UNION AVE. U.S. BANK INTERSTATE & GOING BRANCH & UNION AVE. BRANCH