Page 12 Portland Observer Decem ber 20, 1979 Sports Talk Oregon Men's Basketball has Heavy T.V. Exposure by Ron Sykes Sports Editor Television exposure for the men’s basketball team o f the University o f Oregon will be its heaviest in history this winter. The expanded coverage is the result o f regional netw ork a ffilia tio n s provided by the Pac-10 conference. These telecasts are in addition to the locally-produced telecasts o f Eugene station K IZ I, which carries six o f the games live and eight by tape delay. A portion o f the schedule produced by KEZI also is carried by KPTV in Por­ tland. The regional telecasts include three Saturday afternoon games originated by TVS-NBG: Jan. 12, at Arizona (3 p.m. P S I); Feb. 16, at Washington (3 p.m .), and Mar. I, at Oregon State (noon). On Mondays, the Ducks will appear on two originations o f the Jeff Sim­ mons N e tw o rk: Jan. 7, USC at Eugene (8:10 p.m .), and Feb. 4, at USC (8.10 p .m ). Oregon and Oregon State w ill be appearing on a newly-created Metro Network, Dec. 22, at Eugene. Metro is scheduled to carry five telecasts which match natural rivals within the Pac-10 ( onlerence. The telecast from Eugene will start at 8:10 p.m. In addition, Oregon has been aler­ ted to the likelihood that a number of its games may be included on the delayed cable telecast, nationwide, over ESPN, the newly-created network which carried the Oregon-Colorado football game last fall and which is supposed to begin 24-hour sports telecasting early in 1980. We Will be Closed Christmas Day, Dec. 25th. Peace of mind, body building and self defense are the benefits derived from karate, says instructor Larry Bowman. B o w m a n d e m o n s tra te s speed, not strength ■ BLAZERS MAKE COMEBACK And isn’ t it great to have ’ ’ the train” hack on the track doing what he does best leading the Blazers. With I tonel once again at the helm the Blazer ship rocked steady and steered a straight course leading to two conven- cmg wins over the weekend. Whereas we all know that one person docs not stop a show, but we've learned now ihat the absence o f one (Hollins) won't stop the show but it will most certainly slow it dow n. W ith the return o f I lonel the Blazers were running like the team o f old. Webster defines Messiah as "th e promised one...and the expected deliverer." Hollins has proved to be just that. Oh, sure, he’s not one hundred per cent just yet, but one can easily see that he's the missing ingredient and the "deliverer.” W hen “ tram ” is leading the break, bringing the ball down the middle, survevmg the situation as only he can do, that is seeing the whole tloor and spotting the open man if there is one, and il there isn’t...then Train will sim­ ply change gears, slipping past the delender and going in for a lay up. II one had to describe Train further, then remember mercury...the ancient Roman God who served as messenger o f the (mds, and was also the God ol commerce, thievery, eloquence and science Well on the floor, the Irani dictates all these qualities. H e’ s eloquent in ball handling; unparalled, and he is ce rta in ly the master o f stealing the ball and his defense is truly a sweet science Welcome back 1 lonel. I he I97()'s gave us p robably the greatest running back that ever lived; <1 I Simpson. Upon his retirement from the game, announced last week, we salute, and pay homage to the gteatest talent ever to lace on a pair o f looiball cleats. At 6'2 and 210 pounds, Simpson combined the power o f a bull, with the speed o f a gazelle to wreck havoc on many an N i l team. Ihees-U S t Heisman Trophy win­ ner, whereas he tailed to break Jim Brown's all time record o f 12,246 yds, will long be remembered by all as the best ever to do it. So long Juice.., And hats o ff to Jack A vena and his P o rtla n d U n iv e rs ity P ilo ts fo r kn o ckin g o f f h ig h ly rated (no. 12) Ralph M ille r and his OSU Beavers before 12,261 fans at the M C last Friday night. Oregon State brought with them, their press clippings and national ratings, only to fall victim to an inspired Pilot team led by guards Jose Slaughter and Darwin Cook, the pilots completely dominated the men from Corvallis, and on this night was clearly the better team. Sure, there was some disparity in fouls with the refs blowing OSU for 14 straight before UP received th e ir firs t. But those things happen and nothing should taint this hard earned w in ...a n d h o p e fu lly now , the people w ill recognize the strength ot Jack Avena's program. University o f Portland is a team to be reckoned with. And whitt happened to Jack Scott and sidekick John Bassett; Hats o ff d e p a rtm e n t to W ashington M onroe coach John Stilwell for seemingly turning the also can Colonials into a district 10 basket­ ball contender. Joint is a fine coach and should work wonders in his new position. Who’s betting that Bill Walton will play in the NBA this year? I he 1979 Tar West ( lassie will open Wednesday, December 26 with a team field o f Oregon State, Idaho, Penn State, Brigham Young, Oregon, N.L .-C h a rlo tte , Texas Tech and Clem son. This is undoubtedly the weakest Classic field in some years now and Oregon State, who hasn't won a title since 1970, should emerge the winner fo r the twelth time in a tourney that they once dominated by winning the first 10 championships in a row . One o f the most fantastic records anywhere in basketball was Oregon State's 27-game w inning streak at the annual Far W est ( lassie before finally losing in 1966 Oregon Wrestlers Host National Power The U n iv e rs ity o f O regon's wrestlers are currently ranked as the lOth best team in the country. Earlier this season at the Arizona Invitational, the nation's most com­ petitive regular season tournament, Oregon finished sixth, one place in front o f Iowa State and three notches behind Minnesota. Tournaments are entirely d iffe re n t than dual meets, however, and whatever happens this time around is purely speculation. " I can't say how we will d o ," said Oregon coach Ron Finley. " I d o know both teams will test us to our lim its.” " I think Iowa State will make some adjustments in its lineup which could make a big difference. We w ill just have to wait and see who they decide to wrestle to know how big a differen­ ce that w ill be." "A nother factor is Donny Brow n," he added. "R ight now, I don't know if he will be ready. That could mean the d ifference between w in n in g and losing. W'c really aren't deep enough to cover fo r him against these two teams." Brown injured his knee in Arizona and may have torn some cartilage He is out u n til a definite diagnosis is made He plans on being ready, but whether he is or not w ill be a last minute decision. “ Karate is a discipline o f the mind, the spirit and the b o d y ," says Bow­ man, who spends his evenings and his mornings teaching karate. Learning to control your emotions and impulses is the basis o f karate, adds Bowman. " Y o u gain the advan­ tage over an attacker i f you remain under control: you surprise him if you don't show signs o f being upset. Stay­ ing calm instills doubt in the attacker and affects his a b ility to fig h t.” While controlling your own actions, Bowman notes that you should watch you o p p o n e n t fo r signs o f his fe e lin gs. People u n co n scio u sly te legraph e m o tio n — fo r instance, when their eyes dilate. By looking for such signs, you can predict your op ponent's actions. I f you’ re expecting his move, you can get out o f the way.” A lthough it ’ s important to remain calm while practicing karate, it's also crucial to be ready to unleash energy at the right moment. " Y o u learn to develop an instant lig h tin g s p irit," Bowman explains. " Y o u d o n 't waste your energy by staying unnecessarily tense. But you do tense up for a second just at the moment o f strike— thus concentrating all your body power at the point o f impact By staying relaxed, you can move much faster when necessary." Learning to move precisely is a ma­ jo r benefit o f karate, adds Walter W il­ son, who shares Bowm an’ s enthusi­ asm fo r the sport. “ You learn to concentrate on ev­ ery move you make,” notes W ilson, who says he has greater coordination and precision in all physical tasks since he took up the sport. Because tim ing and discipline are the key elements o f the sport, karate is suitable for males or females o f any age. " I t ’ s speed, not strength, that counts,” says Bowman. "Y o u have to make your move at the ngltt lime. Grant­ ed, young people are generally faster, but frequently their timing is o ff And because strength is not crucial, females are not at a disadvantage." I he mental exercise o f controlling one's emotions, points out Bowman, lias benefits outside ot the sport. “ You learn how to temper angry reactions. W e practice this control by meditating before and after sparring." Practicing self-control relieves anx­ ieties and generally improves your health, says Bowman. "B y ridding yourself o f anxieties and tension, you lower your blood pressure and improve your cir­ culation." Karate also improves one's physique, Bowman notes. "Karate is like ballet in that it causes you to develop muscles you never used before. A lot o f women take karate because it's an enjoyable way to lose weight. "Karate enables you to defend your sell, improve your health, and improve your mental attitude,” Bowman con­ cludes. "B ut basically it's still a sport; while developing yourself, you're also having a good tim e." ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. / E a rly AM ERICAN i cn a rm t R U n «■( "W todetit m z Pitted Ripe Olives £2?' 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