Portland Observer JOB FINDER CITY OF PORTLAND CLERK II $836 A pprox. M o. All applicants should have knowledge and skill in the use of business English, a r ith m e tic , o f f ic e procedures, information checking and filing; skill in following oral and written in stru ctio n s and in ap plying guidelines to defined problems; and skill in dealing courteously and ta c tfu lly w ith the public. M ost Clerk II positions require typing skills. A typing dem on­ stration will be required to qualify for such positions. APPLY PORTLAND CIVIL SERVICE BOARD 610 S.W. M ontgom ery Portland, Oregon 97201 No later than Monday, December 31, 1979. Women & minorities are encouraged to apply. A n Equal Opportunity Employer POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (Research Associate) for 12-month position in the field o f paleontology- paleoecology or marine siliceous microfossils. Ex­ perience in taxonomy of marine planktic diatoms, in m ultivariate data analysis and Cenozoic biostratigraphy of marine diatoms is required. The appointment is for 1 year w ith a possibility of renewal. Salary commen­ surate w ith experience. ($10,000-$15,000). Send resume and names of three references by December 31, 1979 to: Hans Schrader, S chool of Oceanography O re g o n S ta te U n iv e r­ sity Corvallis, OR 97331. Oregon State University an A ffirm a tiv e A c­ tio n /E q u a l O pportunity Em ployer complies with section 504 o f the R e h a b ilita tio n A c t o f 1973. CLERK C le rk fo r O ffic e p ro ­ duction co n tro l Make job assignment, keep records and make reports for an insurance office. Light typing, merit increases, excellent fringe benefits. $7,550 annually to start. M r Adam s 226 2661 Equal Opportunity Employer FIRE CHIEF Highly responsible administrative and technical work in planning and directing all activities of the City Fire Department. ABILITY TO: Plan, install, and carry out programs of department operations and activities including em­ ployee training and development, fire prevention and investigation activities. REQUIREMENTS Graduation from an accredited college or university with course work in fire sciences and administration afid public administration; or satis factory combination of education and experience. Extensive experience in all phases of fire fighting and fire prevention work, including consderabte expenence at command level SALARY: 1862 2263/mo. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY As a leading company in the kidney dialysis indus­ try, B-D DRAKE W IL- LOCK employs approxi­ mately 300 people in the P o rtla n d m e tro p o lita n area. Employment o p p o rtu n i­ ties at B-D DRAKE WIL- LOCK are varied and provide employees the o p p o rtu n ity to dem on­ strate their ability to ac­ cept increased respon­ sibility. An Equal O p p o rtu n ity Employer, B-D DRAKE W ILLO CK encourages all interested job appli­ cants to inquire direct th ro u g h the In d u s tria l Relations D epartm ent, Also employment oppor­ tunity inquiries may be directed to any Oregon State Employment Ser­ vice. I B D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 S.E. Pheasant Ct. I Portland, Oregon 97222 (503)659 3355 A n Equal Opportunity BENEFITS: Medical, dental, disability and life insur­ ance and Pers. pick up. DEADLINE FOR APPS January 25, 1980 TO APPLY: contact City of Milwaukie, 10722 SE Main ST., Milwaukie, Oregon 97222. NUTRITION COORDINATOR Of the com m unity base com m unity food and nutrition program in S.E. Portland. Training and 2 yrs experience in program development, social ser­ vices and com m unity o rg a n iz a tio n . S ta rtin g salary $11,865 to $14,422 for application contact: PACT INC. 3634 S.E. M ain Portland 972214 233 8491 A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e (Postmarked Dec. 28, 1979) A ffirm ative A ction Employer Employer SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Part-time fo r planning Dept. Starting salary $367.50 per mo. For ap­ plication contact: PACT INC. 363 S.E. M ain Portland 97214 233 8491 A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e (postmarked Dec. 28, 1979) Aform ative A ction Employer DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Men or women with car needed to deliver Portland telephone books. Must be available five daylight hours. 18 years or older. Contact nearest Oregon State E m ploym ent Of BUILDING fice or call: M AINTENANCE BILLING CLERK SUPERVISOR TYPIST Southwest S&L seeks 228 3618 Recent expands has experienced individual to 8 :3 0 4 40 M onday created the need fo r a conduct and oversee through Friday clerk typist in our building building and landscape departm ent. Duties in ­ m aintenance pro g ra m . cludes typing, filing and M echanical, e le ctrica l, m aintaining job cost and plumming skills records. Require 50 wpm required for minor main and 10-key by touch. Ex tenance. Qualified person RESEARCH cellent fringe benefits. will have two yrs. related ASSISTANT Apply personnel. experience supervisory UNCLASSIFIED NORTHWEST MARINE ability desirable. Call Pat I Burns 643 4848 IRON WORKS An immediate opening is 2516 N.W. 29th LINCOLN available for a research Savings & Loan Portland 97210 I assistant w ith light in ­ Equal Opportunity Equal Opportunity strumentation experience Employer Employer and laboratory skills in m /f/h I th in -film e v a p o ra tio n . i Work will involve vacuum deposition of metal and ! dielectric coatings and some instrument design. , Position is available at 'h - 1 time at M and annual salary of $14,400 Engineering I ($600/m onthl to July 1980 and could be ¡r e n e w e d . M in im u m I qualifications include a ; bachelor's degree in a physical science or engineering or one or Do you want the freedom to pursue more years of instrument a problem to Its conclusion? shop and thin-film evaporation experience in Oregon Saw Chain Division needs Manufactur­ lieu of degree. Closing ing Engineers with a BSME, or equivalent ex­ date for applications is 7 perience. Our engineers work in an atmosphere January 1980 and the an that requires them to budget their own time, to do a job that Involves cost reduction projects, ticipated starting date is capital equipment justification, process Im­ 21 January 1980. Send a provement, capacity improvement, and general letter or resume engineering support in the manufacturing describing experience to: department. Dr. S O. Sari If you are interested in a new job with a future, Oregon State in a company that is the leader in its field, call U niversity. Physics. Pete Barnett at 5 0 3 /6 5 4 -6 53 1 . ext. 343, or send your resume to him at Oregon Saw Corvallis. OR. 97331 Chain Division. 4 9 0 9 International Way, Or telephone 754 4631 for Milwaukie. OR 97 2 22 . interview. OSU is an Af an equal opportunity firm a tive A c tio n /E q u a l employer m/f'hc _ _ O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer and complies w ith Sec­ tion 504 of the Rehabilitation A ct of 1973. Manufacturing Engineer SECRETARY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Secretary / R eceptionist Salary $367 50 per month (half-time) Perform secretarial/re­ ceptionist duties for PACT Planning and Development staff Responsible for basic secretarial duties inc typing and filing. Provide recep­ tionist service Responsible for dealing with public. Pro­ vide back-up, ordering/dis­ tributing supplies; back up Xerox key operator; take minutes;back-up clerical senicas for other programs. Qualifications Type 56 plus W PM, gen'l clerical backgrnd, interest in com munity work plus exper ience/knowledge of com­ munity programs and re­ sources. able to attend oc­ casional eve. meetings, ans phones/record mes­ sages accurately, work as team member Closing date: Dec 28. 1979 A pply to: PACT, Inc. 3634 SE Mam Portland, Ore. 97214 2338491 C om m unity Food b N u­ tritio n C oordinator P o rtla n d O bserver D e ce m b e r 20, 1979 Page 11 CITY OF P O R TLAN D d a ta processing ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN Oregon City Civil Service Commission announcos open c o m p e titive exa m in a tio n s fo r A ssista n t libarians Beginning rate $1242 00 per month. DUTIES: Preforms a variety of professional libra­ rian activities in assisting the city librarian in the preform ance o f those duties, assumes those duties in the absence of the city librarian, heads the technical services section of the library, trains and supervises s ta ff in the te ch n ica l services department. R E Q U IR E M E N T S : T horough kn o w ledge of philosophy, principles, and practices o f public librarianship, w orking knowledge o f cataloging practices. Reasonable typing skills, graduation from a four year college or university supplemen­ ted by a Master's degree from an ALA accredited school of library science. Experience in a public library preferred. Any other satisfactory equivalent combination o f experience and training may be substituted E X A M IN A T IO N : Based on a review of training and experience. The top eight candidates will be invited to appear for an assessment interview. The interview will be weighed at 100 percent. DISPATCHER CLERK Beginning rate $1097 per month. DUTIES: Answer the telephone for police and fire em ergencies, operates te le typ e , typ e reports, m aintain file s and logs p olice o fffic e rs whereabouts. Dispatches police and fire person­ nel by radio. Must be able to w ork nights and on weekends depending upon scheduling. R E Q U IR E M E N TS : Be able to type at least 35 w p m , a b ility to speak clearly over a radio telephone so that others can understand w ithout d iffic u lty . A b ility to learn code and te le typ e message system s, read and com prehend procedural manuals, and a large amount of prin­ ted material. Be alert and able to work effectively w ith calls and personal c o n ta c t fro m citizens ranging from frantic calls fo r help, to personal threats, verbal abuse and hoaxs. E X A M : The examination will consist of a written test weighed at 50 percent and a oral examination weighed at 50 percent. A P P LIC A T IO N S : Applications for these position will be received in the office of: THE C IV IL SERVICE C O M M IS S IO N 2nd Floor, C ity H all. Assist top marketing executive with secretarial I and administrative tasks. $11,86&$14,422 W orks closely w ith Coordinate nutrition ser­ d e p a rtm e n t m a n a g e rs vices to inner SE Ptlnd res and overseas personnel. idents, develop and main Make travel arrangements tain self help programs; and organize meetings. crisis invervention; con Need proven ability in sumer education similar position w ith Duties: Outreach for food above average typing and programs; advocacy assis shorthand, good g ram ­ tance, info dissemination; mar and flexible attitude. organize low income con­ Please respond by sumers around nutrition Tuesday. problems and document unmet needs. _ Apply in person at 3601 O regon C ity, O regon Provide technical advice for SW Murray B lvd., Until Dec. 28, 1979. Phone 655 8481 committees, program plan Beaverton or call Kathy ning, budgeting and devel CITY OF PO R TLAN D JANITO R Hubener, 641 3151 ext. opment; supervise staff This is a 15 hour per week 159. W ASTEW ATER time.collect data; prepare (5:30 8:30 PM weekdays) OPERATORS position papers and policy position at a m o n th ly To assist in operation of Floating P oint System s statements; monitor expen salary of $248.00. Main Portland’s tw o activated Equal Opportunity ditures; develop special tain the building and fur sludge plants. A chance projects to meet local CITY OF PORTLAND mture in clean and orderly to work and learn in our needs; coordinate w ith condition. Duties include: newly expanded plants. community agencies; mon VIDEO PRODUCTION Mop and wax floors, Salary sta rts at $1,317 itor food assistance pro M ANAG ER clean rest rooms, empty w ith increases to $1,482 Responsible for directing gram. and line waste baskets, a fte r one year. M any operations of television Qualifications B.A. or e vaccum rugs, dust fu r­ b e n e fits in c lu d in g fu ll fa cility in Portland Fire quiv. experience in social niture, keep kitchen in or­ paid health, dental and Bureau Training Center service program manage der, line and spray outside life insurance. Good engaged in developing ment, community organiz garbage cans, keep p r o m o t io n a l o p p o r video training programs b atiori aixl program devekip cleaning equipment in or­ tunities. Applicants must materials for transmission ment; 2 yrs exper w ith der. have the knowledge and via cable system . M gr • I comm, service programs; Q UALIFICATIONS: skills needed to perform develops b coordinates all ability to communicate or Ability to physically per m any o p e ra tio n s in a aspects of assigned video ally and in writing; able to form the duties described w a ste w a te r p la n t in ­ tape p roductions in attend evening meetings; above. Experience in c lu d in g sa m p lin g and establishing program ob able to relate to neighbor janitorial services. some tests. hood (»xxik: and the putjlx: jectives, developing in Closing date. December APPLY form ation from content at large; demonstrated skill 27, 1979. PORTLAND C IV IL specialists, assigning & in progrm mgm nt, com APPLY SERVICE BO ARD w orking w ith script munity orgnztn, grp dy PACT SOUTHEAST 510 S.W . M o n tg o m e ry w r it e r s , m a n a g in g namics; provide leadership SENIOR SERVICE P o rtla n d . OR 97201 logistics of studio and to community groups, able CENTER O p e n C o n tin u o u s . rem ote operations, & to get around in a timely 3688 S.E. D ivision St. Women b minorities are supervising activities of fashion. P ortland, OR 97202 encouraged to apply. production crew. Approx, Phone: 233 5426 A n Equal O pportunity Closing date salary range $15,000 A n A ffirm ative Action Employer 5:30 P.M., Dec. 28. 1979 $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 . E x c e lle n t Employer benefits package. PART TIME A pply to: COMPUTER APPLY INSTRUCTORS PACT, Inc. OPERATOR PORTLAND CIVIL Part time instructorship in 3534 SE Main st. Mount b dismount tapes SERVICE J t im b e r h a r v e s t in g Portland, Ore. 97214 510 S.W M o n tg o m e ry I available January 1, ,980. under direction o f the senior computer operator. Portland, OR 97201 : Background in har WORK OVERSEAS Mount align, and remove (503) 248 4362 M ake m ore m oney : v e s t in g , lo g g in g , printouts from the printers No later than Friday, working abroad. Regard­ e n g in e e rin g , M a s te r's to the users area. Assist in January 4, 1980 Women less of your age, sex or ) degree, 5 years field ex­ the training of the com b m inorities are e n ­ present job. All types of perience required. Salary puter operator I in their couraged to apply. w o rk e rs u r g e n t ly i open. Send letter of ap duties. An Equal Opportunity I plication, resume, and needed. For details send Employer self addressed stamped I three letters o f recom - M ust fo llo w directions, I mendation to: envelope to: must be a self-starter, Foreign E m p lo ym e n t Head Forest must be dependable, 701 Washington St. E n g in e e r in g D e p a r ­ must be able to w ork Buffalo, New York 14205 tm e n t night shifts. M inim um 1 O re g o n S ta te U n iv e r­ year data processing sity o p e ra tio n s , lea d ersh ip Corvallis. OR 97331 qualities helpful. Previous A ff ir m a tiv e A c­ experience in large IBM tio n /E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity P U B LIC A TIO N S M AN AG ER shop. em ployer and com plies Full tim e . 11 m o n th s . S e le c tio n C r it e r ia : with section 504 o f the Bachelor degree in graphic arts. Salary: $18,205 W estern Bancrop Data R e h a bilita tio n A c t o f to 19,767 year Deadline for application, Decem­ Processing C om pany 1973. ber 28, 1979. Phone Char M e rric k at (503) 225 2193 SOCIAL WORKER Send resume to: For a special project in Contact P O Box 230 large social agency. 20 P ortland. OR 97207 hours a week. Must have I4th and Je ffe rso n MSW degree and exten D o w n to w n ) sive experience in coun Community College Equal Opportunity selmg Salary $7,000 to Personnel Office Employer $8,000 depending on ex­ 19600 S Mollali« Ave.. Oregon City, Or 97045 m /f perience Good benefits 666 2631, Ext 318 Call Ms. Ham m ons at Clackamas Community College a An Equal 228 7238 by Dec 24 at Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer 'Wonders are many, and 12:00 noon. £1 Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer none it more than m an." wonderful Sophocles RECORDS MANAGEM ENT T E C H N IC IA N $972 approx, mo. w ith increase to $1,160 at th re e years. E xcellent b e n e fits package in e lu d in g fa m ily d e n ta l coverage. Researches complies, organizes and summarizes data in sup port o f records storage and h a n d lin g im prove m e n t s . E x p e r ie n c e an d /o r training in recor ds managements highly desirable. APPLY PO R TLAN D C IV IL SERVICE BOARD 510 S.W . M o n tg o m e ry P o rtla n d . OR 97201 No la te r th a n Friday, D ecem ber 21, 1979. Women & minorities are encouraged to apply. A n Equal O pportunity Employer PRODUCTION CONTROL COORDINATOR SCHEDULER Reports to production c o n tr o l s u p e r v is o r . Supervises activities of operations staging area, including tape library. In­ terface with systems and p ro g ra m m in g . P rovide on-going service to user groups, review report schedules and allocation reports, prepare d o cu ­ mentation, problem solve, p e rfo rm a d m in istra tive duties such as re co m ­ m e n d in g p e rfo rm a n c e and salary reviews. Major participation is scheduling jobs w ith dealocations to verify accurate set up, completion, and effective execution of jobs and in itia tio n or reruns and restarts as needed Q UALIFICATIONS: RESTAURANT M ust have previous p r o d u c t io n con- EVENING SHIFT trol/operations experien­ ce; expertise in O S/JCL Need e fficie n t cooks to (M VS ). IBM U tilities. prepare food for commer­ PROCs; TSO & IMS cial and non commercial f a m ila r it y ; m a in ta in use. Must be able to meet professional, business like deadlines. Salary. $4.45 to mannor in extremely ser $5 hour • differential. v ic e -o rie n te d e n v iro n ­ ment; be able to work in­ CULINARY dependently and excerise M AINTENANCE good judgment in a team Preparing, stocking and m anagem ent p rogram ; cleaning in the dining g o o d c o m m u n ic a tio n s room or conference skills; and avilability to rooms. Salary $4.13 hour. work any shift. ASSISTANT COOKS. Excellent w orking en­ v iro n m e n t. Experience preferred. A pply between 9 and 2 pm. Dept. of Human Resources Mgmt GOOD S A M A R IT A N Hospital & Medical Center 2183 NW Northrup Equal Opportunity Employer D IS TR IB U TIO N CENTER Nordstrom is now ac­ cepting applications for: m arker, ch e cke r, un packer, ja n ito ria l, c le ri­ cal, shipping, receiving, and warehouse. Please apply in person between 8 am and 12 noo n , at 5703 N. Marine Drive. NO PHONE CALLS. An Equal Opportunity Employer WESTERN BANCORP D ATA PROCESSING C O M PANY Phone Char M e rrick at (503)225 2193 Send re su m e to P O. Box 230, P ortland. OR 97207 (4th a n d J e ffe rs o n , D o w n to w n ) Equal Opportunity Employer m /f A D M IT TIN G CLERKS Three on call positions available. M ust be available all sh ifts in ­ c lu d in g w e e k e n d s . Medical terminology and typing required. Please apply M onday through Thursday at: EM ANUEL HOSPITAL 2801 N. G antenbein Ave P ortland, Oregon 97227 Phone 280 4165 Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS & training WHAT: Training and placement program tor production |obs with ma|or silicon manufacturing company new to Port­ land. jobs related to growing, slicing polishing silicon crystals WHERE: Training at Portland Community College jobs on St Helens Road near St John s Bridge WHEN: Next phase of training starts shortly. taking 16-32 weeks, depending on WAGES: Eligible trainees receive training allowances for training program, starting wages vary depending on |Ob between $5 50 and $6 25 hr HOURS: Plant will run 3 shifts daily. 7 days a week employees work rotating shift schedule ELIG: No experience required To be eligible to apply for training program you must be job • a resident of the City of Portland. • 18 years of age or older. • A U S citizen or alien with a work permit. • Unemployed or underemployed, • With-in U S Dept of Labor low- income standards BRING: Applicants must bring documents to verify eligibility Items should include • Social Security Card • Proof of last 6 months family income. • Proof of residency address If appropriate also bring • Alien Work Permit • Unemployment Claim Card. • Public Assistance Card. • Veteran Status Papers APPLY To apply you must obtain an Intake Appointment Call the Training and Employment Division 24-hour Infor­ mation Line at 246-5678 for recorded message telling how to obtain Intake Appointment For further informa­ tion call 246-5648 or come by 310 S W 4th, 2nd floor Board of Trade Building Minorities, veterans dis­ placed homemakers, women handi­ capped urged to apply Th< T rx ln ln f S Em ploym ent Division 1« an Eouei O pportunity * e e n < y s