» Paga 10 P ortland Observer D ecem ber 20. 1979 CITY OF P O R TLAN D INVOLUNTARY SUPERVISOR SEWAGE PLANT C O M M IT M E N T HOUSEKEEPING OPERATOR I ELECTRONIC INVESTIGATOR D apt. CHIEF OFL -EOF Unified Sewerage Agen NURSE A ID PUBLIC SAFETY M A IN T E N A N C E $1,275-1,482 per month. In accordance w ith the cy, »1187 per month with A DM IN ISTR ATIO N EDGEFIELD MANOR OFFICER SUPERVISOR Provides psych o log ica l hospital and departmen­ Departm ent o f Human periodic step increases. 2 I Deputy Sheriff) (Human Services $ 2 5 ,3 3 4 a n n u a ll y . assessment of the mental tal objective, policies and yrs college and 1 yr exp in Services (U nclassified) Assistant) Deputy Sheriffs are law | INSURANCE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ R esponsible fo r s u p e r­ competency and potential procedures, d ire ct the activated sludge or $766-861 per m onth. I enforcement officers who $26,100-831,320 annually visin g e le c tro n ic te c h ­ dangerousness o f in ­ day to day housekeeping d e p e n d in g u p o n equivalent combination of Provides general patient | patrol assigned areas in ' dividuals who are facing activities throughout the nicia n s in th e m a in ­ experience and training. care to ill or aged bedrid radio equipped patrol cars j qualifications. Under the tenance o f e le c tro n ic m ental illness c o m m it­ entire facilities. general direction of the den patients at Edgefield, p r o v id in g n u m e r o u s : e q u ip m e n t; a ssig n in g , ment proceedings. Duties to include orien­ SENIOR M anor in Troutdale. community services. Em- j Department Director, the scheduling, and inspec­ TO Q U A L IF Y : 1) a ta tio n and tra in in g fo r Chief of the O ffice of COMPREHENSIVE has immediate openings for: Specific duties include the| p lo y e e s o c c u p y in g tin g re pair and in ­ M aster’s degree in the new personnel, w ork Administration is primarily PLANNER positions in this class j following kinds of work: mental health field and scheduling and assign- fo r the $1575-$2011 per m onth, stallation work; training ★ PARTTIME RATER prevent violations of the ) responsible Takes and records tern tw o year's experience in i m ent o f duties and and college level training in p ro g ra m s ; e q u ip m e n t law, investigate criminal ! d e v e lo p m e n t peratures, pulses and res We are looking fo r com m ercial raters who the mental treatment field evaluate housekeeping the p la n n in g , e c o n o m ic s , re c o rd s ; p re v e n ta tiv e cases, collect information m anagement of pirations of patients would like to work part time. If you are experi­ working with severely dis­ efficiency. D e p a rtm e n t's b u d g e t g e o g r a p h y , p o lit ic a l maintenance programs. Performs routine work in I regarding crinim al ac- j enced and would like to know more about us turbed clients. Requirements include 1 analysis system, person science, architecture, or First class FCC license the care of convalecent| tivities, investigate traffic regarding jobs and hours, call usi OR yr. of hospital experience nel procedures, manage related fields and in ­ required and extensive collisions, enforce traffic > patients, such as making 1) completion of at least as supervisory experience a general ment information system c re a s in g ly re sp o n sib le and crim inal statutes, 1 beds, changing linens,, ★ CASUALTY ADJUSTER desirable. For application 23 quarter hours or 15 h o u s e k e e p in g a id e . and affirmative action ac­ exp. in land use planning seek and apprehend law ; giving baths and rubs, We have an immediate opening for an experi semester hours o f a S u p e r v is o r y e x p e r . form s and further in fo r­ tivities. projects or research; exp. violators, assist the w ashing and feeding, enced casualty adjuster. Must have a minimum Master's program in the preferred A p p ly M on- mation: s u p e rv is in g p la n n e rs patients and caring fo r| D istrict A tto rn e y in of 3 to 5 years casualty experience. Trainees mental health field, and 2) ' day th ro u g h T hursday APPLY desirable; or equiv. comb, preparing cases for Additional responsibilities , personal effects. need not apply. three years of experience 1 at: PO RTLAND C IV IL of exp. and trng. include assistance to the prosecution, and testify in Collects specim ents.l in the mental health field SERVICE B O A R D E m anuel H o sp ita l court. Employees also j D e p a rtm e n t D ire c to r, ★ DATA ENTRY OPERATOR passes bed pans and I working with severely dis­ 510 S W. M o n tg o m e ry 2801 N. G a n te n b e in Deputy D irector and Apply for above positions m a n a g e n o n c rim in a l ' urinals, performs catheteri Requires 1 year experience on IBM 129 and turbed clients. P o rtla n d . OR 97201 A ve. at: matters such as conflict ! Division Directors in main Collects specimens, CMC key to tape. (503) 248 4352 P o rtla n d O regon taining an orderly flow of W ashington C ounty WHERE TO APPLY resolution, advice in civil ■ passes bed pans and O p e n C o n tin u o u s . ★ We are located in the Cedar Hills area and of 97227 Personnel Room 306 M u ltn o m a h C ounty matters, first aid referral department business on a , u r in a ls , p e rfo rm s Women i t minorities are Phone 280 4164 fer excellent benefits to support competitive sala 150 N. First A venue Personnel O ffice to social service agencies daily basis, and c o o r­ ; catheterizations, empties encouraged to apply. ries Free parking and cafeteria allowance. For fur Equal O pportunity H illsboro. OR 648 8606 426 SW S tark, 7th Floor and other related social i dination with the Office of urinary drainage bottles] ther details call Personnel at 643 7661, or send Employer A n Equal O pportunity Equal Opportunity Portland, Oregon 97204 services Employees are County Management, the , and records amount. Employer resume to: of the Chief Employer (503)248 5015 expected to deal w ith a I s ta ff Notes, reports, and| Executive and the Board W omen and m inorities wide variety of stress and 1 records indicative signs C ounty C om ­ I and sym ptom s on the| CITY OF P O R TLAN D urged to apply. non stress situations, in ­ o f - f e ) d e p e n d e n tly, m a tu re ly | missioners. condition of a patient. SIGN REVIEW P .0 Box 74 TO QUALIFY Minimum and with discretion. Assists patients in] 1675 SW M a rlo w Rd SPECIALIST three years o f ad dressing and undressing, | TO QUALIFY P ortland, Or 97207 $1,591 to start $1,690 af m in istra tive experience j getting into and out of, Bachelor's degree from an ter one year. accredited college or appropriate to the position 1 bed, walking, and trans Professional level, plan Equal Opportunity Employer which demonstrates the university. ferring from bed to a litter. ning re la te d w o rk . Be at least 21 years of applicant has acquired the Carries messages and| R e s p o n s ib le fo r necessary k n o w le d g e s ! runs errands for nurses age. providing technical staff Must have a valid driver's and abilities. Desirable and doctors; assists in CITY OF PORTLAND MEN —WOMEN M aster’s degree in a d ­ , admitting and discharging, s u p p o rt w o rk to Sign license. Review C om m ittee and ministration related field, Here's the quick w a y THE EXAM INATIO N patients. P la n n in g B u re a u . Business Ad to get started All candidates meeting e g . , Perform s routinel Prepares and presents Sealed proposals will be received in Room 113, City Hall, Portland, Oregon 97204 th e m in im u m ministration, Public Ad 1 housekeeping tasks. in a career. com prehensive re p o rts for items detailed herein until 2:00 p.m. on the dates indicated. j m in is tra tio n . H o s p ita l The "Quick way ' to get started on a career is through Ar qualifications w ill be TO QUALIFY Applican and recommendations at Administration, plus three my Reserve |Ob training A few short months from now you scheduled for a w ritten ts m ust have some| public hearings on sign Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional in ­ could be earning good civilian pay (in addition to Reserve pay examination, weighted 50 years experience in an | knowledge of the physical design, construction and for the 16 hours a month and two weeks Annual Training you formation telephone Buyer at number listed. adm inistrative capacity, percent The candidates problems of the elderly; to put it) in one of these skills placement matters. Ex be able to understand and, who pass the w ritte n preferably in health or tensive public co n ta ct, Clerk Typist Data Processor When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified social science related exam ination w ill be follow written and oral in aw areness o f c u rre n t Illustrator Offset Press Oerator check, cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an organizations, involving scheduled for and oral structions; be able to learn | Journalist Welder trends in sign in d u stry amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid as examination, weighted 50 budget development and technical duties of the job and relevant legislation. Stenographer Administrative Specialist guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal. control supervision of per percent. th r o u g h o n th e jo b APPLY Musician Legal Clerk Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek sonnel, interactions with training; and be able to PO R TLAN D C IVIL to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by information systems. OR , work different shifts and| Call A rm y Reserve COOK SERVICE BOARD City w ithin the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and Bachelor's degree in Arts $903 1,046 per month weekends. O pportunities 510 S W M o n tg o m e ry provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the contract, in the event and Sciences plus six This is skilled food THE E X A M IN A T IO N 234 7209 P o rtla n d . OR 97201 the said contract is awarded to him. preparation and cooking years of experience in an The examination will con P art o f W hat You Earn is Pride. No la te r than Friday, a d m in istra tive ca pacity work in an institutional sist of a w ritte n test, An Equal Opportunity Employer D ecem ber 21, 1979. NON DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder involving the specific furi j weighted 100 percent. kitchen Specific re Women b minorities are is certified as an EEO Affirm ative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 sponsihilities include large ctions detailed above. OR Apply no later than 4: encouraged to apply. of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file scale cooking tasks and ten years of administrative PM, Monday, December A n Equal Opportunity the required documentation w ith the Contract Compliance Division, Room 209, directing food service e x p e rie n c e in v o lv in g 31, 1979. Employer City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, 248 4696, at least five progressively increasing assistants or volunteers in M E D PROGRAM (5) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid levels of responsibility and the kitchen. SPECIALIST SENIOR AIDE I Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid Unopened. managerial expertise in ­ There are currently tw o (Program Development This is a 20 hour per week BID NO DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE Immediate openings for qualified individual inter openings at Edgefield volving specific functions Specialist) position at a m onthly detailed above. ested in program design and development Incuni Manor in Troutdale This $1,429 1,761 per month. salary of $316 00 Must be 63 Furnishing Estimated 52 1980 Police Patrol Sedans. For informa bent will gather and analyze information tor sys list will also be used for Apply no later than 4:3C | There are tw o positions I able to perform social mation call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 2484003 10 per cent Bid PM, Monday, December tern development or modification; design and spe future openings that may ! currently available in the co n ta ct and chore ser Surety Required. 12/27/79 31, 1979 city systems requirements; organize and direct the occur in other facilities. M ental Health Division vices for clients. Duties development and implementation of systems and TO QUALIFY: Applican specializing in the area of and responsibilities in 64 Furnishing Estimated 11 1980 3/4-Ton Pickup Trucks. For infor prepare required system operations and user doc REGISTERED NURSE ts must have one year of services for either children | elude: mation call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 248 4003 10 per cent Bid CORRECTIONS umentation. e x p e rie n c e p re p a rin g and families or adults with Client shopping, m inor Surety Required. 12/27/79 meals in quantity such as $1,197 $1,691 m o n th ly, mental and emotional dis household chores, visiting Qualified applicants should have a minium of 3 in an institutional setting (pay levels are determined abilities. Specific duties of w ith clients, chore ser 66 Furnishing Estimated 8 1980 Compact Pickup Trucks. For infor years experience in business application type sys by a number of factors I both positions will include or commençai restaurant vice, support services to mation call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 248 4003 10 per cent Bid terns development, with prior experience in CO include p o s t­ j providing technical assist OR successful completion w hich Surety Required. clients via the service 12/27/79 BOL required. College degree preferably in Math, of a specialized course in graduate education, work | ance to mental health ser coordinator, awareness of Business Adm instration, or Computer Science; food preparation and experience and overall vice agencies, developing , C enter's fu n ctio n and 67 Furnishing 2 Articulated Front End Loaders. For information call knowledge of OS, BAL, CICS, IBM 360/370 pre proficiency on the job.) cooking. c o m m u n ity resources, re s o u rc e s , e n c o u ra g e Michael Metroke, Buyer, 2484003 10 per cent Bid Surety Re ferred. THE E X A M IN A T IO N P e rfo rm s p ro fe s s io n a l and planning, developing , quired. client participation in Cen 12/27/79 The examination will con­ nursing duties fo r in ­ and evaluating programs ] ter activities, and report sist of an evaluation of carcerated persons at We offer a competitive salary w ith excellent in area o f specialty client needs to the client’s 68 Furnishing Nuisance Abatement Services for S.E Portland Ser training and experience, various county correction M E D. fringe benefits and flex time work hours services for | counselor in legibly writ vice District For information call Michael Metroke, Buyer 248 weighted 100 percent. facilities; specific duties Please call 225 5272 for appointment or send children and fam ilies or | ten reports. 4003 01/15/80 in v o lv e p h y s ic a l I adults. QUALIFICATIONS assessments, sick call, TO QUALIFY: Applican A Supplemental Ap resume to: A b ility to w ork under 69 Labor, Equipment b Materials for Construction of NE Alderwood plication Form must be medication and treatment ts must have one year of ] Blue Cross o f Oregon close supervision of Ser Rd Storm b Sanitary Sewers. For information call Michele Ack rounds. Applicants must submitted in addition to 100 SW M a rk e t St. j experience in program vice coordinator. erman, Buyer, 248 4191. 10 per cent Bid Surety Required Pre 01/03/80 the standard application be available for all shifts planning, development or P ortland. Or. 97201 A background in, or qualification of Bidders Required. prior to the final filin g and w eekends on a evaluation in the area of I An Equal Opportunity Employer demonstrated concern for* date. The Supplemental I rotating basis mental and emotional dis the problem s of the 70 Re Powering One Seagrave Fire Truck. For information call Mi Application will be used I TO Q U A L IF Y : 1) abilities for either children | elderly. chael Metroke. Buyer, 2484003 10 per cent Bid Surety Required evaluate each applicant s J Graduation from a school and families or adults. Closing date, December 01/10/80 of professional nursing training and experience. NOTE: A pplicants may I 27, 1979 71 RFP One or More Bond Issues of up to $25 Million of General with accreditation at time qualify and be considered Obligation Bonds Payable from Water Revenue For information PACT SOUTHEAST Apply no later than 4:30 i of graduation. for both positions w ith | SENIOR SERVICE call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 248 4003 Special Prequalification 5P.M . PM, Monday, December 2) Possession of a current appropriate experience. Required. CENTER 01/11/80 31, 1979. license to pratice as a A Supplem ental Ap registered professional plication form m ust be I 3688 S.E. D ivision St. DEPUTY SHERIFF Portland, OR 97202 B eginning salary »23.585 »24,764 nurse in the State of submitted in addition to (Public Safety Officer) Phone 233 5426 Oregon. Applicants may the standard application $1,425 m onthly starting This position manages a personnel system cov­ An A ffirm ative Action be examined but not em salary. This is law e n ­ ployed prior to obtaining a prior to the final filin g Employer ering 150 employees and Support Services (con ID The Housing Authority of Portland will receive Turnkey proposals for a total of date The Supplemental forcement work involving tract management, graphics, printing and general 54 units of low and moderate income family housing scattered on two sites located license. Application will be used to patrolling an assigned office services) Responsible for supervision of 10 M AIL/FILE either in the City of Portland, Oregon, or in Multomah County within ten miles of the THE E X A M IN A T IO N area in a radio equipped ' The examination will con­ evaluate each applicant's | CLERK employees and a budget of »650,000 Portland city limits until 2 p.m.. Pacific Standard Time, on Thursday, the 6th day of car to prevent and/or in- | sist of an oral interview, training and experience March, 1980, at 1605 NE 45th Avenue at which time and place all proposals will be Apply no later than 4 3 0 1 Seeking a fulltime, entry Requirements include a degree in Public Admin vestigate law violations publicly opened and read aloud. The minimum proposal from a developer is for nine weighted 100 percent. PM. Monday, December, level office position ? and accidents and provide istration or related field and five years of admims units. 31. 1979 other com m unity ser­ trative work experience, tw o in a supervisory po­ Im mediate opening fo r (2) Developer's Packets containing full project information and detailed submission sition; or a master's degree and three years of ex vices person eager to learn a requirements are on file at the office of the Housing Authority at the above address '' perience, one in a supervisory capacity TO QUALIFY Applican variety of office functions. A Devleopers Packet may be obtained at the above address (by parties with a bona ts must have a Bachelor's j Should have good atten fide interest in responding to the Invitation) or by calling 249 5631 Additional copies • degree from an accredited | C losing date January 15, 1980 tion to detail; be person may be purchased for the non refundable sum of $20 per copy. |> college or university, be at I able least 21 years of age, and Contact for interview: (3) Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment opportunity, and C o n ta ct Metropolitan Service District must have a current E m ploym ent payment of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Personnel Department driver's license (Degree A d m in istra to r Developer's Packet must be paid on this project. 527 SW Hail and dnver's license must LAND/W ESTO N Portland, Oregon 97201 be presented at time of P O Box 23617 14) The Housing Authority of Portland reserves the right to reiect any or all written examination. ) Portland 97223 proposals or to waive any informalities in the proposals OR CALL 1503) 221-1646 for application proce Apply no later than 4:30 dures. Equal Opportunity PM, Friday, January 4, Employer HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND 1980 m /f/h By Lyndon R. M u so lf Executive Director Portland Observer MULTOMAH COUNTY JOB FINDER NORTH PACIFIC INSURANCE CO ID INVITATIONS INVITATION TO BID PROGRAMMER ANALYST MANAGER OF PERSONNEL AND SUPPORT SERVICES INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS APPLY Multomah County Personnel Office 426 SW Stark, 7th Floor Portland, OR 97204 (503) 248-5015 I