Page 6 Portland Observer December 6. 1979 Lucid Walls o f Time Behind the Wall by Larry Baker H35021 O.S.P. Correspondent FOR DOROTHY Wait! The sky is still dark, The half-moon is still high. Don't leave yet; There's still so much to say. CHALMERS JONES APPRECIATION NIGHT Appreciation may be shown in many different manners and ways, but the beauty o f this gift can be heightened when it is displayed in complete sincerity. This g ift was recently witnessed behind the walls of this state’ s largest penitentiary. Chalmers Jones, a Black man on the Oregon State five member parole board, proudly stood before Joseph Harris, Jr., a Black inmate and the coordinator of the Black C ulture organization known as the “ Uhuru Club” , and accepted a hand made wallet and a plaque displaying his name. These gifts were made for Chalmers Jones and presented in a group effort thanking him for volun teering his services to the Club during the year 1979. As Jones slowly turned to address the 80 Black inmate members and guests, he was greeted with a stand ing ovation. This is seldom seen in prisons where Blacks are know become oppressed, but Chalmers Jones had created a rarity himself during tfte year ol 1979. Never before in this nation’s penal history, had one man taught an education class in a prison at night and sat as a member o f a parole board during the day. Jones had volunteered endless hours developing a “ Black Awareness" class for “ U huru.” A year ago when Black prisoners at OSP were frustrated to the point of rebelling, the executive members of Uhuru turned to Jones for some type of positive solution. Jones, who had spent most o f his life working with social programs among Blacks in Oregon who lived their lives un der-privileged and disadvantaged, quickly took up the challenge with no questions asked. A fter many months o f teaching the class himself and furnishing books and material paid for out o f his own pocket, Jones was fortunate to acquire the assistance o f Jnn Cor- dina, a Black s ta ff member at W illam ette U niversity in Salem. Together these two professional Black men gave many o f the Black prisoners strength, and wisdom to ease through frustrations - teaching them how to reach out for Black pride, give Black respect and strive forth lor Black knowledge o f their culture. W ith the increasing Black population rising in O regon’ s prisons, Jones recognizes 1980 will not be easy for Blacks in prison with the decreasing age level and the Julius Snowden 38013 David Crawford 439830 Assistant Correspondent Letters postmarked: Mankato; I’ve saved them all year. Scented with lakes and evergreens And childly sweets. Limned with French words And private jests. Painful sincerity; Yet extempore, without passion, W ithout chains. I allowed you To take me by surprise And keep me in suspense For single grains of wisdom. And I allowed you To take my hand. Lead me through some Effulgent cloud. I stumbled like a circus clown Who was dying. I needed you then Though I was afraid to say The words outloud, Afraid of the sound. But now I’m free and you fade, A ghost I’ve sought out, A purging mist I've invented, And grab handfuls of you To keep in my pocket. I’ll have you live As long as I live, And when I die They’ll bury that part of you With me: Your photograph smiling Inside my wallet. By Michael Stephens 40611 Parole Board m em ber Chalmers Jones receives co m m en da tion from Uhuru president Joe Harris. Uhuru m em bers m eet to nom inate new officers fo r the com ing year. Love, too, is a prisoner. £ X 0 D U S Gloria Fisher accepts award fo r Portland Observer. lengthening sentences. He is w it nessing their plea for his continuous help in the classroom. At least the Black prisoners belonging to a club named "U h u ru ” express ihe show o f appreciation to C halmers Jones, a state parole board member. ' - Z /r ^ z /v j/// ^ z/zzzz/z z/z/Z zzz/z/ 'Zvzz/zzzzzz/ "zZ /Z z 1518 N E KILLINGSWORTH PORTLAND. OREGON 9721 1 Report bills Castor oil is used as a lubricant in jet planes. DO YOU NEED HELP? Is the DEVIL working against your home, nature, job, church, money, child ren, sex, neighbor, health, sick, family, loved ones? Are there demons on your body or in your home? Have you been in a fix where you cannot keep or find the RIGHT man or woman? If you need help with any or all of these problems you should call me NOW!! Tomorrow may be too late!!! Does your luck pass you by? If so, I have lucky hands to help you be a winner in all GAMES OF CHANCE -B in g o , Reno, Tahoe, Las Vegas, Special, Miami, Fla., etc. If you are a spiritual seeker who needs help not promises "God Gifted" man. I can help you in a hurry. call me I am a TESTIMONIALS 1) Miss Joyce J.W ., Portland, OR., was in a fix where she could not find or keep a good man. I, Rev. Hoskins, removed the fix and the jinx from her. NOW she can draw the man of her desire to her like a magnet 2) M r. it Mrs. C P of Com pton, CA , could not win the BIG one. They called Rev. Hoskins and Rev sent them a for sure win blessing money hand. They went to Las Vegas and their luck kept on coming, winning more than $16,000 31 Ms. Barbara T., Inglew ood, CA . had a man who left home for another woman. She called Rev Hoskins with tears in her voice. She want ed him back!! Now he is backend eating out of her hand. 4) M r. Paul, Los Angeles, CA.. was in a fix and rooted by this woman. As a result he lost his nature for other women, but through Rev. Hoskins' work, Paul regained his nature and became luckier than ever with women, money and his business 5) Mrs. O.I., Long Beach. CA., had demons in her body, and in her home, causing all kinds of bad luck, and unnatural sickness. She called Rev. Hoskins and in 72 hours her home and body were free of unclean spirits. (The names in the above testimonies have been changed for the protec tion of the individual.) I guarantee to do what I say I can do I have a big re putation to protect. I know the power of the SPIRIT. Don't put it off Don't let distance keep you from calling Call now!!! You will be glad you did. Tell a friend where to get HELP today RESULTS GUARANTEED REVEREND CLAUDE HOSKINS 553 GLENVIEW AVENUE OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94610 TELEPHONE. ( 415) 444 4883 A number o f elderly Veterans Adm inistration pensioners may be short changing themselves because they haven't reported all their 1978 medical expenses. They have only u ntil December 31st to advise VA o f these expenses or lose forever pension money to which they are entitiled. The pensioners are p rim a rily veterans or their survivors who chose at the end o f 1978 to remain under what is now called the “ o ld ” VA pension plan because it was to their advantage to do so. Their pension rates were Frozen at the end o f the year. A sm aller group o f pension recipients chose to switch to a more recent plan which offers higher rates to some pensioners, depending on individual circumstances. The law permits members o f either group to advise VA by the end o f 1979 o f any previously unreported medical expenses they had during 1978. By taking these bills into ac count, VA can increase the amount of pension ihe individual receives. The fact that approximately 15 per cent o f the 1.5 m illion veterans and survivors enrolled in the old pension plan have neglected to report all their medical expenses for the last year was uncovered bv a recent survey by the agency. Interested in current books about African Liberation? Visit: JOHN REED BOOK STORE In the Dekum Building 519 S W. 3rd Avenue Sixth Floor Or call: 227 2902 EXODUS DECEMBER 284 7997 FOLLOW-THROUGH K now ing Follow -Through Keys is Im portant Here are the Follow-Through Keys as requested by some callers, regarding my November statement in the Observer. Over the past month, I have received phone calls asking just what are the keys to SUCCESS. HAPPINESS, HEALTH, W EALTH. MONEY and RESPECT Some o f the callers gave tne their opinion as to what they thought the keys should be. None o f the callers seemed to understand that life is a succession or order unique to each in dividual. One person’ s cure can be anothers poison. First o f all, Follow-Through Keys are like a combination lock, there must be an order o f understanding before you can make it work. Each individual is as different as their finger prints in such areas as (1) their actual position in life, relative to others. (2) their age and sex. (3) their personality. (4) their temperament. (5) their total performance ability before lear ning Follow-Through Keys. (6) their self inspirational and motivational index, reflected from past experiences. My Follow-Through concept is based upon the simple fact that all things in lif t and reality are the results o f a specific succession or order; and learning how to recognize this fact is like recognizing the correct piece o f a puzzle that fits another piece o f the same puzzle and then putting them together until the puzzle is complete and going on to the next one. With this in tnind here are the Follow-Through Keys: Follow-Through Keys to SUCCESS are: Purpose and preparation: one must have a purpose, goal or objective before one can succeed, but, before one can become successful, one must prepare. Follow-Through Key to HAPPINESS is: Positive Attitude. Follow-Through Key to HEALTH is: To maintain a balance between spiritual, mental and physical aspects o f your life, (as in your purpose and preparation). Follow-Through Key to WEALTH is: To acquire a product or service that others need or want and learn to manage it to the benefit o f yourself and others under strict control. Example (oil, transportation, housing, food, entertainment cct.) (as in your purpose and preparation). Follow-Through Key to MONEY is: To sell something o f value to others, more than to buy from other, (as in your purpose and preparation). Follow-Through Key to RESPECT is: To recognize your purpose, and perform all o f your preparations toward your pur pose with Honesty, Truth and most o f all consistency, never lie to yourself s Remember in order to complete anything you must Follow-Through. Thomas Boothe Author-FoZZow Through Concept. ¡Paid A dvertisem ent n