Page 4 POf11end ObMn,e, Oecembet I. 1979 Personalized & Custom Made Jewelry Jewelry /Watches / Diamonds Diamond Setting Michelle Mitchell fin foreground I join. the oboe eection. Stephanie Cote. St Mery I Academy student on the cello Orchestra develops youthful music talents B:; Kotllr,,i Bo1t, The \1etropo11•an Youth Sym- phon) and Preparatory orchestras ""ere heard ma Sunday maunee con- cert at Jefferson H,@h School Auditor um on Decffllbff 2 The openm1 performances of the ,uh sea.son of the Auociauon ""as -..el attended "',th a ~er) nominal adm1 10n fee an mcenu,e upcctcd • attrac m re aroups Member hip m the orchestra 1 made up oung mus1c1an rangm1 ,n age from elementar . hool throuJh ,.ouege Placement m eithff the preparator or mphony , based on abi.11) by aud1uon Student .. ome from the greater metrooolitan area The oung mus1c1ans de,elop their talent C\Cf) Saturday mornmg un- der the director 1p of \fr LaJos Bal Symphony> and Smer Con- Linda Brown fcenterl concentrate• on her mu11c stance Loh, k C Preparatory or- chestra) Mus1caJ cdu~llon scholanhips arc a,ailable to mu.s1c1an members Af- ter compeuuon before qualified to present ability and future pocen- uaJ The camera found three airh of families "'-C knov, conccntraun1 on their music scores, among the nearl)' one hundred young people -.ho bel ng to the orchestras V. c picture Linda Bro11,n, \'1olinist, student at St. Helens Hall and dauJhtff of Dr and Mn . v. ebstcr C Bro11,n, Michelle \1itchell, oboist, daughter of \fr and Mn Ed1ar '1 tchell \fs Mitchell 1s a freshman at the Un ,ers1t)' of Portland Stcphan,c Cole, an accomplished p1anm and cellist, 1s the dau&htff of Mr and Mn Joshua Cole Stcphan,e attend St \1ary 's age ~ e .. e g ,crnmcn• an e , _ a U ~ l l ) in ' und- 8 ..1 m e an ~~ d, pure , e • m 112 d1 ercn• ~ crn- m ' ~Jc ~ en d, d r and cd Ou percent ulted n T .. ntcr rate • -..ed here " a need f r u h . 1 c • ,• he I m h I , n ng , n ,ame an abrupt end Taking n IC I he ell• lcn pr am Pt rtland C • un.. ' 1dcd upp >nc f the ., tff • h: • e 1tencra1 fund b .J . The r en e, •ed • 1 he~ , ab \5 , • .1.1J ann , , , n began Jn Ck- ,~, ha,cbecn t< C I t br< ugh• to the .. enter, about 55 criminal and 4S ,.,,11 ~ The agen- ,. ha a 'u11 time taff of three "amcd mcd1at and I~ part ume v. ker 1\11 part lime v. rken are ,. mmuMy untttrs "'ho indicated an ntc-res• ,n mcd1at1on "'oo. All ter "' ker lla~e been m ructed throug .. la e pro, 1dcd b a •raining unn from Calif rnia l ,nda Robert program .. o c r- dinator for the Metropolitan Human Relations Commns1on say the .. en- ter ,oluntecrs represent all area f the ,.,t She say thi "a), nc11h- borhood resident "'uh complaint feel ,1ke people on the pane, ,.an ident,f "'uh hem Robert sa) "It the job of the Worth looking into- , 1, ,. ' \,.. I . I ~ ,.> , ,. ,, University --·····-_.., ~- .. ...... .... ..,..~ -.c.. "- Portland "••enc w.,1 Hal INI, . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ota.•flt'UA••--•t,atOfl of At th• UAi•u•itJ of Portlaftd rou will f1ftd a wtd• off•r•"I of prof•••io-.1 &ftd •pecifacally d••il"•d proaram• to m••t ,_r t•ch11ical, b11••"••• &ftd prof•••k>11al car••r "••d•. ••••I 'TI\e School of a..-,11eu Adlftiftistratio11, th• School of N•rsial, &Ad the M•ltnomah School of £a&ifte•ri ... ha•e natioaal accr•ditatioa. 'TI\• Sch-I of U11catio11 •• accr•d•t•d re1io11an, a11d '" th• Stat• of Or•1011 There ar• twe11tr• "'"• likral arts majors •••Hable . C:-tift-• lear11111a proarams at the Uai•enilr of Portland a11cl•de llloth cr•dit &ftd - •credtt short CCHIFMS, ••eaiaa cl••M•. worll•hops, •e111i11ars, COftfer- ences &ftd i11stit•tes, 011 &ftd oft C&fflP•• .................. .... , ...... «-................ .. =-,.. - -.................. -. ... o.._ Earlier thu year, the Metropolitan Human Rclauon Comm1u1on released a study rcponin1 a dispor- port1onatc number or suspensions amon1 adminutra11 e tran fer , udcnts Prior to that report, the Com- munl! Coaht1on for hool 1n- tegrat1on addreucd the usuc of dt 1phne It recommended nc,. catc1ones of di 1phne and lime I , "'-hich the Board of Education adopted The Black United Front included equity 1n d1 1phne a one of It dtmands The Board' shorr rerm resolution on ,.hool 1nte1ra11on promised to "e,ipeditiously" con- sider the Comm1rnon' report and 1ttk way to reduce the number of \u penS1on\ The committee'1 s1,i tcp plan calls I, t for heannp wuh parents and 1 3 6 U•PAK "'PETE'" ARMSTRONG CEILl'NG TILE Glfl\lOllf 'A'fflN 2 • 2 2S' "Since the i,rogram's bqlnrung a number of persons ha,e referred cases to the center The police, social ser\lCC, the cJty and pn,·atc qenc1cs ha~e contacted the agency about c,i1stmg problems. The pnme 1oaJ of the Neighborhood Mediation Center 1s to sol"'c the problem m such a v.ay to make both panics "'inners.'' Stoinle11 Sink1 . ... .. ...... . , ..... . 1 29 91 Ceramic Tile 4 ' .. . . . . ...... .. . .. .. . .. S• Wa1herle11 Faucet• ... , . .. ... 2O0/o Off Toileh Wh. . . ... .... . ....... . . . . 1 39H De1k Topi , ... . .. ... . . ..... .. .. , . , 1 25 .. Windows Odd ..... . ...... ... .. . '5•'25 Formica Pre-Formed Counter Tops . . . . . - . . . - . · . . - . . • . • . . - . . s 1 so • OFF r oooes '!Mu• 5C ~ '29"' mu awl ,assa" lOOIS R-11 lntul. .. .. .. . .. .. . 13' S.F. ! R-19 lnsul. .... ........ . .. .. . ZJ• S.F. I Bath VanitiH .. .. .. . .. .. . . . 2O0/o OFF Energy Save,. by G.E. . . . . . . , .... 1 1 Formica Cu tout1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO• '2" & up NC 'J Medicine Cabineh . .... ... . . . 2O0/o 4 • I '40"" • '4" U-PA1 K BUILIDING MA'TERIALS INC. MnEI IUNO llOW..:IN INSULATION ;:.!~~ OPEH Moft.•s.t. 8 to S lhrthside Southside S2 2 N E Union 1512 J S E McLou9hlin M1lwaul110 284-9.38 Robens say persons can call the Mediation Center at 234-2829 students. Following these v.ill be mcct1n1s ,. ith principals, teachers and teacher or1an1zat1ons. Ba\cd on these hearin1, ideas for pon1blc recommendations -..ill be prepared At the same time, the distnct staff will prepare an anlaysis of discipline acti\'1t1cs m the schools. This analym, "'ith the proposals drawn by the committee will be sait to many local groups and or1aniza11ons "1th a request for comments and sugest1ons. Finally, taking all of the con- siderations put forth by the com - munity, the committee ..,ill prepare its final rcpon and present it to the Board. Letters will 10 to all parents and administratilo'c transfff students, an- nouncm1 the hearinp and indicatin1 that parents can be heard m public mectinas. SCHEDULE FOR COMMUNITY DISCUSSIONS ON DISCIPLINE IN OUR SCHOOLS Saturday, December 8, 10-noon New Hope Miuionary Baptist Chur- ch Wednesday, December 12, 5-8:00 p m. Vernon School Thursday, Dtctmbtr I l, 5-8:00 p.m. Woodlawn School Saturday, December 1,, 10-noon, New Hope Miuionary Baptist Chur- ch Saturday, December 15, 1-3:00 p.m. New Hope Miuionary Baptist Church American State Bank "11t, S.11k tlwt lllllf""'°" btu/1" ffDN.E. U on ,CLOSE 0IUT1 S P•ANEUNG Board committee meets parents The Portland Board of Education' special committee on discipline •ill hold a sen~ of public mccun1 to di u problem and solution urround1ng student discipline The commlltee conmt~ of hool Board member Herb Cawthronc and Sarah N~hall Committee Chairperson Ca-..thornc say "All children must learn that no progress u made without self-control, a sense of direc- tion and a disciplined personality 'But, • he continues, "children "'111 not learn th1 unless the di ,phnc 1n ol cs the effectn·c communi~uon between parent, and Buil.ding Materi,a l A~demy mediator to asust neighbors by comm1 toacthcr and wiving their o-.. n problems In a nei1hbor qamst neighbor 11uat1on often limes someone "'ill call the police and m most cases the authorities can't do much about the problem." 281-8801 • jud1cs, a.,ards are made 8':«>rdi111 'M ediation Center solves neighborhood squabbles By Sttpllani, L M1cho,I Concern about ne,@hb Jrh v d problems such ilS no1 ~. •rC"ipa harassment, propeny damage, ct~ , can nov. be handled -..uhout '>ttk ng upensne le1al help A ~e gh- borhood Med1at1on Center ha c,pcned m the Kmg F , u 2 4815 NE 7th A~enue The Med1at1on Center pro, 1dc med1a11on and conciliation er, for nei1hborhood d, pute Or1inally, three such centers -.ere estabh\hed m Portland durin1 1978 as pilot proJect The f acilitie5 "'ere then funded by the fcdffal go,crn- mcnt throu1h CETA (Comprehen- sive Employment and Tram ng A~1, It's been emmated that all three 4616 N.E. Sandy Blvd. . •-zn• LEG OF LAM'B Fancy Whole from IN E'W ZEA:L.A ND 1 1 ~ ' .... ,. FLASH F,ROZ'EN 6 to 8 Pounds Average FRITO LAY CORN CHIPS 9 01. , . 10L, OI, It"]:::. . 3>:.:~ 89< 7,L, . . 59c