Page 12 Portland Observer Decem ber 6, 1979 Kermit Washington: Blazers' modest hero Hy UUysses Tucker Jr When most National Basketball Association players egos are high as Am erica’ s in fla tio n rate, its refreshing to know people like Ker­ m it “ Chairm an o f the boa rd s" Washington exist. The new member o f the Portland Trailblazers is articulate, mellow, and modest; a rare quality in these days o f inega-buck contracts, all Black teams, and players not willing to give up their selfish desires for the good o f a team. Webster defines the word modest as: “ Having or showing a moderate opinion of one’s own value, abilities, achievement, etc; not vain or boast­ ful; unassuming, not extreme, hum­ ble, not forward...” The characters fit Kermit like a fat rat in a barrel o f cheese. Proof? --Upon the return o f power forward Maurice Lucas: “ It doesn't matter to me who starts. Whatever Coach Ramsay wants me to do, I ’ll do and be happy to do it If I come oft the bench, it won’ t affect me at all. I came o ff the bench with L.A. and Boston. If you hear me complain, I'll give you half o f my paycheck," he said. After the Blazers 90-88 victory over Kansas City in which Kermit tapped in the winning basket at the buzzer: " I t was just as much luck as it was anything. I remember I put tny hand up and that’s about all I remember. Anybody could have done it...” In Denser earlier this season Ker­ mit shot the winning free throws to help Portland's 88-87 victory. “ To be honest, loin Owens actually was the one fouled, not me.” Most recently, Kermit scored 27 points and gangstered 17 rebounds as Portland beat Cleveland I03-96. A f­ terwards he said, “ Sometimes I shoot good, sometimes I don't. It even continues over to rebounding, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I’ m insecure in my shooting. On the teams I've played on my role has been to rebound, pass and play defence. Before the Blazers I0O-95 victory over Seattle, (. oach Ramsey told Kermit that there was more pressure on him to score since Portland had only eight healthy players. Wash ington responded with 15 points, 15 rebounds and four blocked shots. “ I don’t want to hurt the team with iny Portland Meadows shooting,” he said after the game. “ I f 1 had missed a few, 1 would have stopped. I was just amazed.” Con­ vinced? The 6’ 8 power forward was ob­ tained by the Blazers along with Kevin Kunnert as compensation from San Diego for Bill Walton. A degree holder from the playgrounds o f Washington, D.C. and a 1969 graduate o f C alvin Coolidge High School, Kermit learn­ ed the game in a city that produce standouts like Elgin Baylor, Dave Bing, Tatty Taylor, A ustin Carr, Kenny C arr, East Eddie Jordan, Adrain Dantley, Duck Williams, and a host o f others N .B.A. greats. At American University, which is also in the Nation’s Capital, Kermit became one o f the seven players in N.C. A. A. history to average 20 points and 20 rebounds a game. The others were “ D octor J., (Massachusetts). A rtis G ilm ore, ( Jackson-Ville), Bill Russell, (San Francisco), Elgin Baylor, (Seattle U .), Paul Silas, (C reighton), and Walter Dukes, (Seton Hall,. Kertnit was also Am erican's A ll-T im e leading rebounder with 1,478 and the school’ s th ird leading scorer with I, 467 points. The Los Angles Lakers drafted W ashington in the first round in 1971. W ashington’s first three seasons in the N .B.A were tough, averaging only 3.8, 4.5, and 3.4 points per con­ test. He played just 400 minutes, 949 minutes, and 492 minutes. In 1976-1977, Kermit played 1,617 minutes, averaged 10.8 rebounds and II. 6 points per game, while playing for the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers. Last season Kermit was a defen­ sive and rebounding specialist with the San Diego C Uppers. He grabbed ten or more rebounds 41 times, led his team 26 tunes and pulled in 17 on three occassions. Washington led the (. Uppers with 800 rebounds, 296 of those coming on the offensive end o f the court which placed Inin fo u rth in the National Basketball Association. He also averaged 11.3 points a game, shot 562 from the field (sixth m the N B A ), and played a total of 1,617 minutes. W ith the Blazers Washington is averaging 10.2 points and ten rebounds per contest. He has led the team in rebounding 15 times this Glass-Enclosed Comfort! FREE GRANDSTAND ADMISSION Bring this ad to Portland Meadows For Free Admission on Fridays, December 7 and 14, 1979 Portland Meadows POST TIMES: Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays 1.30 pm - - Fridays 7:30 pm Reservations (503) 285-9144 K E R M IT W A S H IN G T O N season, and is one o f the key reasons why Portland leads the league in defence with a 94.5 average. Kermit blocks two shots a game. “ I like his style,” said W illie Smith, a former Ira ilb la z c r who is now w ith Cleveland. “ He rebounds, block shots, dives tor loose balls, and plays within his lim itations. Kermit is a total team player and a scrapper.” Ron Brewer said, “ I ’ve been im ­ pressed with his game from day one. He plays so aggressively. And he takes so much pride in his game. You’ re never going to get less than he gives.” I he biggest problem Kermit has laced this season is being away from his family. “ It won’ t be possible for my family to move here, at least not this season,” he said. “ I ’ m going to miss my family, thats the only thing that disturbs me.” By the N B A. allowing the Ians to have a vote in who plays on the all- star team, Kermit is a sure bet to represent Portland this season. The " Blazertnaniacs” love him and his contributions. W ashington was voted the “ I railblazer o f the M onth” recently and donated the $500.00 check to Shriners Hospital to aid handicapped children. T o m a to Sauce P rim o S a ls a Chow M e in Chun Kir,g Dinnery Chicken Beet Pork. Shrimp ■ JT Chun King E n tr e r P .p p « St»oh or Fgg Foo Yung When asked about Kerm it’s play, C oach Jack Ramsey said, ” 1 have never seen a player who is as deter­ mined and consistent at the boards. He’ s a truly dedicated team player which is probably his greatest at­ tribute. He is the special one.” POPEYE’S SE 20th & DIVISION SE 72nd b FLAVEL NE 15th b FREMONT W BURNSIDE at 21st SAN RAFAEL 1910 NE 122nd Famous Fried Chicken Forest Grove 2329 PACIFIC Oregon City 878 MOLALLA Candy 1051 SW 1st LLOYD CENTER 14410 SE DIVISION 3955 SE POWELL NE 74th b GLISAN HILLSBORO 960SEOAK TIR DDQQQI LlL WAREHOUSE SALE!! 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