Page 10 Portland Obnrver December I. 1979 Community Calendar NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO DEFEND DESSIE WOODS . Damesha Blad:earth, Chairv.oman of the National Cornmlllce To Defend Dessie Wood\ 11rill be spe11kin1 on Friday, December 14, at 7:30 at the Mallory Avenue Chur- ch, 1 l8 N.E. Alberta. Childcare provided. Dessie Woods 1s a Black woman ser- \'lnl a 22 year prison sentence m Gcor1ia for defendin11 herself and a friend again\t a rape allad, by a white man. There 111ill be a rally to FRH· DESSIE \\OODS on Saturday, December 8, at noon at the f 'ederal building on S.W. I hird and Jefferson. HUMBOLDT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT ORGAINZATION. I) ( mm: prevention presentation. 2) Mr. Jolin, TV coordinator from Mayor McC.:ready' office. J) Patti Jacobsen trom Office of Neiahborhood A"ociation. l>ccember 10th, 7:30 p.m., l uthers B.8.Q., 4935 N. William~. CHILDREN'S HOLIDAY FREE DAY. The fifth annual Children's Holiday I rl'C Day 111ill be held at the Washington Park Zoo on Thursday, December 27, trom 10 a.rn 10 J p.rn. For children 11 ycar1, of age and under there 11rill be free ,oo adrnMion and tree animal crackers. Kay Ice's Playbo" Player~ will offer tree performances m the ladybug Theater at 11 a.m., noon, I and 2 p.rn. Al1,o, there 111ill be clov.ns to add to the fe\tivities. RADIO AUCTION TO BENEFIT NEEDY. The St. Vincent de Paul Society and 11:l· X Radio 11rill hold an on air auction Saturday, Dec. 15 from 6 a.111. to 2 a 111 . Sunday 10 ral\e fund\ for the Society 40th annual Christrna\ Food Drive WELDING FOR BEGINNERS. A Saturday das~ 111 welding for beginner, 1s whcduled by Portland Community College for 11rmIer term at the Rod Creek t enter, 17705 N. W. Springville Road. lndividuali,ed m~truc11on by Don I aM 1 otlered trorn the hours of 9:J0 a.m. 10 noon and from 12:30 to 3 p.m. Satur- day Jan. 2. (ml" S2.50 an hour or SIO for the day of 1mtrue1ion. STAR OF BETHLEHEM . Kendall Planetarium at OMSI, pre\ents traditional holiday ,how about the ,tar in the l:.a,t. Free during regular mu,curn hours; \ I ~o pc:r ,cat I riday and Saturday at 7:30 pm . After Dec. 24, 111ill alternate \\llh current night sky ,how. (24K 5'M7) SPECIAL FILM PROGRAMS. Two special film program, for farnilie~ .,.. ill be prc,ented at the Albina Branch Library, 3605 N.l:. 15th Avenue. during the holiday \aca11on tune. On December 20th, an animated vcr,,on of" A Christ- ma, ( arol" will be \ho11111 along with" rhe Great roy Robbery." On Decem- ber 27th, " I he It ob bit" will be ~hown . Both programs begin ar 7: 15 p.m. Ad- 1111\\lon" free. (287 7147 PARENT CHILD SERVICES, INC . announce~ the sponsorship of the USDA ( hild ( arc I nod Program. Meal, will be made available to enrolled children at no ,eparalc charge 111ithout regard to race, color, handicap, or national or gin. ST. FRANCIS TENANT'S ASSOCIATION . Donata's Italian restaurant, on the rnrnor ol Nor1h111c\t 21,1 and Glisan,•~ helping Northwcsl neighborhood 1c:11anh fight ror lair rent l:at piua with the St. Francis Tenant's Association, a local ol 1hc Portland fenant\ Union, on Sunday, December 9, at Donata's m ,rrhwe\l Por1land on the cornor of 21st and Glisan. It is a benefit for the St. I rail\.'" I c:nant's Association legal fund. 1223-2250) THE NATIONAL COMMISSION ON SOCIAL SECURITY will hold a hear in11 at the Portland Hilton Hotel m Portland, Oregon on Wednesday, January 16, IIJK0 at IJ:00 a.m. rhe purpose of the hearing will be to mlicit a broad range of public opinion on the old-age, survivors, disability and health 111,urancc: program\ authorized by title~ II and XVIII of the Social Security Act 111 order 10 aid the ('ommi\sion in ils review and appraisal of these programs. I I vuu or your organitation would be interested in testifying, please notify Melanie W. McClintock, Puhlic Information Officer, National Commi~sion on Sodal Secunty, 440 G Street, N.W., Roorn 126, Washington, D.C. 2021K by Monday, December 17. WORKSHOPS I wo free workshop~ on ~afe woodstove in~lallation "ill be prc,cnlcLI by enc Portland Fire Bureau at Ockley Green Community School, 111 ~ N. Ainsworth (al Interstate). A special session for senior citizens is ,chc:duled for Monday, December 17th at 4 pm. A ~ession for the general public ",1:hcduled Wednesday, December 19th at 7 pm. rhc \Chool is on the number I and number J bu~lines. Call 28S-8269. ST. JOHNS CHRISTMAS MARKET, open now Iii Christmas Eve, features gill and decorations of over 150 handcraftcrs open I0-6 Monday-Saturday, ll' IJ I ridays, with Santa m the store Friday evening and Saturday afternoons. In the lknJ. Franklin Bldg, 8533 N. Lombard, east end of the St. Johns Bridge. NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM . 6:30 p.m., City Hall, { ouncil Chamber. METROPOLITAN HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION. 12:30 p.m. Cily Hall. Kornn 321. December 18th. CHRISTMAS POTLUCK. The Urban Leaaue Senior Adult Service Center Advisory Board, Northeast area, invites seniors 10 its special Christmas Potluck, Wednesday, December 12, 1979, 12:00 Noon-2:00 p.m. at Mall D1\hman Community Center, 77 N.E. Knott Street. A Christmas musical program 111ill he presented by the Rev. Richard Probasco of New Song ( hrhuan Center. Mrs. Carylyn Schaefers, Senior Represcnta1ive of Portland General Electric Company will discuss "Thermostat\ Down-Now Wha1?"-- 111e1hcxh of keeping 111ann in dealing with the enern cm,,. Senior\ are cn- coura1ed 10 come and bring a friend. STORYTELLING AT ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY CENTER Reverend Ber- tram Griffin and Oscar Hicks will delight, entrance, and 0Iherw1,e ca,I a magic \pell m·er young and old during the !>Ccond evemng of c telling at St An- drew~ ( omrnunuy Center on Saturday, 15 December Children and adult\ arc ,mited 10 bring mat~ and pillows to snuggle close and li1,ten to O\car tell { hristmas stories from his family and childhood, followed ~ Re11erend Griffin telling \Orne marvelous stories of Hannukkah The evening ,tart, with a potlud at 6:30 p.m., with storytelling at 7:30 p.rn . at St Andrew Community ( enter, K06 N.[. Alberta Street. If there are any question,, or 1f you would like to tell a ~tory, call Sharon Miyaji (days) at 281 4430, or Edna Hick (niaht,) at 287 I077 OREGON ASSEMBLY FOR BLACK AFFAIRS will hold 11, annual rnem- ber\hip mecrmg, on December 8, 1979, at the Holiday Inn al Wil\om,ille, ju,t a re miles 'IOUth of Portland on lnterslate-5. The meeting will begin at 10 A.M. I unch \\ill be ,erved al noon, and the cost of the lunch is S6.00. The purpo\es of the annual meeting arc 10 report on the ,tat us of the coporallon and to elett l hai rpcnom of Standina Comrniuccs. Any "acancies in officer\ will be filled bv , uon Position~ that will be filled by election on December 8, 1979, arc rctary, Education, Employment, Hou,ing, Mcmbenhip, I conornic & ( omrnunuv Development, Fmance, Political Action, Media-C.:mnmunication\. Portland Observer BID l 'N VITATIONS JOB fl,NDER PROPERTY APPRAISER I $1175 $1500 per month, graduation from college with major course work in business ad· ministration, agriculture, engineering or allied field; certification as a qualified appraiser by the Oregon State Civil Ser- vice Commission, under prov111on for ORS 308.010. Last Filing date Dec. 14, 1979. HOMEMAKER I $680 $869 per month, desire to participate m service program for the elderly, suff1c1ent working exp. to demon st rate reliability. and graduation from a senior high school; possession of a current Oregon driver's license, must have use of automobile, preference will be given to certified or ex perienced homemakers. Apply for all positions listed above at: Washington County Personnel, Room 305 150 N . First Ave. Hillsboro. Oregon 648 8606. An Equal Opportunity Employer Women and minorities urged to apply CITY OF PORTLAND INSURANCE INSURANCE CO. 1 We are located in the Cedar Hills area and offer excellent benefits to support competitive salaries. Free parking available. For further details call Per· sonnel, 643 7661 , or send resume to: Position requires a Bachelor's degree with a major or strong em - phasis in accounting. Prior cost accounting experience in the private sector, and college level training in EDP account- ing methods and pro\lramming highly desirable. For further information call 243 4359. Or send resume to Pe•sonnel Of. fice, 920 SW 5th RM 1106, Portland, OR 97202 PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT l:.'q ual Opportunity l:.'mployer Excellent hours and em- ployees benefits. Call 225-5272 for appoint- ment. BLUE CROSS OF OREGON 100 S. W . Market Portland. Oregon An Equal Opportunity TRANSCRIPTIONIST IN MEDICAL RECORDS Transcriptionist, full time position. Hours 1 :30 to 10:00 p.m. for experien- ced transcriptionist. Tuesday through Satur· day. APPLY Emanuel Hospital 2801 N. Gantenbein Ave. Portland, Oregon 9Tl27 Mondays through Thurs- days. Equal Opportunity Employer I m1d11 1 ,•r OREGON FAIR SHARE CHRISTMAS AUCTION -·n·ry rh111~ from ' 8• '• Chc>•fl..,._YI Fnday 11 J0am l:Z l0pm The P•tor Sc,Nl,a 8 8~ h 7 ]Dpm 9'~E•~ 7 ]Dpm C p ' ~ 8 C T w II ~ ~ For information on the following Annual Supplies, call Carlton Chayer, Assistant Purchasing Manager, 248-4002. Surety required. I 40-A 41-A 42-A 43-A 44-A 45-A 46-A 47-A 48-A 49-A 50-A 51-A 52-A 53-A 54-A 55-A 56-A 57-A 58-A 59-A 60 A 12/11/79 Anhydrous Ammonia 12/11/79 Aluminum Sign Blanks 12/11 /79 Cold Asphalt 12/11/79 Emulsified & Liquid Asphalt 12/11 /79 Emulsified Asphalt for Slurry Seal 12/11/79 Storage Batteries, Automotive 12/11 79 Bagged Portland Cement 12/11/79 Mixed Concrete 12/13/ 79 Chlorine-Tank Cars 12/13/79 Chlorine-Small Container 12/13/79 Commerical Fertilizer 12/ 13/79 Inlet Frames & Grates 12/13/79 Manhole Frames & Covers 12/13/79 Oils & Greases, Lubricating 12/13179 Gas, Industrial & Medical 12/13179 Propane Gas 12/13179 Reinforcing Steel 12/13/79 Sand, Gravel & Rock 12/11/79 Concrete Sewer Pipe Sodium Bicarbonate 12/11179 Furnishing New Automotive & Truck parts & supplies during calendar year 1980. For information call Michael Metroke, 12/20179 Buyer, ~48-4003. 10 perce~t bid Surety required. 61 Furnishing Nusiance Abatement Service for Northeast Portland Service District. For information call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 248-4003. t~ tt pl te ! 12/11/79 62 Construction of Marquam Nature Trail. For information call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 248-4003. $25,000 Bid Surety Required. Special Prequalification Required . 12, 18179 Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11 :OOam Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) H.nerend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister FIRST CALL FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BY MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES ONLY TRI-MET MERLO ROAD OPERATIONS BASE REPORT BUILDING REMODEL PROJECT Plans and Specifications can be picked up at the ofices of the Tri-County Metro- politan Transporation District of Oregon (Tri-Met), 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Port· land, Oregon 97202, Attention: Ms. Nancy Hood 1503) 283 4a>2 after 2:00 p.m. December 12, 1979. ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 808 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bertram Griffin, Paator 211-4QS Deposit of $25.00 per set, refundable with the return of the prints and specifications to the above-referenced offices. Maa- s OOpm V,gol Saturday 10 OOam Chon Sunday t 2 ()()pm Folk Sunday Pre-bid conference scheduled at the above referenced offices for 1 :00 p.m. on December 18, 1979. ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4919 NE 9th Ave Nont■ Kelly, Pnncopal Phone 284 1620 Gradea 1 thru 8 Sundey School Morn,ng Worlh,p f-.noS.,,,.,t 2nd Church School 9 4Sem Office 281 2332 9:JOllm 10 JOllm 4th ■nd !lthSundav ,edey Furnishing estimated 17 Sub Compact Sedans. For infor- mation call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 248-4003. 10 percent bid Surety required. 12/13/79 OFFICIAL CALL FOR BIDS ,.,,,,,,,,1 NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Wednndav 39 ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Sprnt1t1:1t111 ltt Bib- Band Furnishing estimated 20 Compact Sedans. For· information call Michael Metroke, Buyer, 248-4003. 10 percent bid Surety 12/13/79 required. ' r II homemade quilt!. to helicoprn rides tndlVKIIMII • """'"""r find l11m,11· 1 p U V PeterM>n, 0 D 'The Holiness Preacher." Pntor I Plans al"d epecificationa may be obtained at the above address. For additional In- formation telephone Buyer at number listed. PARTTIME RATERS We are looking for Commerical Raters who would like to work part time. If you are experienced and would like to know more about us regarding jobs and hours, call us. Ask for Hal Adrian. REV. AUSTIN V. RAY, MINISTER THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST INVITATION TQ BID Sealed propoul1 will be received in Room 113, City Hall, Portland, Oregon 97204 for iter .. a detailed herein until 2:00 p .m. on the dates indicated. Has Immediate Openings for: MO RI AL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH You ■ re Welcome to Wnrahip at ' NORTH PACIFIC Commun,on 1t1 Sundey Wed Family Pr■yar Mwtonv ■nd Btblol Study Friday BrolherhOod Felloweh2 Cert• fication as to MBE must be submitted two (21 dav- prior to the btd opening TAI COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON Paul N. lltn·, becutive Director Planning and Development 0 ,11 Ir m ,11 a, In 1n re m b1 1lh