PageS Portland Observer November 22. 1979 TO O LATE TO C LA S S IFY Sports Talk M ENTAL HEALTH THERAPISTS by Ron Sykes Sports Editor ‘ ‘ And may (he force be with you.” Trailblazers downed (he hoi Super- somcs, winners of 10 o f their last 11 games played, 100-95 Sunday night. And the ‘ ‘ fo rc e ” , Kerm it Washington, was his usual powerful self. Called upon by Coach Ramsey to look to score, dtshe usually deten­ se tninid And the “ fo rce ” , Kerm it Washington, was his usual powerful self. Called upon by Coach Ramsey to look to score, the usually defense minded Kermit responded with an unusual season high 27 points again­ st the Cleveland Cavaliers along with his usual (17) rebounds. You can both believe and not believe W ashington. Believe him when he says he doesn’ t have an ego problem, but don’ t believe a word ot it when he says he’ s not a super star. A force - Washington is a wonder that one would have to see to believe. But what bugs me is that I’ ve never seen Kerm it’ s name appear on any NBA all-defense team With how he plays the game, his enthusiasm, his intensity, along with his tremendous lim ing, which also makes him an intimidator, then what puzzles me is how th is man could be overlooked. Now, I see why San Diego was reluctant to part with the man we now know as “ the force.” Abdul Jeelani has the I railblazers in a quandary. It is expected that all pro guard 1 ionel Hollins will be ac­ tivated in the next five days. This means someone will have to go. One quick look at the roster will quickly reveal that there’ s tw o rookies holding down spots. First round pick Jim Saxson w ill certainly stick, for obvious reasons. Jeelani? Well, I’ m sure that his performance over the weekend where he scored 20 and 15 points in back to back games proved one thing we all know . . . Abdul can play in the NBA. And it would be much easier for Slu Inman, Blazer MG, to release Jeelani if he would only have a couple o f bad ones. However, he just keeps playing bet­ ter and better. Not only is he scoring but he has improved his overall game tremendously, therefore causing a problem. Now when a player performs well and you see no ink in the “ daily news” about said player, then that's a pretty fa ir indication that said player is in trouble. Also, keeping in mind that some players are usually praised while otheres are not . . . for obvious reasons. Point in case was this week’ s games against Phoenix and Cleveland. Abdul Jeelani had an ex­ cellent game against Phoenix in a losing cause. Abdul was a bright star hitting 9 of 10 shots from the field and he hawled in 10 boards. Oh, by now Jeelani w ill get his dues it was thought, but much to my dismay very little was said about his contribution. That was puzzling. What was even more mind boggling was the bit w rit­ ten by a Seattle colum nist which read: It has been up to Brewer, Twardzik, Owens and Bob Gross to carry the load. Now how could any responsible w rite r o verlook the tremendous contribution o f the man we now know as ‘ ‘ the force” . . . Kermit Washington. Unbelievable. Who is the n a tio n 's top rated collegiate running back? I f your an­ swer is Charles White or Billy Sims, you're wrong. Perry Harrington, Jackson State’ s pulverizing All-American is rated the nation’ s best running back by the professional scouts. Perry and I.arye Harrington (no relation) o f N orfolk State, who is rated one o f the nation's top five running backs by the scouts, lead a list o f some 253 senior fo o tb a ll players from A m e rica ’ s Black colleges who have been nominated to be voted upon in the selection o f the two 41 member squds that will make the Fast and West sqluads for the Black College A ll Star Bowl II, to be played at the New Orleans Super- dome on Saturday, January 5th. Black colleges continue to send their share o f defensive players and run­ ning backs to the pros. Tim m ie Newsome o f W inston- Salem and George Leonard o f Virginia State are two jumbo backs that will play in the Black All-Star Game and both are top pro pros­ pects. Bush team o f the week...Try Seat­ tle ’ s Scahawks. Leading by one touch down w ith less than five minutes in the game coach Jack Patera called for an on side kick, which the Hawks recovered. Then with little more than 2 minutes and still leading by seven, he called for a fake punt. Bush. ENERGY. We can't a ffo rd to w aste it. . . . UNION OR COMPANY DENTAL INSURANCE IS A VALU ABLE A S S E T . . . YOUR HEALTH AND APPEARANCE COMPLETE COOPERATION ON ALL DENTAL INSURANCE CLAIMS WE HANDLE ALL THE DETAILS OF COMPLETING YOUR CLAIM FORMS no appointment needed Come in at your convenience HOURS: Weekdays 8 30am to 5pm Saturdays 8 30am to 1pm Dr. J e ffre y B R A D Y , D entist S W 3RD it YAMHILL ST.. PORTLAND. OREGON TAKE ELEVATOR TO 2ND FLOOR 3RD ST ENTRANCE American State Bank ____ ^be Rank that integration built ' 2737 N.E. Union 3pm to 11:30pm full time on eve shift 11pm to7:30am - full time positions on night shift Basic requirem ents fo r the above positions in ­ clude a bachelor's degree in psychology or related social science field plus 1 year direct counseling experience. I am s tirre d , shocked, and ex­ tremely happy. The reason for all this, is an article written in Tuesday’ s Oregonian by M r. Burt W righ t. I have long admired Mr. W right for his in-depth and tell it like it is ap­ proach to things. However, his art­ icle on the Laker’ s Kareem Abdul Jabbar has surpassed a ll expec­ tations. Black people the world over should salute M r. W rig h t fo r illum inating the unfair thinking by the white press, directed toward Jab­ bar. “ Because o f his great ability,” W right says. “ Abdul Jabbar often has been the target o f various manifestations o f racism in cities all over the country, but he refused to dignify it by responding in k in d ." Bravo, M r. W rig h t, fo r we’ ve known the true character o f Abdul Jabbar all along. It is really heart­ ening that now a white writer has the courage to speak out. Remember when Dave Cowens walked out on the Celtics in 1976? Wright says, " I f Abdul Jabbar had ever done that, he would have been irrevocably branded a quitter and exiled from the game.” Amen. There’ s no jo y in muddsville, oi Eugene because the m ighty Ducks did strike out, or better yet, were 282 2216 struck down 35-0 by a sky high bunch from U C LA. Oregon, favored for the first time in two decades to beat the Bruins, in­ stead fell handily to the invaders from the smogland. The stage was set for a Duck vic­ tory. The tailgaters were there hours before the game, getting themselves prepared for a fun afternoon, and a possible bowl game. The only bowl fo r this year’ s Ducks w ill be the Thanksgiving soup bowl. Oregon long known fo r it's kamikaze style o f play, were the vic­ tims o f such play this afternoon. U C LA discovered a weakness in the middle and threw running back after running back, like so many kamikaze pilots, and gained so many yards through the m iddle, that Brooks, Duck Coach, was wondering i f he had a paper thin defensive line. Sure the Ducks were riddled with injuries, and when Vince G o ldsm ith went down, for sure, then all was lost. By the beginning o f the fo u rth quarter, 42,111 faithful Ducks fans started waddling toward the exits. Remember...inspite o f all, Oregon is still a year away and w ill be a very good team next year. And as always this is only one Black man’s opinion. “ Athletics is a way for people to blow o ff steam," Kendricks said. He coaches teams part-time and is fu ll­ tim e counselor in the PCC In ­ dochinese Program. “ The state p e n ite n tia ry has always had athletics,” Emery added. “ They needed it so do the jails. We don’ t want another Walla W alla.” But the sports program is a lot more than just a chance to blow o ff steam and get some excerise. “ These are very special people,” Kendricks said. “ Some in­ mates feel that they are number two and that they can never be number one. We encourage them to feel good about themselves. We teach them how to play within the rules and how to lose and how to handle losing Performs a variety of manual and semi-skilled tasks in m aintenance and construction of City fa cilitie s. Req. One yr. g e n e ra l c o n s tr u c tio n exp. inclu ding exp. in operating light motorized equip. Able to perform manual tasks req. lifting and carrying. W ritte n exam and physical de­ m o n s tr a tio n te s t. Deadline for App. 12-7- 79. To apply contact City Of Milwaukie 10722 SE Main St. Milwaukie, Ore. EN ERG Y. W e c a n 't a ffo rd to w a s te it. An Equal Opportunity Employer US Department ol Energy Equal Opportunity Employer APPROXIM ATELY 165 USED VEHICLES U S. GOVERNMENT SALE BY AUCTIO N - TO THE PUBLIC INSPECTION: November 29and 30, 1979 9:00am to 4:00 pm December 1, 1979 8:00 am to 10:00 am LOCATION: GSA MOTOR POOL SALES i t STORAGE AREA (ADJACENT TO SIMPSON STREET) VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON SALE DATE: December 1, 1979 - 10:00 am SEDANS STATION WAGONS PICKUPS CARRYALLS VANS STAKE TRUCKS TRUCK MTD. REFRIGERATED VAN (45,000 GVW) OVERSNOW VEHICLE (TRAILER MTD I 4 x 4 PICKUPS. WAGONEERS. CARRYALLS AND A SCOUT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL PROPERTY DIVISION FEDERAL PROPERTY RESOURCES SERVICES AUBURN. WASHINGTON 98002 I___ rTT— IENO W S I LAj— S H O P ____ ■ i r B o R a A r N D S y e « k n e w w ith o u t blow ing up. One o t the teams I coach got a sportsmanship trophy and they are prouder o f that than anything.” Emery said the PCC Jail Recreation Program has reached about 400 inmates in it’s first year. Many inmates are directed into the PCC Ex-Offender Program and en­ couraged to take college classes when they are released from jail. Coaching ja il inmates also takes a special talent, according to Emery. “ Besides being very good in athletics our coaches are very special people,” Emery said. "Y o u can’ t put just any jock strap in there. They have to be natural leaders who know when to back o ff before someone explodes and when to crack down.” Charles C ra w fo rd , M ultnom ah C ou nty C orrectio ns grant ad­ ministrator, said PCC has the grant to run the program because "V o lu n ­ teers are great, but just not experien­ ced enough to handle a jail program on a long term basis. We felt we needed top q u a lity coaching and counseling and we get it from the PCC staff.” The inmate basketball team prac­ tices each Saturday at the PCC Cascade Center. VARIETIES y « u lik e SIZES y e u w a n t I TK a F r t a n d l m i | S to ra« In T « * i S t««« 1 9 O t O ur eniphasit 1» sharing of health inform ation that enables women to arhvelv participate in then health care Fees < >n Sliding Fee U - P A K “ PETE” Stainless S in k i.................... ARMSTRONG Ceramic Tile 4 ' ' ................... CEILING TILE Washerless Faucets .......... Toilets Wh GRENOBLE PATTERN 12 r 12 25« < ■ «ach PANELING 4x8 2 3 9 8004 13 s F 23 s f $29” 5‘ 20% OFF SC OOOAS in n * u n PASSACI (OCAS Desk Tops ........ W indows Odd . . Formica Pre-Formed Counter T o p s ......... * * k*' *5-*25 SUU S Merlo . *4” MEYER BRAND BIOW-IN $ | SO 20% OFF 20% OFF ’7” Medicine C a b in e ts ........ Bath V a n itie s ........ Energy Savers by G.E Formica Cutouts . . BANK CAROS WELCOME VISA' Tour Check, Tod U-PAK BUILDING MATERIALS INC. OPIN Man..Sat. t to S N erth side Southside tree uto ot our Wewer 10 6 1.1. M arrtaao M .i. M ao tatk 1.1. OUiaton W a tt Bom tlO a « 0 * Ova c ity 6 " R-19 Insul........................ scale M onday thru Friday t A a 1 3 h ” R-l 1 Im u l.................... MC OOOAS C om plete Gynecological Services Pregnancy Screening B irth C ontrol A bortions in a Clinic Setting Self Help M i l 1.1 M ilw a u k ie . I t l t lif t » « I . . I S u rn tid a . H I M t N .l O lito n . } * ,h N le m k a rU at O re -le y . ] ) d la la la t i M ill. » 1 . . . . H l n 4 at 1.1 O U Itio n • K |.a • O ak O r*ve ■ * “ • • • ot went«« r a x u i CLOSEOUTS The Portland Women's Health Center a women 's choice clinic • • • • • • Building Material •2” & up 41bO SE Division Full time position for a registered occupational therapist is now available at in-patient, psychiatric hospital for supervision of occupational and recreational therapists Requirement fo r this position include 3 yrs ex perience in pscy or re­ lated fields w ith a minimum of 1 yr super visory exp. M ust be registered and licensed thru the state ot Oregon. 1400 SE UMATILLA 234 5353 ext 366 We encourage all minority applicants 1400SE Umatilla 234 5353, Ext 366 We enourage all minority applicants PCC coaches unusual team There’ s one Portland Community College basketball team which is far from the ordinary team: -The team members are all inmates from M ultn om ah C o u n ty ’ s three jails. -One coach, Marvin Kendricks, is a fo rm e r pro fo o tb a ll player and UC LA ALL-American. -Another coach, Don Lowry, is a fo rm e r college basketball A L L - American. -And the manager is B.F. “ Bud" Emery, a law enforcement officer o f 23 years experience, who is now dean o f community services at PCC. The PCC basketball team, which plays in the C ity League's C- Division, is part o f a new PCC Jail Recreation Program which develops baseball, v o lle y b a ll, soccer, and basketball programs as well as pool and foosball tournments for inmates in Rocky Butte, Multnomah Com­ munity Corrections Institute (MCCI) and Calir Argow Women’ s Facility. The jail program, which began last year, is funded by a contract from the Multnomah County Corrections D ivisio n w ith money fro m the Oregon C om m un ity C orrections THERAPY SUPERVISOR WOODLAND PARK MENTAL HEALTH CTR WOODLAND PARK MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Act. PARK FREE —Any Park n Shop Lot The following positions are now available at p s y c h ia tric in p a tie n t h ospital fo r m ental health therapists: President Jimmy Carter chats with Los Angeles Dodgers' Manny Mota after receiving a bat from the all-time pinch hitter at the White House recently Mota, a native of the Dominican Republic, retired from active playing this season after 18 years in the major leagues and is now a Dodger coach. Standing next to Mota are his son, Jose Manuel, and Joe Gomez, commissioner of the Presidential Executive Exchange Program (far left). Standing in the foreground are other members of Mota's family. UTILITY WORKER I OCCUPATIONAL 5 2 ’. 2 N E Union I S 123 $ E M cloughlin 284-9938 Milwaukie