1 4 Portland Observar October, ,979 *200,000 Behind the Wall by Larry Baker »35021 O.S.P. Correspondent David Crawford »39830 Assistant Correspondent SUMMER LIQUIDATION 1 41 h RENTAL RETURN FURNITURE 1 SU PPLY O N SOME ITEMS* PRICED PROM ASSORTED $6 9 ° ° ASSORTED $2çoo ASSORTED $5900 QUEEN SIZE LOVESEATS.... Captain Nelson, the Salvation A rm y, inm ate Robert Chambers and Reverend A .D . Donnelly Rocky Butte chaplain, discuss Glass Crusade Bill Glass tells inmates how he found the “ Spirit of God “ 5 pc. DINETTES >00 S O F A S ... UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS......... 1 -1 T? V IN Y L RECLINERS...... ASSORTED » 5 « $595 END TABLES..... BEDS............... FULL SIZE $095 LA M P S .......... 100 COFFEE TABLES. Bill Glass Crusade at OSP The Pope may have been touring Ireland and the United States, but Bill Glass Crusade was touring the Oregon State Penitentiary. It was a weekend never before wit­ nessed inside these tall old grey wails. But Hoyt C. Cupp, Superintendent and his staff members had surprised not only many o f the inmates, but also the public. Opening the iron gates to a large group o f people to walk into a maximum security prison to roam at will would shake up many prison o ffic ia ls , especially when those people are famous in the world o f entertainment, politics and law. But stranger yet, these citizens from throughout these United States were not here to demonstrate their expert­ ness in their professional fields. They came to have church fellowship with 1,500 incarcerated prisoners. Some times a picture is worth more than a thousand words, so this week it is an honor for Behind the Walls and the Portland Observer to present a rare sight found in a state penitentiary. The inmates and staff are greatful to all who particip a ted in the “ Crusade” because many spirits were brightened. m i c i o FROM BEDS............... $7495 $5995 ★ SPECIAL: New Hide-A-Beds, Assorted Fabrics From ’199" W u H a v e Q u a lity Furnitur« to r Everyone. THE FURNITURE SOURCE Vke Mestar Ckorg« eadftrselce revehring credit glen. Paul Wrenn, world weight lifter, demonstrates his power WS4 OPEN HOURS 10AM - 9PM W M k d e y t 10AM - 6PM Saturdays 3 1 s t & N.E. Sand' FURNITURE SALES Phone 233-8622 ENERGY. We can't affo rd to w aste it. E X O D U S OSP inmates listen to Bill Glass sermon < -Z>zvfzv¿jzzz X ráera/isnaf a r u / f / t e a / w n / fren/et 1 5 ,8 NE KILLINGSWORTH PORTLAND OREGON 9721 1 284 7997 EXODUS "’*»!. -a* OCTOBER FOLLOW - THROUGH K n o w in g F o llow -T hrough Keys is Im p o rta n t Bob M c N a u g h to n . City Com missioner, Bend, sharing "the Word ' with noted prison writer. Don Dan ford. CAUSE I AM BLIND Bill Glass and Harold Whitney. Chief of Security A NEW PERSPECTIVE Lucid Walls o f Time Why don't you love me? the young man cried He laughed and he died the people thought he was fine but I just sighed cause I 'm blind When I was young and so meve then I would preach love and peace then I grew old and it became meat and i found out that I couldn't eat Don t know why cause I'm blind The young man pulled his woman near felt her up and said I love you dear, she rolled over and sighed l cried the night love died Don t know why cause I'm blind by Michael P Marsh Julius Snowden 38013 Editor Knowing how to recognize and use the important Key to unlock what vou want, and to lock out what you don't want is im p o rta n t. a y u For instance, can you recognize the key to the following objectives? W hat is SAINTS OR SINNERS Saints or sinners good or bad God has bastode upon us the right or wrong of the problem at hand as long as we stand upon God's land and a part of the kingdom of man we shall forever be saints or tin n e rs ......... SOLUTION Pardon me key to key to key to key to key to key to successes happiness health wealth money respect What is - the key to failure - the key to misery the key to sickness - the key to poverty the key to lack of mone, - the key to disrespect if I intrude upon your loneliness. but there can be no loneliness by V ernon J Turley 39839 the the the the the the with two Julius Snowden Can you identify the keys to: - maintaining a successful! business - finding and holding a good job - raising a successful family Answers to these questions will be shamri hv, n , n . Marketing for American State Bank and author of th e ^ o M ^ * Th D're5 t ° r ° f cept. During the month of November, call 284 7997 for schedules