Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 11, 1979, Page 10, Image 10

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P a g a lo
Portland Obsarvar
O ctobar 11,1979
Northeast Seniors share potluck
The Advisory Board o f the Senior
A d u lt Service Center treated 300
Northeast Seniors to a "G ig an tic
P otluck" Wednesday, October 10,
1979 at the Matt Dishman Com ­
munity Center. A turkey Dinner was
served. The special program featured
vocal selections by Stephanie Barber,
a disoc dance number by Tamara
and Yvonda Phillips, and Ms. Clara
Barthalomew, pianist
Ms. Freddye Petett, Executive
Director, Urban League o f Portland,
the contracting agency for the center
was introduced and briefly addressed
the group.
October birthday honorees were
presented and served special birthday
cake donated by Mr. and Ms. Hurtis
Hadley, Milwaukee Pastry Kitchen,
and Ms. Verdell Rutherford. Ms.
Marie Smith, Chairperson, Senior
A dult Center Advisory Board in ­
troduced board members and spoke
on the board’s program plans. Door
prizes courtesy o f Maurice’s Barber
Shop, G .l. Joe’s, Ver’s Hat Shop,
Right-In Right-Out Beauty Shop,
KA TU Channel 2 T V , Stewart’ s
Cleaners, Popeye’s Chicken, Smitty
D ’ s Plant Shop, Love-Lee-Lady
Beauty Salon and K n ott Street
Grocery were awarded.
Community volunteers preparing
and assisting with the dinner were:
Ms. Gustavia Bonner, Ms. Minnie
Belle Johnson, Ms. Harriet Boyd,
Ms. Marcelene Caldwell, Ms. Fannie
Freeman, Ms. Verdell Rutherford,
Ms. Rosa Butler, Ms. Quindella
Cage, Ms. Maggie Humphrey, Ms.
Eliza Winters, Chef Bob Price, L.C.
Ellison, Aldridge Johnson, Cleophas
Smith, W illia m Gaines, B. J.
Advisory board members are: Ms.
M arie Sm ith, C hairperson, Ms.
Emma Chiles, Ms. Maude Young,
Ms. Texanna Fisher, Ms. Edna
Robertson, Ms. Betty Thompson,
Mr. Robert Phillips, Mr. James Lov­
ing, M r. Bill Gordon, Ms. Maggie
Friday, Mr. Theodore Freeman, Mr.
Eddie Butler, Ms. Bernadette Plum­
mer, M r. Charles Ford, M r. Otto
and M r. Otto Rutherford.
The advisory board addresses the
concerns and needs o f area seniors,
regularly sponsors a monthly potluck
and educational program each
second Wednesday at Matt Dishman
Center with seniors bringing dishes
to complement the furnished meat
dish, and annually sponsors special
field trips or events. The regular pot
luck will resume in November.
Introducing Free Car Care Clinics.
Because car care isn’t for men only.
It s for women too
ARCO Car Care Clinics, administered by the
Portland Metro Area League of Women Voters,
are open to anyone—including men—the age
of sixteen and over
These specially designed 2’Z? hour clinics will
consist of an instructional slide show and
important hands on practice in such basics
as changing a tire, jump-starting a battery,
operating a self-serve pump, checking tire
pressure and inspecting fluid levels
You even get a kit of reference material to
take home Plus a free tire pressure gauge
Remember, the Portland Metro Area Leagues
and participating independent ARCO dealers
stress that a well-maintained car not only
reduces gasoline consumption and conserves
energy, but helps make our air cleaner
To assure reservations, call the League at
227-7502 starting Oct 8, 9 30 am -5 pm
(answering service after 5 pm)
Space is limited so make early reservations
Watch this paper one week from today for
additional Car Care Clinic locations and dates.
Participating independent ARCO dealers offering free clinics:
Oct 15, 17. 22. S hcirys Service Station 6503 S E 52nd 7-9 30 PM
Oct 26 Sherry s Service Too 8104 S E 13th 7 -9 3 0 PM
Oct 16. 17. 27. Portsmouth Set vice 5282 N Lombard Oct 16. 17, 7 9 30 PM Oct 27, 9-11 30 AM
and 1-3 30 PM
Oct 18. 19,Oak H ills Service Station 15320 N W Cornell Rd Oct ,8. 7 15 10 PM Oct. 19,9 15-Noon
Oct 18, 20, 23, Winters Service Station, 12100 N Jantzen Ave Oct 18 20. 23, I - 3 30 PM Oct 20
9 1130 AM Oct 23, 7 -9 3 0 PM
Oct 21, Don Ks Service Station 1208 S E 8tti St 2 -4 30 PM
Oct 22. 23, Steensons Service 39 1 7N E Tillamook 9 11 30 AM and 1 3 30 PM
Ocl 24 25, Rose City Service 5710N E Fremont 7 -9 3 0 PM
Oct 15. Toms Gateway Service ,511 N E 102nd Ave 7-9 30 PM
Ocl 15. 16, Dons Service Station 8410S E Foster Rd 7 -9 3 0 PM
Ocl 17. 21. Brads Service Station 16141 S E D ivision Oct 17. 7 30 - 10 PM Oct 21, 2 4 30 PM
Ocl 17,21, Bob Tinsleys Service 18030 E Burnside Oct 17, 7 30-10 PM Oct. 21, 2 4 30 PM
Ocl 23, Johns Service 9808 S E Division 7 -9 3 0 PM
Ocl 16. 17. Krnq City Service Station. 15300 Royalty Highway 9 15 AM 12 Noon
Ocl 23. 24. Beaverton Service 14555 S W Tualatin Valley Hwy Oct 23 7 ,5
West Linn
Volunteers visit jails
T h irty -fiv e persons attended
training sessions sponsored by the
Society o f St. Vincent de Paul, to
enable them to visit Rocky Butte Jail
and other correctional institutions.
According to Executive Secretary
Tim Hornbecker “ the main objective
of the program was simply to offer
our personal presence, that is, our
friendship to persons in prison.”
As a result o f the tra in in g
workshops, six teams o f volunteers
are being established. Among their
responsibilities will be visiting Rocky
Butte, the M ultom ah C ounty
booking facility, Multnomah County
C orrectional In s titu tio n , C laire
Argow Center; taking families to
visit relatives at the Oregon State
Penitentiary and other state in ­
stitutions; providing child care while
parents visit prisoners; visiting
fam ilies o f inmates; and helping
families meet emergency material
Among those who participated in
the presentations were Commander
Stanley Kerner, Officer Larry Ken­
nedy, and Chaplains Jim Mulder,
Harlan Nelson and Ed Stelle.
The Society o f St. Vincent de Paul
is a w o rld w id e o rganization o f
Catholic men and women. The group
was founded in 1833 by a twenty-
year old student o f the Sorbonne
U n iv e rs ity in Paris, Frederic
Ozanam. He and other students
sought to visit the poor, bringing
bread, clothing, concern and frien­
For more inform ation, call 235-
American State Bank
"The Bank I hai integra lion buitt”
2737 N.E. Union
282 2216
close to I 5 and 8 minutes from Interstate bridge Include 2 baths, double
garage, brick fireplaces range, dishwasher, garbagd disposal, w /w car­
pets All are energy efficient with 10 year Home Owner's Warranty. Cash
price for 3 bedroom with 1036 sq ft would be 147,000, 10% Annual Per
centage Rate with 360 monthly payments at $412 46 principal and interest
plus estimated taxes and insurance
Veterans move m for $100 00, FHA purchaser's move in approx $2,650 00
4715 St John« Rd
V»nc WA 98861
Vsnc 8B4 8677
PUr| 223 8229
Ocl 16. Fishers Service 5723 Pot Hand Ave 7-9 30 PM
Cable TV
(Continued from page 1 col. 3)
revenue to help cable television carry
the burden. We are building close to
a qua rte r m illio n d o lla r studio
facility with equipment for the public
to have at their disposal. I will have a
very small staff to start out with,
three other persons besides myself.
A ll o f us are undertaking a job that
w ill be challenging, but also quite
satisfying. M y philosophy is that
cable can offer a lot more diversity
and flexability to give to the com­
munity a chance to say something.
Our channels won’ t need any spon­
"R ight now we are still building a
35-channel cable television system on
Portland’ s west side. We are com­
peting for a more extensive city-wide
franchise. That particular franchise
is scheduled to be awarded in May o f
1980. Our station is based locally in
P o rtla n d , so we know we can
provide a good service to the people
here. I plan to let communication
majors at any college or high school
come in and get some training in our
studio. 1 feel sometype o f intern or
w ork-stud y
can be
arranged. They can learn something
and give some o f their knowledge to
participating civic groups who are
producing shows. I want to sharpen
everybodys skills and provide an ac­
cess to do so.”
Atkins says he has been trying to
locate persons and civic groups in the
Black community that may want to
learn television skills and produce
their own programs. He says he
would like the Black community to
please identify themselves.
“ Liberty Cable is here to serve the
whole community. 1 extend and in­
vitation to any organization to get in
contact with me, so that I can bring
inform ation and skills to you.”
Coordinator Atkins says commer­
cial broadcast stations are required
by the Federal C om m unications
Commission to provide public a f­
fa irs p rogram m ing, but he says
L ib e rty Cable has fiv e , 24-hour
stations and equipm ent being
provided for at no cost to any one.
"Do you with people to
think well of you? D o n't
ipeek well of yourself."
Blaise Pascal
,0 PM Oct 24 9 15 ,2 Neon
Lake Oswego
Ocl 18. 20. 24. 27. Friendly Chevrolet Service D r'p t. 594 N Stale Si Oct 18 24 7 - <i 30 PM
Oct 20. 27. 9 1, 30 AM and 1 - 3 30 PM
Oct 16. Holmes 8 Williams W Mam St 7 9 30 PM
Oregon City
Oct. 17. 18, Hatten 8 Fisher 1002 McLaughlin 7-9 30 PM ~
Oct 23. 24, Dons Service Station 810 E Arlington 7 -9 3 0 PM
M ilwaukie
Oct 23, 24. Service Center 414, Harrison 9 ,130 AM
Oct 18, 25. Bruce 8 B ills Service Station. 2550 N E 238th Drive 7 30 10 PM ~
Oct 20, Sandy Service Station Mt Hood Highway 26 10 AM 12 30 PM
Building Material
U - P A K “ PETE”
40 lb bg $6.96
FREE USE of our blower
250 ea.
Solids, Butcher Block it M arble
Stainless sinks
$34 95
Ceram ic Tile 4 in.
W ash erle.s faucets
20% o ff
K D. Cabinets No doors 6.00
Toilets, w h
42 00
Desk Tops
25 00
W in d o w s, odd
$5-25 00
Light Fixtures
40% off
1 /4 ”
3 /8 ”
1 /2 ”
Sanded Shop Grade
Som a item s not
at M ilw a u k ie
but they have
20% off on
w bllpaper ft carpet
$2.50 UP
Style ft Rail
M 0 00
Energy Savers by G.E.
Formica C utouts
Graden stakes 3 "
Plum bing item s
10% c
$2.99 and up
Roof Coating
Fireplace inserts M2
M edicine cabinets
Bath vanities
Picnic table Et henches
Prehung doors
18" M a rlite Panels 8 ft.
C afe doors
Passage locks
Jambs. Prsf.
10% off
196 00
20% o ff
20% o ff
49 95
29 00
2 50
7 96
5212 NE U N IO N
284 9938
Open Sam 6pm M o n -S at
Sunday 12 Noon 5pm
M ILW AUKIE, 654 6508