Portland Observer October 4 , 1979 Page 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • < Freezer storage B lu s h in g C r e a m C o n e s When refreshments are your responsibility, and the budget is limited, sweet yeast rolls make a little dough go a long way. Suggested here are Blushing Cream Cones, a dainty yeast raised roll filled with cream cheese, cherries and almonds. While you’re in the mood for baking, a double batch might be wise. They freeze well and are always welcome for weekend breakfast. - Freezer temperatues should be maintained at 0“F or lower. - Foods that are purchased frozen in freezer-ready packagaing should be placed directly in the freezer. - All frozen food should be labled and dated, with the newest packages placed in the back. - Freezer wraps and containers should be moisture-vaporproof, odorless, tasteless, and greaseproof. They should be able to withstand tears, punctures, and freezer burn (the grayish-white or brown dis coloration on the surface of foods andoff-flavor caused by moisture loss). - Suitable wrapping materials in­ clude: Heavy duty aluminium foil Freezer paper Plastic wrap or bags Oven-proof dishes Glass jars equipped with screw- on caps that have built-in rubber rings for airtight, leakproof seals. Plastic or metal containers of all sizes and shapes, with airtight, leakproof seals - Solid foods such as meat, poultry or fish should be wrapped and sealed in moisture-vaporproof wrap in the following matter: DRY SQUASH BUTTERNUT ONIONS Bake with butter and brown sugarl SQUASH for onien rings er tpke up a tlewl RICH IN VITAMINS < < < 10 10 10 I*. HONEY DEW — Cooked foods such as casseroles, stew and soup should be cooled quickly incold water bath and then sealed, dated and frozen. - Containers of solid food should be filled to the top. - Containers of liquids or solid foods that expand during freezing should be filled to within '/i to 1 inch of the top. - To facilitate reheating, foods can be frozen in freezer-to-oven con­ tainers as appropriate. - Foods such as mayonnaise and salad dressing or mixtures made with these products should not be frozen. - All foods should be dated before freezing. The following chart shows the maximum storage periods for maintaining high quality of properly packaged foods frozen at 0"F. ... 53« W • : CONCORD bo. GRADE ’A' JUMBO EGGS . JlllCT I I'“ " ' ! ? “ SHRIMP 63'? DOZEN AICTK MAID MIXID TINT A IIOKiN ,.,99« • „ _ M to '.I? HENRI MARCHANT WINE $149 LABRUSCA STM DANISH 1 0 0 % H IC K O R Y S M O K E D CREAM SLICED BACON HAVARTI 75( $909 : IN PKGS. OF 5 LBS or MORE CHEESE r ~ -------------------- LESS THAN o n , S LBS » Ö“ lb . PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., OCT. 6 , 1 9 79 SHERIDAN FRUIT Co. R a p id m ix B lu s h in g C re a m C o n e s 414 cups flour 14 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup (2 sricks) margarine !4 cup warm water (105“F - 115°F) 1 package Fleischmann’s Active Dry Yeast 1 cup milk 2 eggs, beaten 2 packages (3 oz. each) cream cheese, softened 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg yolk (4 teaspoon alond extract 14 cup chopped blanched almonds, toasted 14 cup chopped candied cherries 1 egg white 1 teaspoon sugar S.E. UNION A OAK 2. Bring opposite sides of sheet together. In a large bowl combine Hour, sugar and salt. Cut margarine into flour mix­ ture with pastry blender. Measure warm water into a small warm bowl. Sprinkle in Fleischmann’s Active Dry yeasr; stir until dissolved. Scald milk and cool to lukewarm. Add dissolved yeast, lukewarm milk, and eggs to Hour mix­ ture. Toast lightly until thoroughly combined. Cover tightly and refrigerate overnight. Cream together cheese and remaining 2 tablespoons sugar until fluffy. Beat in egg yolk and almond extract. Stir in almonds and candied cherries. Refrigerate until ready to use. Divide dough into 3 equal pieces. Roll dough into Winch square. Cut into nine 3-inch square pieces. Place a heaping teaspoonful of cheese mixture in cen­ ter of each square. Bring two opposite corners of dough together. Seal one open end tightly to form cones. Place on greased baking sheets. Repeat wtih remaining dough. Combine egg white and I teaspoon sugar. Brush cones. Bake at 400“F. 15 minutes, or until done. Remove from baking sheets and place on wire racks to cool. (Makes 27 rolls.) FROZEN FOOD BUY TIME AT KIENOW'S CELESTE PIZZA Deluxe Combination < 99 EA. Redeem Your Coupons Here. AUNT JEMIMA j? dO< WAFFLES “mT /“ 4 9 STOUFFER'S SALE • Macaroni & Cheese YOUR • Noodles Romanoff • Scalloped Potatoes. 6 Snugly press ends to package. Secure with freezer tape, as necessary 5 Tighly press wrapping around food L O O K F O R T H E B IG " T " Sure Sign of Good Taste" Freezer Storage Periods Baked/Cooked Foods Baked pies, pastry. cookie dough Baked quick breads. partially baked rolls Casseroles, main dishes Fruit cakes, untrosted cakes, cookies Leftover cooked foods quick breads, cake batters Sandwiches Soups stews Yeast breads, rolls Eggs Whites Whole and yolks Fish Lean (trout, haddock salmon) Fat (scallops, halibut. Whitefish) Shellfish Fruits 10 oz. SIZE CELESTE DELUXE PIZZA J ★ ★ ★ SHERIDAN FRUIT 10 SAU ir ir At U.S. No. 1 MED MARBLEHEAD DANISH O* • - Freezers operate most efficiently at full capacity, but their should be sufficient air space to allow cold air to circulate. - Steaks, chops, or meat patties should be separated by sheets of freezer paper or foil. - Uncooked or cooked stuffed turkey should never be frozen. Carefully remove the stuffing from cooked poultry and freeze in separate containers. THI prooucicinti « or portiamo " • 4-6 months 6-8 months 6 months 9-12 months 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 9-12 months 12 months 9 months 6-8 months 3- 4 months 4- 6 months 9-12 months Meat Bacon frankfurters Beef Chops, steaks, cutlets, variety meats Cooked meats Corned beef Ground beef, lamb, veal Ground pork Ham Lamb (fresh) not Luncheon meats Meat pies (cooked) Pork (fresh) Prepared meat dinners Sausage, fresh pork Stews (cooked) Veal (fresh) 3-4 months 2- 3 months 2 weeks 3- 4 months 1- 3 months 2 months 6-9 months recommended 3 months 3-6 months 2- 6 months 1-2 months 3- 4 months 6-9 months Poultry/Game Birds Chicken Game birds Turkeys, ducks, geese 12 months 8- 12 months 6-8 months Vegetables 9- 12 months 1 month 6-12 months Buffet Supper Banquet Froien,- Mom Dish Chicken & Dumpkngt, Turkey, Salisbury, or Beef Stew M eut Pot Pies Banquet Froien, Chicken, Terkey, or Beef R e fr ig e r a to r s to ra g e - R e frig e ra to r te m p e ra tu re s should be maintained between 34° and 40“ F. - Fresh meat and poultry should be loosely wrapped in waxed paper or aluminum foil and stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator or in a meat compartment. - Prepackaged meats can be stored in their original wrappings. - Giblets and necks should be removed from whole chickens and turkeys, washed and cooked within 12 hours. - Uncooked or cooked stuffed turkey or chicken should not be refrigerated. Stuffing should be thoroughly removed and refrigerated in a separate container. - Leftover cooked meats or meat dishes should be covered or wrapped and refrigerated immediately. - Cheese should be refrigerated in its original wrapping until it is opened. Then it whould be tightly rewrapped in moisture-vaporproof wrap (aluminum foil, plastic bags, or plastic wrap) or placed in airtight containers. • Eggs, milk, cream , cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, yogurt, but­ ter, margarine should be refrigerated in their original cartons. After using they should be tightly covered. - After opening, shelf-stable products such as mayonnaise, salad dressing, jelly, jam, nuts and process cheese products in loaves and jars should be refrigerated in tightly covered containers or moisture- vaporproff wrap. - Fresh vegetables and ripe fruits should be washed to remove soil, 159 3 1 8 o i. then gently dried and refrigerated. Potatoes, onions and beets should not be refrigerated but kept in a cool, dry place. - After opening, fruit and tomato juices should be stored in tightly covered containers. Forest Grove 2329 PACIFIC Oregon City 878 MOLALLA Candy 1061 SW let LLOYD CENTER SE 20th b DIVISION SE 72nd b FLAVEL NE 15th b FREMONT W BURNSIDE at 21st SAN RAFAEL-1910 NE 122nd 14410 SE DIVISION 3966 SE POWELL NE 74th b GLISAN HILLSBORO 960 SE OAK T R nnnnn L L Courtesy o f Kraft Kitchens C LIP ano sa v e ! s a v t p n r t t tv n r e 7 7< ( ) on any size any flavor Ttant Jemima TrozenW affles W a rm w a y to s ta r t b re a k fa s t 7 £ COUPON I JIPI RES MAIBCM .« 1«eo ( a was e«ua a w « ÍM^^BC-TnfTrp.Trp j r 4fc4i ♦ h < i , i p ~ ä n t | | 7 (1 I I I I ---------- . ,,,, 0 s sv i vr e - n il 1 L II t t t p 97208 ill, nr »•» save 7^ on any flavor Anut Jemima. Trozen Trench Toast •at aaa r-a w © kwtolS Z sX to to -» » h A m erica ’s favo rite French Toast COUPON FKRK9» M AR T V HM K m ■B B 7 ?