editorial / opinion Africa*. Itzy Bitzy Tidbits by ,Y Fungai Kumbula Reconsider police review board Back in the sixties there was a lot of talk about Citizen Review Boards to police the police, in­ vestigating charges of brutality and harassment During the civil rights demonstrations and the Vietnam war protests many honest and upright citizens fell under the police club Police Departments conspired with the FBI and other government agencies to spy on and at­ tempt to destroy legitimate citizen organizations Portland had its own police riot at the PSU campus and more recently the "shoot-out at Van's Olympic Room. The killing of a series of young Black men was followed by other police errors which brought injury or death to innocent people. These cases, when investigated, were always found to be acceptable Lately reported instances of police brutality and harassment seem to be on the rise. Or is it just that more cases are being reported and discussed publically? How much of the seemingly increased police activity is due to political tension? Several years ago a North Precinct captain told a Sabin Neigh­ borhood Association meeting that Albina and St Johns would eventually war with each other over jobs and other economic gams - so the necessity for a citizens' Precinct Council to advise the police of hot spots Along with valid and necessary aspects of neighborhood crime prevention, the spy system was discussed. Although neighbors should look out for neighbors, when does it cross over the line and approximate what one neighborhood organization leader suggested -- buying cameras to take pictures of suspicious looking people waling down the street? The new captain expressed concerns about conflict between boycotting and non-boycotting Blacks, while denying any increased police presence during the period that the boycott was being planned and discussed. Many citizens question that denial. W hile charges of brutality are increasing, nothing seems to be done. Frustrated citizens file complaints and receive form letters. During the Ricky Johnson inquest police o f­ ficials admitted that when tensions are high - during the chase or the capture - expressions are used, vulgarities and racial epitaphs - that in­ dicate the true feelings of some police officers. Is it just a few bad apples or is there a lack of discipline from the top? Can't the Chief control his men, or doesn't he believe the reputable people who claim they have been abused? A police review board is something the people should seriously consider. If hard times are ahead - as predicted by economic forecasters - then now is the time to get control of the police. r T. ¿ uocu i <> ' r ’ o . ô o t ù e.tC- ." ft U S Department ol Energy I Subscribe Today , $7.50 per year—Tri-county i $8.00 per year —Other I I I N A M E ______________________________ ADDRESS CITY _____ STATE ZIP I I I 283-2486 Mail to: Portland Observer P.0. Box 3137 Portland, Oregon 97208