Portland Observer Thursday. September 20. 1979 Pene 9 Elroy Bell. Lonzo Wilson and Tyrone Kelsey (Photo: Wilma Radeau) Denis Lucas (Photo: Fred Crissl "Love looks through a telescope, envy, through a micro­ scope." Josh Billings Chuckie Preston (Photo: Darrell Allen) Wilma Redeau (Photo: Carla Baker) Above are photographs taken by young people who spent the sum m er learning photography through the Summer Work Pro­ gram at the N o rth /N o rth e a s t Youth Development Program. Program goals were: To pro­ vide information on job search methods: to give general infor­ m ation on pho to g raph y: to provide non-traditional opportu­ nities to improve basic skills of reading and communication; to im prove learning and w o rk habits; to provide a useful service to the community. The p ro je ct in s tru c to r was James Hill. The youth program is sponsored by the Albina Women's League. You are Welcome to Worship at THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST "A warm spirit o f fellowship always” The Honorable Bishop U.V. Peterson, D.D. "The Holiness Preacher," Pastor Sunday: Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday: 9:15am 11:15am Showers o< Blessings Broadcast" KGAR 1660 11:30em 12:30pm YPBC 6:30pm Evangelistic Worship 8:00pm Tuesday-Friday Noon Day Prayer ♦ 4 4 i o 4 4 ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 ( I « i :♦ Bible B and/Jr. Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday: "The Pastor Speaks" 84 NE Killingsworth 281-0499 SUPER AUCTION 7:30pm 7:00pm ♦ Black t Studies t » I ♦ ♦ » * * Silent Auction & Preview — Friday, 21st Sept. 7PM to 9PM Oral Auction Sat. 22. Sept. —11AM SUMMER LIQUIDATION SALE! RENTAL RETURN FURNITURE a m * * * * " * “ » » « * 7:30pm * * S ix th A n n u a l S t . A n d r e w B u ild in g M a te r ia l A u c tio n $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 ♦ » ♦ * * ST. ANDREWS C O M M U N ITY CENTER 4940 NE 8th AT ALBERTA I Over 115,000 worth of lumber, cabinets, electrical, paneling, plumbing.l (doors windows, installation and much, much more. ( ' ’ FOREST W ITTHAR, AUCTIONEER. (Continued from page I column 6) ted to head administrators at Port­ land State this year to institute a Masters' program in the department. "O n e o f our main reasons for asking Dr. Brown to speak at the banquet is a celebration in itself. He is one o f several persons that helped establish the black studies depart­ ment at Portland State. He and other concerned black leaders helped develop insight for growth and ex­ pansion o f the department. They in­ stituted ideas to help the community with service and research techniques. These services have ranged from counseling, teaching and providing leadership conferences," said Little. A t the banquet the Black studies department plans to honor four out­ standing community citizens. Awards will be given to show appreciation for their outstanding contributions to the Black community. Little says two awards w ill be given for leader­ ship and two in the area o f art. For banquet tickets and reserva­ tions contact the Black Studies Cen­ ter at 229-4003. Tickets are $12.50. "Consistency is the last re­ fuge of tha unimaginative." Oscar Wilde PRICED PROM ASSORTED $7900 SOFAS......... $¿900 LOVESEATS.... UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS........ VIN YL RECLINERS..... ASSORTED DINETTES........ ASSORTED COFFEE TABLES $2900 ASSORTED $£900 QUEEN SIZE $995 LAMPS PRICED PROM END TABLES..... BEDS.............. $4900 $5« »5« $7495 FULL SIZE BEDS... ★ SPECIAL: New Hlde-A-Beds, Assorted Fabric» From «199* We Have Quality Furniture far Everyone. THE FURNITURE SOURCE Visa Mattar Charge and f avaritta '•valving credit plan. 3 1»t A N.E. Sandy Jo it n Ito furniture sales O W N HOURS 1OAM. 9PM W aakdeyt 10AM - 4PM f Phone 233-8622